Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I guess I'll post about my first and second day of school.
First day, I got all my classes blah blah blah. School starts at 7:30 and ends at 2:30. Every Monday is a late day, so we start at 8:45 instead of 7:30. 3rd period is around 25 minutes longer, due to video announcements and "silent reading." Our school is ridiculously high tech. We have cameras in the classrooms. Oh, and lunch is about 75 cents cheaper. HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE campus. O_O...we have one two-story building. No lockers, but teachers rarely make you bring your books. around 3,000 students who start and end at the same time. Looks like a college campus, really. We got crappy ID card pictures taken with webcams because the student store was broken into ROFLMAO. gg. Then Matthew, Me, and some other new girl got a tour of the school from this crazzzy black girl named Sasha. She moved to Temecula around 3 years ago and she cant wait to get out because of how quiet it is. She steals the golf cars on a daily basis, but none of the teachers do anything about it. Oh, btw all the teachers are pretty nice too. The kids are nice too, extremely friendly. So after our tour, I went to class.
1- AP US History
2- French 3
3- Anatomy/Physiology
4- Pre-Cal
5- AP Psychology
5- Ap English
Once I stepped in the door people are like HEY ARE YOU NEW? MY NAME IS ____ NICE TO MEET YOU! SMILE SMILE SMILE. and you're like WHOA o_O....uhh HEY? I seriously dont know how they can be so chipper in the morning. In 1st period I sit behind a black girl that i've been befriending. She's in three of my classes, and she's pretty funny. Tall and skinny, and is on the basketball team. I sit next to a Korean girl. I havent asked her about TVXQ yet. hehehe I sit in front of this girl with CRAZYY hair that lives like 3 houses down. On a sidenote there are so many Koreans at my school o_O..i've already seen around 6 wtf. 4 of which were only speaking Korean. Anyway, there is 1 (i think Korean) dude that reminds me of Tony. Just cause of his hair AND he's in AP US History. There are 2 really cute white boys. They were really nice. I forget their names though >_>.. I heard the teacher was a good teacher, but listening to today's lesson it didnt seem like he really knew history much. Not like Landshof who keeps ranting on and on about history. This teacher takes a long time processing and figuring out what he wants to say, and it's kind of confusing. We'll see tomorrow if it was just a bad day.
2nd period- WOW the people are freaking LOUD. White boys talk SO MUCH WTF. Our french teacher is nice, but absolutely horrible. The class is LOUD and she cant keep the kids under control. This is the other class I have with the black girl. I think her name is Sydney. I dont understand today's lesson, so gah watever.
3rd period-The teacher is REALLY REALLY nice and peppy. She made us do a dance naming all of the movements. uhhh.. of course not as good as Wong. Her personality reminds me of Madame Beaupre..except even NICER. She's so. HAPPY. There's this boy, I think he's gay? but he has the most gorgeous steel-blue-grey eyes. It's so hard to explain but they're stunning.
4rth period-Pre-cal, I sit next to an emo kid wearing a gaara sweater with long-grunge style blond hair. I also sit in front of a math wiz; some white chick, and next to her is an annoying white boy (much like that one kid that used to throw carrots at Amanda). I also sit near a row with some other Korean boy. TOTALLY white washed. Loud. Obnoxious. He isn't unappealing in appearance, but his personality is a little too -whistles- Neverthleless, the math teacher is alright. I hate how he gives out random miniquizzes, but at least he doesn't collect hw. Wait, that's bad!
5th- AP Psychology. The teacher is um.. I don't know. He seems knowledgeable on the subject, but after having Bunce, such a passionate and "open up your mind and FEEL" type of teacher, he seems a little dull. He's nice though. I sit in a table with 2 seniors and a junior. The junior girl is soooooo cute. The senior boy reminds me of Taylor back in middle school. Sometimes his voice even sounds like him. I think the senior boy and the junior girl have a thing, but both have pleasant features. The girl is really pretty. The other senior girl I sit next to is the Newspaper editor. All three are really smart and sarcastic, but they claim that the other students have the IQs of chairs. AP Psychology seems pretty tough. We have a lot of reports, much like summer school. I think AP Psych and AP US HISTORY are going to be my hardest classes.
6th-AP English. Oh boy. This teacher is REAALLY nice. Cute and chill. But...NOTHING compared to Crowther. I'm not saying her class is easy, but the senior kids told me that she helps to increase your points on the multiple choice questions on the SATs, but doesnt help your writing at all. She's...another Kennett, except without all the annoyingness, favoritism, and obsession with slavery. She likes details and imagery. She wants to FEEEL it, SEE it, TASTE it, blah blah, different from Crowther's specific rubric guidelines. The crazy hair girl is in my class again, and so is Sydney. There's also this white girl. She is soooo cute. She's really friendly and nice too. There's this girl, supposedly really smart, and reminds me of Melissa Kim. Of course NOWHERE NEAR AS HOT, but she's also mixed. Sorry, that's not a legit reason, but nevertheless, she reminds me of her.
Anyway, sorry for writing so much. I still have to do hw -_- I have another math quiz tomorrow. But, I should start being less lazy. I dont want to get all sappy and girl-ish on you guys, but I AM SO BORED. T-T LONELY D: I NEED COMFORT, I need physical interaction! I get so tired of going to school, because now I have to TRY making friends, SMILE like a freaking maniac like the cheerful kids at Great Oak do, LOOK more outgoing, because that's what I am. SHYNESS with strangers. That is an obstacle I must overcome. I'm not talkative enough. Grah. I miss the quietness of asian folk. Back at Piedmont, I didn't have to worry, all I had to worry was about school.. not where I would stay for lunch, or with who (but thank goodness I have Matt to suffer with me), and I would always be welcomed by my friends. Here, it's harder to relate because I've grown up with only asians my whole life. Is there really a difference between asians and whites? I'm not sure, but I'm more comfortable around asians, even though the white people are friendlier. WATEVER.
There are NO SHOE HEADS HERE WTF. Everyone is freaking Pacsun and Zumies. Boys are all skater/ scene kids. TIGHT ARSE PANTS that show off their chicken legs. Ew. That's the thing I've noticed. White people are regular upper body/torso areas, but their legs are HECKA HECKA SKINNY. So it looks weird. Upside down triangle. Yum. There was one black kid wearing Bapes, but my brother said they were fake. He should know, he grew up with shoe heads. This one girl asked me what I called Northern California.
girl: Is it NO CAL? Cuz we're SO CAL.
me: ROFLMAO uhh.. its NOR CAL.
girl: HEHE ohhh;;
First day, I got all my classes blah blah blah. School starts at 7:30 and ends at 2:30. Every Monday is a late day, so we start at 8:45 instead of 7:30. 3rd period is around 25 minutes longer, due to video announcements and "silent reading." Our school is ridiculously high tech. We have cameras in the classrooms. Oh, and lunch is about 75 cents cheaper. HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE campus. O_O...we have one two-story building. No lockers, but teachers rarely make you bring your books. around 3,000 students who start and end at the same time. Looks like a college campus, really. We got crappy ID card pictures taken with webcams because the student store was broken into ROFLMAO. gg. Then Matthew, Me, and some other new girl got a tour of the school from this crazzzy black girl named Sasha. She moved to Temecula around 3 years ago and she cant wait to get out because of how quiet it is. She steals the golf cars on a daily basis, but none of the teachers do anything about it. Oh, btw all the teachers are pretty nice too. The kids are nice too, extremely friendly. So after our tour, I went to class.
1- AP US History
2- French 3
3- Anatomy/Physiology
4- Pre-Cal
5- AP Psychology
5- Ap English
Once I stepped in the door people are like HEY ARE YOU NEW? MY NAME IS ____ NICE TO MEET YOU! SMILE SMILE SMILE. and you're like WHOA o_O....uhh HEY? I seriously dont know how they can be so chipper in the morning. In 1st period I sit behind a black girl that i've been befriending. She's in three of my classes, and she's pretty funny. Tall and skinny, and is on the basketball team. I sit next to a Korean girl. I havent asked her about TVXQ yet. hehehe I sit in front of this girl with CRAZYY hair that lives like 3 houses down. On a sidenote there are so many Koreans at my school o_O..i've already seen around 6 wtf. 4 of which were only speaking Korean. Anyway, there is 1 (i think Korean) dude that reminds me of Tony. Just cause of his hair AND he's in AP US History. There are 2 really cute white boys. They were really nice. I forget their names though >_>.. I heard the teacher was a good teacher, but listening to today's lesson it didnt seem like he really knew history much. Not like Landshof who keeps ranting on and on about history. This teacher takes a long time processing and figuring out what he wants to say, and it's kind of confusing. We'll see tomorrow if it was just a bad day.
2nd period- WOW the people are freaking LOUD. White boys talk SO MUCH WTF. Our french teacher is nice, but absolutely horrible. The class is LOUD and she cant keep the kids under control. This is the other class I have with the black girl. I think her name is Sydney. I dont understand today's lesson, so gah watever.
3rd period-The teacher is REALLY REALLY nice and peppy. She made us do a dance naming all of the movements. uhhh.. of course not as good as Wong. Her personality reminds me of Madame Beaupre..except even NICER. She's so. HAPPY. There's this boy, I think he's gay? but he has the most gorgeous steel-blue-grey eyes. It's so hard to explain but they're stunning.
4rth period-Pre-cal, I sit next to an emo kid wearing a gaara sweater with long-grunge style blond hair. I also sit in front of a math wiz; some white chick, and next to her is an annoying white boy (much like that one kid that used to throw carrots at Amanda). I also sit near a row with some other Korean boy. TOTALLY white washed. Loud. Obnoxious. He isn't unappealing in appearance, but his personality is a little too -whistles- Neverthleless, the math teacher is alright. I hate how he gives out random miniquizzes, but at least he doesn't collect hw. Wait, that's bad!
5th- AP Psychology. The teacher is um.. I don't know. He seems knowledgeable on the subject, but after having Bunce, such a passionate and "open up your mind and FEEL" type of teacher, he seems a little dull. He's nice though. I sit in a table with 2 seniors and a junior. The junior girl is soooooo cute. The senior boy reminds me of Taylor back in middle school. Sometimes his voice even sounds like him. I think the senior boy and the junior girl have a thing, but both have pleasant features. The girl is really pretty. The other senior girl I sit next to is the Newspaper editor. All three are really smart and sarcastic, but they claim that the other students have the IQs of chairs. AP Psychology seems pretty tough. We have a lot of reports, much like summer school. I think AP Psych and AP US HISTORY are going to be my hardest classes.
6th-AP English. Oh boy. This teacher is REAALLY nice. Cute and chill. But...NOTHING compared to Crowther. I'm not saying her class is easy, but the senior kids told me that she helps to increase your points on the multiple choice questions on the SATs, but doesnt help your writing at all. She's...another Kennett, except without all the annoyingness, favoritism, and obsession with slavery. She likes details and imagery. She wants to FEEEL it, SEE it, TASTE it, blah blah, different from Crowther's specific rubric guidelines. The crazy hair girl is in my class again, and so is Sydney. There's also this white girl. She is soooo cute. She's really friendly and nice too. There's this girl, supposedly really smart, and reminds me of Melissa Kim. Of course NOWHERE NEAR AS HOT, but she's also mixed. Sorry, that's not a legit reason, but nevertheless, she reminds me of her.
Anyway, sorry for writing so much. I still have to do hw -_- I have another math quiz tomorrow. But, I should start being less lazy. I dont want to get all sappy and girl-ish on you guys, but I AM SO BORED. T-T LONELY D: I NEED COMFORT, I need physical interaction! I get so tired of going to school, because now I have to TRY making friends, SMILE like a freaking maniac like the cheerful kids at Great Oak do, LOOK more outgoing, because that's what I am. SHYNESS with strangers. That is an obstacle I must overcome. I'm not talkative enough. Grah. I miss the quietness of asian folk. Back at Piedmont, I didn't have to worry, all I had to worry was about school.. not where I would stay for lunch, or with who (but thank goodness I have Matt to suffer with me), and I would always be welcomed by my friends. Here, it's harder to relate because I've grown up with only asians my whole life. Is there really a difference between asians and whites? I'm not sure, but I'm more comfortable around asians, even though the white people are friendlier. WATEVER.
There are NO SHOE HEADS HERE WTF. Everyone is freaking Pacsun and Zumies. Boys are all skater/ scene kids. TIGHT ARSE PANTS that show off their chicken legs. Ew. That's the thing I've noticed. White people are regular upper body/torso areas, but their legs are HECKA HECKA SKINNY. So it looks weird. Upside down triangle. Yum. There was one black kid wearing Bapes, but my brother said they were fake. He should know, he grew up with shoe heads. This one girl asked me what I called Northern California.
girl: Is it NO CAL? Cuz we're SO CAL.
me: ROFLMAO uhh.. its NOR CAL.
girl: HEHE ohhh;;
Monday, November 27, 2006
Lee Ayumi (Ah Yoo Mi)




Lee Hyori




Yes, Ayumi is cute, and she does look pretty in some of her pictures. She has the features that Korean women have built upon for the past decade: Big eyes (double creased of course), a small nose with a defined nose line, full lips, and a small face. I couldn't find a lot of "sexy" pictures of her because most of them gave her crazy eye makeup and big hair...making her look like a druggie x_x She is a bit on the clueless side, and she is said to be very nice. Many older boys say that she is a really nice younger "sister." She has a very bubbly personality, and is really funny. Most Korean guys are into cutesy girls. Heck, most guys in general. Yet, I just cant feel the sexy vibe from her. It's all about preference and there are a lot of boys who like cute girls, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Hyori is the definition of sexy. Named Korea's sexiest woman, and the title of having the best body. She is my ideal body. Why? She isnt dangerously thin, because she has this healthy glow to her. She's lean and fit. She loves sports, hiking, and working out. She also has BOOBS, people! BOOBS AND A WAIST. She is the epitome of an S line. I also have this thing about stomachs. I dont like it when girls are just naturally skinny and their stomachs are just flat. I like it when there's that...definiton.. that line, and Hyori has it. It comes with working out, not just being thin. It's hard to explain. Anyway..she's actually a HUGE bookworm. Wonder why so many male celebrities title her as their ideal? Because she's cute, VERY nice, sexy, smart, into sports, extremely laid back, she's not afraid to make a fool of herself, and she's a tough girl (both physically and emotionally) I dont want to go into detail because its going to take me forever, but she's been through a lot of crap.
Anyway, I wouldn't call myself a fan of Hyori OR Ayumi, because I'm not. I dont go searching for things about her, or watch her videos like I do TVXQ, I just know stuff. hahaha but I DO say that Hyori is close to my ideal if I were a boy.




Lee Hyori




Yes, Ayumi is cute, and she does look pretty in some of her pictures. She has the features that Korean women have built upon for the past decade: Big eyes (double creased of course), a small nose with a defined nose line, full lips, and a small face. I couldn't find a lot of "sexy" pictures of her because most of them gave her crazy eye makeup and big hair...making her look like a druggie x_x She is a bit on the clueless side, and she is said to be very nice. Many older boys say that she is a really nice younger "sister." She has a very bubbly personality, and is really funny. Most Korean guys are into cutesy girls. Heck, most guys in general. Yet, I just cant feel the sexy vibe from her. It's all about preference and there are a lot of boys who like cute girls, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Hyori is the definition of sexy. Named Korea's sexiest woman, and the title of having the best body. She is my ideal body. Why? She isnt dangerously thin, because she has this healthy glow to her. She's lean and fit. She loves sports, hiking, and working out. She also has BOOBS, people! BOOBS AND A WAIST. She is the epitome of an S line. I also have this thing about stomachs. I dont like it when girls are just naturally skinny and their stomachs are just flat. I like it when there's that...definiton.. that line, and Hyori has it. It comes with working out, not just being thin. It's hard to explain. Anyway..she's actually a HUGE bookworm. Wonder why so many male celebrities title her as their ideal? Because she's cute, VERY nice, sexy, smart, into sports, extremely laid back, she's not afraid to make a fool of herself, and she's a tough girl (both physically and emotionally) I dont want to go into detail because its going to take me forever, but she's been through a lot of crap.
Anyway, I wouldn't call myself a fan of Hyori OR Ayumi, because I'm not. I dont go searching for things about her, or watch her videos like I do TVXQ, I just know stuff. hahaha but I DO say that Hyori is close to my ideal if I were a boy.
The white people here are so nice it's almost ridiculous. Maybe there's something in the water. Anyway, my mom and I stopped by my sister's new school and the teachers there are...o_O..DISGUSTINGLY NICE. My mom said that the office ladies at Great Oak were ridiculously nice too....such a change from the grouchy PHHS office ladies. Anyway, we stopped by KFC after and the black manager was SO CUTE. Hahaha he was wiggling and dancing in front of a car? I'm not exactly sure why he was doing it, but it was so funny. After we bought food, my mom asked the cashier if he went to highschool and he said he went to Great Oak. He was a small Philippino boy, who reminded me of Marco. Then I introduced myself, him being a junior too. The conversation:
Mom: Yeah, we just moved from San Jose.
Paul: So are you guys Viet or Chinese?
My mom: We're Korean.
Paul: KOREAN?!?! What kind of Korean lives in San Jose? Just kidding.
Paul: I thought all the Koreans lived in Riverside.
My mom: WTF, well if you see eachother around just say hi.
Paul: F'sho f'sho.
After KFC, my mom drove by my school again...HUGE STILL. x_x... My first day is tomorrow and I'm really nervous D:
Then we came home and ate. While my sister and I wrestled, (we have hardwood flooring now...so)...I slipped and fell, wtfffff LOL.
I was going to meet the fob family next door, but they were having a meeting or gathering of some sort so we decided to come back another time.
I want to go to Costco and try the mens glasses there. I like them because they're large framed LOL, anyhow don't worry, I'll post pictures of Hyori and Ayumi later... I feel like I'm going to be writing a LOOOOONG post on that so.....yeah :P
Mom: Yeah, we just moved from San Jose.
Paul: So are you guys Viet or Chinese?
My mom: We're Korean.
Paul: KOREAN?!?! What kind of Korean lives in San Jose? Just kidding.
Paul: I thought all the Koreans lived in Riverside.
My mom: WTF, well if you see eachother around just say hi.
Paul: F'sho f'sho.
After KFC, my mom drove by my school again...HUGE STILL. x_x... My first day is tomorrow and I'm really nervous D:
Then we came home and ate. While my sister and I wrestled, (we have hardwood flooring now...so)...I slipped and fell, wtfffff LOL.
I was going to meet the fob family next door, but they were having a meeting or gathering of some sort so we decided to come back another time.
I want to go to Costco and try the mens glasses there. I like them because they're large framed LOL, anyhow don't worry, I'll post pictures of Hyori and Ayumi later... I feel like I'm going to be writing a LOOOOONG post on that so.....yeah :P
Sunday, November 26, 2006
How can you pick Ayumi over Hyori?!?!
I dont understand boy mentality anymore. I mean, Ayumi is cute...but choosing cute over sexy? I zunno, you guys decideeee
I shall update with pictures laterrr. It'll be my first blog poll. haha
I dont understand boy mentality anymore. I mean, Ayumi is cute...but choosing cute over sexy? I zunno, you guys decideeee
I shall update with pictures laterrr. It'll be my first blog poll. haha
Friday, November 24, 2006
"장동건 최고!! <3 ^^"
"장동건 최고!! <3 ^^"
Thursday, November 23, 2006

My webcam experience with Quyen was rather amusing, despite the minor technical difficulties (hehe RacerX) in the beginning. I think we spent like.....2 hours. ROFLMAO. Dont ask about my hat. LOL
She had a REALLY scary face, but I didnt screencap it fast enough D:

Lordy, I think I have a cold. OR it could be the "desert allergy" gahhhhhh x___x
OH yeah! My bruise got darker T_T it hurts. Today I was carrying boxes in and I
Nicked it against the corner. yeouch. I hope it heals soon. I still needa unpack gah
Every time I say "OK! IM GOING TO DO IT!" I always get lazy and end up NOT doing it.
Laaaaaaaaalalaaa. There are no boba places here. Sucky =/ no more fulfilling my
Yummy boba cravings. Oh well. However, there ARE a lot of mexican places :x
reeeeeeeeeeead between the lineeeeeesssssss
OH yeah! My bruise got darker T_T it hurts. Today I was carrying boxes in and I
Nicked it against the corner. yeouch. I hope it heals soon. I still needa unpack gah
Every time I say "OK! IM GOING TO DO IT!" I always get lazy and end up NOT doing it.
Laaaaaaaaalalaaa. There are no boba places here. Sucky =/ no more fulfilling my
Yummy boba cravings. Oh well. However, there ARE a lot of mexican places :x
reeeeeeeeeeead between the lineeeeeesssssss
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I wish you could see these stars with me.
I'm lonely! Yes I admit it! I want to go out grahhhh
I miss getting chubz from burritos WITH people.
Snail mail me, yes?
I'm lonely! Yes I admit it! I want to go out grahhhh
I miss getting chubz from burritos WITH people.
Snail mail me, yes?
Monday, November 20, 2006
Okay, so today we moved into the house. I made my video and I'll post it later. I'm still in the process of unpacking. My room is a MESS o_o Anyway, I have my webcam installed if anyone wants to video chat? LOL I know Quyen does ;D
If you would like to mail me, ask me for my address!
The internet here is faster, granted we're paying more for it. I just have to see HOW fast when I start downloading from clubbox!
We were trying to transport my mom's huge dresser from the upstairs living room into her room. My brother, my mom, and I lifted it, but since I wasn't wearing gloves, my hands slipped and the dresser FELL ON MY THIGH. HOLY SHIZZ THAT THING WEIGHS 450 POUNDS. My thigh is REALLY sore, and bruised. I cant wait to see what color it turns tomorrow. Maybe I'll post a picture hahaha
Besides that, I got shocked 100 times because somehow the saran wrap around my mom's bed triggered a reaction. Geez, it felt like my shock pen, WHICH I FINALLY FOUND BTW. MAN, I WAS LOOKING FOR THAT FOR 2 MONTHS. =___=;; I wanted to shock people at school before I came to SD, but eh, watever.
Okay, well, I'm going to finish unpacking and put my sister to sleep. She's taking a late nappp.
If you would like to mail me, ask me for my address!
The internet here is faster, granted we're paying more for it. I just have to see HOW fast when I start downloading from clubbox!
We were trying to transport my mom's huge dresser from the upstairs living room into her room. My brother, my mom, and I lifted it, but since I wasn't wearing gloves, my hands slipped and the dresser FELL ON MY THIGH. HOLY SHIZZ THAT THING WEIGHS 450 POUNDS. My thigh is REALLY sore, and bruised. I cant wait to see what color it turns tomorrow. Maybe I'll post a picture hahaha
Besides that, I got shocked 100 times because somehow the saran wrap around my mom's bed triggered a reaction. Geez, it felt like my shock pen, WHICH I FINALLY FOUND BTW. MAN, I WAS LOOKING FOR THAT FOR 2 MONTHS. =___=;; I wanted to shock people at school before I came to SD, but eh, watever.
Okay, well, I'm going to finish unpacking and put my sister to sleep. She's taking a late nappp.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
I'm once again using the crappy internet at my hotel to update my blog. While my brother uses the laptop, I'm using the television screen and a wireless keyboard. It's ridiculously slow, and doesn't allow AIM. Anyhow, I was going to make my video today, but we got to the house too late, and it was too dark to film. I'll do it tomorrow when we get there early in the morning. The house is nice, but I especially like the kitchen+living room. It's really nice. The backyard is nice too. The view is wonderful. Okay, not WONDERFUL but our backyard overlooks part of the neigbhorhood. It's sort of on a hill. I kept thinking about how many guests I could fit in my house :P
The neighborhood is really wide..well,the street is. So football would be wonderful during the daytime, and just chillin at night. The stars are REALLY bright here too.
The neighborhood is really wide..well,the street is. So football would be wonderful during the daytime, and just chillin at night. The stars are REALLY bright here too.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
well, I'm in San Diego now.
As I was leaving, I started reading the cards that people had written to me. Anthony's card made me sad, Brian's card made me cry, and Stacy's letter made me cry more. After that, I gave up and decided to read them later.
Anyway, I get to visit my house tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be uploading my virtual tour soon "KT's CRIBS"
I can't believe I have to stay at a hotel until MONDAY. =__= bored outta my MIND and internet is disgustingly expensive. I was watching t.v. commercials and they would keep mentioning "laguna beach" and "San Diego." Then I kept trying to call people without realizing that I have to add 408 in front now. -_-
Anyway, peace out.
As I was leaving, I started reading the cards that people had written to me. Anthony's card made me sad, Brian's card made me cry, and Stacy's letter made me cry more. After that, I gave up and decided to read them later.
Anyway, I get to visit my house tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be uploading my virtual tour soon "KT's CRIBS"
I can't believe I have to stay at a hotel until MONDAY. =__= bored outta my MIND and internet is disgustingly expensive. I was watching t.v. commercials and they would keep mentioning "laguna beach" and "San Diego." Then I kept trying to call people without realizing that I have to add 408 in front now. -_-
Anyway, peace out.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
My lousy attempt at a peace sign -_-
I lava my neulbo bear. Thanks Kristine!

So, on Tuesday, my friends decided to throw me a surprise going away party. I was COMPLETELY taken by surprise. I walk into my house, exhausted from buying a webcam (yeah, I know... so much rigorous physical activity, yaddamean?) and am surprised by a house full of 30+ people! There was food, SO MUCH FOOD, gifts, and laughs. I was extremely touched by the whole thing, especially the photobook and letterbook that they made me. I can't begin to describe how blessed I felt to have such ridiculously wonderful friends. You make me sick!
Sick with love^^ (-gags-)
Anyway, here are the FEW pictures that I was able to take with my in-need-of-a-memory-card camera.
GOSH, there were so many girls, it was hard to fit them all into the picture o_o minus Taylor hahaha
Jennifer and Taylor picture special!
From left to right- Kylie, Deizuree, Megan, Rebecca <3<3<3>

From left to right- John Bosco, Logan, Alan, Brian, and Tony.
I can't sum up the party, but there was food, Food, FOOD, and home-made boy food. Cute. hahaha There was also attempted break dancing, possible beat boxing? and an unorganized card game that evolved into a "would you rather" game.
After the party was over, I tried flipping through the letterbook. I was filled with this feeling of....no, scratch that. I was filled with a hurricane of feelings. I was successful in refraining myself from shedding a few of them damned tears until I reached Stephanie's page. I got a bit teary-eyed, I can admit. I closed the book and decided to read it when I got to San Diego. I did sneak a peak at a few things >_> especially the TOP SECRET file. The photobook was beaaaaautiful! Those polaroids... man. I just.. I dont know what to say. I will miss this... so much. I will miss you guys. I really really will. I love all of you guys so much. I'm not exactly the type that writes their feelings down with much eloquence, but.. I hope you get the gyst of what I meant, or tried to mean.
I'll be leaving tomorrow (Thursday) evening around 7-8 p.m.
why...am I still awake -_- its 4:22 a.m.
and..why did this post take so long to make?!