Monday, October 30, 2006
boy64: hey stacy i saw u when i typed in SMEAGLE on youtube
JEE: do i really look like smeagle T__T TELL ME THE TRUTH
LOLOL im sorry Stacy! If you want this off tell me T_T
JEE: do i really look like smeagle T__T TELL ME THE TRUTH
LOLOL im sorry Stacy! If you want this off tell me T_T
10 more days, well.. technically 11, but the actual departure date is not counted as a play day. I think my last day of school will be the 9th! So everyone that doesn't like me, wont ever have to see me again!
Now who's going to bully y'all? Naw, you guys aint gonna miss that.
I'm a bully, and no one misses a bully, ya dig?
Now who's going to bully y'all? Naw, you guys aint gonna miss that.
I'm a bully, and no one misses a bully, ya dig?
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I have to manage my time better.
Band picture = freaking :spazz:
Polaroid= :SPAZZ:
Q: okay just give up guys
Q: u all know
Q: that in a competition
Q: i could woo more peepo
Q: with my hands tied behind my back
Q: eyes blindfolded
Q: maybe even duct tape ova tha mouth
Q: and u KNOW IT
We shall see about that.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I am craving cake....like a fat kid.
Want to try my brownies? I guarantee you that they will be the best if not second best brownies you've ever tasted. ^^
Yiruma- Time forgets...
I am going to fail math.
Yes, when I mean fail, I mean an F.
This isn't some bullshizz "omgg im going to fail (with a B -crycry-)" asian moment.
On this test, I will get an F, and that will drop my grade down to an F. gg.
Pray for the best, expect the worst.
Yes, when I mean fail, I mean an F.
This isn't some bullshizz "omgg im going to fail (with a B -crycry-)" asian moment.
On this test, I will get an F, and that will drop my grade down to an F. gg.
Pray for the best, expect the worst.
Well, I'm getting distracted from Crowther hw, again. I still need to study math. Hello, Monster and all nighter.
I realized that I can finally say that I'm moving to San Diego. Everyone knows now, and I will be leaving on November 11th.
I went downstairs to grab a Sunny D, and saw boxes EVERYWHERE. I guess you can say I got used to getting hit in the face by reality. I just ran back upstairs to continue procrastinating.
The thing is, my ambition is still running on a full tank. Doing well in school does not measure the level of my ambition. It depends on what goal you choose to fulfill. My priority is not getting into Stanford or Princeton. Why? Because it's not what I want to do with my life. I don't want to continue wrestling with an academic burden for another 8 years of my life. Am I condoning anyone from going to an Ivy League school? Hell no! GO, I say! GO! It's just not for me. I would, though, like to pursue a Master's Degree. At the moment, I'm still unsure of what I'll be pursuing in life, but what I choose to do will be for myself. It will not be to satisfy my parents, because ultimately they always support me in whatever I do. It will not be to satisfy the expectations of my peers. They can form whatever opinion they want on my future career choice in life, but they will not stop me from doing what I want to do. Heck, I'm sure I'll feel discouraged when I'm at a family get together or a high school reunion. Why? I'm sure people will ask what my wonderful cousin Stephanie is doing, or what my friends with extreme potential are doing. I'll respond that they're studying at an Ivy League school, or are CEO's of successful businesses. Then they'll ask me what I'm doing, and I'll happily tell them of my humble ____ (fill in blank later)
What point am I trying to make? I don't know. I'm tired and I'm just blogging while I wait for Stephanie to call me back so I can ask her for help on English.
I'm not tired enough to try out the sleep blogging that Quyen is so famous for. Maybe later around 3:30, while I try to cram bullshizz math problems that I probably wont use in the future. I doubt I'd look at a building wondering about the area of each window. Highly unlikely.
Anyway, back to english.
Well, I'm getting distracted from Crowther hw, again. I still need to study math. Hello, Monster and all nighter.
I realized that I can finally say that I'm moving to San Diego. Everyone knows now, and I will be leaving on November 11th.
I went downstairs to grab a Sunny D, and saw boxes EVERYWHERE. I guess you can say I got used to getting hit in the face by reality. I just ran back upstairs to continue procrastinating.
The thing is, my ambition is still running on a full tank. Doing well in school does not measure the level of my ambition. It depends on what goal you choose to fulfill. My priority is not getting into Stanford or Princeton. Why? Because it's not what I want to do with my life. I don't want to continue wrestling with an academic burden for another 8 years of my life. Am I condoning anyone from going to an Ivy League school? Hell no! GO, I say! GO! It's just not for me. I would, though, like to pursue a Master's Degree. At the moment, I'm still unsure of what I'll be pursuing in life, but what I choose to do will be for myself. It will not be to satisfy my parents, because ultimately they always support me in whatever I do. It will not be to satisfy the expectations of my peers. They can form whatever opinion they want on my future career choice in life, but they will not stop me from doing what I want to do. Heck, I'm sure I'll feel discouraged when I'm at a family get together or a high school reunion. Why? I'm sure people will ask what my wonderful cousin Stephanie is doing, or what my friends with extreme potential are doing. I'll respond that they're studying at an Ivy League school, or are CEO's of successful businesses. Then they'll ask me what I'm doing, and I'll happily tell them of my humble ____ (fill in blank later)
What point am I trying to make? I don't know. I'm tired and I'm just blogging while I wait for Stephanie to call me back so I can ask her for help on English.
I'm not tired enough to try out the sleep blogging that Quyen is so famous for. Maybe later around 3:30, while I try to cram bullshizz math problems that I probably wont use in the future. I doubt I'd look at a building wondering about the area of each window. Highly unlikely.
Anyway, back to english.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Wow. I can't believe I've had this blog for what.....3 years?!? I was a really angry girl back then. o_o...okayokay, I'm still aggressive now, but I was more open with it when I was younger. I remember an old entry about wanting to bash poor mexican boys' teeth into their brains because they ruined a booth picture I took. T-T I am so mean. Anyway, this is just my reminder to update about homecoming. Nap time so I can grow! Mr. Wong, I'm going to plant a huge sunflower for you!!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Wow. My grades are HORRENDOUS. Why do I slack off so f-ing much? I'm so screwed for my tests tomorrow. This is the worst academic year of my life. I hate how certain students have unfair advantages because their teachers didn't assign tests on the same f-ing day. Stupid teachers. I wish I took easy classes this year. wowowowow. Apush sucks. Math sucks. I'm gonna get F's in all my classes and go to San Jose City College. Oh wait, scratch that.. NOT in San Jose.
It feels hopeless studying.
I like the cloud watching philosophy. A LOT.
It feels hopeless studying.
I like the cloud watching philosophy. A LOT.