Thursday, December 18, 2003

Okay OKAY! sorry for not updating. Its cuz im so effing lazy. haha but steph B got me pumped! I love ur xanga by the way. very beeaaautiful. haha. anyways... lets get started, shall we? Lets review the last....what...uhh. 2 weeks that i havent updated? haha i dont even remember anything XDDD

Friday- THe dannnnceeeee. Some "Interesting" stuff happened. COUGH COUGH. H aND J. xDD. The dance was okay.. it was eh. no pictures!! that sucked alot! =/ Man whenver i drink soda at the dance, i feel hyper as heck. haha. its been spiked!! =OO Helped out again! yayyy. i was wearing quyen's white angora sweater and i couldnt hug anyone wearing black. =(. that sucked. Then after helping out, we went outside.. it was so nice and cold.. ^^...The decorations this dance were alot prettier though. I would have to give em props for that! Then towards the end of the dance, it was slow dance timee. yayyy. (un enthusiastic) hahaha. Man andrew and Jennifer having a sesssionnnnn. XDD oh yess. haha So stephanie H, danced with hoang, and i danced with evan right next to em. then everyone was o0o0o0-ing. HAHA PLEASE!! Its just a dance!! Then i went to church to record!! Man, my stomach hurt like hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-o. O_O...PAIN...UBsurd PAin.

Saturday Sunday-Same thinnnngggg

Monday tuesday-Cant remember. @_@

Wednesday- Went to steven's house to record our songg. man taeg and steven sounded really nice. and i was like toot toot toot. -___-. man. when i listen to it, i sound horrible!!!!!!!! Omg, i wish i had better tone quality. =/ oh well. Man, steven has a freaking nice house!! I love his living room *_*.. huge arse backyard!! With DAISY!!! I LOVE HIS DOGGYY!! she's so cute!! and so friendly! all i did was pet her and she mauled me with kisses. ^^ Then i hugged her. Drank pepsiii..yay. Played alot, then took a breakk and explored the depths of steven's house. DUn DUN DUN.. haha. Man his parents have a tight light in their room!! haha its like a rave light. =DDD. Went into his room. Its smaller than i expected, but who knows. *shrugs* STEVEN HAS THE SAME PHONE AS ME. Freaky.. SAme shampoo? haha. Then played agaaaaaaaainn. fun fun practicing. Man, taeg is one funny arse guy. haha he was being a metronome by wading side to side. HAHAHAHA. so hilarious. and i laughed like hell that day, but i cant remember what he said, but i laughed so hard i was gunna puke. haha. Then got a piggy back ride! wheeeeee. Man steven's house has pictures of him and his sister all over the place. haha pictures of when they were little kids. haha they were like little models!! they are extremely pretty pictures. all professional and stuff. His momma paints really well too...=DD. Then left for home. soooooo TIRED. When i came home i collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep.

thursday-wednesday I cant remember i thing. @_@...

Today-YES!! partay tomorow as mrs chase likes to say! Haha yay, im stasrting to get buddy buddy with some sevi's. yaay. haha man thy's in second chair!! wow! Me.. first! yay! i get to play the solo in star wars... unless...I GET BEATEN!! NOOOOOOOO!!. hhahaha performed for the school (jazz band and choir) Man i was afraid i was gunna mess up on my piano solo, but i didnt! thankfully. but the christmas songs, she only gave it to us a week ago, and didnt even let us take it home to practice.. so we were pretty good. oh yes.. with only a week's practice. ;D Our jazz band kicks arse. Then choir sang and yea. WE got to wear santa hats!! ^^. i wanted to keep my hat, but it was mrs. chase's =(..OMG. CHRISTIANS HAT WAS SO EFFING HILARIOUS!! hahahah!!!!!! It was small so it stuck up!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH He looked soooo funny!! i laughed so hard i started crying. I couldnt stop staring at it. and laughing!! During his song i cracked up hecka hard. hhahaha. Mannn evan the babe magnet!! After the performance, this chick was like "can i have your autograph?" Oh yes...Evan and his drumming skills that hypnotize us all. haha but during choir, hoang and bianca L played the piano. Hoang played perfectly.But bianca sped up a little. so yea. but all in all it was an okay performance. =). haha jennifer is so cool!I LOVE YOU JENNIFERRRR LUUUUUUUU! haha. XD. Then i made a pact with stacy yesterday that i would touch evan's butt. She didnt thinki would do it, but i did. Actually, i didntt.... Cuz i made a pact with evan, that i would just walk behind him and he would scream out AH! katie! you pervert! to make it SEEM that i touched his butt. HAH! in your face stacy. tricked once again >D I love teasing stacy. =))))))
ANNNNYYWAYYY. sent out candy gramss.. 30 in total.. Then i had to buy more but corpuz was out of em, so i had to make like 10 more. -___-. ahhh. Then i came home and then amanda and quyen came over to do the bibliography thing. yea. hahaha. man amanda is so funny. and so is quyen. teehee. amanda was like not letting quyen out to pee and quyen was about to pee on my furniture!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. what a hilarious sight to see. Then quyen stayed to help me make brownies.. SHE CUT THEM TOOO TINY! and she broke my egg on the kitchen floor~ haha. i think i got a sotmach ache from eating too much. @_@.. Yep, then quyen was talking to stacy about my present. O_o hmm i thnk i know what it is.. ANd if its what i think it is, then i desperately need it. haha. yepp yepp. Then quyen left, and i kept on wrapping candy, and i was finally done. FINALLY... man, started at 6 ended at 8:30. Wow. the things i do. haha. friends come first tho. yes yes. YAY!! THE KIDDIES GET MY CANDY GRAMS TOMORROW!! i hope they like.. it took me 2 whole days with 4 hours each day to finish all 40.. i got magazine clippings and everything. man. haha. AND STACY WONT TELL ME WHATS SO SPECIAL THATS HAPPENING AND FRIDAY!! TELL MEEEEEEEEE!! she keeps grinning at me. O_O... WHAT IS IT?!?! ahhh. i hate it when ppl tell me they know something and they say they wont tell me. AHHHHHHH. Oh yes.. church tomorrow... ice skating.. I canonly take one friend..=/ darnm. So, i just picked quyen, cuz she lives right accross the street, cuz since my mom's not taking or bringing me back, i dont want Mike oppa to stress over taking ppl home. Man, i want ppl to come to my retreat. 20 bucks? 3 days 2 nights? not bad? haha but its at church. haha come if u want.. btu there is a person limit. so yea. CUZ STACY DOESNT WANNA GO. fine stacy! be that way! Man, haha i think stacy's afraid of the church kids xDDDD no dont be. they dont bite! i promise O=) And yea...And quyen is saying that everyone's gunna say, ewww a vietnamese? this is a KOREAN church. get out! haha NO QUYEN. they wont say that you poo head. Yep.. tomorrow.. last day og school! yeS!but no. I get to sleep in!! yea! but i'll be bored the whole day =// i hate being bored. Sigh, thats why i go to school, so i have something to occupy myself with. =/ i guess i'll just brush up on my drawing.. Okay, well i wrote too much haha man, you must be pretty darn bored to be reading this! haha. Okayyyy. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! LOVE YOU!


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