My lousy attempt at a peace sign -_-
I lava my neulbo bear. Thanks Kristine!

So, on Tuesday, my friends decided to throw me a surprise going away party. I was COMPLETELY taken by surprise. I walk into my house, exhausted from buying a webcam (yeah, I know... so much rigorous physical activity, yaddamean?) and am surprised by a house full of 30+ people! There was food, SO MUCH FOOD, gifts, and laughs. I was extremely touched by the whole thing, especially the photobook and letterbook that they made me. I can't begin to describe how blessed I felt to have such ridiculously wonderful friends. You make me sick!
Sick with love^^ (-gags-)
Anyway, here are the FEW pictures that I was able to take with my in-need-of-a-memory-card camera.
GOSH, there were so many girls, it was hard to fit them all into the picture o_o minus Taylor hahaha
Jennifer and Taylor picture special!
From left to right- Kylie, Deizuree, Megan, Rebecca <3<3<3>

From left to right- John Bosco, Logan, Alan, Brian, and Tony.
I can't sum up the party, but there was food, Food, FOOD, and home-made boy food. Cute. hahaha There was also attempted break dancing, possible beat boxing? and an unorganized card game that evolved into a "would you rather" game.
After the party was over, I tried flipping through the letterbook. I was filled with this feeling, scratch that. I was filled with a hurricane of feelings. I was successful in refraining myself from shedding a few of them damned tears until I reached Stephanie's page. I got a bit teary-eyed, I can admit. I closed the book and decided to read it when I got to San Diego. I did sneak a peak at a few things >_> especially the TOP SECRET file. The photobook was beaaaaautiful! Those polaroids... man. I just.. I dont know what to say. I will miss this... so much. I will miss you guys. I really really will. I love all of you guys so much. I'm not exactly the type that writes their feelings down with much eloquence, but.. I hope you get the gyst of what I meant, or tried to mean.
I'll be leaving tomorrow (Thursday) evening around 7-8 p.m.
MUCH LOVE. I still awake -_- its 4:22 a.m.
and..why did this post take so long to make?!
i love you.
so much.
i miss you.
it's like.
really lame here now.
come baaaaaack!
before my lungs burst!
emo = nigga lips? aiite..
that picture of johnlogzalanbriantony is helllllla good. like, its a really good picture (you didnt make note of the fact tony is holding a heart in his hand) whose heart? i dunno.
but he ate it afterwards.
im gonna call or text you right now.
that seat in history is permanently saved for katie kim....remember that!
and next time i see you, you have to do g-dragon rap for me. and ya gotta tell me all about jaejoong's little brother ;)
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