Thursday, October 02, 2003

Sean: Give me a hug!
Jason: Me too!
I dont even know Jason!! O_O... scared me a bit..

Haha, during Jazz, mrs. chase was like..are you going to get your seat back?
Me: Eh?
Chase: Your 1st chair.
Chase: hahaha.

awww...ratoyla and athabe.. :) How cuute.

I've had a total of 10 heart attacks today.. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. haha.

haha.. omg.. during stacy and i were in line for lunch, when one of the mentally challanged kids (mck) Started humping this girl. I felt so bad for the girl. she like screamed and ran away.. Then another one of the MCK came and like went around the whole quad growling and everyone. Then he came to our side. I just sat. and ate with others, until like he went to ashley. He tapped on Ashley's shoulder and she whipped around to see who it was, and it was that kid, and like roared at her and then she screamed and jumped back, hitting julie/jessica and she knocked over the trashcan.

tsk tsk soo sad. Then there was a second time. He came back and roared even louder and she screamed and i mean like shrieked!! She like hid behind Marty (Hence, her boyfriend) and then MCK followed her, and like she was trying to get away, and she just bolted to the other side of the quad!! then she came back and was like crying. Poor girl. :(.. She was really crying! ii felt bad.

But why all that fuss, he's not that scary.. its not like he has SARS or anything. just dont react and he wont bother you. I was kinda freaked out myself, but after i got home i realized it wasnt that big of a deal.

After school, quyen came over to do our history project report. haha we started at 2 and ended at 5!!!! Its cuz we kept dazing off. Like we would be writing and be like aghhh i cant find another reason.. and then quyen would open a magazine nad we would read it, and then i would be like.. WAIT! NO!! we have to do our report!! then we someof the report, and then we get off topic and then quyen would like talk about how her necklace was rusting, or about we both HATE hillary duff. and then we would be like AGGHH We HAVE TO WORK ON OUR REPORT!! And then we finally finished and we wentinto my room to do more homework..

Then my ear twitched cuz i heard the ice cream truck. i yelled ICE CREAM TRUCK!! then quyen was like O_O!! WHERE!?!?! She like literally rips off my blinds from my window and stares outside. Then the ice cream truck comes to our street, and quyen opens the window and screams WAIIIIIITTTT!!! I WANT ICE CREEEEEAM! Then the chinese kids that are our neighbors were like staring at quyen all weird. Then quyen and i ran downstairs, but we werent fast enough because the ice cream truck already passed by. We were about to run after it, but decided to save our breath and eat soft frozen lemonade. mmmm... ;D It was sooo freaking hilarious.. my gramma thought i was like a freak for laughing so hard.

OMGGG and then we were sitting in thte computer room, when quyen knocks down her gatorade... MAN!! it spilled ALL OVER. There was gatorade on the carpet literally 2 feet away from where it dropped. It only spilled about a fourth of the bottle, but there was soo much gatorade on the carpet!! no joke! thank god for my stain remover. haha! Then quyen kept screaming and laughing. She like CLAWED my arm!! And drew little faces on my hand! Then she rolled on the floor laughing because she saw this video on adam and eve(cartoonish). She was like does it show them naked?!?! XDDD and im like...ITS A FREAKIN CHRISTIAN VIDEO!! THERS NO NUDITY!! and then we kept talking and laughing. Then we rolled on the floor laughing. haha. fun fun study timee. Then quyen went home and i ate.. YUMMMM.. drool.. sooo gooooodddd. and yea. Thats when i come hERE. haha. oklee doklees. nothing left to talk about!! Goodnight!

~im the quueeen of hole punchers! mwahaha ~


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