Sunday, November 20, 2005

This week was really really lame. The WORST part is that I dont have the week off for Thanksgiving. 2 1/2 days... What is the point of that.. Agh. I dont want to do my chemistry sheet. Anyway, over the weekend I got really really sick. Im stable right now, but i still have a strange voice. My poor poor nose. :(
On friday and Saturday I just floated around my house. I either slept, watched t.v. or slept even more. Haha. That was a good day.
For church we had Thanksgiving lunch. :9 yummmmy. The stuffing is always delicious. I found out that Henry graduated from Stanford. Haha man. -jabs Stephie- He applied to 7 colleges and got into ALL of them. Yvonne, me, Steven, and Eric were staring at him like crazy, while listening to his life story. Hahaha. He was VALEDICTORIAN. He got into Harvard, Stanford, M.I.T, John Hopkins, and 3 other amazingly good schools. Crazyyyyy!!! Well, from now on I will dedicate my updates to people. This one is for Josh because he insisted, and it was time that i updated.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What do you call a black man with an afro?
A microphone.

Why did the Mexican girl get pregnant?
Because her teacher told her to DO an essay. (ESEY)

Jokes my brother had told me. Hehehehehehehehehehe. The joke Lindsay said was hilariousssss.

Why do they call it refried beans?
Because the Mexicans couldnt get it right the first time.

HAHAHAHAHHHAHA. They were really funny.
Sandra got Katrina fish. That was the cutest thing ever. HAHA I kept staring at them because they look like those gummy fish.
During english, we performed our skits. We were Jews. My group was total improv. Suddenly....
the daughter: Mom i needa go potty!
Andrea: Shutup! We didnt even have potties in Jerusalem.
Sean: yes, I hear the toilets in America are made of gold.
Andrea: Yes, yes gold toilets!

HAHAHAHAHA it was the funniest thing.
In French, we were guessing movies, and DUDE..iKNEW this one. It was supposed to be KILL BILL, but I blurted out pulp fiction on accident. My GOD... Both movies directed by Q, and Uma was in both. I swear I knew it was Kill Bill, but i just couldnt get it out of my mouth. Right after i said that, Alyssa SCREAMED. I was like NOOO. I was making eye contact with her the whole time. She gave me the eyebrows and i was like ohhh yea i know, but then i said the wrong answer! And now i ruined the relationship i wished i had with a certain boy -cough cough- T___T
-sigh- Oh well. I should just shut up in that class. Hahaha.
Math is as retarded as ever.. Mr. Peterson's EASY PEASY is making me go insane. He says it at least 6 times in our class. Class, that was easy peasy right? Easy peasy? Yeah, that one was easy peasy.
And now he's doing his HIGH PITCHED "whoo whoo" everytime we get an answer right. Its seriously higher that I can go. Its insane. Its a kicked and kneed in the balls HIGH PITCHED. Its insane.
Today was a good day.Yes indeedy. Now, I am going to watch Lost at 9. Today not that much homework. YES...sleep at 10. yummmm. I slept at 9:30 yesterday. I still felt tired =__=.. I keep promising myself to put on my contacts, but a never do. I met someone awesome the other day.
Haha, what a coolie.
OH YES, and on my vitamin water, this is what it said...

in soccer ( excuse us mexico, spain, and italy, we mean "futbol"), there isnt a more exciting moment than we the announcer screams "goooooooooooooooooal" )yelling offfffsssssssiiiiiiiddddddde" never quite caught on). With that said, we added b vitamins and guarana to give you an extra kick (pun intended). So now when you're watching soccer, playing soccer, coaching soccer, driving kids to soccer, or doing anything that starts with "socc" and ends with "er," you too can have the energy of a raving lunatic to yell "goooooooooal."
Vitamins+water= All you need.
I seriously want to meet the creator of these cute little sayings.
There are also 2 boys that me and stacy must befriend. "nudge nudge"
" Get outta my land sucka!!! IM HUNGRY IM HUNGRY!"
"Why are you being so mean? :("
With their little scarves on their heads...Cute..
BTW..I wrote this entry, and tried to publish it.. but then ended up having to rewrite it again. Blogspot...I shake my fist at you!