Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Pajama day Monday- Ummm...hhahaha in social studies... We were doing our social studies project, and i was bending over at the table to glue something. and i heard sean scream KATIE! but then i was like eh? and i turned around and the bell rang, so i ran up to him and asked him why he screamed my name, and he said that Tima and Anthony were staring at my butt. -___-.... Tima was like," wow, nice arse." And sean was like ,"what are you guys looking at?" and anthony said,"her butt." and pointed at my butt. HAHAHA. omg. *shakes head*

Sports Day Tuesday- hmm hahaha stacy had suchhh a funny joke!! She was like ehehe katie,, ehehe i have a funny joke.. and i was like o0o! tell me!
and she said..
"Do you play the trombone? Because you're making me horny"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA to all the guys out there... PICK UP LINES DONT WORK! You're just gunna get slapped. Shakes head. haha We were laughing about how it would be hilarious if Jarrett said a pickup line to someone. WBAAHAAHAH.. XDD Yea! Hoang gave me a high five today! haha

Blast from the Past Wednesday- teehee! Quyen looked so cute today!! She had a really cute skirt.. hmmm i wanna buy it offa her. haha. anyways... haha omg stacy and i were laughing like crazy today, because we were listening to Arnold swartzenneger (howeever you spell it) sound clips!! hhahahaha he says..
"Cookies? Who ate my cookies?!?"
"You're just a school boy! a SCHOOL BOY!"
"@#$% %^&"
HAha thats all i remember.. pretty hilarious stuff man.. Go to stacy's blog to find the linkkk. Hilarious though.

Random "real fact of the day" Courtest of snapple- One brow wrinkle is the result of 200,000 frowns.. interesting.. thats something to think about..Dont frown if you dont want brow wrinkles! haha.

Hmm.... International club might have sweaters!! YES!! LOGO SWEATERsSS!!! YESSSSS!! hahaha. ^^

Hmm.. dAnce friday.. I have to help out.. NO ride to church.. I might just go to the dance.. Hmmm.. SaDies.. O_o who will i ask? haahaha ;D
Man, i love the sades at phhs, because you and your date dress the same!! its so cute. haha.

AHHH challenges tomorrow!! i have to be first chair!! I'm getting better at my Jazz solo. Listen formy piano solo at the concert!

Man.. I sprinted freakin fast today.. My legs hurtlike a freakin mother man. Tried catching up to jason.. I did for like a split second haha and then i got tired and started walking egghhh. hahaha Omgggg jason is so funny when he starts talking while making an accent haha XDDD. haha And dude.. he was just scratching his head, and his muscle was like seriously pulsing man. and i said jason flex!! and i he flexed, and its HUGE I MEAN HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its like.. the size of a seniors arm. man. haha

Sorry i havent been updating.. I'll try to update more recently now.. okee dokes!! Today's my daddies birthday!! tell him happy birthday! hahah okee dokes bebye! d(^^)b Music is good to the soul...


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