Friday, September 29, 2006
My mom just said owned. GG LAWL
My cousin from Korea came to visit with his wife and my nephew. Then my cousin asked my sister who was better looking, him or Yunho. Of course, being the obsessive fanbaby that she is, she said Yunho. Then my mom yells out,
My eyes grew 3x's as big and I smacked back 10 times for being so lame. LOL it was so funny.
My cousin from Korea came to visit with his wife and my nephew. Then my cousin asked my sister who was better looking, him or Yunho. Of course, being the obsessive fanbaby that she is, she said Yunho. Then my mom yells out,
My eyes grew 3x's as big and I smacked back 10 times for being so lame. LOL it was so funny.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I can't stand it anymore. This is the longest I've been away from TVXQ. It might sound lame, but I've been away from them for.....1 1/2 months. Their 3rd album comes out in two days. Wow. I just saw a couple of their album pictures. Wow. I think I peed my pants, had a bloody nose, and then a stroke. I am going to finish all my homework by Friday, and dedicate Saturday and Sunday to catching up. Wish me luck.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Finally posted on my other blog. HECKA long man. I wasted like... an hour and thirty minutes of my homework time. Geesh.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
I think I'm going to make a second blog for whenever I feel heartburn. Izz a good idear. So I don't make y'all worry. It vill be anonymous, because I'm too lazy to handwrite in a journal. GL on trying to find it. LOL.
Anyway, hung out with my momma todayyy. We were trying to look for new frames for my glasses, but the place we go to was closed. So we wen't somewhere else and I tried some on. I found these CRAZY grandma ones. I kind of wanted them, just for kicks
I'll try to keep this my last emo comment here, unless I decide that two blogs is too crazy.
I saw a family drive out of my driveway, and it broke my heart.
Anyway, hung out with my momma todayyy. We were trying to look for new frames for my glasses, but the place we go to was closed. So we wen't somewhere else and I tried some on. I found these CRAZY grandma ones. I kind of wanted them, just for kicks

I'll try to keep this my last emo comment here, unless I decide that two blogs is too crazy.
I saw a family drive out of my driveway, and it broke my heart.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Wow, I wonder if this hurt is becoming chronic.
My lack of control over the situation irritates me. Being emotionally vulnerable angers me. But most importantly...thinking about the chunk I'd be missing from my life devastates me.
But then again, maybe it's heart burn. 'Cuz I get that a lot. My stomach is weak.
So, let's be chipper.
School sucks.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just hang out instead? Yeah, it would.
I would like that.
I would like that a lot.
My lack of control over the situation irritates me. Being emotionally vulnerable angers me. But most importantly...thinking about the chunk I'd be missing from my life devastates me.
But then again, maybe it's heart burn. 'Cuz I get that a lot. My stomach is weak.
So, let's be chipper.
School sucks.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just hang out instead? Yeah, it would.
I would like that.
I would like that a lot.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Me: sanji i wanna die
Sandra: me too
Me: i hate hw
Sandra: haven't started
Me: do you want monster?
Sandra: i have tons of monster
Sandra: in a crate
Sandra: at home
I love Sandra. She needs to be in the loop. She is with me, every step of the way.
Sandra: me too
Me: i hate hw
Sandra: haven't started
Me: do you want monster?
Sandra: i have tons of monster
Sandra: in a crate
Sandra: at home
I love Sandra. She needs to be in the loop. She is with me, every step of the way.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
J: hahaha yeahh. i think you can set records one day, katie
J: 1: staying up the longest
J: 2: taking the longest nap
That is so true, it hurts.
Welcome, body aches.
H: dude
H: you are
H: my
H: friggin
H: hero
J: hahaha yeahh. i think you can set records one day, katie
J: 1: staying up the longest
J: 2: taking the longest nap
That is so true, it hurts.
Welcome, body aches.
H: dude
H: you are
H: my
H: friggin
H: hero
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Wowowowow Mr. Luna= ph4g.
He tells me that I can get my schedule done, but now I can't? TF?
He says, "No, French 3 period 2 is too full." Then I argue with him for 3 minutes, claiming that Mr. King granted me the permission to move. He finally gives in, knowing that his laziness could not shove away the fact that Mr. King was willing to sign a waver. Then I ask him if my other class choices would be fulfilled, just like he said. He says "No, just move math to period 7."
Then I ask him if I can have physio 7th. He says, "No. -clicks mouse- No room, nope too bad."
He didn't even look.
What adds to my irritation is that I asked Mr. Wong as well. Mr. Wong said there was enough room, and allowed me the permission to move to 7th period. GFG, Luna, you lazy mofo.
So now, I'm in a dilemma. Keep 1-6, or move to 2-7. The class I was looking forward to the most was 7th period Physiology. My reason? Simply that I'm a loner. GG. I don't mind it, but I would rather be in 7th period with Stacy and the others. Who wouldn't want to have the sexiest teacher in the universe with a couple of fun friends? I was also looking forward to French 2 with Stephanie and Alyssa. If he had said that I couldn't get my schedule changed the way I wanted it to be FROM THE START, I would understand. BUT, he went against what he said. Jeeeeeeeeeerk.
Now, I can either keep my current classes, OR move to 2-7 and have 2nd period French 3 and 7th period Nava. Who is even in 7th period Nava?
He tells me that I can get my schedule done, but now I can't? TF?
He says, "No, French 3 period 2 is too full." Then I argue with him for 3 minutes, claiming that Mr. King granted me the permission to move. He finally gives in, knowing that his laziness could not shove away the fact that Mr. King was willing to sign a waver. Then I ask him if my other class choices would be fulfilled, just like he said. He says "No, just move math to period 7."
Then I ask him if I can have physio 7th. He says, "No. -clicks mouse- No room, nope too bad."
He didn't even look.
What adds to my irritation is that I asked Mr. Wong as well. Mr. Wong said there was enough room, and allowed me the permission to move to 7th period. GFG, Luna, you lazy mofo.
So now, I'm in a dilemma. Keep 1-6, or move to 2-7. The class I was looking forward to the most was 7th period Physiology. My reason? Simply that I'm a loner. GG. I don't mind it, but I would rather be in 7th period with Stacy and the others. Who wouldn't want to have the sexiest teacher in the universe with a couple of fun friends? I was also looking forward to French 2 with Stephanie and Alyssa. If he had said that I couldn't get my schedule changed the way I wanted it to be FROM THE START, I would understand. BUT, he went against what he said. Jeeeeeeeeeerk.
Now, I can either keep my current classes, OR move to 2-7 and have 2nd period French 3 and 7th period Nava. Who is even in 7th period Nava?
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006

THIZZ FACE. Holy moly, I look like I'm on friggin' crack, but Minah=SEXXAY

My beautiful little sister Minah. The most adorable burden you'll ever see in your life. She takes after my mom in the FRIGGIN' PALE department. LOL
She's also going to be extremely hot o___o.. hecka luckkky! Boys must watch out though..they gotta get through me first D:<

Went to the library today with Stephanie, Alyssa, Logan, and Lawrence to do our English project. The mocha there is good. I don't think we were very productive... but we will be tomorrow. I hope @_@ 10:30-4:30 of unproductiveness. Sweet.
I was quite amused at the library. I laughed at EVERYTHING. From Lawrence's knowlege of.....certain things, Logan's racial jokes, Stephanie's new nick name, etc.
Logan is so thin! I could lift him with my "Korean" arms. >__> But in the process of me lifting him, he accidentally elbowed me on the head. It went...
KADUNK! It actually didn't hurt, but it made Logan emode. LOL WOMANBEATER! JKJKJKJK!!!! DONT GET EMODE! JKJK!!!
I can't believe we have to do 4 things...holy shiznit. o___o...my cyborg-future- Navajo-injun looks crazy. I should just say she's from Aztec descent. =__= wtf. She doesn't even look Native American! I purposely drew her skanky. That's the persuasive vibe we're going for. "Come to Virginia for some hot Native American girls" o___O.
I haven't drawn in so freaking long. I should say..5-6 months. I mean, I draw scribbles here and there, but goodness. I'm so rusty x___x I think my peak was during freshman year, beginning sophomore year. I drew NON STOP. I had improved so much, until now. Logan said the style looked like the novice in Ragnarok. Pshyea, more like n00b drawing skills. REHNEOHNRTJ
Stephanie's drawings were HECKA CUTE!!!!!! x__x I love her John Smith! Logan's drawing of Mr. Yip is freaking perfect. HAHAHA cowlick!
Alyssa is a masochist, and I am a sadist. I also got to feel her guns. They're massive.
Bombed the English test and History test. gfg Katie. Vent and Aim are too distracting.
Tim!!! I'm sorry I couldn't go to your house today :( I had to babysit my little sister. You guys should've come to my house. =/ I'm really really sorry. The next time I see you, I'll give you your present and a huge run-and-jump hug...because you're so dang tall!
Anyway, back to disgustingly large amounts of homework, and watching my crazy sister who doesn't let me get it done ^^
Edit: I feel guilty for not being updated on TVXQ's latest activities. SO MUCH has happened, but homework has been sucking so much time from my life, I cant keep up anymore. Soompi thread grew 70 pages while I was away. @__@ -dies-
Their new hairstyles............................I'll just leave that topic alone. lol
They've grown dangerously thin -sigh- Their health is so important to me. Freaking homework! -stabstabstabpunchkicktrampleshredcrumple-
I haven't even been updated on Killswitch or Unearth lately, except for those videos I posted earlier. rar.
In Quyen's words....life is f-ing sweet! and yes, that is sarcasm.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Wow.. I'm really tired. I hate falling asleep in all my classes. I even fell asleep during APUSH. I was scribbling down notes into my notebook, but I felt sleepy and the next thing I know, I wake up to a board full of foreign words. gg.
I'm really scared about the quiz... Sandra says they're hard, but she managed an A because the class was easy? But then again, it was regular history. I hope he doesnt whip us :( whaaapooochiiii~
But I know I'm going to get owned this weekend. So much homework x__x
I'm in dire need of energy drinks. I spent my money on gas, but I forgot to clean my windows. They're so dirty! grahh! Anyone have one I can pick up? whoo!
Wanna get donuts at 5:30 in da' mornin?
I'm really scared about the quiz... Sandra says they're hard, but she managed an A because the class was easy? But then again, it was regular history. I hope he doesnt whip us :( whaaapooochiiii~
But I know I'm going to get owned this weekend. So much homework x__x
I'm in dire need of energy drinks. I spent my money on gas, but I forgot to clean my windows. They're so dirty! grahh! Anyone have one I can pick up? whoo!
Wanna get donuts at 5:30 in da' mornin?
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I'm finally done. There is something wrong with this picture. I need to stop procrastinating. I am tired. I waited for Stacy long enough. She better bring me some yummy donuts at 5 in da' mornin'
You don't have a foot fetish, okay! GFY!
You don't have a foot fetish, okay! GFY!
Monday, September 04, 2006
After much deliberation, I have decided that I have a terrible addiction to procrastination. I also have a horribly short attention span when it comes to studying.
Here is what I have been doing for the past hour.
-Read history
-Wrestle with Minah
-Read history
-Play with Minah
-Read history
-Goof around with Minah
History is taking ridiculously long to read, and the information isn't registering into my brain.
Oh friiiizzz.
Here is what I have been doing for the past hour.
-Read history
-Wrestle with Minah
-Read history
-Play with Minah
-Read history
-Goof around with Minah
History is taking ridiculously long to read, and the information isn't registering into my brain.
Oh friiiizzz.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Stacy: stfu u bitch im on my period
This quote never fails to make me laugh. Who was this directed to, again? Edwin, Rayman? LOL
"Get your finger out of my hole!" Referring to me poking her knee through the hole in her pants.
This is a teaser into the "HILARIOUS QUOTES THAT STACY MADE" post, all from the same chat. LOLOL
"tony > edwin"
"im going through quarter life crisis"
"im bringing back old school"
"he joined the n312d"
"thanks to you i have to shave every fucking day"
John's reply: life is depressing, time to pull out the knife
"bye logs"
"im gonna go die and look at ryeowook"
Stacy: katie lives in a hole
Tony: with posters of korean stars
Me: stacy lives in the hole japanese people crap into
Tony: owned.
John: thats nuts
Stacy: ::cries back into hole::
Stacy: god i love mr wongs
Stacy: i love mr. landshof too
Tony: go rape him
Tony: go rape him too
Me: whoa mental imagess
Stacy: i aint no katie
Me: stacy...o_o
Stacy: NO dont say it!!
Me: stacy is a closet FREAK like, whips and chains everything
Tony: i know what'cha mean, some guys are into that
Stacy: i need bobby
Tony: I'll tell brian to bring handcuffs
Me: i guess tonys "crazy" meter on me beat yours
Stacy: thats cus he doesnt know us that well yet.............but he vill
Stacy: sorry that souned creepy
Tony: i'm not into that stuff stacy ^^
Stacy: i still have mr wong
This quote never fails to make me laugh. Who was this directed to, again? Edwin, Rayman? LOL
"Get your finger out of my hole!" Referring to me poking her knee through the hole in her pants.
This is a teaser into the "HILARIOUS QUOTES THAT STACY MADE" post, all from the same chat. LOLOL
"tony > edwin"
"im going through quarter life crisis"
"im bringing back old school"
"he joined the n312d"
"thanks to you i have to shave every fucking day"
John's reply: life is depressing, time to pull out the knife
"bye logs"
"im gonna go die and look at ryeowook"
Stacy: katie lives in a hole
Tony: with posters of korean stars
Me: stacy lives in the hole japanese people crap into
Tony: owned.
John: thats nuts
Stacy: ::cries back into hole::
Stacy: god i love mr wongs
Stacy: i love mr. landshof too
Tony: go rape him
Tony: go rape him too
Me: whoa mental imagess
Stacy: i aint no katie
Me: stacy...o_o
Stacy: NO dont say it!!
Me: stacy is a closet FREAK like, whips and chains everything
Tony: i know what'cha mean, some guys are into that
Stacy: i need bobby
Tony: I'll tell brian to bring handcuffs
Me: i guess tonys "crazy" meter on me beat yours
Stacy: thats cus he doesnt know us that well yet.............but he vill
Stacy: sorry that souned creepy
Tony: i'm not into that stuff stacy ^^
Stacy: i still have mr wong