THIZZ FACE. Holy moly, I look like I'm on friggin' crack, but Minah=SEXXAY

My beautiful little sister Minah. The most adorable burden you'll ever see in your life. She takes after my mom in the FRIGGIN' PALE department. LOL
She's also going to be extremely hot o___o.. hecka luckkky! Boys must watch out though..they gotta get through me first D:<

Went to the library today with Stephanie, Alyssa, Logan, and Lawrence to do our English project. The mocha there is good. I don't think we were very productive... but we will be tomorrow. I hope @_@ 10:30-4:30 of unproductiveness. Sweet.
I was quite amused at the library. I laughed at EVERYTHING. From Lawrence's knowlege of.....certain things, Logan's racial jokes, Stephanie's new nick name, etc.
Logan is so thin! I could lift him with my "Korean" arms. >__> But in the process of me lifting him, he accidentally elbowed me on the head. It went...
KADUNK! It actually didn't hurt, but it made Logan emode. LOL WOMANBEATER! JKJKJKJK!!!! DONT GET EMODE! JKJK!!!
I can't believe we have to do 4 things...holy shiznit. o___o...my cyborg-future- Navajo-injun looks crazy. I should just say she's from Aztec descent. =__= wtf. She doesn't even look Native American! I purposely drew her skanky. That's the persuasive vibe we're going for. "Come to Virginia for some hot Native American girls" o___O.
I haven't drawn in so freaking long. I should say..5-6 months. I mean, I draw scribbles here and there, but goodness. I'm so rusty x___x I think my peak was during freshman year, beginning sophomore year. I drew NON STOP. I had improved so much, until now. Logan said the style looked like the novice in Ragnarok. Pshyea, more like n00b drawing skills. REHNEOHNRTJ
Stephanie's drawings were HECKA CUTE!!!!!! x__x I love her John Smith! Logan's drawing of Mr. Yip is freaking perfect. HAHAHA cowlick!
Alyssa is a masochist, and I am a sadist. I also got to feel her guns. They're massive.
Bombed the English test and History test. gfg Katie. Vent and Aim are too distracting.
Tim!!! I'm sorry I couldn't go to your house today :( I had to babysit my little sister. You guys should've come to my house. =/ I'm really really sorry. The next time I see you, I'll give you your present and a huge run-and-jump hug...because you're so dang tall!
Anyway, back to disgustingly large amounts of homework, and watching my crazy sister who doesn't let me get it done ^^
Edit: I feel guilty for not being updated on TVXQ's latest activities. SO MUCH has happened, but homework has been sucking so much time from my life, I cant keep up anymore. Soompi thread grew 70 pages while I was away. @__@ -dies-
Their new hairstyles............................I'll just leave that topic alone. lol
They've grown dangerously thin -sigh- Their health is so important to me. Freaking homework! -stabstabstabpunchkicktrampleshredcrumple-
I haven't even been updated on Killswitch or Unearth lately, except for those videos I posted earlier. rar.
In Quyen's words....life is f-ing sweet! and yes, that is sarcasm.
how come your sister is so cute and you are.....hmmm.
hahah just kidding lovely your the prettiest girl i know..not.
go draw me a picture.
shes also a really really young camera whore... x.x gj kt
shes going to be a heartbreaking bully when she grows up.. and take after her sister.. what a loss!
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