<3 for Janice.
I feel a need to show everyone that I desperately need more memory. My computer is only a scant 74.5 GB........... anyone wanna buy it for me O:)

-_- I'm actually behind on pictures by around another 500??? I have so many pictures left to save @_@ I cant wait to get to 10,000! woo~
Now onto my videos...I am in a desperate need to CLEAN OUT MY COMPUTER. Considering most of my files are 700.0 mb EACH. Freaking .AVI files mang. I HAYTCHOO.

The gay thing is I ALREADY cleared about 12 cdrs worth of videos prior to this -_- GRAHRENHREHER T_T
Soooo my package STILL didnt come T___T I'm going to be so excited when it does. Katrina, I didn't get your mail yet either =/
Todaaaaaaaaay, nothing much. OMG YVONNE IM SO SAD KANGIN AND SEUNGA! BROKEN. I dont like the new girl he picked D: but I'm sure it was because the show decided to. =/
Anyway the neighbor's kitty, who I've nicknamed boojae, came by our house again :D It was cold outside so I said what the heck, and let the poor thing in. He's such a curious kitten. My sister had like.. some feather string thing and he played with it for 5 minutes. LOOOOL He was biting it, throwing it in the air, etc. I would wave it around and he would jump up and down to get it. Whatta cutie. Then I carried him up to my brother's room and let him chill. He's such a calm kitten. Just walked around, or laid on the ground. Purred like a crazy machine when I pet it. SOOO CUTE. and then I rubbed his belly. I just made a random kissy face at him and he kissed me on the nose. HECKA CUTE <3>
anyway... pictures EW I know, Im all gross with my glasses on and my bags. Sorry. I just woke up LOL

Oh my goodness my eyes look like they did in SJ.......small. HAHAHAHA He smelled like good shampoo~
No, I didn't steal him. I let him back out. hahaha
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM JAEJOONG(No I didnt get the date wrong, it's the 26th in Korea)
Brought into this world on January 26th, 1986 as Han Jaejoon.
It's gonna get a little mushy. Yeah, I know. Yuck. I first discovered TVXQ around 2 1/2 years ago. (They've been out for 3 years now) I just knew of them, and thought they were pretty good. I wasn't an avid fan until a couple months after. I was going through a tough time...adolescence, money issues, big changes, and a sense to rebel? Whatever it was, they had a strong ability to just.. erase it from my mind. I have such an emotional attachment to these boys, that its much more than simply being a fan. I'm an admirer and a supporter..despite WHATEVER happens.
Yes Jaejoong is pretty, gorgeous, etc. To me...he's more. So much more. More than just looks. More than just popularity. He's
beautiful. Striking, charming, captivating, seductive... I can go on with adjectives. He isnt just gorgeous and pretty... because to me, those words are merely for apperance. He's beautiful. It sounds cliche, but he's beautiful inside and out. He is my ideal. No, he's not perfect nor is he free of flaws. He has many flaws. I've been enamored with him longer than anyone in my life. What is it? His random spazzes? It's a strange, strange thing. I know him, yet I dont know anything about him. I want to know. So badly. He's just so.....gRNRIPENHERHE Okay, this is getting kind of gross. I just cant seem to get out everything I want to say. PROPERLY. If I tried, it would take 10 pages -_-
Basically, Jaejoong and TVXQ mean a lot to me. End of story.
So, enjoy your 21st Jaejoong. Even if you're in Japan..drink up some sake with your TVXQ buddies and celebrate. Its only going to get harder from here. Expectations. Burdens. Sacrifices. It hurts to see you guys trying so hard to please. I'm sorry. So sorry. But proud. Very proud.
Random plea: KOREAN FANS NEEDA STOP SCREAMING. Jeez, cant hear a darned thing. Fans in general.. please stop pulling and touching the boys yea? They already said they didnt like it.. why do something they dont like? Its scary.. how far fans go to invade their privacy. Really sad.
I can now say this with all the assurance of my heart.
Kim Jaejoong, I love you!
Happeh happeh birthday!
에픽하이 (Epik High)
4집 "Remapping the Human Soul":
Release on 23 jan 2007
[Part 1 - The Brain]
01) The End Times (Opening)
02) 白夜
03) 알고보니
04) 실어증
05) Mr. Doctor
06) Runaway (Mithra's Word)
07) Exile (Halftime)
08) Still Life
09) 피해망상 pt. 1
10) 희생양
11) Nocturne (Tablo's Word)
12) 혼
13) In Peace (Closing)
[Part 2 - The Heart]
01) Slave Song (Overture)
02) Flow
03) love/crime (Fan prelude)
04) Fan
05) 거미줄
06) 선곡표
07) 중독
08) Underground Railroad (Intermission)
09) FAQ
10) Love Love Love
11) Girl Rock
12) Broken Toys
13) 행복합니다
14) Public Execution (Finale)
I can not wait for the release! Its such a good concept. Their style's changed for the better. <3
I forgot to tell you guys about my trip to Vegas. Kristine unni came over, and we all headed to Vegas. We slept at the Bellagio!!! Front view to the water show so It was soo nice. The rooms are really cute. They even have a scale in the bathroom. Which I kicked after I went on it -_-...
We just ate, looked at the stores, and looked around. The man who checks your room keys before you go up the elevevator.. is a creep and thats all Im going to say. LOL
OH, and while we were walking through Mandalay Bay, I saw Dave Navarro. ROFLMAO it was so freaking random, but I think he was going to the Adult Film Awards that was being hosted by one the restaurants there?
Anyway, we visited my mom's aunt (so I call her Aunt-Grandma in Korean) She speaks really good english. She's so ...bold. HAHAHA very cute. She married an American soldjah back in the ol' days. He recently passed away from cancer, but he was such a nice man. Treated her sooo well.
Then..... FINALS GRAOBEUGBUER EW. I'm hoping to get 3 As and 3 B's.
4.0 weighted. -_- hopefully I can get a 4.5 by the time I graduate.
Yesterday, I bumped into that Korean girl I met like.. a month ago. Her name's Hannah, but I called her Moon Gyung. It was seriously the first time I saw her. So we just talked a little and exchanged numbers. She's been here for about 4-5 years but her english is pretty dang good! It's still more comfortable for her to speak Korean though. She called me again today and asked me if I wanted to hang out. So I guess we're going to Coldstone tomorrow? Hahaha She actually lives in the next neighborhood. I live on Eastridge, and she lives on Eagle Point. She knows the Korean girl who lives right next to me. Her name's Karen I think.
She was walking with our new exchange student from Japan. She was really cute too. We have HECKA exchange students o_O we host like 13 or something. Moon Gyung is really nice, outgoing too. Nice of her to ask. Anyway, I'll be visiting soon, so BE READY. wooooooo partay!
oh, and picture of the day is.......

Its so weird, Koreans and their celebrities have their first kisses so freaking early, like elementary or middle school...I guess if I said I havent had mine, its kind of embarrassing -_-
~_~ anyway.
awkward. bye.
Katie likes to run around
In cotton panties and a crown
She driving all the boys insane
Suckin' on a candy cane...
She likes to play the tambourine
Her favorite color's Army green
She's a vegetarian; she's a lovely loaded gun...
Katie has a way of seeing things
That everybody else is just afraid to dream of
It's funny how it seems, but when you look at her
I swear, you see love.
She wears diamonds oh her toes
She lets her belly button show
She puts perfume in her hair
You don't look at her, you stare...
Finals have made me crazy.
T_T I want a straight ear short hair scottish fold kitten. TRBGREUPBGER D:
FINALS... oh do I hate it. Especially since I have 3 periods in one day -_- I still dont understand the point of finals. Yeayea, assessment, but who really needs that anyway? I guess for AP classes I understand, because it somewhat prepares you for the AP test, but for regular classes....its just a grade downer. =____=
I cant believe I didnt post this on my blog. What was I thinking?? ITS OKAY! I texted you at 12:15 am 8)
"And what does this metastasizing testing, for every subject, at every level, at every time of the year, do to kids? It has to mean that students absorb the message that learning is a joyless succession of hoops through which they must jump, rather than a way of understanding and mastering the world. Every questions has one right answer;
the measure of a person is a number. Being insightful, or creative, or heaven forfend, counterintuitive counts for nothing."
-Anna Quindlen Newsweek June 13, 2005.
OMG. I have so much crap to do over this weekend, its nuts. I hate having to make up work. Trying to get straight As FTL. My english teacher said my writing was at a B right now. Granted, we only turned in one essay.....but all I have is the final right now, and I'm so scared I might get a B in english and a B in math. We're in the computer labs at school a LOT. Instead of working, I'm writing in my blog. WTF? I think I'm a masochist... a variation of one. It is as if I enjoy limiting my abilities. Its a strange feeling. I need to get straight As in second semester.. AT LEAST. Even then, I'll BARELY be able to get into UCSD. That's only if I do well on the SATs or if my personal statement is EFBRNBRAINMESHWOWamazing! ._____. what am I going to do with myself. I just took my math test. I think I bombed it. GG. I need an A in that class. FUDGE.
I need a massage. JK, I'm way too ticklish. I want to be a foster parent for newborn kittens. Yes, I do. But my mom wont let me. How cool would it be to feed it at school?! HECKA CUTE. Fat furball of cuteness overload. Dont get me wrong, I love dogs and puppies too. I just have a thing with kittens. Ever since I was little. Strange. I'm like.... the cat whisperer. HAHAHA Puppies are too playful. I just want something to sit and sleep on me, keep me company.
I am ridiculously unfocused.
YEOJ YOU DDONGFACE! Why didnt you tell me you guys were coming to LA?! I would've met up with you guys and we could've NRBed. Instead, I'm going to Vegas with my parents, bro, sis, and Kristine unni D: maybe I can visit you guys somehow. When are you leaving and when are you going back to Fremont? Sorry, I'm in class right now so I can't talk to you.
YVONNE! If I knew, I could've ordered the glasses for you, and I could've just given it to you IF we met up D: aww
Stressed. Terrified. Absolutely terrified. Probably the same mentality as any other typical junior. The difference, is that I'm doing nothing about it. When you want something so badly, you strive for it.. do your best for it. It's the opposite with me. I have the ambition, but I lack the drive, or effort. I want it so badly, but when reality hits me, it hits me hard... then I'm left baffled. What am I supposed to do?! WHAT and HOW. I want a passion. What happened to all my passions?? They just...died out. I keep overthinking, then they get pushed to the back of my mind and eventually die out. Will I have to go for something or do something that I dont want to in order to satisfy the expectations of others? My family? School. Ah, school. Grades. Need a 4.0. Finals. Trying to raise the messed up grades I came here with. Why did I slack off in the first place. Why? I end up regretting most of the things I do... so why don't I fix it? Do I like to make myself miserable? Maybe? Why cant I just commit myself and try my best? I guess I'm afraid of commitment. So afraid of commitment. Afraid of the fallout. I guess that applies to relationships too. I'm afraid of being thrown off. Do I trust people too easily? Or maybe, I build a wall too high? What makes it harder is that the friendships that I've put so many years or effort into, the same friendships I thought could withstand my move, in actuality cant. Devastating. Realizing the same amount of years spent to build friendships here, would not be the same as the friendships built upon kickball and elementary school chitchat. The many acquaintances I had made at PHHS. Gone. Awkwardness. Lack of things to talk about. Less energy. Fear. Loneliness.
I miss you guys so much, you dont even know.
School...Bethel. So much..so much.
Oh God, please let me get an A on these tests.
I offically have a myspace.
www.myspace.com/kt_entertainmentI am ashamed of myself.
Time to do homework!
GUESS WHAT?? THE PROJECT I DID TILL 4:30 WASNT DUE TODAY, BUT ON FRIDAY. GGX1000000. I have plasters all over my back. It hurts like a mofo.
Anyway, today at lunch.. I saw two girls kissing. I think they were girlfriends. I turned around and O_O.
What else, what else..


*__* prince charming.

I'm going to miss him. I'm going to miss them. When I found out there were going to do overseas work, especially in Japan, I was DEVASTATED. Seriously.
Wow... my back hurts so much I feel like a fat woman jumped on my back. I'm never procrastinating again.