Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Wow. My grades are HORRENDOUS. Why do I slack off so f-ing much? I'm so screwed for my tests tomorrow. This is the worst academic year of my life. I hate how certain students have unfair advantages because their teachers didn't assign tests on the same f-ing day. Stupid teachers. I wish I took easy classes this year. wowowowow. Apush sucks. Math sucks. I'm gonna get F's in all my classes and go to San Jose City College. Oh wait, scratch that.. NOT in San Jose.

It feels hopeless studying.

I like the cloud watching philosophy. A LOT.


At 4:19 PM , Blogger SCANDALHAERACISTS said...

aish poor kt kim...
you have no time for your husband and his friends anymore
sheesh youre the one who always knows everything about them CONSTANTLY...like where they are and what theyre doing and how their hair looks like.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
but now gay school has killed it all.
ew school. totally killed it.


At 6:12 PM , Blogger yuna j. said...

dude. slacking off junior year is bad.

you're not gonna get F's Katie, you're more capable than that.

as for me, i'll barely pass my math class too. Naa is a crazy psycho who doesnt like to use scantron.

SATS!!! omg i realized how soon they are. they are driving me manic.


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