Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Survey taken offa stacy's blog.. OMg. stacy take that picture of me down, i was right in the middle of sneezing/laughing. >< Man...im so bored.
I'll update about the retreat tomorrow, im too tired to remember anything. =_=

What did you do in 2003 that you'd never done before?
Started to think more about my life..

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
hm. I dont think i can answer this just yet, but i never really did any resolutions...I wont until i know the true meaning of em. =/ but i would like to meet newpeople.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
umm.. my mum i believe about 11 1/2 months ago..

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What countries did you visit?
none..i've never been out of this country.. Sad, yes i know.

6. What would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003?
To stop stressing over what to do, or homework, or guys...To stop watching every little step i take so i dont hurt someones feelings and i get blamed. To start thinking more about where i am right now, to try to be as gregarious as possible. To stop looking at people's tiny flaws when my flaws are much bigger.

7. What date from 2003 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
I dont have a specific date..But.its just a time when its a time of laughter when everyone's happy and you have no care in the world..

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Making people happy and then looking at their facial expressions. XD

9. What was your biggest failure?
Looking at tiny flaws, when the people are so much better, and deserve better. Im just lucky they're even in my lives. And getting a B in 6th grade...i was so stupid.. coulda been Valedic. =/

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
not that i know of..well i did get minor injuries.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
i cant remember.. @_@

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Many many people that deserve the best!

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
o0o0o..i probably cant say here. =/

14. Where did most of your money go?
my material needs.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
i get excited about the littlest things.. haha like getting mail.

16. What quote will always remind you of 2003?
Okay, haha you know the yellow card cd? the girl isnt visible cuz its blurred okay so anyway..
Andy- I cant see her face
Matt- *tilts the cd case* CAn you see it now?

Quyen-She likes expensive stores but cheap celebrities.

Quyen- You're about as cool as Hilary Duff

Stephanie- Kill a beaver save a tree.

Man, theres so much more. O_O

Katrina-Telling me about movies.. man. katrina is so funny.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you i. happier or sadder?:
im happier.. last year i was a sad loser..haha.

ii. thinner or fatter?
I gained more weight. haha.

iii. richer or poorer?
poorer to the max.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
stretching, running, sports, practicing piano, drawing, talking with people instead of being shy, etc..

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
caring about what others think, being so wrapped up in stupid things.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
with my family.

22. Did you fall in love in 2003?
yes..wait..hmm 2003..no.... Final answer= Yes/No.

24. What was your favorite TV program?
Anything i liked at the moment.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
The flute..Man..Without band, i dont know what i would've done.. Um learning a few chords on the guitar. Practically just music in general.

28. What did you want and get?
many things ^^.

29. What did you want and not get?
Alot of things also. haa.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Lotr: Rotk. I guess. I dont really watch movies. thats why i get my reviews from katrina.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old?
the most recent was in march 28, i was turning 13, and i had a party. haha.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Not holding anything back..just letting everything out.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2003?
Thin clothes at look warm but arent and i freeze to death. haha um..just the same concept.

34. What kept you sane?
A few things. but without them, i most certainly would've gone insane.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
hm..blah i dont really like celebrities. =/

36. What political issue stirred you the most?

37. Who did you miss?
umm.. no one, cuz i see the people i associate with alot.

38. Who was the best new person you met?
new person? hmm. i dont have any i guess. im not really good at meeting newpeople. =

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003:
To live to up! haha.. try to have the most fun you can..

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:

bah. uh..Sadie hawkins dance, in my khaki pants HAha jp..
Umm i dont know, i hvaent related to songs lately.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Yep...i've obligated to update my bloggie thingy every day. =___=.. i am sooooo TIRED!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... Christmas shopping till i drop., The bag i held was sooooooo freaking heavy.. it weighed more than i did. Man, and it took me like 2 hours to wrap em all. yep... *nods*

Famous quote from quyen: She likes rich stores but cheap celebrities... (Directing that to Lizzie, Stacy's church friend about Hilary Duff..)


YEAP. hahaha. OKay, man im so weird. hmm.. im tired.. yea..Man, i want so many CD's. I WANT A HUGE ARSE LOUNGE-Y BEAN BAG-Y CHAIR FROM THE LOVE SACK... 240 Buckaroons.

This has got to be my shortest entry yet..

*snore* *falls off of the chair*


Sunday, December 21, 2003

hoy. hoy hoy hoy hoy hoy. Man, last minute shoppping to doo. @_@... Im going to try to dedicate myself to trying to update every day. =/ that'll be hard. well, yea anyways, on with my life. O_o.. anyway... Yea, yesterday i spent...hmm 5 hours on the computer reading manga. Fun stuff. then i went to sleep. O_o... Pretty exciting.. anyway, then i woke up and had piano! DUDE my piano teacher gave me this massive freaking box of chocolate !!!! Its a foot wide and4 feet tall. O_O.. YUM. man i was like in heaven.

Today- went to church. Man my hair was like crazy. haha i was sooooo tired. =_=.. It was christmas serviceeee... yyea. man... Jane unni sings soo freaking wonderfully. O_O....... Her voice is like *the song hallelujah comes out* Its wonderful. I whole time of praise i was just marveling at her singing. teehee. Then it was communion. the bread was sooo good wiht the juice. *____* Yummie. Then it wassss uhhh yea eating time...and ..yea. then class. and yea. haha.
Came home from church....then......................... nothing. haha. The baby's sick again! and caught it from matthew that dork. Its his second time getting sick this year and the babies second time too. and i havent gotten sick at all this year. and i havelike the worst immunities in the whole family.. recievedddd monayyyyyyy. yayy. 60 dollars worth. $____$ oh yes. *dances around with 60 bucks in my hand* teehee. Man the baby is like so helpless and shes crying and everything. i feel bad for her but i dont wanna get sick. shes crying right this second. tsk tsk *shakes my head* Stupid matt. anywho, watched the Queer eye for the straight guy reunion! FINALLY. Man kyan is so f-ing awesome!!!!!! AHHHH i love him! And so is jai, but he acts really weird, hahaha. but other than that, their coool. DUDE. THE BABY IS SCREAMING. OMG SHE JUST BARFED ON MY DAD. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
*runs back upstairs outta breath* Wow.. stinks. *Cringe* Man, shes like screaming and then squeaking then tears are streaming down her eyes. wow.
crazee. anyway........HAHAHAHAHAHA
Another quote= mm. good taco.


Steven=Hilary duff is fat.

Man, Liv Tyler is like the hottest woman on earth!!! shes sooooo pretty. and i saw this korean tape with this girl that looks EXACTLY like her. Evan will be sooooo happy. hahaha.

Yeap. man. this week will be HECTIC. Hhhaha okay bye! go read some JTHM!

Hey kiddies.. Well recapppp...
Thursday- MAnda and Quyen came over for the histroy project. Everyone was civilized until we started talking about boys and their COUGH styles. haha black zip up jacket and levi's! HAHA. and then amanda couldnt hold her sugar and like wouldnt let quyen go pee. she was gunna pee on my furniture, until after 30 minutes she let her guard down and quyen went into the bathroom. hahaha. crazy ppl.

Friday- Woke up early to curl my hair. Last day of school is an important day to look good! haha as said by quyen. Well yea, ate, blah blah then went to school.
To my utter surprise, i recieved a tulip gram from Raymond. Then again, raymond did buy alot for ppl, yet i was still grateful, and i recieved candy!. Feeling special i waltzed outta homeroom into band. YAY. PARTAY. Then andrew was making a big deal about the tulip gram. -___-...Andrew's like o0o0o0o0o raymond? i thought it was from evan! ARGH ANDREW!! *grabs him and shoves him into the trashcan* *closes the lid and sits on it* Anyway, yea, i was so hungry, but i didnt eat alot. thats really strange, i usually scarf down piles of food for breakfast. =OO Dun dun dun. haha recieved more gifts ^^. YAY. and bianca got her absolutely positively wonderful Aragorn Action Figure. HAHAHA. it was extremely detailed i would have to say, the stubble and all. Then i went to math and saw raymond on the way, so i gave him a hug to say thanks. MAN! MATH WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BORING. haha. we watched a movie, but i felt soo...twitchy. no. i was moving around the place. haha then i sat on the floor with taylor and beth. and i ate karen and stacy's cupcake!! I think it was a "special" cupcake, cuz affter that cupcake i started feeling hyper. hahaha. EXTREMELY hyper. I wanted to jump up and down, and then i started twirling with taylor. haha twirling with taylor. =P. AFter math i went to jazz bandddddd and got beth outta avery. I had to hand deliver my candy grams cuz mr. corpuz forgot to deliver em, but it was better because it was HAND DELIVERED. =DD ahaha man i made like 40 cards. Took me forever!!!! hhahaha especially raymond's candy gram made commotion in avery. I gave it to him and there was a picture of paris hilton's butt, well she had a wedgie or something hah then everyone was gathering around him and staring at her butt. ><....

and bianca glomped me for her wonderful aragorn card! yay! haha. i recieved many hugs and thanks. yaaayyy. Then went to aberle. eh. haha. then p.e. MAN!! scott doccken or howeever u spell his name is soo irritating.. and so is KACY Or KASEY OR WATEVER!! AHHHHHHHHHHH. We were playing volleyball peacefully, then scott and kasey came over and ruined our game. Cuz when amanda or i missed a shot they were like c'mon arent you paying attention? and all thta crap, and when they miss a shot, they laugh and go haha cool cool. O_O...........*RAGE* AHHHHHH. Kasey and his ugly legs. hahha andrew pointed it out and he was true. haha. then went to perez. yuck. watched the grinch. yay. not. haha MAN!! MARY.........or watever was so pretty when she was young! and rather seductive!! Carressing the grinch's cheek. ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY seductive! haha. then andrew was writing ubsurd letters to ppl. AHHH THANK YOU AMANDA!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!1 THANKS FOR THE HUGE ARSE ALTOID BOX, AND THE WALLET! i serisouly needed a new one. Then at like 10:55 p.m. i went to quyen's house cuz she wanted to give me sumthing. aww ur so sweet quyen! except i look stoned in that picture. hahaha. then there was that korean forum they were on. hahaha. fae shee or watever hahaha. OH.. VOLCANO HIGH.. ON SUNDAY 9 PM. haha stacy said it was stupid but i just wanna watch it.

Today-Went to karen's birthday party. man massive fun.. massive laughs. haha. I laughed so hard i was gunna pop a lung. Yea! Before her party, stephanie and i went to target to get her gift. Stephanie found this gingerbread mad shaped soap, but we decided not to buy it for her. But found a replacement! these red cow socks!!!!! with tail and all! total awesome-ness. Then bought her a green bean bag chair!! OH YES!! Stehpanie and i did a sit test before, and its sooo comfy. i want a bean bag chair.. haha. man i wanna re -decorate my room, its so bland. i wish thom from queer eye for the straight guy fixed my room up =( Anyway, went to quyen's to pick her up, man and she took FOREVER! haha quyen stephanie and i were the first to get there yay!! When everyone got there, we just sat and talked about how stupid the rewspaper kids are and how stupid their articles are, like for example ankush's. haha. then we ate CAKE.. MMMMMM!! IT WAS SO GOOD!! and they were so smart! they put paper on the candles, so when they lit one candle, all the candles lit too! it was awesome!!

then karen opened her gifts!!! WHOOHOO!! haha first was stephanie and i's, WE culdnt wrap the bean bag chair, but we did have a huge arse bow on top which was like 4 bucks!! haha then we put her socks in a polka dotted bag. yea! then we ate, chatted some more, and watched Amelie. Man i thought that movie was goona be retarded, and the first 20 minutes was but... the end was genius...pure genius.. that guy and the girl are such a freaking cute couple *cries* Their so perfect for eachother its disgusting. haha. man...that movie was so ahh i wannted to hug a teddy bear. Great movie. Chick flick-ish but only slightly. Then ate some food again! yea! and stacy was talking aobut how her dad used to say that hell was bad, because satan would give you HUGE chopsticks so you wouldnt be able to eat! I just kept imagining stacy and her little frustrated face! i couldnt stop laughing. it was hilarious. and then katrina was talking about 40 days and 40 nights. man. i wanna watch that! soooooooo perverted. hahhaha the guy was like imagining he was like boob land. XDDDD Then kimberly was doing the newspaper crossword puzzle! haha. Man, there were so many things, but i just cant remember. @__@ AHHH/ so after that, we went up to karen;s room to play scrabble. man quyen beat me by like 200 points. i suck at scrabble. -__-. then stacy and karen were performing surgery on this dolphin?! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. it was so lame!! haha. Then we were talking about.. other stuff. hahhah stuff that cant be mentioned! and karen's hilarious forbidden quote of the day!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA XDD. this day will be stained in my mind forever. hahaha. okay. im so f-ing tired. goodnight!

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Okay OKAY! sorry for not updating. Its cuz im so effing lazy. haha but steph B got me pumped! I love ur xanga by the way. very beeaaautiful. haha. anyways... lets get started, shall we? Lets review the last....what...uhh. 2 weeks that i havent updated? haha i dont even remember anything XDDD

Friday- THe dannnnceeeee. Some "Interesting" stuff happened. COUGH COUGH. H aND J. xDD. The dance was okay.. it was eh. no pictures!! that sucked alot! =/ Man whenver i drink soda at the dance, i feel hyper as heck. haha. its been spiked!! =OO Helped out again! yayyy. i was wearing quyen's white angora sweater and i couldnt hug anyone wearing black. =(. that sucked. Then after helping out, we went outside.. it was so nice and cold.. ^^...The decorations this dance were alot prettier though. I would have to give em props for that! Then towards the end of the dance, it was slow dance timee. yayyy. (un enthusiastic) hahaha. Man andrew and Jennifer having a sesssionnnnn. XDD oh yess. haha So stephanie H, danced with hoang, and i danced with evan right next to em. then everyone was o0o0o0-ing. HAHA PLEASE!! Its just a dance!! Then i went to church to record!! Man, my stomach hurt like hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-o. O_O...PAIN...UBsurd PAin.

Saturday Sunday-Same thinnnngggg

Monday tuesday-Cant remember. @_@

Wednesday- Went to steven's house to record our songg. man taeg and steven sounded really nice. and i was like toot toot toot. -___-. man. when i listen to it, i sound horrible!!!!!!!! Omg, i wish i had better tone quality. =/ oh well. Man, steven has a freaking nice house!! I love his living room *_*.. huge arse backyard!! With DAISY!!! I LOVE HIS DOGGYY!! she's so cute!! and so friendly! all i did was pet her and she mauled me with kisses. ^^ Then i hugged her. Drank pepsiii..yay. Played alot, then took a breakk and explored the depths of steven's house. DUn DUN DUN.. haha. Man his parents have a tight light in their room!! haha its like a rave light. =DDD. Went into his room. Its smaller than i expected, but who knows. *shrugs* STEVEN HAS THE SAME PHONE AS ME. Freaky.. SAme shampoo? haha. Then played agaaaaaaaainn. fun fun practicing. Man, taeg is one funny arse guy. haha he was being a metronome by wading side to side. HAHAHAHA. so hilarious. and i laughed like hell that day, but i cant remember what he said, but i laughed so hard i was gunna puke. haha. Then got a piggy back ride! wheeeeee. Man steven's house has pictures of him and his sister all over the place. haha pictures of when they were little kids. haha they were like little models!! they are extremely pretty pictures. all professional and stuff. His momma paints really well too...=DD. Then left for home. soooooo TIRED. When i came home i collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep.

thursday-wednesday I cant remember i thing. @_@...

Today-YES!! partay tomorow as mrs chase likes to say! Haha yay, im stasrting to get buddy buddy with some sevi's. yaay. haha man thy's in second chair!! wow! Me.. first! yay! i get to play the solo in star wars... unless...I GET BEATEN!! NOOOOOOOO!!. hhahaha performed for the school (jazz band and choir) Man i was afraid i was gunna mess up on my piano solo, but i didnt! thankfully. but the christmas songs, she only gave it to us a week ago, and didnt even let us take it home to practice.. so we were pretty good. oh yes.. with only a week's practice. ;D Our jazz band kicks arse. Then choir sang and yea. WE got to wear santa hats!! ^^. i wanted to keep my hat, but it was mrs. chase's =(..OMG. CHRISTIANS HAT WAS SO EFFING HILARIOUS!! hahahah!!!!!! It was small so it stuck up!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH He looked soooo funny!! i laughed so hard i started crying. I couldnt stop staring at it. and laughing!! During his song i cracked up hecka hard. hhahaha. Mannn evan the babe magnet!! After the performance, this chick was like "can i have your autograph?" Oh yes...Evan and his drumming skills that hypnotize us all. haha but during choir, hoang and bianca L played the piano. Hoang played perfectly.But bianca sped up a little. so yea. but all in all it was an okay performance. =). haha jennifer is so cool!I LOVE YOU JENNIFERRRR LUUUUUUUU! haha. XD. Then i made a pact with stacy yesterday that i would touch evan's butt. She didnt thinki would do it, but i did. Actually, i didntt.... Cuz i made a pact with evan, that i would just walk behind him and he would scream out AH! katie! you pervert! to make it SEEM that i touched his butt. HAH! in your face stacy. tricked once again >D I love teasing stacy. =))))))
ANNNNYYWAYYY. sent out candy gramss.. 30 in total.. Then i had to buy more but corpuz was out of em, so i had to make like 10 more. -___-. ahhh. Then i came home and then amanda and quyen came over to do the bibliography thing. yea. hahaha. man amanda is so funny. and so is quyen. teehee. amanda was like not letting quyen out to pee and quyen was about to pee on my furniture!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. what a hilarious sight to see. Then quyen stayed to help me make brownies.. SHE CUT THEM TOOO TINY! and she broke my egg on the kitchen floor~ haha. i think i got a sotmach ache from eating too much. @_@.. Yep, then quyen was talking to stacy about my present. O_o hmm i thnk i know what it is.. ANd if its what i think it is, then i desperately need it. haha. yepp yepp. Then quyen left, and i kept on wrapping candy, and i was finally done. FINALLY... man, started at 6 ended at 8:30. Wow. the things i do. haha. friends come first tho. yes yes. YAY!! THE KIDDIES GET MY CANDY GRAMS TOMORROW!! i hope they like.. it took me 2 whole days with 4 hours each day to finish all 40.. i got magazine clippings and everything. man. haha. AND STACY WONT TELL ME WHATS SO SPECIAL THATS HAPPENING AND FRIDAY!! TELL MEEEEEEEEE!! she keeps grinning at me. O_O... WHAT IS IT?!?! ahhh. i hate it when ppl tell me they know something and they say they wont tell me. AHHHHHHH. Oh yes.. church tomorrow... ice skating.. I canonly take one friend..=/ darnm. So, i just picked quyen, cuz she lives right accross the street, cuz since my mom's not taking or bringing me back, i dont want Mike oppa to stress over taking ppl home. Man, i want ppl to come to my retreat. 20 bucks? 3 days 2 nights? not bad? haha but its at church. haha come if u want.. btu there is a person limit. so yea. CUZ STACY DOESNT WANNA GO. fine stacy! be that way! Man, haha i think stacy's afraid of the church kids xDDDD no dont be. they dont bite! i promise O=) And yea...And quyen is saying that everyone's gunna say, ewww a vietnamese? this is a KOREAN church. get out! haha NO QUYEN. they wont say that you poo head. Yep.. tomorrow.. last day og school! yeS!but no. I get to sleep in!! yea! but i'll be bored the whole day =// i hate being bored. Sigh, thats why i go to school, so i have something to occupy myself with. =/ i guess i'll just brush up on my drawing.. Okay, well i wrote too much haha man, you must be pretty darn bored to be reading this! haha. Okayyyy. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! LOVE YOU!

Sunday, December 07, 2003

hahaha. bianca is such a funny person.XDD

ME: http://www.geocities.com/wilsonia_console/KILLTHEVIRUS.html?1070348409158
ME: theres the website
Bianca: oh my gosh
Bianca: he sounds so cool
Bianca: I'm so in love
Bianca: Since I am now out for revenge, plus since I'm a rather nice and awesome guy, this handy guide I've written will tell you how to remove it.
Bianca: -starry eyed-
Bianca: he does seem cool!
Bianca: doesnt he seem cool!?
ME: he seems awesomeee
ME: i actually kinda know him..actually i dont. haha i just know his name and what he looks like =P
Bianca: you do!?
ME: yea. my friend's friend
Bianca: HOW COOL!
Bianca: you should buy him cookies
ME: whoa.. he's 6'1 white male
Bianca: ^_^
Bianca: he's like LESTAT!
BIanca: =O
Bianca: -hyperventilation-

HAHA stacy is going insane ^^

Stacy: good bye my love
Stacy: bon jour
Stacy: :-* love,
the irish man
Stacy: man ive gone insane

I love my conversations with people. =D

ME: ???
kimbo: =]
kimbo: hi.
kimbo: would you be mad if i got you a box of pads?
ME: I'll scream and throw em at you!
kimbo: what about tampons?
ME: I'll pull em out of the box and throw em at you!
Kimbo: what about condoms?
ME: i'll blow em up and then i'll put them in ur locker! ><
Kimbo: LMA0.
Kimbo: like i would actually buy those things!!
Kimbo: or like they would let a 13 year old buy them
KImbo: Hmph.
ME: i'll get u the ted bundy box set
ME: haha
Kimbo: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ME: ted bundy night light! haha
Kimbo: REALLY?!?!?!?
Kimbo: omg..

Ahahahaha okay enough of this! goodbye!

Saturday, December 06, 2003

GOD DAMNED VIRUS THING! >< AGHHH that thing was getting on my nerves!!! Then steven helped me delete it, but i have to reinstall aol to make it work! Aghh then i noticed that Louie didnt have it in his profile any more and i asked him how he did it, and he told me, and it worked! well, so far that is =/
Man virus's like that piss the living bv4uwbvi outta me! it proves how much of a hermit a person is. -.- If you're lonely and have no friends and decide to make a virus to try to take over the world, then get a life and get some friends...and dont get your hopes up cuz you probably wont find any friends! *fumes with anger*
AGH stupid virus is getting me worked up...I SWEAR...IF I KNEW WHO MADE THAT VIRUS...Why i outta...*eye twitches* I'll beat the living daylights outta him then shock him with a 200 watt stun gun, then PEPPER SPRAY his eyes, then wear stiletto heels and kick him in the crotch, tie him up with fish and throw him into the ocean for him to drown and be eaten alive by the sharks!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA.. Man.. i think some of that insano stuff is rubbing off on me from several people.. shall i name? Deizuree, stephanie, bianca, kylie, and hope unni, whom i love dearly, and that is probably why im gonna go insane -.-..I took a little test thingy that stacy taught me where you have to do this hand motion thing and if you cant do it then ur insane.. and guess what!! I cant do it. im INSANE! xD. Oh well. =/ Gosh. haha stacy is such a loser!! XDDDDDDDDDD!!!

Me: Whatcha doing this evening?
Stacy:Nothin muchh
Me: What brings you to these parts?
STacy: Im huntin for sum katie's.. YUM!

Oh goodness. xD. Well. lets recap. Wow school is so much fun. Messing with people's heads! Man. *shakes head* so fun! haha Evan and I as a duo like to bring chaos. HAHA. okay, its not really chaos? haha O_o. xD. oh well. fun fun funnn.

Well thats pretty much what we did for the past week of school... then. lets go to concert night! Whoopeee! ^^

Well arrived at school around 6:28. man two more minutes and mr.corpuz woulda been yelling at us for being late. EEK. then we got our tie and comberbun on. o0o i love the tie and comberbun! they're so cute!! XDD i wanna buuy them offa mrs. chase. Well we listened to cadet orchestra and band. they were pretty good this year actually. Better tahn last year when the (this year) 7th graders were in 6th grade. Then we went inside to warm up for band and headed out. Man i messed up alot!! arghhhh frustration.. then after was jazzz.. i freaked out during my solo. i was shaking! then i got relaxed and just winged it. it was fuunnn ^^. There were these two i think japanese college chicks sitting in the front row, (they're so pretty!) then they were pointing and looking at evan HAHA. They were giggling! and i heard one girl say wow hes so good!! and the other girl said OMG! hes so cute! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Man isnt evan the little babe magnet?

jazz band was neexxxtt. when katie played her solo, me and quyen were like crying from happiness (or maybe not..but darn close!). a beautiful thing indeed! im so proud of wittle katie :*( lindsay + hoang sounded awesome, as usual! bravo solo-ists and non-soloists. man it was such a fun night.

That was taken from stacy's blog! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Omg. I feel honored. *__________*. yepppp. it was a fun night indeeed. i always love concert nightss THE POPS CONCERT WILL BE THE BOMB!!! XDDDD! whoever doesnt go to our concert is a loser! man its gunna be off the hook! Oh god that was lame. >< Wow. and i found out that rina likes the distillers.. wow i didnt think rina was an alternative-ish music person but i guess she is. haha.

Went to churchie churchie then mall with yvonne and janice! haha so much funn. We went to valley! i got my lotion at victoria's! FINALLY! haha. we played the "nordstrom" game. man what a fun game. ^^. There's this korean video where an assortment of singers/actors/etc try to sing and then if they sing a song wrong those pans hit their heads..After that show theres another show with 2 people re-inacting a part from a korean movie/etc and after they finish the re-inaction correctly, they do this motion where you clap to the right then to the left turn around and then do that umm two hand pointing thing while you say something in korean. Well janice and yvonne and i were doing that in the bathroom and people were staring. hAHAHAHA. XDD. oh dear. haha. What a fun day indeed. cept for the part i had cramps the whole time through! Agh... Why do woman have to suffer like this!?!?! *slams my head onto the table*

Man.. i really hate popups. Wow im ranting on and on about what i hate. Letes go to something i like...Which is rain.. its so beautiful..rain's like my lullaby.. i love listening to it when i go to sleep. such a pretty sound.. pitter patter pitter patter goes the rhythm of the falling rain!!! HAHAHAA Part of a song stacy, quyen, and i had to sing in Choir during Summer institute. man. if i were on a date or something and then it was sunny then turned all rainy, it would be so wonderful!!!! just standing in the rain.. *__*.. and those movie scenes when people kiss in the rain are sooooooo pretty! Man.. see how wonderful rain is?!?! Some people dont realizee. Cloudy days i love because i can look into the sky without squinting. and i can play volleyball easier.

haha we were playing volley ball for p.e. and then sean hit the ball and it hurt really bad and he screamed out S***!!!!! HAHAHAHA. i wonder if mrs. nugent heard. haha. i suck major at volleyball. =/ needa practice... man i needa practice my band music.. its really hard. gotta get working! BYE!