Wednesday, November 26, 2003

- name: Katie
- age: 13
- sex: Female
- location: San Jose
- school: Piedmont middle
- screen names: i8xUrxKiMcHi
- siblings: 1 younger bro
- nationality: full blooded Korean

- hair: bLack
- eyes:brown
- height: like 5'3
-glasses?: only when i need to. i have really bad eyes..
-braces?: Oh yes

- clothing: Polo.. oh yes
- music: umm.. alternative.. no..classical...jazz.. all sorts i guess. depends on my mood
- makeup: umm. NO.
- body art: none what so ever..
-shoes: Man i really wanted those melissa shoes :(
-socks: Knee highs ^^
-undies: Victoria's secret, AE

Right now...
- wearing: a grey baby tee with grey plaid Pj bottoms.
- listening to: Dont dream its over by crowded house
- thinking of: my weird dream.. O_O
- feeling: happy
-doing: the chicken dance.. haha
-wanting: shoes...and so many other things..
-wishing: i was a manga character..

Last thing you..
- bought: a jacket, a shirt, jeans, and knee highs
- did: mall
- talk: my buddies :)
- drank: Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks
- watched on tv: animee
-thought: Wow, my dream was really weird..

- club or houseparty: house party
- tea or coffee: coffee
- high achiever or easy-going: high achiever
- beer or cider: cider
- drinks or shots: drinks
- cats or dogs: either
- food or candy: food
- snuff or cigarettes: neither
- matches or a lighter: lighter
-pepper spray or stun gun: Stun gun all the way
-Ninja or FBI agent: Ninja
-Drama or Comedy-Comedy
-manga or anime: Manga
-magazines or book: Books
-Board game or online game: Board game
-chap stick or lip gloss: chapstick
-phone or aim-Phone
-math or english: English..except perez sucks..
-hair up or down: Depends
-piano or flute: Flute cuz im better at it
-techno or 80s: 80s
-Mod or retro: MOD!

You want to..
- hear from: Buddies
- tickle: everyone
- look like: a pretty person..?
- be like: no one.. but me..
-see: Gothika..
-eat: In-N-out Yum =9
-smell: ARMANI WHITE *___*
-play: FFX 10-2

- food: korean food
- drink:Caramel frapp
- color: Grey
- album: cant choose
- dance: SWING
- song: tooooooo many to say.. @__@
- vegetable: onions?
- fruit: peaches
- last book you read: Psycho
-last movie you saw:School of Rock
- last phone number you called:My buddy's
- last thing you had to drink: isnt this a repeat?
- last time you showered:today
- last time you cried: a long time ago
- last thing you said: The drawing game!

Are you...
- sweet: depends on who is viewing this
- cute: depends
- smart: semi
- outgoing: yar
- shy: Yes only at first
- popular:oh yes....-.-...
- funny: just ask quyen
- deep: when i want to be
- religious: not really
- materialistic: sometimes
- ambitious: yes
- stubborn: yeah
- bitchy: O_o.. depends on whos reading this..
- cocky: no
- secretive: yes
- independent: yes
- lazy: ooohoooo yes. if you look up the word lazy, my name is a synonym for it..-.-
- ignorant: *shrugs*
- crazy: yea
- clueless: sometimes
- perverted: my mind has been clouded of perverse thoughts thanks to my buddies ^^
- flirtatious: sometimes
- loveable: oh heck yea -.-..
- friendly: ^^

When do you feel..
- happiest: When im chillin with my budz
- saddest: hmm...depends...
- frustrated: when people dont understand what im saying, when people repeat things to me thinking im stupid and that i cant catch it the first time, when people ask too many questions, annoying kids, when i try to explain my hatred toward hilary duff which cannot even be put into words..and people ask why..
- confused:when people dont finish their sentences

What do you feel...
- now: content
- why?: because of mi buddies. ^^ they're so cute.

This is courtesy of Yuna Kim. Thankss. sorry for taking it. =/
Was so bored that i did this. aghh.

Man... me and my weirdo dreams.. it was pleasant yet creepy O_o


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