Saturday, December 06, 2003

GOD DAMNED VIRUS THING! >< AGHHH that thing was getting on my nerves!!! Then steven helped me delete it, but i have to reinstall aol to make it work! Aghh then i noticed that Louie didnt have it in his profile any more and i asked him how he did it, and he told me, and it worked! well, so far that is =/
Man virus's like that piss the living bv4uwbvi outta me! it proves how much of a hermit a person is. -.- If you're lonely and have no friends and decide to make a virus to try to take over the world, then get a life and get some friends...and dont get your hopes up cuz you probably wont find any friends! *fumes with anger*
AGH stupid virus is getting me worked up...I SWEAR...IF I KNEW WHO MADE THAT VIRUS...Why i outta...*eye twitches* I'll beat the living daylights outta him then shock him with a 200 watt stun gun, then PEPPER SPRAY his eyes, then wear stiletto heels and kick him in the crotch, tie him up with fish and throw him into the ocean for him to drown and be eaten alive by the sharks!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA.. Man.. i think some of that insano stuff is rubbing off on me from several people.. shall i name? Deizuree, stephanie, bianca, kylie, and hope unni, whom i love dearly, and that is probably why im gonna go insane -.-..I took a little test thingy that stacy taught me where you have to do this hand motion thing and if you cant do it then ur insane.. and guess what!! I cant do it. im INSANE! xD. Oh well. =/ Gosh. haha stacy is such a loser!! XDDDDDDDDDD!!!

Me: Whatcha doing this evening?
Stacy:Nothin muchh
Me: What brings you to these parts?
STacy: Im huntin for sum katie's.. YUM!

Oh goodness. xD. Well. lets recap. Wow school is so much fun. Messing with people's heads! Man. *shakes head* so fun! haha Evan and I as a duo like to bring chaos. HAHA. okay, its not really chaos? haha O_o. xD. oh well. fun fun funnn.

Well thats pretty much what we did for the past week of school... then. lets go to concert night! Whoopeee! ^^

Well arrived at school around 6:28. man two more minutes and mr.corpuz woulda been yelling at us for being late. EEK. then we got our tie and comberbun on. o0o i love the tie and comberbun! they're so cute!! XDD i wanna buuy them offa mrs. chase. Well we listened to cadet orchestra and band. they were pretty good this year actually. Better tahn last year when the (this year) 7th graders were in 6th grade. Then we went inside to warm up for band and headed out. Man i messed up alot!! arghhhh frustration.. then after was jazzz.. i freaked out during my solo. i was shaking! then i got relaxed and just winged it. it was fuunnn ^^. There were these two i think japanese college chicks sitting in the front row, (they're so pretty!) then they were pointing and looking at evan HAHA. They were giggling! and i heard one girl say wow hes so good!! and the other girl said OMG! hes so cute! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Man isnt evan the little babe magnet?

jazz band was neexxxtt. when katie played her solo, me and quyen were like crying from happiness (or maybe not..but darn close!). a beautiful thing indeed! im so proud of wittle katie :*( lindsay + hoang sounded awesome, as usual! bravo solo-ists and non-soloists. man it was such a fun night.

That was taken from stacy's blog! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Omg. I feel honored. *__________*. yepppp. it was a fun night indeeed. i always love concert nightss THE POPS CONCERT WILL BE THE BOMB!!! XDDDD! whoever doesnt go to our concert is a loser! man its gunna be off the hook! Oh god that was lame. >< Wow. and i found out that rina likes the distillers.. wow i didnt think rina was an alternative-ish music person but i guess she is. haha.

Went to churchie churchie then mall with yvonne and janice! haha so much funn. We went to valley! i got my lotion at victoria's! FINALLY! haha. we played the "nordstrom" game. man what a fun game. ^^. There's this korean video where an assortment of singers/actors/etc try to sing and then if they sing a song wrong those pans hit their heads..After that show theres another show with 2 people re-inacting a part from a korean movie/etc and after they finish the re-inaction correctly, they do this motion where you clap to the right then to the left turn around and then do that umm two hand pointing thing while you say something in korean. Well janice and yvonne and i were doing that in the bathroom and people were staring. hAHAHAHA. XDD. oh dear. haha. What a fun day indeed. cept for the part i had cramps the whole time through! Agh... Why do woman have to suffer like this!?!?! *slams my head onto the table*

Man.. i really hate popups. Wow im ranting on and on about what i hate. Letes go to something i like...Which is rain.. its so beautiful..rain's like my lullaby.. i love listening to it when i go to sleep. such a pretty sound.. pitter patter pitter patter goes the rhythm of the falling rain!!! HAHAHAA Part of a song stacy, quyen, and i had to sing in Choir during Summer institute. man. if i were on a date or something and then it was sunny then turned all rainy, it would be so wonderful!!!! just standing in the rain.. *__*.. and those movie scenes when people kiss in the rain are sooooooo pretty! Man.. see how wonderful rain is?!?! Some people dont realizee. Cloudy days i love because i can look into the sky without squinting. and i can play volleyball easier.

haha we were playing volley ball for p.e. and then sean hit the ball and it hurt really bad and he screamed out S***!!!!! HAHAHAHA. i wonder if mrs. nugent heard. haha. i suck major at volleyball. =/ needa practice... man i needa practice my band music.. its really hard. gotta get working! BYE!


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