Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Hey. haha Well. yea? haha. umm.. yea? Okee well.. Homeroom.. uhh quite odd. haha.

First period= Andrew stole my binder and hid it, so i had to look for it, and i didnt hear mrs. chase's announcement about NOT getting ur instrument, and i got it out, but i had to put it back. Darn ANDREW!! then before the presentation began, i ran over to adnrew's backpack and literally dove to get my notebook and he was like NOOO and buried me in like tons of backpacks. haha but i got it. XD

Then the presentation (or so called movie) was about peer pressure, drugs, and bullying. the usual stuff. This time they had backround music. and everyone were o0o0o0-ing and ahhh-ing because they liked the song or whatnot. big whoop.. ^^

Break...These stupid kids were playing soccer and then they HIT MY BUTT with the soccer ball and it hurt. and i remember promising myself that if they ever hit me, i would cause pain and destruction towards them.. but i let them slide... THIS TIME....haha.

Jazz band..uhmm... notihing much. LINDSAY'S SOLO SOUNDS SOO COOL!! and so does courtney's. haha. Yepppp. and Evan plays the drums really well. Agh. i could never be good as them.. TT___TT...

Social studies- haha omg we finished the gay movie about the war. haha the stupid cowardly boy, supposedly 15 couldnt even shoot a british soldier that was like 5 geet away from face!!! *Disappointed* *shakes my head* Anyways. yeaa. it was so lame how he was like (watever her name is) I Love you! and then she was like O_o.. umm and i you! and then they kissed. How could she kiss a coward like him? Cowering in fear inside a toolshed as the other boys courageously fought outside getting killed. While he cried like a fool!! He just RAN away when they shot his dad. He just left his dad to die! He coulda gotten the dad some help and he coulda lived.. tsk tsk. haha Jennifer Duarte (not jennifer Luu) Cried. hahahaha.

P.E. Did some daneee, and then went into the portable to do some THR and THRZ. Bo0o0oringg. Then we went back outside, and amanda INSISTED constantly that we run. so we were like FINEE.. Andrew and stephanie sat on the ground, as sean and i watched amanda and jason run. HAHAHa OMG!! JASON WAS RUNNING BACKWARDS AND AMANDA WAS RUNNING FORWARD AND SHE STILL COULDNT KEEP UP. haha XDDD hilarious. Shows howfast he is.. and theni told him to flex. its like he takes steroids or something!! O_O they were massive. Then amanda and i were walking and Sean KNEED my butt!! HE KNEED MY BUTT SO HARD!! IT HURT LIKE A MOTHER!! and i was like OW OW OW OW OW!!! and i was like SEAN!!! And i kicked him in the butt REALLY hard. mwahaha *snickers*
THEN HE GRABBED MY BUTT!!! i was like O_O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i screamed SEAN YOU PERV!!! I had an instinct to slap him, but there was a teacher there,so i didnt... argh.

Lunch- haha jennifer totally pummeled me, and i almost died. haha ppl are touching me alot today. haha. Then we ate in the shadeee. hehe. yeaait was really hot today. *Sweat drop* then quyen almost bit me. I snapped my arm away just in timee. haha and then i gave kylie like 3 hugs cuz she had a hug pin on. heeeheee. arent i so touchable? hahaha yea..

Perez= umm nothing special? Andrew like was begging me for my perez homework. and then i said O_O?? and then he was spreading rumors about sean and i said NO you cant have my notebook! and andrew was like just kidding! seans just a horndog and katie was just there!! i swear! hahaha so funny!

HAHA OH MY!! that scary *special ed kid* went up to me three times and roared at me in my face. O_O... i was like uhh.. O_o.. okee?? it was weird.. haha yea, just wanted to share that with you! OMGGG i found out that the anime fest at great america is on SUNDAY!! of all of the DAYS!! OMG!!! AGH!!! HOORRROOORR!!! *Dies* haha okee yea.. i g2g. haha bye!

Dozing away....~


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