Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Oy, kiddies. Well nothing much happened today.
Band- Fun fun stuff.. Challenges next week.. Must stay...first...Must prevaillll
Math- HAHAHA stacy is so weird!! "secret message" AkA Stalker mission. ;D teeheehee
Jazz- I actually talked to christian today. amazing.. haha We did Paper scissor rock( in the korean way! xD) tO see who had to play the piano part of this one song called Bossa Madeira.. Of course i won, and i got to play the easy bells part ^^.. Then in Bells in christmas day, i freaking messed up at the end of my solo haha and then i started cracking up, and then christian was like HAHA WHAT HAPPENED? and i told him my fingers slipped XD Then at the end of class, i sat down and was talking with sean then christian comes and does something to sean and sean like falls onto the floor!! HAHAHA it looked like he pinched sean's butt or something. haha i was like that doesnt look right and christian was like HAHAHA I KNOW XDD. Jazz foon foon. Then Evan and i swapped "Hey Bebe's" haha. Then sean said something and then i was like O_O and i meant to hit his back and accidentally slapped his butt. whoops. HAHAHa mrs. chase thought i was weird. >.<
Aberle- eH. Cant remember. too boring
P.E.- Hockey=PAIN.. dude.. that guy.. uh Peter Orteiz. MAN!!! Twice he whacked the puck hecka hard and it hit my shins, then when he tried to hit the puck away from me he hit me leg.. Dude it was like swollen, and now its bruised. X_x... Dude, but amanda got jacked more... Jallal hit it so freaking hard and it totally messed her leg up. And he didnt even say sorry. CHee.. Hope ur okee manda.
Language arts-HAHAHA. MR. Perez said he wanted to tie some kids up. O_O... scary. right when i heard that i turned and looked at andrew and we werre like EWWW!! HAHAHA. so funny. Then he kept repeating something Obsene that i rather not say. tsk tsk -__-..
After school - We heard Evan say Hey BAbe to someother girls and we(as in stephanie and i) Were like, he calls you babe too? and we walked up to him and were like EVAN, YOU PLAYERR! you played us!! *shock* how could u! i thought u were MY bebe! HAHAHA then Katrina called him a manwhore. XDD SO SAD. Then evan was like *smirk* im pimpinnnn hahaha I love evans smirks! And i hate Hoangs frowns!! they make you feel guilty for something you didnt do!! hahaha. okee dokes g2g! byebye!
Band- Fun fun stuff.. Challenges next week.. Must stay...first...Must prevaillll
Math- HAHAHA stacy is so weird!! "secret message" AkA Stalker mission. ;D teeheehee
Jazz- I actually talked to christian today. amazing.. haha We did Paper scissor rock( in the korean way! xD) tO see who had to play the piano part of this one song called Bossa Madeira.. Of course i won, and i got to play the easy bells part ^^.. Then in Bells in christmas day, i freaking messed up at the end of my solo haha and then i started cracking up, and then christian was like HAHA WHAT HAPPENED? and i told him my fingers slipped XD Then at the end of class, i sat down and was talking with sean then christian comes and does something to sean and sean like falls onto the floor!! HAHAHA it looked like he pinched sean's butt or something. haha i was like that doesnt look right and christian was like HAHAHA I KNOW XDD. Jazz foon foon. Then Evan and i swapped "Hey Bebe's" haha. Then sean said something and then i was like O_O and i meant to hit his back and accidentally slapped his butt. whoops. HAHAHa mrs. chase thought i was weird. >.<
Aberle- eH. Cant remember. too boring
P.E.- Hockey=PAIN.. dude.. that guy.. uh Peter Orteiz. MAN!!! Twice he whacked the puck hecka hard and it hit my shins, then when he tried to hit the puck away from me he hit me leg.. Dude it was like swollen, and now its bruised. X_x... Dude, but amanda got jacked more... Jallal hit it so freaking hard and it totally messed her leg up. And he didnt even say sorry. CHee.. Hope ur okee manda.
Language arts-HAHAHA. MR. Perez said he wanted to tie some kids up. O_O... scary. right when i heard that i turned and looked at andrew and we werre like EWWW!! HAHAHA. so funny. Then he kept repeating something Obsene that i rather not say. tsk tsk -__-..
After school - We heard Evan say Hey BAbe to someother girls and we(as in stephanie and i) Were like, he calls you babe too? and we walked up to him and were like EVAN, YOU PLAYERR! you played us!! *shock* how could u! i thought u were MY bebe! HAHAHA then Katrina called him a manwhore. XDD SO SAD. Then evan was like *smirk* im pimpinnnn hahaha I love evans smirks! And i hate Hoangs frowns!! they make you feel guilty for something you didnt do!! hahaha. okee dokes g2g! byebye!
Monday, October 27, 2003
Hoyyy! haha How are you? Obviously you cant answer that question. -___-.. ANYWAY. haha STACY!!! I WILL FOREVER TORTURE YOU FOR UPLOADING THAT HIDEOUS PICTURE OF ME!! Of course, Quyen looks Ravishing. *clears throat* NONE THE LESS! I will torment you forever! mwahaha.. man im going insane.
P.E.= StREEt HOCKEYYYY.. Very savvy. MAN!!! I have like 20 bruises from andrew!!! Wait.. let me count... no 19. O_< painn. Dude..He would whack me with his stick!! Okee.. that sounded awkward. Let me rephrase that.. umm. Andrew kept whacking me with his hockey stick. There. Dude im he kept whacking my butt!! and it really hurt.. IM GOING TO GET YOU BACK ANDREW... JUST WATCH... HAHA c'mon amanda!!! Plan B, formation 6!! We have to do it tomorrow, in order for us to win the game!! C'mon! gogogo! haha. Dude, crazy freakin goalie guy trying to kill us all with his freaking long shots man.. O_O..
Lang arts=Perez.. ehh mrs. Byers sub..EH..................
Band= Fun fun for everyone.
Math= HEhe our poster is so GAY!!! HAHAHAH STACy DREW JESUS!! XDDD What a creative mind.. HAHA
Jazz= Fun fun.. THEN MY DAY WAS RUINED BY THE PERFECT BOY HOANG...When he played a solo song on the piano.. man...it was AMAZING...He should play piano for jazz.. but who would play trumpet.. OH, this world can only handle 1 perfect boy.. and thats Hoang.. Actually!! There are alot of perfect people... Hoang, evan, lindsay and lisa. They were all surrounding me! I was surrounded by perfect people! then they were like chanting ONe of us! one of us! haha then we just started cracking up. haha
Aberle= Eh. eh. O_o.. Eh.
After school= Saw emily!! said hi and gave her a hug. haha strange how a boy can make 2 people become friends? haha
Then went to Benihana to eat.. Yum!!!! Sooo good.. Then saw this cute guy sitting at the next table. HAHAHA. i was like eh? He had a twin brother too, but he was cuter than his twin. Okay, they werent REALLY twins, but yea they looked SIMILIAR.. but yea..haha. IT was funny cuz these two girls were sitting at the same table too, and after his family was done eating and they were leaving, he just sat there, then all of a sudden pounced up and started running out. HAHA i bet he was trying to get a long look at those girls. They were so pretty!! haha then hes all acting cool, and all of a sudden leaves. so abruptly. haha.
Yepppppppppppp..Sorry HOanG for putting the FALSE info about u. teeheeeheee ^^ You know you want to sign my chatterrr. lalalala.
Haha okeeee. G2g nowwwwwwwwwwwwww.. goodnight all. sleep well.
P.E.= StREEt HOCKEYYYY.. Very savvy. MAN!!! I have like 20 bruises from andrew!!! Wait.. let me count... no 19. O_< painn. Dude..He would whack me with his stick!! Okee.. that sounded awkward. Let me rephrase that.. umm. Andrew kept whacking me with his hockey stick. There. Dude im he kept whacking my butt!! and it really hurt.. IM GOING TO GET YOU BACK ANDREW... JUST WATCH... HAHA c'mon amanda!!! Plan B, formation 6!! We have to do it tomorrow, in order for us to win the game!! C'mon! gogogo! haha. Dude, crazy freakin goalie guy trying to kill us all with his freaking long shots man.. O_O..
Lang arts=Perez.. ehh mrs. Byers sub..EH..................
Band= Fun fun for everyone.
Math= HEhe our poster is so GAY!!! HAHAHAH STACy DREW JESUS!! XDDD What a creative mind.. HAHA
Jazz= Fun fun.. THEN MY DAY WAS RUINED BY THE PERFECT BOY HOANG...When he played a solo song on the piano.. man...it was AMAZING...He should play piano for jazz.. but who would play trumpet.. OH, this world can only handle 1 perfect boy.. and thats Hoang.. Actually!! There are alot of perfect people... Hoang, evan, lindsay and lisa. They were all surrounding me! I was surrounded by perfect people! then they were like chanting ONe of us! one of us! haha then we just started cracking up. haha
Aberle= Eh. eh. O_o.. Eh.
After school= Saw emily!! said hi and gave her a hug. haha strange how a boy can make 2 people become friends? haha
Then went to Benihana to eat.. Yum!!!! Sooo good.. Then saw this cute guy sitting at the next table. HAHAHA. i was like eh? He had a twin brother too, but he was cuter than his twin. Okay, they werent REALLY twins, but yea they looked SIMILIAR.. but yea..haha. IT was funny cuz these two girls were sitting at the same table too, and after his family was done eating and they were leaving, he just sat there, then all of a sudden pounced up and started running out. HAHA i bet he was trying to get a long look at those girls. They were so pretty!! haha then hes all acting cool, and all of a sudden leaves. so abruptly. haha.
Yepppppppppppp..Sorry HOanG for putting the FALSE info about u. teeheeeheee ^^ You know you want to sign my chatterrr. lalalala.
Haha okeeee. G2g nowwwwwwwwwwwwww.. goodnight all. sleep well.
Thursday, October 23, 2003
Hi all. Today was impersination Thursdayyy. well, yes. haha ummm lets start of this great recap with....
BBBBBanddd: HECK YES. mwahaha i reign over all once again!! I am first chair once moreee!! yeaaa! i must stay first chairrr...
Maatth- GOD haha stacy and i CANNOT get over the Arnold swartzenengzsdxn website!! XDDDDDDDDD I laughed my arse off.
JaZZZ-Listening to the niceee beautiful musicc ^____^ Lindsay's solo is soo prettyyy. AWWW.. Lindsay cant go to the danceee lindsay and Hoang shoulda gone together. =/
Social studies= Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh the debating thing.
P.E. We played Street hockkeyy. Me and Amanda V.S. Sean and Stephanie <~~ o0o two S's haha
MAnnn they whooped our buttsss. I hit the puck and it went right through seans legs passing it to amanda, passing it back to me, scoring...
1 POINT!! hahaha Dude. and andrew was making such a big deal just cuz i took my shirt off!! HAHAHAHA I HAD A TANKTOP UNDERNEATH FOOL! Then sean was like WHOA KATIE! Then stephanie was like join the fun! and she took her shirt off and was like amanda, you have a tanktop under too c'mon! HAHA.
Lunch-Eating. mm.. malt...
Perez= Eh. Perez. HAHAHA OMFREAKING GOd. Andrew is a freaking weirdo telling me to strip like i did in p.e.! I DID NOT STRIP!!!! Then i bent over to get something and andrew was like staring at mee!! AGHH PERVERTTT!! dont look at my skin. hahahaha he said my underwear was showing. -____-.......IT WAS NOT A YELLOW BIKINI. :(..It was Girl briefs..
haha Hoang was all asking Mrs. Chase if we could have a poptart party!! HECK YEA MAN!! haha then quyen like got down on one knee and was like KATIE, will you go to the dance with me? haha and i put my hand on my chest *sniffle* Of COURSE. hahaha Kimberly and Stacy and going togetherr, manda and karen, Stephie and *BLLEEEEEP* Katrina and *COIGUHHHH* and and yea? haha OMG!! HOANG makes that FACE that makes you feel so GUILTY when you didnt even do ANYTHING!!! it drives me insane!! haha. Cuz quyen asked me in front of him, and he was like HEY!! BUT KATIES MY DATE!! and then JEssica/ Julie came up and was like NO!! Shes my date!!! and i was so confusedd @____@ then Hoang made that FACIAL EXPRESSION!! *dies*
The dance is soooon tomorrow... International club meeting.. International club HAS to have sweaters.. OR ELSE..YES, IM THREATENING MR. NUNEZ... ^^ Sniffle MEDIATOR SWEATERSSS!!!
TEehee Sadie Hawkins dAnce, im my KHaki Pantss.~~
BBBBBanddd: HECK YES. mwahaha i reign over all once again!! I am first chair once moreee!! yeaaa! i must stay first chairrr...
Maatth- GOD haha stacy and i CANNOT get over the Arnold swartzenengzsdxn website!! XDDDDDDDDD I laughed my arse off.
JaZZZ-Listening to the niceee beautiful musicc ^____^ Lindsay's solo is soo prettyyy. AWWW.. Lindsay cant go to the danceee lindsay and Hoang shoulda gone together. =/
Social studies= Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh the debating thing.
P.E. We played Street hockkeyy. Me and Amanda V.S. Sean and Stephanie <~~ o0o two S's haha
MAnnn they whooped our buttsss. I hit the puck and it went right through seans legs passing it to amanda, passing it back to me, scoring...
1 POINT!! hahaha Dude. and andrew was making such a big deal just cuz i took my shirt off!! HAHAHAHA I HAD A TANKTOP UNDERNEATH FOOL! Then sean was like WHOA KATIE! Then stephanie was like join the fun! and she took her shirt off and was like amanda, you have a tanktop under too c'mon! HAHA.
Lunch-Eating. mm.. malt...
Perez= Eh. Perez. HAHAHA OMFREAKING GOd. Andrew is a freaking weirdo telling me to strip like i did in p.e.! I DID NOT STRIP!!!! Then i bent over to get something and andrew was like staring at mee!! AGHH PERVERTTT!! dont look at my skin. hahahaha he said my underwear was showing. -____-.......IT WAS NOT A YELLOW BIKINI. :(..It was Girl briefs..
haha Hoang was all asking Mrs. Chase if we could have a poptart party!! HECK YEA MAN!! haha then quyen like got down on one knee and was like KATIE, will you go to the dance with me? haha and i put my hand on my chest *sniffle* Of COURSE. hahaha Kimberly and Stacy and going togetherr, manda and karen, Stephie and *BLLEEEEEP* Katrina and *COIGUHHHH* and and yea? haha OMG!! HOANG makes that FACE that makes you feel so GUILTY when you didnt even do ANYTHING!!! it drives me insane!! haha. Cuz quyen asked me in front of him, and he was like HEY!! BUT KATIES MY DATE!! and then JEssica/ Julie came up and was like NO!! Shes my date!!! and i was so confusedd @____@ then Hoang made that FACIAL EXPRESSION!! *dies*
The dance is soooon tomorrow... International club meeting.. International club HAS to have sweaters.. OR ELSE..YES, IM THREATENING MR. NUNEZ... ^^ Sniffle MEDIATOR SWEATERSSS!!!
TEehee Sadie Hawkins dAnce, im my KHaki Pantss.~~
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Pajama day Monday- Ummm...hhahaha in social studies... We were doing our social studies project, and i was bending over at the table to glue something. and i heard sean scream KATIE! but then i was like eh? and i turned around and the bell rang, so i ran up to him and asked him why he screamed my name, and he said that Tima and Anthony were staring at my butt. -___-.... Tima was like," wow, nice arse." And sean was like ,"what are you guys looking at?" and anthony said,"her butt." and pointed at my butt. HAHAHA. omg. *shakes head*
Sports Day Tuesday- hmm hahaha stacy had suchhh a funny joke!! She was like ehehe katie,, ehehe i have a funny joke.. and i was like o0o! tell me!
and she said..
"Do you play the trombone? Because you're making me horny"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA to all the guys out there... PICK UP LINES DONT WORK! You're just gunna get slapped. Shakes head. haha We were laughing about how it would be hilarious if Jarrett said a pickup line to someone. WBAAHAAHAH.. XDD Yea! Hoang gave me a high five today! haha
Blast from the Past Wednesday- teehee! Quyen looked so cute today!! She had a really cute skirt.. hmmm i wanna buy it offa her. haha. anyways... haha omg stacy and i were laughing like crazy today, because we were listening to Arnold swartzenneger (howeever you spell it) sound clips!! hhahahaha he says..
"Cookies? Who ate my cookies?!?"
"You're just a school boy! a SCHOOL BOY!"
"@#$% %^&"
HAha thats all i remember.. pretty hilarious stuff man.. Go to stacy's blog to find the linkkk. Hilarious though.
Random "real fact of the day" Courtest of snapple- One brow wrinkle is the result of 200,000 frowns.. interesting.. thats something to think about..Dont frown if you dont want brow wrinkles! haha.
Hmm.... International club might have sweaters!! YES!! LOGO SWEATERsSS!!! YESSSSS!! hahaha. ^^
Hmm.. dAnce friday.. I have to help out.. NO ride to church.. I might just go to the dance.. Hmmm.. SaDies.. O_o who will i ask? haahaha ;D
Man, i love the sades at phhs, because you and your date dress the same!! its so cute. haha.
AHHH challenges tomorrow!! i have to be first chair!! I'm getting better at my Jazz solo. Listen formy piano solo at the concert!
Man.. I sprinted freakin fast today.. My legs hurtlike a freakin mother man. Tried catching up to jason.. I did for like a split second haha and then i got tired and started walking egghhh. hahaha Omgggg jason is so funny when he starts talking while making an accent haha XDDD. haha And dude.. he was just scratching his head, and his muscle was like seriously pulsing man. and i said jason flex!! and i he flexed, and its HUGE I MEAN HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its like.. the size of a seniors arm. man. haha
Sorry i havent been updating.. I'll try to update more recently now.. okee dokes!! Today's my daddies birthday!! tell him happy birthday! hahah okee dokes bebye! d(^^)b Music is good to the soul...
Sports Day Tuesday- hmm hahaha stacy had suchhh a funny joke!! She was like ehehe katie,, ehehe i have a funny joke.. and i was like o0o! tell me!
and she said..
"Do you play the trombone? Because you're making me horny"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA to all the guys out there... PICK UP LINES DONT WORK! You're just gunna get slapped. Shakes head. haha We were laughing about how it would be hilarious if Jarrett said a pickup line to someone. WBAAHAAHAH.. XDD Yea! Hoang gave me a high five today! haha
Blast from the Past Wednesday- teehee! Quyen looked so cute today!! She had a really cute skirt.. hmmm i wanna buy it offa her. haha. anyways... haha omg stacy and i were laughing like crazy today, because we were listening to Arnold swartzenneger (howeever you spell it) sound clips!! hhahahaha he says..
"Cookies? Who ate my cookies?!?"
"You're just a school boy! a SCHOOL BOY!"
"@#$% %^&"
HAha thats all i remember.. pretty hilarious stuff man.. Go to stacy's blog to find the linkkk. Hilarious though.
Random "real fact of the day" Courtest of snapple- One brow wrinkle is the result of 200,000 frowns.. interesting.. thats something to think about..Dont frown if you dont want brow wrinkles! haha.
Hmm.... International club might have sweaters!! YES!! LOGO SWEATERsSS!!! YESSSSS!! hahaha. ^^
Hmm.. dAnce friday.. I have to help out.. NO ride to church.. I might just go to the dance.. Hmmm.. SaDies.. O_o who will i ask? haahaha ;D
Man, i love the sades at phhs, because you and your date dress the same!! its so cute. haha.
AHHH challenges tomorrow!! i have to be first chair!! I'm getting better at my Jazz solo. Listen formy piano solo at the concert!
Man.. I sprinted freakin fast today.. My legs hurtlike a freakin mother man. Tried catching up to jason.. I did for like a split second haha and then i got tired and started walking egghhh. hahaha Omgggg jason is so funny when he starts talking while making an accent haha XDDD. haha And dude.. he was just scratching his head, and his muscle was like seriously pulsing man. and i said jason flex!! and i he flexed, and its HUGE I MEAN HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its like.. the size of a seniors arm. man. haha
Sorry i havent been updating.. I'll try to update more recently now.. okee dokes!! Today's my daddies birthday!! tell him happy birthday! hahah okee dokes bebye! d(^^)b Music is good to the soul...
Saturday, October 11, 2003
Hey... Well Join the funn.
Thursday- Nothin special. haha ummm swing danced with sean at lunch. hAHA. ooohh god. haha
FRiDay- Where the action beginsss.
Math- Ummm jarrett katai forget to put on his GELLLLL, so his hair just hung. His hair's pretty long.. about a little longer than his eyebrows.. So he asked soemone for a hairtie and he tied his hair into a teeny little ponytail on the crown of his head! BWAAHAHA when i saw him i totally exploded in laughter. man. haa *wipes a tear* soo funny.
Band- Evan conducted for band today, and haha on our last song, he perfectly ended the song by giving a jolt to end the song. i cant explain it, but it was so funnyyy XDD haha and bianca kissed my forehead. haha SO i kissed her forehead back. it was funny. haha She like grabbed my face and i was like EH? and then she like made a funny face and then kissed my forehead. haaha
Soc Studies- PrOJECT.. NOOO.. I wonder what i got on my Physiography test. =/
Perez- I hope i got a good score on my lang.arts test!!! >.<
P.E. Ran the mile.. improved my mile time by 3 seconds.. 10:18.. agh.. man.. in 6th grade i got 6:00... i probably could do it, without these darn crampss.. Agh we have to wrestle next week.. eck.. and yearbook gown pictures.. whatta hastle..
Jazz Band- HAHAA OMGG!! We watched Joseph and the technicolor dream coat!! OMG IT WAS SOO FUNNY!! BWAAHAHAH i was a musical. Since i already knew the storu (hence church) I already had the answers and so did hoangggg! haha. Lindsay and i were like WTH? haha the movie was sooo weird.. man. haha im not kidding. I laughed soo much. Sean was fondling with my hair. O_o........... He was trying to braid it. haha. OMG there was this hilarious part where Joseph was walking around in these TINY White robe skirt thing with this weird collar and shirt with like black rubber GO GO BOOTS!! XDDD and then he went into this chamber full of women.. Dude.. their shirts were see through. YOU COULD SEE THEIR NIPPS!! Sean was liek WHOA. hahaha. And linsday and i werelike.. WHAT KINDA CHRISTIAN MOVIE IS THIS?!?! haha and then all the women were like groping him, and they all took off his clothes and were like carresssing his WHOLE ENTIRE body.. and then Joseph was like," I DONT BELIEVE IN FREE LOVE!" BWAHAHAHA IT WAS SOOOOO FUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAH XDDDDDDD!!!
That waas the funniest gayest movie ever. omgg. ^^;
After school- INternational clubbbb!! yeaa!! Quyen=President Vice president=Tina Secretary=KAtrinna Treasurer=Shirley! YAY! all my friendsss. HAha pretty much all of our group overpopulated international club, so there was noo competition. ^^
After After school- MOOOBIIEE!! haha. stacy and karen went MINI GOLFING!! and ditched us! haha justkidding. ^^ You guys missed out onn a greeeeat movie though. Stephanie and i get there first, then we saw Ritt and Ben and then talked, then went to get coldstone ice cream and then saw kim and her friends..then saw mikeyy, then kevin. Stephh and I sat on a bench girl talking waiting for the rest. Dude it took forever for them to get there.. We waited an hour or 40 minutes in the mall waiting for themm. We went into Hot topic because steffie wanted to see her ever so beloved Legoloas poster. haha I was the night before christmas stuff. i was so frightened of that movie as a child. quite gruesome as a child movie, with all the dismembered body parts. haha we went into anchor blue..looked around looked at some shirts, didnt fold them and shoved them back in and ran out. haha went to AE to get 20% shirts by just trying on some pants, but i couldnt find any shirts that no one had to get the sale. darnit.. everyone has the shirts i want. *grumble* Went into media play to look at anime books.. couldnt find them so we asked this guy. He has a really nice voice and he was really nice to us. haha steffie was like wow nice voice. haha and thenwe went to the video section, where they supposedly put the anime there, and it was. Saw a .hack standie. HES SO CUTE.. but hes supposed to be in .hack/udeden.. Whats going on? haha Couldnt find any naruto. the new chobits is supposed to be out =( didnt see it either...Then they finally called saying they were here, and stephanie and i ran around the mall twice until we got out.. Then katrina and i ran back into the mall for more icecream. I was soo tired.. haha. We looked like freaks.. Running in a mall. ^^;;; Then katrina and i got back just in time for the moviee.. GREAT MOVIE!!! OMG!! I LOVED IT! HILARIOUS!! dude.. Drummer boy(Freddy) Age=14 is soo freaking CUTE!!! agHHH!! Quyen and i were like whispering about his cuteness and squealed whenever he came out. ^^ SOO CUTE!! I want to grab him and just squeeze him to death. haha. And dude that main guutarist kid plays HECKA GOOD!! OMG!! he's Only 12!!!! *gasp* haha and the KAtie Bassist girl is heckkaa cool! Its so cute when she makes that puffed face look. shes only 11!! dude she looks 14!!! Then the Black chick sings HECKA GOOD!! OMG!! I was like dANNNGGG. haha and ummmmmmmmmm yea.. go to schoolofrockmovie.com and check out the awesome kids!! remmeber to look at the music video!!! haha AFter thatt saw marco? haha i was like wth? then i was like sitting on the ground and out of no where Jenn says,"Dude katie looks hot." HAHAHAHAHA Why thank you Jenn. You're extremely hot yourself. haha DEFLOWERMENT!! heck yea! *high fives* Then we went into the food coart to eattt.. HAHAHAH jennifer and i noticed that the hot dog picture on the TCBY menu thing was kinda "Excited" hahaha compared to the other hot dogs, it was umm how can i say..tilted every so slightly STRAIGHT UP! HAHAHAHAHA. sooo funny.
Then katrina and i were like talking about bubble boy again and the while "500 dollah!" thing HAHAHAA we were saying it louder and louder to the point where someone was staring at us. haha i dont careee. heeheee. Then bianca got a VIGGO toy thingy from the vender!! YEA!! its a slideshow thingy ma bob. haha. The first time Jenn bought one and she was like.. ehh. then stephanie bought one and she was like eh.. adn then jenn said,c'mon bianca, third times a charm! and it was!!! haha AWw i wanted to go to the 5 dollar japanese store and buy a purse. =( didnt get to tho. oh well. next timeee. Drove home with steph and quyen talking about korean dramas, and how they're so cliche. haha someone has to have cancer, some has to die, uusually disease or a car accident, the person has the worst luck.like thye get cancer and then their husband leaves them and then their mom goes insane or something and many ppl die and all that crap. DUDe.. Just because you die liking someone and you donate your heart, doesnt mean the person that recieved the donated heart will like the same person!! ITS SOO FREAKIN STUPID!?!! why are they so dumb?!?! A heart is a ORGAN it holds no feeling, but to do its job. PUmp Blood. just because hearts symbolize love.. <3 when they look liek that.. REall hearts dont look anything like that.. so therefore not symbolizing anything of the belief of romance..even if you liked someone and donated your brain, it still wouldnt be there.. ITS physically impossible to recieve any donor and like some that they used to like. IMPOSSIBLE I SAY!! Dude *shakes head in discrace* haha OKE OKE i'll stop dogging on my own Ethnicity. haha. it just irritates me sometimes..Korean drama's are OVER the edge in drama. haha. anyways.. yea.. welll.. GO SEE SCHOOL OF ROCK AND SEE THE HOTTIE XDDD hahaha. yes.. i mean it! GO SEE IT. OR ELSEEE.. imma kick your little behind.. Okee gotta go now.
V-0(^__^)0 PeaCEEEEEE SAVE THE MUSIC!! haha byeeeeee
~midnight raiinnnn is oh so pretty, and witty! haha XDD
Thursday- Nothin special. haha ummm swing danced with sean at lunch. hAHA. ooohh god. haha
FRiDay- Where the action beginsss.
Math- Ummm jarrett katai forget to put on his GELLLLL, so his hair just hung. His hair's pretty long.. about a little longer than his eyebrows.. So he asked soemone for a hairtie and he tied his hair into a teeny little ponytail on the crown of his head! BWAAHAHA when i saw him i totally exploded in laughter. man. haa *wipes a tear* soo funny.
Band- Evan conducted for band today, and haha on our last song, he perfectly ended the song by giving a jolt to end the song. i cant explain it, but it was so funnyyy XDD haha and bianca kissed my forehead. haha SO i kissed her forehead back. it was funny. haha She like grabbed my face and i was like EH? and then she like made a funny face and then kissed my forehead. haaha
Soc Studies- PrOJECT.. NOOO.. I wonder what i got on my Physiography test. =/
Perez- I hope i got a good score on my lang.arts test!!! >.<
P.E. Ran the mile.. improved my mile time by 3 seconds.. 10:18.. agh.. man.. in 6th grade i got 6:00... i probably could do it, without these darn crampss.. Agh we have to wrestle next week.. eck.. and yearbook gown pictures.. whatta hastle..
Jazz Band- HAHAA OMGG!! We watched Joseph and the technicolor dream coat!! OMG IT WAS SOO FUNNY!! BWAAHAHAH i was a musical. Since i already knew the storu (hence church) I already had the answers and so did hoangggg! haha. Lindsay and i were like WTH? haha the movie was sooo weird.. man. haha im not kidding. I laughed soo much. Sean was fondling with my hair. O_o........... He was trying to braid it. haha. OMG there was this hilarious part where Joseph was walking around in these TINY White robe skirt thing with this weird collar and shirt with like black rubber GO GO BOOTS!! XDDD and then he went into this chamber full of women.. Dude.. their shirts were see through. YOU COULD SEE THEIR NIPPS!! Sean was liek WHOA. hahaha. And linsday and i werelike.. WHAT KINDA CHRISTIAN MOVIE IS THIS?!?! haha and then all the women were like groping him, and they all took off his clothes and were like carresssing his WHOLE ENTIRE body.. and then Joseph was like," I DONT BELIEVE IN FREE LOVE!" BWAHAHAHA IT WAS SOOOOO FUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAH XDDDDDDD!!!
That waas the funniest gayest movie ever. omgg. ^^;
After school- INternational clubbbb!! yeaa!! Quyen=President Vice president=Tina Secretary=KAtrinna Treasurer=Shirley! YAY! all my friendsss. HAha pretty much all of our group overpopulated international club, so there was noo competition. ^^
After After school- MOOOBIIEE!! haha. stacy and karen went MINI GOLFING!! and ditched us! haha justkidding. ^^ You guys missed out onn a greeeeat movie though. Stephanie and i get there first, then we saw Ritt and Ben and then talked, then went to get coldstone ice cream and then saw kim and her friends..then saw mikeyy, then kevin. Stephh and I sat on a bench girl talking waiting for the rest. Dude it took forever for them to get there.. We waited an hour or 40 minutes in the mall waiting for themm. We went into Hot topic because steffie wanted to see her ever so beloved Legoloas poster. haha I was the night before christmas stuff. i was so frightened of that movie as a child. quite gruesome as a child movie, with all the dismembered body parts. haha we went into anchor blue..looked around looked at some shirts, didnt fold them and shoved them back in and ran out. haha went to AE to get 20% shirts by just trying on some pants, but i couldnt find any shirts that no one had to get the sale. darnit.. everyone has the shirts i want. *grumble* Went into media play to look at anime books.. couldnt find them so we asked this guy. He has a really nice voice and he was really nice to us. haha steffie was like wow nice voice. haha and thenwe went to the video section, where they supposedly put the anime there, and it was. Saw a .hack standie. HES SO CUTE.. but hes supposed to be in .hack/udeden.. Whats going on? haha Couldnt find any naruto. the new chobits is supposed to be out =( didnt see it either...Then they finally called saying they were here, and stephanie and i ran around the mall twice until we got out.. Then katrina and i ran back into the mall for more icecream. I was soo tired.. haha. We looked like freaks.. Running in a mall. ^^;;; Then katrina and i got back just in time for the moviee.. GREAT MOVIE!!! OMG!! I LOVED IT! HILARIOUS!! dude.. Drummer boy(Freddy) Age=14 is soo freaking CUTE!!! agHHH!! Quyen and i were like whispering about his cuteness and squealed whenever he came out. ^^ SOO CUTE!! I want to grab him and just squeeze him to death. haha. And dude that main guutarist kid plays HECKA GOOD!! OMG!! he's Only 12!!!! *gasp* haha and the KAtie Bassist girl is heckkaa cool! Its so cute when she makes that puffed face look. shes only 11!! dude she looks 14!!! Then the Black chick sings HECKA GOOD!! OMG!! I was like dANNNGGG. haha and ummmmmmmmmm yea.. go to schoolofrockmovie.com and check out the awesome kids!! remmeber to look at the music video!!! haha AFter thatt saw marco? haha i was like wth? then i was like sitting on the ground and out of no where Jenn says,"Dude katie looks hot." HAHAHAHAHA Why thank you Jenn. You're extremely hot yourself. haha DEFLOWERMENT!! heck yea! *high fives* Then we went into the food coart to eattt.. HAHAHAH jennifer and i noticed that the hot dog picture on the TCBY menu thing was kinda "Excited" hahaha compared to the other hot dogs, it was umm how can i say..tilted every so slightly STRAIGHT UP! HAHAHAHAHA. sooo funny.
Then katrina and i were like talking about bubble boy again and the while "500 dollah!" thing HAHAHAA we were saying it louder and louder to the point where someone was staring at us. haha i dont careee. heeheee. Then bianca got a VIGGO toy thingy from the vender!! YEA!! its a slideshow thingy ma bob. haha. The first time Jenn bought one and she was like.. ehh. then stephanie bought one and she was like eh.. adn then jenn said,c'mon bianca, third times a charm! and it was!!! haha AWw i wanted to go to the 5 dollar japanese store and buy a purse. =( didnt get to tho. oh well. next timeee. Drove home with steph and quyen talking about korean dramas, and how they're so cliche. haha someone has to have cancer, some has to die, uusually disease or a car accident, the person has the worst luck.like thye get cancer and then their husband leaves them and then their mom goes insane or something and many ppl die and all that crap. DUDe.. Just because you die liking someone and you donate your heart, doesnt mean the person that recieved the donated heart will like the same person!! ITS SOO FREAKIN STUPID!?!! why are they so dumb?!?! A heart is a ORGAN it holds no feeling, but to do its job. PUmp Blood. just because hearts symbolize love.. <3 when they look liek that.. REall hearts dont look anything like that.. so therefore not symbolizing anything of the belief of romance..even if you liked someone and donated your brain, it still wouldnt be there.. ITS physically impossible to recieve any donor and like some that they used to like. IMPOSSIBLE I SAY!! Dude *shakes head in discrace* haha OKE OKE i'll stop dogging on my own Ethnicity. haha. it just irritates me sometimes..Korean drama's are OVER the edge in drama. haha. anyways.. yea.. welll.. GO SEE SCHOOL OF ROCK AND SEE THE HOTTIE XDDD hahaha. yes.. i mean it! GO SEE IT. OR ELSEEE.. imma kick your little behind.. Okee gotta go now.
V-0(^__^)0 PeaCEEEEEE SAVE THE MUSIC!! haha byeeeeee
~midnight raiinnnn is oh so pretty, and witty! haha XDD
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
perez= aghh i hate mr. perez!!
mmm band nothing happened really just got torch of freedom stuck in my head. i actually caught myself humming it during my soc studies test! haha
math was the same a always.. i hate math i wish we had our old seatss.. aww tyl and bth ^__^ how cuuuute
jazz was the same too nothing too out of the ordinary. hee hoang keeps staring at me with his stare because i wont give him kimchi. haha.
break- that scary (mentallychallenged) kid came up to me.. AGAIN. and then he was like *tap tap* i turn around and he screamed roar! and im like O_o and i turn around and he keeps tapping me and i dont turn around so he goes to stacy and she didnt expect it at all and she was like OMG! AHH!!!! T___T
and then earlier she told us that whenever he scares her, she acts all cool and everythings all right and stuff, but on the inside she says she dies in fear! HAAHAHAHAHa i laughed sooooo hard.
Social studies= nothing much.. same thing aghh no physiography test on friday!! im going to faill!! @_@
Lunch- yea! i got another cookie wrapper! that makes number 8! lindsay and i are collecting those bags to make a collection of Otis Spunkmeyer cookie wrappers!! hahaha
P.E. dancing! haha we did this weird step dancing thingy. it was really hard but i got the hang of it. jason was like getting closer and closer to me and i bumped into him like a million times! Jason and Jallal were doing the most perverted moves haha!! i cant even explain it, you have to see it in its hilarious and perverted glory! haha Then we had to swing dannceee!! we didnt get to flip though..just gay steps.! boring! @__@. Sean wanted to be my partner but actually ppl were telling me to not dance with him and then i guess he felt bad? i dunno and then he danced with stephanie instead and then amanda danced with sara, not getting the extra points! and then i danced with andrew. Andrew was telling mehow sean was like sad because i wasnt his partner! AGHH i feel so guilty!! guilty conscience..i get it from STacy! haha. aghh it made me feel bad!! ARGh. any ways we had to hold hands, and andrew said ow! your nails are long!
My nails arent long at ALL! haha. and then Jason didnt want to hold hands with jallal and said KATIE!! I dont wanna dance with jallal! and then mrs.nugent noticed his stress and so she asked him to demonstrate the dance with her. haha everyone was like o0o0o0! haha soo funny. Then andrew and i decided to keep spiinnning and spinning! haha i actually fell and had to get back up!! haha i was so dizzzzzzzy! i laughed like heck! it was so funn.
I hope we swing dance again tomorrow!
Yeppp well im really sleepy... haha goodnight! XDD
~Midnight rain is oh so pweetyyy~
mmm band nothing happened really just got torch of freedom stuck in my head. i actually caught myself humming it during my soc studies test! haha
math was the same a always.. i hate math i wish we had our old seatss.. aww tyl and bth ^__^ how cuuuute
jazz was the same too nothing too out of the ordinary. hee hoang keeps staring at me with his stare because i wont give him kimchi. haha.
break- that scary (mentallychallenged) kid came up to me.. AGAIN. and then he was like *tap tap* i turn around and he screamed roar! and im like O_o and i turn around and he keeps tapping me and i dont turn around so he goes to stacy and she didnt expect it at all and she was like OMG! AHH!!!! T___T
and then earlier she told us that whenever he scares her, she acts all cool and everythings all right and stuff, but on the inside she says she dies in fear! HAAHAHAHAHa i laughed sooooo hard.
Social studies= nothing much.. same thing aghh no physiography test on friday!! im going to faill!! @_@
Lunch- yea! i got another cookie wrapper! that makes number 8! lindsay and i are collecting those bags to make a collection of Otis Spunkmeyer cookie wrappers!! hahaha
P.E. dancing! haha we did this weird step dancing thingy. it was really hard but i got the hang of it. jason was like getting closer and closer to me and i bumped into him like a million times! Jason and Jallal were doing the most perverted moves haha!! i cant even explain it, you have to see it in its hilarious and perverted glory! haha Then we had to swing dannceee!! we didnt get to flip though..just gay steps.! boring! @__@. Sean wanted to be my partner but actually ppl were telling me to not dance with him and then i guess he felt bad? i dunno and then he danced with stephanie instead and then amanda danced with sara, not getting the extra points! and then i danced with andrew. Andrew was telling mehow sean was like sad because i wasnt his partner! AGHH i feel so guilty!! guilty conscience..i get it from STacy! haha. aghh it made me feel bad!! ARGh. any ways we had to hold hands, and andrew said ow! your nails are long!
My nails arent long at ALL! haha. and then Jason didnt want to hold hands with jallal and said KATIE!! I dont wanna dance with jallal! and then mrs.nugent noticed his stress and so she asked him to demonstrate the dance with her. haha everyone was like o0o0o0! haha soo funny. Then andrew and i decided to keep spiinnning and spinning! haha i actually fell and had to get back up!! haha i was so dizzzzzzzy! i laughed like heck! it was so funn.
I hope we swing dance again tomorrow!
Yeppp well im really sleepy... haha goodnight! XDD
~Midnight rain is oh so pweetyyy~
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Hey. haha Well. yea? haha. umm.. yea? Okee well.. Homeroom.. uhh quite odd. haha.
First period= Andrew stole my binder and hid it, so i had to look for it, and i didnt hear mrs. chase's announcement about NOT getting ur instrument, and i got it out, but i had to put it back. Darn ANDREW!! then before the presentation began, i ran over to adnrew's backpack and literally dove to get my notebook and he was like NOOO and buried me in like tons of backpacks. haha but i got it. XD
Then the presentation (or so called movie) was about peer pressure, drugs, and bullying. the usual stuff. This time they had backround music. and everyone were o0o0o0-ing and ahhh-ing because they liked the song or whatnot. big whoop.. ^^
Break...These stupid kids were playing soccer and then they HIT MY BUTT with the soccer ball and it hurt. and i remember promising myself that if they ever hit me, i would cause pain and destruction towards them.. but i let them slide... THIS TIME....haha.
Jazz band..uhmm... notihing much. LINDSAY'S SOLO SOUNDS SOO COOL!! and so does courtney's. haha. Yepppp. and Evan plays the drums really well. Agh. i could never be good as them.. TT___TT...
Social studies- haha omg we finished the gay movie about the war. haha the stupid cowardly boy, supposedly 15 couldnt even shoot a british soldier that was like 5 geet away from face!!! *Disappointed* *shakes my head* Anyways. yeaa. it was so lame how he was like (watever her name is) I Love you! and then she was like O_o.. umm and i you! and then they kissed. How could she kiss a coward like him? Cowering in fear inside a toolshed as the other boys courageously fought outside getting killed. While he cried like a fool!! He just RAN away when they shot his dad. He just left his dad to die! He coulda gotten the dad some help and he coulda lived.. tsk tsk. haha Jennifer Duarte (not jennifer Luu) Cried. hahahaha.
P.E. Did some daneee, and then went into the portable to do some THR and THRZ. Bo0o0oringg. Then we went back outside, and amanda INSISTED constantly that we run. so we were like FINEE.. Andrew and stephanie sat on the ground, as sean and i watched amanda and jason run. HAHAHa OMG!! JASON WAS RUNNING BACKWARDS AND AMANDA WAS RUNNING FORWARD AND SHE STILL COULDNT KEEP UP. haha XDDD hilarious. Shows howfast he is.. and theni told him to flex. its like he takes steroids or something!! O_O they were massive. Then amanda and i were walking and Sean KNEED my butt!! HE KNEED MY BUTT SO HARD!! IT HURT LIKE A MOTHER!! and i was like OW OW OW OW OW!!! and i was like SEAN!!! And i kicked him in the butt REALLY hard. mwahaha *snickers*
THEN HE GRABBED MY BUTT!!! i was like O_O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i screamed SEAN YOU PERV!!! I had an instinct to slap him, but there was a teacher there,so i didnt... argh.
Lunch- haha jennifer totally pummeled me, and i almost died. haha ppl are touching me alot today. haha. Then we ate in the shadeee. hehe. yeaait was really hot today. *Sweat drop* then quyen almost bit me. I snapped my arm away just in timee. haha and then i gave kylie like 3 hugs cuz she had a hug pin on. heeeheee. arent i so touchable? hahaha yea..
Perez= umm nothing special? Andrew like was begging me for my perez homework. and then i said O_O?? and then he was spreading rumors about sean and i said NO you cant have my notebook! and andrew was like just kidding! seans just a horndog and katie was just there!! i swear! hahaha so funny!
HAHA OH MY!! that scary *special ed kid* went up to me three times and roared at me in my face. O_O... i was like uhh.. O_o.. okee?? it was weird.. haha yea, just wanted to share that with you! OMGGG i found out that the anime fest at great america is on SUNDAY!! of all of the DAYS!! OMG!!! AGH!!! HOORRROOORR!!! *Dies* haha okee yea.. i g2g. haha bye!
Dozing away....~
First period= Andrew stole my binder and hid it, so i had to look for it, and i didnt hear mrs. chase's announcement about NOT getting ur instrument, and i got it out, but i had to put it back. Darn ANDREW!! then before the presentation began, i ran over to adnrew's backpack and literally dove to get my notebook and he was like NOOO and buried me in like tons of backpacks. haha but i got it. XD
Then the presentation (or so called movie) was about peer pressure, drugs, and bullying. the usual stuff. This time they had backround music. and everyone were o0o0o0-ing and ahhh-ing because they liked the song or whatnot. big whoop.. ^^
Break...These stupid kids were playing soccer and then they HIT MY BUTT with the soccer ball and it hurt. and i remember promising myself that if they ever hit me, i would cause pain and destruction towards them.. but i let them slide... THIS TIME....haha.
Jazz band..uhmm... notihing much. LINDSAY'S SOLO SOUNDS SOO COOL!! and so does courtney's. haha. Yepppp. and Evan plays the drums really well. Agh. i could never be good as them.. TT___TT...
Social studies- haha omg we finished the gay movie about the war. haha the stupid cowardly boy, supposedly 15 couldnt even shoot a british soldier that was like 5 geet away from face!!! *Disappointed* *shakes my head* Anyways. yeaa. it was so lame how he was like (watever her name is) I Love you! and then she was like O_o.. umm and i you! and then they kissed. How could she kiss a coward like him? Cowering in fear inside a toolshed as the other boys courageously fought outside getting killed. While he cried like a fool!! He just RAN away when they shot his dad. He just left his dad to die! He coulda gotten the dad some help and he coulda lived.. tsk tsk. haha Jennifer Duarte (not jennifer Luu) Cried. hahahaha.
P.E. Did some daneee, and then went into the portable to do some THR and THRZ. Bo0o0oringg. Then we went back outside, and amanda INSISTED constantly that we run. so we were like FINEE.. Andrew and stephanie sat on the ground, as sean and i watched amanda and jason run. HAHAHa OMG!! JASON WAS RUNNING BACKWARDS AND AMANDA WAS RUNNING FORWARD AND SHE STILL COULDNT KEEP UP. haha XDDD hilarious. Shows howfast he is.. and theni told him to flex. its like he takes steroids or something!! O_O they were massive. Then amanda and i were walking and Sean KNEED my butt!! HE KNEED MY BUTT SO HARD!! IT HURT LIKE A MOTHER!! and i was like OW OW OW OW OW!!! and i was like SEAN!!! And i kicked him in the butt REALLY hard. mwahaha *snickers*
THEN HE GRABBED MY BUTT!!! i was like O_O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i screamed SEAN YOU PERV!!! I had an instinct to slap him, but there was a teacher there,so i didnt... argh.
Lunch- haha jennifer totally pummeled me, and i almost died. haha ppl are touching me alot today. haha. Then we ate in the shadeee. hehe. yeaait was really hot today. *Sweat drop* then quyen almost bit me. I snapped my arm away just in timee. haha and then i gave kylie like 3 hugs cuz she had a hug pin on. heeeheee. arent i so touchable? hahaha yea..
Perez= umm nothing special? Andrew like was begging me for my perez homework. and then i said O_O?? and then he was spreading rumors about sean and i said NO you cant have my notebook! and andrew was like just kidding! seans just a horndog and katie was just there!! i swear! hahaha so funny!
HAHA OH MY!! that scary *special ed kid* went up to me three times and roared at me in my face. O_O... i was like uhh.. O_o.. okee?? it was weird.. haha yea, just wanted to share that with you! OMGGG i found out that the anime fest at great america is on SUNDAY!! of all of the DAYS!! OMG!!! AGH!!! HOORRROOORR!!! *Dies* haha okee yea.. i g2g. haha bye!
Dozing away....~
Monday, October 06, 2003
Went to Valley fair on saturdaayyy with kristine unni. she insisted ALOT that i come with her to help her pick out her winter clothing because she came back from irvine. so, being the typical person and not being able to decline, i went. she bought me a thin jacket. Oh joy! haha. Then came backk. yep.. asked to go watch school of rock. mom said. NO. and i asked again. NO. asked later.. NO! aghh... I didnt ge to go.. wanted to ...ALOT.
sunday= recieved a huge arse red monkey doll with a relient k wristband and bracelets from steven. haha. thankss!! Too bad i have nothing in return. =(
I'll find something..I will.. oh i will.
Thenn... School today. Foooon as stacy likes to say. haha. umm... went to math. eh. nothing there..
Jazz band!! YESS!! I GET ROCK THE WORLD!! WHOOHOO!!! hahaha ahem ahem
Aberle..eh. watched this weirdo video. Sexual. inaproriate. yet we still watch it. agh.
P.E. oh fun. haha. we had to do the bunny hop!! haha that was funny. jason was like humping the air!! DISGUSTING!! and stephanie and i were like hop farther amanda! FARTHER!! then we did the hokey pokey!! YEA!! HAHAHA. that was funnnnn! then we did LIMBO!! HAHa that was tiiigghtt!! And we did this reflex game. STephanie was partners with amanda, and andrew was partners with James(?) and so i had tobeseans partner. heck yeaa i won one game though. haha. we had to have this ball between us and then she played music, and whoever got the ball first when the song ended won. Then we had to go badck to back and try to snatch the ball from the ride side of us. haha it was fun. Then we did.. dun dun dun!!
tHE CASPER SLIDE!! HELLOOOO YEA!! HAHA PST PST STEVEN!! I soo couldnt believe we did the casper slide! when i heard the black guy, i was like OMG!!! and everyone was like staring at me cuz i arleady new how to do it. HAHAHA. fun funn. stephanie was like WTH!! HAHAHA. And Jason was doing some weirdo thing with the chacha haha the chacha is with your arms.. not your lower body!!! >.<
Then perez.. nothing that special.
Found out ALOT of stuff. wow. didnt know ANY of that stuff. My source=Cannot say..
Band= haha heck yea. i was like mrs. chase, did you like it when you walked in on us during p.e.? cuz she has prep 5th period, which is our p.e. class so she walked into the gym to see where the music was coming from and then she wa slike O_O!!! haha so hilarious. the look on her face XDDD
Got home.. and im doing this. haha. Soy milk.. yum. XD
G'night! Be REadY fOR TOMORROWWW. mwahahaha.
*dunno where that came from*
sunday= recieved a huge arse red monkey doll with a relient k wristband and bracelets from steven. haha. thankss!! Too bad i have nothing in return. =(
I'll find something..I will.. oh i will.
Thenn... School today. Foooon as stacy likes to say. haha. umm... went to math. eh. nothing there..
Jazz band!! YESS!! I GET ROCK THE WORLD!! WHOOHOO!!! hahaha ahem ahem
Aberle..eh. watched this weirdo video. Sexual. inaproriate. yet we still watch it. agh.
P.E. oh fun. haha. we had to do the bunny hop!! haha that was funny. jason was like humping the air!! DISGUSTING!! and stephanie and i were like hop farther amanda! FARTHER!! then we did the hokey pokey!! YEA!! HAHAHA. that was funnnnn! then we did LIMBO!! HAHa that was tiiigghtt!! And we did this reflex game. STephanie was partners with amanda, and andrew was partners with James(?) and so i had tobeseans partner. heck yeaa i won one game though. haha. we had to have this ball between us and then she played music, and whoever got the ball first when the song ended won. Then we had to go badck to back and try to snatch the ball from the ride side of us. haha it was fun. Then we did.. dun dun dun!!
tHE CASPER SLIDE!! HELLOOOO YEA!! HAHA PST PST STEVEN!! I soo couldnt believe we did the casper slide! when i heard the black guy, i was like OMG!!! and everyone was like staring at me cuz i arleady new how to do it. HAHAHA. fun funn. stephanie was like WTH!! HAHAHA. And Jason was doing some weirdo thing with the chacha haha the chacha is with your arms.. not your lower body!!! >.<
Then perez.. nothing that special.
Found out ALOT of stuff. wow. didnt know ANY of that stuff. My source=Cannot say..
Band= haha heck yea. i was like mrs. chase, did you like it when you walked in on us during p.e.? cuz she has prep 5th period, which is our p.e. class so she walked into the gym to see where the music was coming from and then she wa slike O_O!!! haha so hilarious. the look on her face XDDD
Got home.. and im doing this. haha. Soy milk.. yum. XD
G'night! Be REadY fOR TOMORROWWW. mwahahaha.
*dunno where that came from*
Saturday, October 04, 2003
Hey folkss.. Well...over view on friday.. umm nothing new.. same old same old. christian was absent, so i dominated the piano in Jazz band. mwahaha. Um...yea.. then.. went to the mall with.. duh. haha none other than quyen and stacyyy.. XD. We went to Valley fair. Looked at shoes. Tried on shoes, and picked out what shoes we were gonna wear to the eighth grade dance which is like 7 months away. haha. Then i tried on these boots. man they were cool.
Then i tried on these high heeled sneaker boots from steven madden!! They were sooo sexy! hahaha i wouldnt wear them now..its looks bad on me. but maybe when im older..
then we headed tooo...EAT. haha quyen and stacy ate some clam chowder as i took snap shots of them! gotta preserve the memories! ^__^ then went into Aero and looked at their wonderful clothing!!
sniff i saw this grey guy's sweater and i wanted it, but i didnt bring enough money. ;_;
Then went into pack sun. nothing much there. went into the express blowout sale. wow did i find alotta cheap stuff there. But i didnt bring enough moeny to buy the cheap stuff there. hahaha.
Went into Victora's secret to get girl boy briefs that quyen was dying to buy. bought two. *cough* Man.. is that store fragrant. i almost passed out @___@.
Then went into forever and tried on LOADs of clothes. OMg i wanted this great long white jacket.. it was ONLY 20 bucks!! but nooo i didnt bring enough money. TT___TT so i bought i tank top for 3 bucks haha.
Bought Mr. Lee (stacy's dad) a jamba juice coffee mug because he took us on so many rides. haha we were like arguing who was gunna say here you go mr. lee! hahahaha. All i can tell u is.. hanging out with your buddies is a total stress reliever. you get TONS AND I MEAN TONS of laughs. hahaha XDDDD We talked about such silly things. XP
then the ride home. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMg. oh jeesh quyen. ur such a funny gal. haha and stacy!! did i mention she resembles the cuute doggy on my phone? hAHA. i was like dude stacy this reminds me of u. and then she was like what?!?!?! hahah! and then she was like.. OMG it does!!
and QUYEN was like text messaging everyone in my phone book. hahaha.
yup yup. It was the first outting that i had with stacy in like two weeks because she had family gatherings to go to. =P
okee dokes.. hungry now so shoo! hahaha just kidding. ByEEEE!!
Then i tried on these high heeled sneaker boots from steven madden!! They were sooo sexy! hahaha i wouldnt wear them now..its looks bad on me. but maybe when im older..
then we headed tooo...EAT. haha quyen and stacy ate some clam chowder as i took snap shots of them! gotta preserve the memories! ^__^ then went into Aero and looked at their wonderful clothing!!
sniff i saw this grey guy's sweater and i wanted it, but i didnt bring enough money. ;_;
Then went into pack sun. nothing much there. went into the express blowout sale. wow did i find alotta cheap stuff there. But i didnt bring enough moeny to buy the cheap stuff there. hahaha.
Went into Victora's secret to get girl boy briefs that quyen was dying to buy. bought two. *cough* Man.. is that store fragrant. i almost passed out @___@.
Then went into forever and tried on LOADs of clothes. OMg i wanted this great long white jacket.. it was ONLY 20 bucks!! but nooo i didnt bring enough money. TT___TT so i bought i tank top for 3 bucks haha.
Bought Mr. Lee (stacy's dad) a jamba juice coffee mug because he took us on so many rides. haha we were like arguing who was gunna say here you go mr. lee! hahahaha. All i can tell u is.. hanging out with your buddies is a total stress reliever. you get TONS AND I MEAN TONS of laughs. hahaha XDDDD We talked about such silly things. XP
then the ride home. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMg. oh jeesh quyen. ur such a funny gal. haha and stacy!! did i mention she resembles the cuute doggy on my phone? hAHA. i was like dude stacy this reminds me of u. and then she was like what?!?!?! hahah! and then she was like.. OMG it does!!
and QUYEN was like text messaging everyone in my phone book. hahaha.
yup yup. It was the first outting that i had with stacy in like two weeks because she had family gatherings to go to. =P
okee dokes.. hungry now so shoo! hahaha just kidding. ByEEEE!!
Thursday, October 02, 2003
Sean: Give me a hug!
Jason: Me too!
I dont even know Jason!! O_O... scared me a bit..
Haha, during Jazz, mrs. chase was like..are you going to get your seat back?
Me: Eh?
Chase: Your 1st chair.
Chase: hahaha.
awww...ratoyla and athabe.. :) How cuute.
I've had a total of 10 heart attacks today.. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. haha.
haha.. omg.. during stacy and i were in line for lunch, when one of the mentally challanged kids (mck) Started humping this girl. I felt so bad for the girl. she like screamed and ran away.. Then another one of the MCK came and like went around the whole quad growling and everyone. Then he came to our side. I just sat. and ate with others, until like he went to ashley. He tapped on Ashley's shoulder and she whipped around to see who it was, and it was that kid, and like roared at her and then she screamed and jumped back, hitting julie/jessica and she knocked over the trashcan.
tsk tsk soo sad. Then there was a second time. He came back and roared even louder and she screamed and i mean like shrieked!! She like hid behind Marty (Hence, her boyfriend) and then MCK followed her, and like she was trying to get away, and she just bolted to the other side of the quad!! then she came back and was like crying. Poor girl. :(.. She was really crying! ii felt bad.
But why all that fuss, he's not that scary.. its not like he has SARS or anything. just dont react and he wont bother you. I was kinda freaked out myself, but after i got home i realized it wasnt that big of a deal.
After school, quyen came over to do our history project report. haha we started at 2 and ended at 5!!!! Its cuz we kept dazing off. Like we would be writing and be like aghhh i cant find another reason.. and then quyen would open a magazine nad we would read it, and then i would be like.. WAIT! NO!! we have to do our report!! then we someof the report, and then we get off topic and then quyen would like talk about how her necklace was rusting, or about we both HATE hillary duff. and then we would be like AGGHH We HAVE TO WORK ON OUR REPORT!! And then we finally finished and we wentinto my room to do more homework..
Then my ear twitched cuz i heard the ice cream truck. i yelled ICE CREAM TRUCK!! then quyen was like O_O!! WHERE!?!?! She like literally rips off my blinds from my window and stares outside. Then the ice cream truck comes to our street, and quyen opens the window and screams WAIIIIIITTTT!!! I WANT ICE CREEEEEAM! Then the chinese kids that are our neighbors were like staring at quyen all weird. Then quyen and i ran downstairs, but we werent fast enough because the ice cream truck already passed by. We were about to run after it, but decided to save our breath and eat soft frozen lemonade. mmmm... ;D It was sooo freaking hilarious.. my gramma thought i was like a freak for laughing so hard.
OMGGG and then we were sitting in thte computer room, when quyen knocks down her gatorade... MAN!! it spilled ALL OVER. There was gatorade on the carpet literally 2 feet away from where it dropped. It only spilled about a fourth of the bottle, but there was soo much gatorade on the carpet!! no joke! thank god for my stain remover. haha! Then quyen kept screaming and laughing. She like CLAWED my arm!! And drew little faces on my hand! Then she rolled on the floor laughing because she saw this video on adam and eve(cartoonish). She was like does it show them naked?!?! XDDD and im like...ITS A FREAKIN CHRISTIAN VIDEO!! THERS NO NUDITY!! and then we kept talking and laughing. Then we rolled on the floor laughing. haha. fun fun study timee. Then quyen went home and i ate.. YUMMMM.. drool.. sooo gooooodddd. and yea. Thats when i come hERE. haha. oklee doklees. nothing left to talk about!! Goodnight!
~im the quueeen of hole punchers! mwahaha ~
Jason: Me too!
I dont even know Jason!! O_O... scared me a bit..
Haha, during Jazz, mrs. chase was like..are you going to get your seat back?
Me: Eh?
Chase: Your 1st chair.
Chase: hahaha.
awww...ratoyla and athabe.. :) How cuute.
I've had a total of 10 heart attacks today.. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. haha.
haha.. omg.. during stacy and i were in line for lunch, when one of the mentally challanged kids (mck) Started humping this girl. I felt so bad for the girl. she like screamed and ran away.. Then another one of the MCK came and like went around the whole quad growling and everyone. Then he came to our side. I just sat. and ate with others, until like he went to ashley. He tapped on Ashley's shoulder and she whipped around to see who it was, and it was that kid, and like roared at her and then she screamed and jumped back, hitting julie/jessica and she knocked over the trashcan.
tsk tsk soo sad. Then there was a second time. He came back and roared even louder and she screamed and i mean like shrieked!! She like hid behind Marty (Hence, her boyfriend) and then MCK followed her, and like she was trying to get away, and she just bolted to the other side of the quad!! then she came back and was like crying. Poor girl. :(.. She was really crying! ii felt bad.
But why all that fuss, he's not that scary.. its not like he has SARS or anything. just dont react and he wont bother you. I was kinda freaked out myself, but after i got home i realized it wasnt that big of a deal.
After school, quyen came over to do our history project report. haha we started at 2 and ended at 5!!!! Its cuz we kept dazing off. Like we would be writing and be like aghhh i cant find another reason.. and then quyen would open a magazine nad we would read it, and then i would be like.. WAIT! NO!! we have to do our report!! then we someof the report, and then we get off topic and then quyen would like talk about how her necklace was rusting, or about we both HATE hillary duff. and then we would be like AGGHH We HAVE TO WORK ON OUR REPORT!! And then we finally finished and we wentinto my room to do more homework..
Then my ear twitched cuz i heard the ice cream truck. i yelled ICE CREAM TRUCK!! then quyen was like O_O!! WHERE!?!?! She like literally rips off my blinds from my window and stares outside. Then the ice cream truck comes to our street, and quyen opens the window and screams WAIIIIIITTTT!!! I WANT ICE CREEEEEAM! Then the chinese kids that are our neighbors were like staring at quyen all weird. Then quyen and i ran downstairs, but we werent fast enough because the ice cream truck already passed by. We were about to run after it, but decided to save our breath and eat soft frozen lemonade. mmmm... ;D It was sooo freaking hilarious.. my gramma thought i was like a freak for laughing so hard.
OMGGG and then we were sitting in thte computer room, when quyen knocks down her gatorade... MAN!! it spilled ALL OVER. There was gatorade on the carpet literally 2 feet away from where it dropped. It only spilled about a fourth of the bottle, but there was soo much gatorade on the carpet!! no joke! thank god for my stain remover. haha! Then quyen kept screaming and laughing. She like CLAWED my arm!! And drew little faces on my hand! Then she rolled on the floor laughing because she saw this video on adam and eve(cartoonish). She was like does it show them naked?!?! XDDD and im like...ITS A FREAKIN CHRISTIAN VIDEO!! THERS NO NUDITY!! and then we kept talking and laughing. Then we rolled on the floor laughing. haha. fun fun study timee. Then quyen went home and i ate.. YUMMMM.. drool.. sooo gooooodddd. and yea. Thats when i come hERE. haha. oklee doklees. nothing left to talk about!! Goodnight!
~im the quueeen of hole punchers! mwahaha ~