Friday, November 28, 2003
Oh the joys of blogskins.com.... With that sight, i have this layout that is my newwwwwwww layout! hoorayyyy. Its pretty xD maybe its only pretty to me becuase its grey. haha. yea... umm... it was easy to download and stuff, but god you have to do massive crap to make it work the way you want it to.. Maybe its just hard for me, because ive never been an html kind of person..I am horrible with computers and websites and etc. *sigh* im learning.. i think? O_o..But i cant seem to make the links work, nor my email link.. AGH.. I hate doing this!! @___@ im gunna go insane! BTW happy thanksgiving that was YESTERDAY. Mannnn yummy food.. * rubs my tummy*
Thursday, November 27, 2003
I wil inform you when the changes are done! So, i have to publish this over and over to get it started, pay no attention to this.
As you can see, im putting my blog under massive contruction...Much wont be going on until i fix the bugs that are still remaining.. thanks
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
- name: Katie
- age: 13
- sex: Female
- location: San Jose
- school: Piedmont middle
- screen names: i8xUrxKiMcHi
- siblings: 1 younger bro
- nationality: full blooded Korean
- hair: bLack
- eyes:brown
- height: like 5'3
-glasses?: only when i need to. i have really bad eyes..
-braces?: Oh yes
- clothing: Polo.. oh yes
- music: umm.. alternative.. no..classical...jazz.. all sorts i guess. depends on my mood
- makeup: umm. NO.
- body art: none what so ever..
-shoes: Man i really wanted those melissa shoes :(
-socks: Knee highs ^^
-undies: Victoria's secret, AE
Right now...
- wearing: a grey baby tee with grey plaid Pj bottoms.
- listening to: Dont dream its over by crowded house
- thinking of: my weird dream.. O_O
- feeling: happy
-doing: the chicken dance.. haha
-wanting: shoes...and so many other things..
-wishing: i was a manga character..
Last thing you..
- bought: a jacket, a shirt, jeans, and knee highs
- did: mall
- talk: my buddies :)
- drank: Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks
- watched on tv: animee
-thought: Wow, my dream was really weird..
- club or houseparty: house party
- tea or coffee: coffee
- high achiever or easy-going: high achiever
- beer or cider: cider
- drinks or shots: drinks
- cats or dogs: either
- food or candy: food
- snuff or cigarettes: neither
- matches or a lighter: lighter
-pepper spray or stun gun: Stun gun all the way
-Ninja or FBI agent: Ninja
-Drama or Comedy-Comedy
-manga or anime: Manga
-magazines or book: Books
-Board game or online game: Board game
-chap stick or lip gloss: chapstick
-phone or aim-Phone
-math or english: English..except perez sucks..
-hair up or down: Depends
-piano or flute: Flute cuz im better at it
-techno or 80s: 80s
-Mod or retro: MOD!
You want to..
- hear from: Buddies
- tickle: everyone
- look like: a pretty person..?
- be like: no one.. but me..
-see: Gothika..
-eat: In-N-out Yum =9
-smell: ARMANI WHITE *___*
-play: FFX 10-2
- food: korean food
- drink:Caramel frapp
- color: Grey
- album: cant choose
- dance: SWING
- song: tooooooo many to say.. @__@
- vegetable: onions?
- fruit: peaches
- last book you read: Psycho
-last movie you saw:School of Rock
- last phone number you called:My buddy's
- last thing you had to drink: isnt this a repeat?
- last time you showered:today
- last time you cried: a long time ago
- last thing you said: The drawing game!
Are you...
- sweet: depends on who is viewing this
- cute: depends
- smart: semi
- outgoing: yar
- shy: Yes only at first
- popular:oh yes....-.-...
- funny: just ask quyen
- deep: when i want to be
- religious: not really
- materialistic: sometimes
- ambitious: yes
- stubborn: yeah
- bitchy: O_o.. depends on whos reading this..
- cocky: no
- secretive: yes
- independent: yes
- lazy: ooohoooo yes. if you look up the word lazy, my name is a synonym for it..-.-
- ignorant: *shrugs*
- crazy: yea
- clueless: sometimes
- perverted: my mind has been clouded of perverse thoughts thanks to my buddies ^^
- flirtatious: sometimes
- loveable: oh heck yea -.-..
- friendly: ^^
When do you feel..
- happiest: When im chillin with my budz
- saddest: hmm...depends...
- frustrated: when people dont understand what im saying, when people repeat things to me thinking im stupid and that i cant catch it the first time, when people ask too many questions, annoying kids, when i try to explain my hatred toward hilary duff which cannot even be put into words..and people ask why..
- confused:when people dont finish their sentences
What do you feel...
- now: content
- why?: because of mi buddies. ^^ they're so cute.
This is courtesy of Yuna Kim. Thankss. sorry for taking it. =/
Was so bored that i did this. aghh.
Man... me and my weirdo dreams.. it was pleasant yet creepy O_o
- name: Katie
- age: 13
- sex: Female
- location: San Jose
- school: Piedmont middle
- screen names: i8xUrxKiMcHi
- siblings: 1 younger bro
- nationality: full blooded Korean
- hair: bLack
- eyes:brown
- height: like 5'3
-glasses?: only when i need to. i have really bad eyes..
-braces?: Oh yes
- clothing: Polo.. oh yes
- music: umm.. alternative.. no..classical...jazz.. all sorts i guess. depends on my mood
- makeup: umm. NO.
- body art: none what so ever..
-shoes: Man i really wanted those melissa shoes :(
-socks: Knee highs ^^
-undies: Victoria's secret, AE
Right now...
- wearing: a grey baby tee with grey plaid Pj bottoms.
- listening to: Dont dream its over by crowded house
- thinking of: my weird dream.. O_O
- feeling: happy
-doing: the chicken dance.. haha
-wanting: shoes...and so many other things..
-wishing: i was a manga character..
Last thing you..
- bought: a jacket, a shirt, jeans, and knee highs
- did: mall
- talk: my buddies :)
- drank: Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks
- watched on tv: animee
-thought: Wow, my dream was really weird..
- club or houseparty: house party
- tea or coffee: coffee
- high achiever or easy-going: high achiever
- beer or cider: cider
- drinks or shots: drinks
- cats or dogs: either
- food or candy: food
- snuff or cigarettes: neither
- matches or a lighter: lighter
-pepper spray or stun gun: Stun gun all the way
-Ninja or FBI agent: Ninja
-Drama or Comedy-Comedy
-manga or anime: Manga
-magazines or book: Books
-Board game or online game: Board game
-chap stick or lip gloss: chapstick
-phone or aim-Phone
-math or english: English..except perez sucks..
-hair up or down: Depends
-piano or flute: Flute cuz im better at it
-techno or 80s: 80s
-Mod or retro: MOD!
You want to..
- hear from: Buddies
- tickle: everyone
- look like: a pretty person..?
- be like: no one.. but me..
-see: Gothika..
-eat: In-N-out Yum =9
-smell: ARMANI WHITE *___*
-play: FFX 10-2
- food: korean food
- drink:Caramel frapp
- color: Grey
- album: cant choose
- dance: SWING
- song: tooooooo many to say.. @__@
- vegetable: onions?
- fruit: peaches
- last book you read: Psycho
-last movie you saw:School of Rock
- last phone number you called:My buddy's
- last thing you had to drink: isnt this a repeat?
- last time you showered:today
- last time you cried: a long time ago
- last thing you said: The drawing game!
Are you...
- sweet: depends on who is viewing this
- cute: depends
- smart: semi
- outgoing: yar
- shy: Yes only at first
- popular:oh yes....-.-...
- funny: just ask quyen
- deep: when i want to be
- religious: not really
- materialistic: sometimes
- ambitious: yes
- stubborn: yeah
- bitchy: O_o.. depends on whos reading this..
- cocky: no
- secretive: yes
- independent: yes
- lazy: ooohoooo yes. if you look up the word lazy, my name is a synonym for it..-.-
- ignorant: *shrugs*
- crazy: yea
- clueless: sometimes
- perverted: my mind has been clouded of perverse thoughts thanks to my buddies ^^
- flirtatious: sometimes
- loveable: oh heck yea -.-..
- friendly: ^^
When do you feel..
- happiest: When im chillin with my budz
- saddest: hmm...depends...
- frustrated: when people dont understand what im saying, when people repeat things to me thinking im stupid and that i cant catch it the first time, when people ask too many questions, annoying kids, when i try to explain my hatred toward hilary duff which cannot even be put into words..and people ask why..
- confused:when people dont finish their sentences
What do you feel...
- now: content
- why?: because of mi buddies. ^^ they're so cute.
This is courtesy of Yuna Kim. Thankss. sorry for taking it. =/
Was so bored that i did this. aghh.
Man... me and my weirdo dreams.. it was pleasant yet creepy O_o
Saturday, November 22, 2003
Lala.. nothing much today. Relaxed alot. I really needed that. First wokeup around 8:30 yep.. then practiced for piano.. piano at 9:45 am. until 11. Then i did my homework.. finished it all. Read 4 chapters for Psychopath. Man that book is soo awesome.. This is how i felt when i read god shaped hole. That book is so great.. Alotta um "Stuff" but other than that.. the plot is the breath taking. yea... Psychopath... Man i wish it would never end.. I hate it! whenever i read a book and get into it, i dont want it to end.. but it does, and i go out to hunt for another book that would feel the same, but i cant for a while. Reading is funnnnnnnn.. First i though psychopath was all Gory and stuff, it is, but its also such a sad...yet cliff hangerish story with a mix of sexual attraction, and detective work. aghh i cant explain how magnificent it is.
yay for queer eye!!!! I freaking love that show!!! XDDDD I love it i love it! I love Kyan and Jai!! they're so cool.^^
Kyan was listed for people magazine's 20 hottest men. mannn and hes over 28!!! He looks only like 23. haha. And ted is so funny he reminds me of rivers. haha
llalala. yepp. then today, baby is sick =/ fever and all, and mom had to go to work. so i played with my little sis until my grandma came to our house, but she wouldnt go to grammy, and she just held on to me. It was really nice to be...hmm needed? no wanted? no.....it was just nice to get a hug. even though it really wasnt haha.
Yay thanksgiving lunch at church tomorrow. I always love the stuffing there. mmmmmm...
Man, i love stuff stuffed crust pizza. I love some good cookins. haha
yay for queer eye!!!! I freaking love that show!!! XDDDD I love it i love it! I love Kyan and Jai!! they're so cool.^^
Kyan was listed for people magazine's 20 hottest men. mannn and hes over 28!!! He looks only like 23. haha. And ted is so funny he reminds me of rivers. haha
llalala. yepp. then today, baby is sick =/ fever and all, and mom had to go to work. so i played with my little sis until my grandma came to our house, but she wouldnt go to grammy, and she just held on to me. It was really nice to be...hmm needed? no wanted? no.....it was just nice to get a hug. even though it really wasnt haha.
Yay thanksgiving lunch at church tomorrow. I always love the stuffing there. mmmmmm...
Man, i love stuff stuffed crust pizza. I love some good cookins. haha
Friday, November 21, 2003
wow. well recap on the week...
Monday-Pretty good... nothing great, nothing bad..
Tuesday-pissed off as greubghvuiczvgn!!! AHHHHH A freakin stupid arse seagull pooped on my extremely white nike sweater...I got so pissed off i was abuot to rummage into the cafeteria, get a knife, and throw it at the STUPID BIRDS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! grbeaiybwyf1!!!! I cannot express my anger into words.. *screams uncontrollably*
Wednesday-Kimb0 haha funny girl.
"Instead of having a friendship, why dont we get a buddyboat! HAHAHAH Kimbo's so cute. ^^
Thursday- BaH. early day. yay.. then quyen came over to do the history project. Haha Messed around with the guitar and then started doing out homework. yap yap. we saw this japanese girl that looks SOO FREAKIN MUCH like yuna from Final Fantasy! AND she goes to cosplays!!!! She looks so much like yuna!! She's sooo kawaii!! You could tell from the first look that she was japanese. I actually havent seen many pretty japanese girls, BUT of course lindsay is the prettiest!!! ^^
Friday-lalala... chilly today. Went home then yea. haha. hahaha my god at school stacy and i were walking and then one of the impaired kids came up and high fived stacy and then stacy was like hey! and i said who was that? and she said my partner for math and i said o0o0o0o what are you guys doing? stacy=Some erotic stuff *wink* HAHAHAHAHA OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. stacy's so funny. Thennnnnn went onto the drawing game and stacy and quyen were there too. We played and then some guy named Stan Lee came on and then quyen was like STACY!! its your future husband!! hahaha and stacy was like WHATEVER.. until she heard him talkkkk. Yep. He was like saying roxhors my boxhors HAHAHA and then he was like C'mon gang, lets thing out of the box!! And stacy fell right in love with him!! Love at first siiiight AHAHAHAHAHA. And quyen was in love with this guy named uhh... something christ... it was like down christ or something like that. he was extremely smart.. witty too. thats why quyen thought he was awesome *wink* haha. Then STACY was guessing and winning a whole bunch and stan was like wow! ur really smart are you hot!? HAHAHAHAHAHHHa. They're hitting on eachother! He "says" hes 20, but if ur 20, why would you be on the drawing game. right? haha Omg and then i said good job stan when he got something right and stacy was like Stop hitting on my MAN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Then quyen asked, are you underaged? Then he said underaged as in younger than a old person? then i said are you a MAN? STAN? Prove yourself. hAHAHA BWAAHAA You know im kidding stacy O:)
then ate, got mad at matthew, the usual. man he's pissing me off more and more lately.. Just wanna send him to boot camp, and learn to act his age. *shakes head in shame* Well enough of the nonsense...
Well im reading this book called Psychopath by Keith Ablow. Its really interesting...Exploring the darkest and depth of the human mind. I dont recommend this book to like people who read books that relate to carebears and all that everything nice book. This book is more..uh..technical..uh..very mild morbidity, mild cursing, that kinda stuff. Its really interesting though.. It would give you more of an in depth reality to the darkness of the human mind.. It shows you the reality that people arent allways happy and perfect and there are some pyschopaths out there. The book is about a mass murderer called the "highway killer." HIs victims are of all ages, race, and gender. He's killed 14 people. He's a psychiatrist who lures his victims in a false sense of security with his amazing ability to spark instant intimacy and to understand their darkest emotional secrets... He's extremely intelligent. He knows exactly of how the human mind thinks.. processes.. Just like sigmund Freud.. Its quite an interesting book, in order to understand his understanding of the mind, you have to read it. So far im still on the 8th chapter. but its quite interesting so far..yep yep. So yea.. okee im done speaking watever i could blab about. yea.. mm pepsi. okee byebye!
Monday-Pretty good... nothing great, nothing bad..
Tuesday-pissed off as greubghvuiczvgn!!! AHHHHH A freakin stupid arse seagull pooped on my extremely white nike sweater...I got so pissed off i was abuot to rummage into the cafeteria, get a knife, and throw it at the STUPID BIRDS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! grbeaiybwyf1!!!! I cannot express my anger into words.. *screams uncontrollably*
Wednesday-Kimb0 haha funny girl.
"Instead of having a friendship, why dont we get a buddyboat! HAHAHAH Kimbo's so cute. ^^
Thursday- BaH. early day. yay.. then quyen came over to do the history project. Haha Messed around with the guitar and then started doing out homework. yap yap. we saw this japanese girl that looks SOO FREAKIN MUCH like yuna from Final Fantasy! AND she goes to cosplays!!!! She looks so much like yuna!! She's sooo kawaii!! You could tell from the first look that she was japanese. I actually havent seen many pretty japanese girls, BUT of course lindsay is the prettiest!!! ^^
Friday-lalala... chilly today. Went home then yea. haha. hahaha my god at school stacy and i were walking and then one of the impaired kids came up and high fived stacy and then stacy was like hey! and i said who was that? and she said my partner for math and i said o0o0o0o what are you guys doing? stacy=Some erotic stuff *wink* HAHAHAHAHA OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. stacy's so funny. Thennnnnn went onto the drawing game and stacy and quyen were there too. We played and then some guy named Stan Lee came on and then quyen was like STACY!! its your future husband!! hahaha and stacy was like WHATEVER.. until she heard him talkkkk. Yep. He was like saying roxhors my boxhors HAHAHA and then he was like C'mon gang, lets thing out of the box!! And stacy fell right in love with him!! Love at first siiiight AHAHAHAHAHA. And quyen was in love with this guy named uhh... something christ... it was like down christ or something like that. he was extremely smart.. witty too. thats why quyen thought he was awesome *wink* haha. Then STACY was guessing and winning a whole bunch and stan was like wow! ur really smart are you hot!? HAHAHAHAHAHHHa. They're hitting on eachother! He "says" hes 20, but if ur 20, why would you be on the drawing game. right? haha Omg and then i said good job stan when he got something right and stacy was like Stop hitting on my MAN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Then quyen asked, are you underaged? Then he said underaged as in younger than a old person? then i said are you a MAN? STAN? Prove yourself. hAHAHA BWAAHAA You know im kidding stacy O:)
then ate, got mad at matthew, the usual. man he's pissing me off more and more lately.. Just wanna send him to boot camp, and learn to act his age. *shakes head in shame* Well enough of the nonsense...
Well im reading this book called Psychopath by Keith Ablow. Its really interesting...Exploring the darkest and depth of the human mind. I dont recommend this book to like people who read books that relate to carebears and all that everything nice book. This book is more..uh..technical..uh..very mild morbidity, mild cursing, that kinda stuff. Its really interesting though.. It would give you more of an in depth reality to the darkness of the human mind.. It shows you the reality that people arent allways happy and perfect and there are some pyschopaths out there. The book is about a mass murderer called the "highway killer." HIs victims are of all ages, race, and gender. He's killed 14 people. He's a psychiatrist who lures his victims in a false sense of security with his amazing ability to spark instant intimacy and to understand their darkest emotional secrets... He's extremely intelligent. He knows exactly of how the human mind thinks.. processes.. Just like sigmund Freud.. Its quite an interesting book, in order to understand his understanding of the mind, you have to read it. So far im still on the 8th chapter. but its quite interesting so far..yep yep. So yea.. okee im done speaking watever i could blab about. yea.. mm pepsi. okee byebye!
Sunday, November 16, 2003
Hey hey *waves a weak a wave* What a tiring week. -___-. haha. Lins birthday was on Friday! Bought her a Eucalyptis sugar scrub, mixing spoon, sweat pea lotion, and a bath tablet from bath and body works.. Man that was expensive.. about forty five dollars in total. But of course, me and kristine split it half and half. I drew her a little picture of a kitten girl and wrote her a letter. ^^. alalalalala. well sunday was same as usual. yepyep, actually, more stressful becase i was selling candy there. @_@ soo stressful cuz ppl wouldnt pay me so i had to cover for them until they payed me back tomorrow. argghh. yea, i sold like... O_< i cant remember, ah watever. Yepppp.. My mom made me wear some funky outfit today. haha i looked like a guy. AHHAHA. YOu, know the whole nice black dress shoes, jeans, and a black sweater with a white collared shirt underneath, its like a chiq guy attire. nice nice. yeppp. tomorrow, another day of school. Yay. *not too excited* i mean YAYAYAYAYAYA!! hahaha school great cept for the homework factor. =/ ahaha. More whispering on monday to hoang. about JJJJJJJJ. hahaha. I sense something. hahaha. lalalala. yepp. I have to find a ride to church this friday so i can sleepover at yvonne's (maybe) AGHHH ABERLE PROJECT DUE JANUARY 8!!! NOOOO SO LITTLE TIME!!! AHHHHH *covers my face with my hands* oh god please dont let us get a bad grade.. we really should get started. bleh.. but its a certain word that always comes up on all of my assignments.. PROCRASTINATION!!! haha. ohh geeshes. I need some more jeans!!!!!!!!
Jeans-1 Khaki-1 Tan-1 Brown-1 Black-3 I need more jeans!! And a plain black sweatshirt for my emily patch. ^^. Mannn i want a puma sweater. =///// aero doesnt have nice girl sweaters!! only guys.. Girl sweaters are all monkeys and crap. i dont really like it. *__* more forever 21 clothes that i desire.. man. haha. AE has such nice guy clothes. envy. I cant buy any clothes from AE cuz all of my friends have EVERYTHING! All is hopeless *sigh* Dont really want to spend millions of dollars on clothes from Abercrombie, Aero doesnt have that many clothes yet, so Forever is my only resort, and pac sun is Eh. *shrugs* Blahhh clothes are what i need..
Man i have a newfound obsession with socksss.. I LOVE socks. Knee high socks too. and and BElts and underwear. all of the accesssories rather than the real clothes itself, but still. haha. okee nevermind well yea, got to sleep now, so goodnight all. and oh p.s. i want suave-wear!!!! My goodness!! The Jr. clothes are wonderfull!! I want want want! hahahaha Oke yea Farewell!
Jeans-1 Khaki-1 Tan-1 Brown-1 Black-3 I need more jeans!! And a plain black sweatshirt for my emily patch. ^^. Mannn i want a puma sweater. =///// aero doesnt have nice girl sweaters!! only guys.. Girl sweaters are all monkeys and crap. i dont really like it. *__* more forever 21 clothes that i desire.. man. haha. AE has such nice guy clothes. envy. I cant buy any clothes from AE cuz all of my friends have EVERYTHING! All is hopeless *sigh* Dont really want to spend millions of dollars on clothes from Abercrombie, Aero doesnt have that many clothes yet, so Forever is my only resort, and pac sun is Eh. *shrugs* Blahhh clothes are what i need..
Man i have a newfound obsession with socksss.. I LOVE socks. Knee high socks too. and and BElts and underwear. all of the accesssories rather than the real clothes itself, but still. haha. okee nevermind well yea, got to sleep now, so goodnight all. and oh p.s. i want suave-wear!!!! My goodness!! The Jr. clothes are wonderfull!! I want want want! hahahaha Oke yea Farewell!
Wednesday, November 12, 2003

You're Most Like The Season Autumn ...
You're warm, and the most approachable. You have
that gentle prescence about you. People can
relate to you, and find you easy company.
However it's likely you've been hurt in the
past and it has left you scarred so things can
become rather chilly with you at times. Being
the third Season in, you're mature, trustworthy
and loyal to your friends but prone to
depression and negative thinking.
Well done... You're the shy and sensitive season :)
?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
Oh yes, i get my favorite season...
AHhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh PAINNNN!! Darn braces! they're supposed to hurt less each t ime you tighten!! mine hurts more every time @___@.... <~~~ Hoang is absolutely in love with that face! HAEHAHAHA. *clears throat*
P.E. Fun fun basketballl! Me,amanda,gale and Jesse against stephanie,andrew, sara, and sean. Fun fun fun. haha Andrew was acting stupid HAAHAHAHAHa That idiot. haha Andrew's trying to be nice to me to get money for his birthday. mwahaha this is my bribe. hmmm i wonder.. Anyways yea when i kept trying to make a basket, sean and andrew would scream like crazy, and when i took the basketball down the court, they would run after me screaming.. Almost gave me a heart attack! but it was funn. I was sweating like maddd. mannn its already thursday tomorrow. Wow. This week went by quicklyy. I hope its like that FOREVER. haha jpjp. hmmhmmmm. Just pondering a bit. Wow i havent seen quyen and jennifer cuz they're at that conference thingy. T-T lucky bummmss. Man, tightened my braces and it hurt like grheibguqowuefnc Ef... man. AGGGG. I want to rip them off!!! haha
hahahaha Shirley is the coolest ever! i dont know why shes afraid of my friends "*hint hint** hahaha you're welcome to my house anytime buddy ol pal!! Love ya!
Yep that abuot sums up my day. Man, im starting to go crazy over manga.. @___@. mmust control myself!
Man, i feel angry for some reason *punches the wall* OOps. oh well
So long!
P.E. Fun fun basketballl! Me,amanda,gale and Jesse against stephanie,andrew, sara, and sean. Fun fun fun. haha Andrew was acting stupid HAAHAHAHAHa That idiot. haha Andrew's trying to be nice to me to get money for his birthday. mwahaha this is my bribe. hmmm i wonder.. Anyways yea when i kept trying to make a basket, sean and andrew would scream like crazy, and when i took the basketball down the court, they would run after me screaming.. Almost gave me a heart attack! but it was funn. I was sweating like maddd. mannn its already thursday tomorrow. Wow. This week went by quicklyy. I hope its like that FOREVER. haha jpjp. hmmhmmmm. Just pondering a bit. Wow i havent seen quyen and jennifer cuz they're at that conference thingy. T-T lucky bummmss. Man, tightened my braces and it hurt like grheibguqowuefnc Ef... man. AGGGG. I want to rip them off!!! haha
hahahaha Shirley is the coolest ever! i dont know why shes afraid of my friends "*hint hint** hahaha you're welcome to my house anytime buddy ol pal!! Love ya!
Yep that abuot sums up my day. Man, im starting to go crazy over manga.. @___@. mmust control myself!
Man, i feel angry for some reason *punches the wall* OOps. oh well
So long!
Tuesday, November 11, 2003

What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Form 5, Dragon: The Weaver.
"And The Dragon seperated the virtuous from
the sinful. He tore his eyes from his sockets
and used them to peer into the souls of those
on trial to make a judgement. He knew that
with endless knowledge came endless
Some examples of the Dragon Form are Athena
(Greek), St. Peter (Christian), and Surya
The Dragon is associated with the concept of
intelligence, the number 5, and the element of
His sign is the crescent moon.
As a member of Form 5, you are an intelligent and
wise individual. You weigh options by looking
at how logical they are and you know that while
there may not always be a right or wrong
choice, there is always a logical one. People
may say you are too indecisive, but it's only
because you want to do what's right. Dragons
are the best friends to have because they're
willing to learn.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're the cheerful smile,the one that's truly
happy with almost everything you do and would
never cahnge your life.
What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Oh the joys of taking quizzez.. XD

cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hm.. Interesting? haha
Monday, November 10, 2003

Okee enough of this nonsense! haha bye!
Thursday- Mmmmm Donuts in Jazz. Happy birthday to MArcus. haha Hoang kept poking jennifer duarte with his umbrella. XDD Shes soo ticklish!! I have to wear like armor to school so hoang doesnt tickle me to death. Im usually not ticklish. O_o what an anomaly...
Friday- What a horrible horrible day it was...First, i get a math test... then i get my math test back with the average grade i always get...then i miss two questions on my perez test...im probably going to get a B in that class, and shatter my dreams of being soluditorian..then band i move down, and then shirley cant come to her party, destroying all plans.. damn that was a freaking crapload. I was going to go berserk..just one more thing could've set me off..
Im already having a bad day..Then i notice that my flute wasnt in its slot.. Im looking EVERYWHERE for it.. then i tell mrs. chase and she tells me to look everywhere. I could tell hoang was worried too. He lent me a chair so i could look in the higher slots if it were there..no use..then i remembered that i left it at home. I got down from the chair, and sat down with my face buried in my hands. How could i have been so STUPId?!?!?!!?!?!? of all the god damn days that i could've forgotten it, it was on challenges day..the LAST challenge until the freaking CONCERT!!!! I wanted to scream! Then i stood up and i told mrs. chase that i probably left it home. I could tell she was surprised..even at break i was like hah, when if all the section leaders move down? and well that revelation unraveled and became a reality. I sat down inmy chair and tried to do my math homework and get the thought of maybe going down to last chair out, but i couldnt.. i kinda slammed the pencil into my binder and it screeched off and it gashed my hand. Like anything else could've gone worse. Then i tried to hold in from crying. I havent cried in forever and that was the moment that i was going to? Hah. no way.. not in front of everyone in the band! I pretended everything was alright, but i couldnt stand the thought of being second for the concert! I COULDNT!! You might think its stupid that i was so upset...but..you dont understand. I never understood in the past why the first chair people, or anyone started crying when they went down.. I said to myself it was stupid to cry over something so small, but..i understand now.. If you love what you're doing.. and you lost a chair to someone over a stupid mistake that YOU caused.. your self esteem just plummets. No, not self-esteem...but your confidence i suppose would rather fit the sentence better. I tried, i almost teared but i closed my eyes and i told myself not to cry..i couldnt. i wouldnt. but, the amazing thing is, that even though i missed a challenge, i actually TIED with rina...i must've gotten a heck of a lot of points.. but since i didnt bring my instrument..i went to second instead..i'll probably hate myself forever for forgetting my instrument.. I practiced and worked hard for 4 months to try to keep my chair in time for the concert..but.. all my work and toil went right down the drain.. and now i have to work another 4 months until the spring concert.. well...at least i dont have to come early for the concert to set up chairs. heh..or get the music folders. Oh well.. this just makes me want to try harder next time. I'll shrug it off no prob just like hoang.. Turns out me hoang nad eric, past first chair kids went down to second. =/ C'mon hoang! lets kick their arses next challenges!
went home.. then towards the end of the day. my day was totally turned around.I had one heck of a laughh. I laughed so hard i thought i was gonna throw up. Then i couldnt stop laughing and i kept laughing until my stomach hurt alot. Its nice to have close friends to turn your day from crap to =).. thanks quyen and stacy.
Saturday- Went to the Jars of Clay concert. Man i felt soo sick. @_@... I slept the whole way. But it was raining..so pretty. Rain is like a lullaby to me.. Then we got there and it was cold.. Then we went inside and waited till the concert started. I wanted a shirt, but they were too expensive,, and they didnt even have my size.. and yvonne bought me the pins!! ^^ that made my day so much! I told her she didnt have to.. but she bought them without my knowing and presented them to me. My face just lit up and i hugged her. ahaha. Valerie, Deborah, kristine, and i were talking about marilyn manson and nonsense like that on our way to the concert. the ride back was quite cuz everyone slept. cept kristine cuz she was driving, =P Then we went to eat at in-n-out.. yum.. that made my day even more. Then some kids with the red wristbands (ours were green) were like Hello fellow concert-ers! hah it was funny. Then got home around 1 and read until 2.
sunday-Went to churchh.. yepyep. Then after church alex went with jeff home while kristine, andy, matt, and i raced them. Of course we won, but hha kristine was driving the van and jeff was driving his honda civic. Kristine said that jeff was a very cautious driver. =/ wow i havent seen jeff in a long time. Then again, i hadnt seen Christina in a long time either. It was nice to see some old faces. Then went to borders and best buy. At best buy i just looked at anime dvds haha. Then at borders i read the 8th and final book of chobits. T___T ITS SO WONDERFUL.. I love chobits.. but its over.. Must find a new favorite manga..oh Hiroyasu Ueda, you slay me! HAHAHAHAHA quyens saying. hmmm and Hiromu Shinbo, and you mustn't forget Zima. XD~~ haha Hideki is so sweet to chii *WIpes a tear* The ending is so sweet too..arghh i hate Omura Yumi!!! Curse her!! Taking away Ueda from me!! gr... that darn 17 year old! *snaps* ANYWAYS.. Then headed hooooome.
Mondayyy-Was going to the mall until someone bailed on me. *cough cough* HAHAHA. jpjp. its cool.
Yay i acutally got to sleep in today.. On friday i cant sleep in cuz on saturday i have piano at 9:45 then i cant sleep in on saturdays cuz i have church on sunday.. Yep.. so today i had a great sleep. I just lounged around! ^^ hooray! i read somebooks and then drew. lala.
Yea.. I've decided that if this blog were to be part of my lifestyle, i should have the right and duty to express all of my new found emotions into this. soo.. I now welcome you to emoticon cityy. haha
Thursday- Mmmmm Donuts in Jazz. Happy birthday to MArcus. haha Hoang kept poking jennifer duarte with his umbrella. XDD Shes soo ticklish!! I have to wear like armor to school so hoang doesnt tickle me to death. Im usually not ticklish. O_o what an anomaly...
Friday- What a horrible horrible day it was...First, i get a math test... then i get my math test back with the average grade i always get...then i miss two questions on my perez test...im probably going to get a B in that class, and shatter my dreams of being soluditorian..then band i move down, and then shirley cant come to her party, destroying all plans.. damn that was a freaking crapload. I was going to go berserk..just one more thing could've set me off..
Im already having a bad day..Then i notice that my flute wasnt in its slot.. Im looking EVERYWHERE for it.. then i tell mrs. chase and she tells me to look everywhere. I could tell hoang was worried too. He lent me a chair so i could look in the higher slots if it were there..no use..then i remembered that i left it at home. I got down from the chair, and sat down with my face buried in my hands. How could i have been so STUPId?!?!?!!?!?!? of all the god damn days that i could've forgotten it, it was on challenges day..the LAST challenge until the freaking CONCERT!!!! I wanted to scream! Then i stood up and i told mrs. chase that i probably left it home. I could tell she was surprised..even at break i was like hah, when if all the section leaders move down? and well that revelation unraveled and became a reality. I sat down inmy chair and tried to do my math homework and get the thought of maybe going down to last chair out, but i couldnt.. i kinda slammed the pencil into my binder and it screeched off and it gashed my hand. Like anything else could've gone worse. Then i tried to hold in from crying. I havent cried in forever and that was the moment that i was going to? Hah. no way.. not in front of everyone in the band! I pretended everything was alright, but i couldnt stand the thought of being second for the concert! I COULDNT!! You might think its stupid that i was so upset...but..you dont understand. I never understood in the past why the first chair people, or anyone started crying when they went down.. I said to myself it was stupid to cry over something so small, but..i understand now.. If you love what you're doing.. and you lost a chair to someone over a stupid mistake that YOU caused.. your self esteem just plummets. No, not self-esteem...but your confidence i suppose would rather fit the sentence better. I tried, i almost teared but i closed my eyes and i told myself not to cry..i couldnt. i wouldnt. but, the amazing thing is, that even though i missed a challenge, i actually TIED with rina...i must've gotten a heck of a lot of points.. but since i didnt bring my instrument..i went to second instead..i'll probably hate myself forever for forgetting my instrument.. I practiced and worked hard for 4 months to try to keep my chair in time for the concert..but.. all my work and toil went right down the drain.. and now i have to work another 4 months until the spring concert.. well...at least i dont have to come early for the concert to set up chairs. heh..or get the music folders. Oh well.. this just makes me want to try harder next time. I'll shrug it off no prob just like hoang.. Turns out me hoang nad eric, past first chair kids went down to second. =/ C'mon hoang! lets kick their arses next challenges!
went home.. then towards the end of the day. my day was totally turned around.I had one heck of a laughh. I laughed so hard i thought i was gonna throw up. Then i couldnt stop laughing and i kept laughing until my stomach hurt alot. Its nice to have close friends to turn your day from crap to =).. thanks quyen and stacy.
Saturday- Went to the Jars of Clay concert. Man i felt soo sick. @_@... I slept the whole way. But it was raining..so pretty. Rain is like a lullaby to me.. Then we got there and it was cold.. Then we went inside and waited till the concert started. I wanted a shirt, but they were too expensive,, and they didnt even have my size.. and yvonne bought me the pins!! ^^ that made my day so much! I told her she didnt have to.. but she bought them without my knowing and presented them to me. My face just lit up and i hugged her. ahaha. Valerie, Deborah, kristine, and i were talking about marilyn manson and nonsense like that on our way to the concert. the ride back was quite cuz everyone slept. cept kristine cuz she was driving, =P Then we went to eat at in-n-out.. yum.. that made my day even more. Then some kids with the red wristbands (ours were green) were like Hello fellow concert-ers! hah it was funny. Then got home around 1 and read until 2.
sunday-Went to churchh.. yepyep. Then after church alex went with jeff home while kristine, andy, matt, and i raced them. Of course we won, but hha kristine was driving the van and jeff was driving his honda civic. Kristine said that jeff was a very cautious driver. =/ wow i havent seen jeff in a long time. Then again, i hadnt seen Christina in a long time either. It was nice to see some old faces. Then went to borders and best buy. At best buy i just looked at anime dvds haha. Then at borders i read the 8th and final book of chobits. T___T ITS SO WONDERFUL.. I love chobits.. but its over.. Must find a new favorite manga..oh Hiroyasu Ueda, you slay me! HAHAHAHAHA quyens saying. hmmm and Hiromu Shinbo, and you mustn't forget Zima. XD~~ haha Hideki is so sweet to chii *WIpes a tear* The ending is so sweet too..arghh i hate Omura Yumi!!! Curse her!! Taking away Ueda from me!! gr... that darn 17 year old! *snaps* ANYWAYS.. Then headed hooooome.
Mondayyy-Was going to the mall until someone bailed on me. *cough cough* HAHAHA. jpjp. its cool.
Yay i acutally got to sleep in today.. On friday i cant sleep in cuz on saturday i have piano at 9:45 then i cant sleep in on saturdays cuz i have church on sunday.. Yep.. so today i had a great sleep. I just lounged around! ^^ hooray! i read somebooks and then drew. lala.
Yea.. I've decided that if this blog were to be part of my lifestyle, i should have the right and duty to express all of my new found emotions into this. soo.. I now welcome you to emoticon cityy. haha
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Hey all, sorry for not updating @_@ HENCE HENCE STEPHANIE FOR CALLING ME A PIG. haha I'll let it Slide for NOW. hahaha
-Cackles- -clears throat- anywho.. Um.. Well.. Oh yea. ABout my day...
Man.. It was so cold today. I was seriously freezing my butt off!!!!But my scarf kept me nice and toasty..But not my cheap target gloves =/
Hmm. Went to Katrinas Birthday party on saturday ^^ Much much fun!!! hahaha When i got there, they were watching the New Guy, but it was towards the end. then we watched 3 episodes of Degrassi and 1 episode of Radio Free Rosco. Man.. i wish i had sNick and NOggin. =/ i like degrassi... Anyway.. MOving on, then we ate some food. GLORIOUS FOOD! hahaha SOOO YUMMYYY. Then i was gonna get a hotdog but her grandma took it. =/ I was going to the kitchen to get it, and i had my plate and everything. Then her grammy takes it. and im like T__T haha oh well. THEN..haha oh yea. man.. katrina's bathroom is FREAKY DEAKYY!! Kim and Beth and Kylie were like locking eathother in. I heard hecka screaming. haha Then we ate some yummiful cake.. soo good...haha Then katrina opened her gifts!! Man that oldie turning 14. haha DARN. I shoulda bought her the saves the day cd instead of the alkaline trio!! She already has alkaline trio!! T_T.. when she said that she already had it, my heart sunk and shattered into tiny pieces/ :( haha. but she was happy to get the rooney cd =D And i bought her chicken crackers. haha those are good.. Then i went with her to get some videos from blockbusterrr. haha when we were driving there, i was talking about how i tried cracking my neck and i accidentally hurt myself and then katrina was laughing like heck and then her brother called me stupid and started laughing hAHAHA. Yea. Then i told them i couldnt whistle. T__T it is truee.. Then they started laughing at me. hahaha Then when we went into blockbuster, we roamed around and laughed at videos we once watched and pranced aound the store looking for our videoss. HAHAHA then Katrina's brother found this video called CARLITO'S ANGELS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Its a cheap mexican version of Charlies angelss.. Carlito, their boss tells the angels to keep dirty men outta their hair or something like that. Something to do about their mission is getting laid or something. hAHAAHAHA When we saw it, we cracked up like heck. Then we went back to watch zoolander and bubble boy. HAHAHA ZOOLANDERR!!! i cant believe that chinese guy died!! Gasoline fight!! hAHAHAHAHA then bubble boy!! 500 dollahh!! hahahahah Yepp. It was a fun fun fun fun fun timee. Except it was REALLY cold in her house. =/ haha its okee though i got used to it after a couple hours. haha XD
Today... Uh...Nothing REALLY. Ehh so so day. same old same old. I got 5 band bucks for helping out this girl play her flute. YAAYY.
Okee dokes.. Ciao for now! ^^
-Cackles- -clears throat- anywho.. Um.. Well.. Oh yea. ABout my day...
Man.. It was so cold today. I was seriously freezing my butt off!!!!But my scarf kept me nice and toasty..But not my cheap target gloves =/
Hmm. Went to Katrinas Birthday party on saturday ^^ Much much fun!!! hahaha When i got there, they were watching the New Guy, but it was towards the end. then we watched 3 episodes of Degrassi and 1 episode of Radio Free Rosco. Man.. i wish i had sNick and NOggin. =/ i like degrassi... Anyway.. MOving on, then we ate some food. GLORIOUS FOOD! hahaha SOOO YUMMYYY. Then i was gonna get a hotdog but her grandma took it. =/ I was going to the kitchen to get it, and i had my plate and everything. Then her grammy takes it. and im like T__T haha oh well. THEN..haha oh yea. man.. katrina's bathroom is FREAKY DEAKYY!! Kim and Beth and Kylie were like locking eathother in. I heard hecka screaming. haha Then we ate some yummiful cake.. soo good...haha Then katrina opened her gifts!! Man that oldie turning 14. haha DARN. I shoulda bought her the saves the day cd instead of the alkaline trio!! She already has alkaline trio!! T_T.. when she said that she already had it, my heart sunk and shattered into tiny pieces/ :( haha. but she was happy to get the rooney cd =D And i bought her chicken crackers. haha those are good.. Then i went with her to get some videos from blockbusterrr. haha when we were driving there, i was talking about how i tried cracking my neck and i accidentally hurt myself and then katrina was laughing like heck and then her brother called me stupid and started laughing hAHAHA. Yea. Then i told them i couldnt whistle. T__T it is truee.. Then they started laughing at me. hahaha Then when we went into blockbuster, we roamed around and laughed at videos we once watched and pranced aound the store looking for our videoss. HAHAHA then Katrina's brother found this video called CARLITO'S ANGELS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Its a cheap mexican version of Charlies angelss.. Carlito, their boss tells the angels to keep dirty men outta their hair or something like that. Something to do about their mission is getting laid or something. hAHAAHAHA When we saw it, we cracked up like heck. Then we went back to watch zoolander and bubble boy. HAHAHA ZOOLANDERR!!! i cant believe that chinese guy died!! Gasoline fight!! hAHAHAHAHA then bubble boy!! 500 dollahh!! hahahahah Yepp. It was a fun fun fun fun fun timee. Except it was REALLY cold in her house. =/ haha its okee though i got used to it after a couple hours. haha XD
Today... Uh...Nothing REALLY. Ehh so so day. same old same old. I got 5 band bucks for helping out this girl play her flute. YAAYY.
Okee dokes.. Ciao for now! ^^