Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Hey all, sorry for not updating @_@ HENCE HENCE STEPHANIE FOR CALLING ME A PIG. haha I'll let it Slide for NOW. hahaha
-Cackles- -clears throat- anywho.. Um.. Well.. Oh yea. ABout my day...

Man.. It was so cold today. I was seriously freezing my butt off!!!!But my scarf kept me nice and toasty..But not my cheap target gloves =/

Hmm. Went to Katrinas Birthday party on saturday ^^ Much much fun!!! hahaha When i got there, they were watching the New Guy, but it was towards the end. then we watched 3 episodes of Degrassi and 1 episode of Radio Free Rosco. Man.. i wish i had sNick and NOggin. =/ i like degrassi... Anyway.. MOving on, then we ate some food. GLORIOUS FOOD! hahaha SOOO YUMMYYY. Then i was gonna get a hotdog but her grandma took it. =/ I was going to the kitchen to get it, and i had my plate and everything. Then her grammy takes it. and im like T__T haha oh well. THEN..haha oh yea. man.. katrina's bathroom is FREAKY DEAKYY!! Kim and Beth and Kylie were like locking eathother in. I heard hecka screaming. haha Then we ate some yummiful cake.. soo good...haha Then katrina opened her gifts!! Man that oldie turning 14. haha DARN. I shoulda bought her the saves the day cd instead of the alkaline trio!! She already has alkaline trio!! T_T.. when she said that she already had it, my heart sunk and shattered into tiny pieces/ :( haha. but she was happy to get the rooney cd =D And i bought her chicken crackers. haha those are good.. Then i went with her to get some videos from blockbusterrr. haha when we were driving there, i was talking about how i tried cracking my neck and i accidentally hurt myself and then katrina was laughing like heck and then her brother called me stupid and started laughing hAHAHA. Yea. Then i told them i couldnt whistle. T__T it is truee.. Then they started laughing at me. hahaha Then when we went into blockbuster, we roamed around and laughed at videos we once watched and pranced aound the store looking for our videoss. HAHAHA then Katrina's brother found this video called CARLITO'S ANGELS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Its a cheap mexican version of Charlies angelss.. Carlito, their boss tells the angels to keep dirty men outta their hair or something like that. Something to do about their mission is getting laid or something. hAHAAHAHA When we saw it, we cracked up like heck. Then we went back to watch zoolander and bubble boy. HAHAHA ZOOLANDERR!!! i cant believe that chinese guy died!! Gasoline fight!! hAHAHAHAHA then bubble boy!! 500 dollahh!! hahahahah Yepp. It was a fun fun fun fun fun timee. Except it was REALLY cold in her house. =/ haha its okee though i got used to it after a couple hours. haha XD

Today... Uh...Nothing REALLY. Ehh so so day. same old same old. I got 5 band bucks for helping out this girl play her flute. YAAYY.

Okee dokes.. Ciao for now! ^^


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