Wait? WTF? KT updating w/ pictures of a girl? YEAH YEAH, I know. Just scroll down for an explanation.
Anyway..her debut days. 14-ish.

14 still. Young but still pretty.

Now, 15. Looks more mature.

Now 16. It's like HOLY SHIZZ. She got hotter.

Big pic I know. -.- only one i could find. Anyway, click to enlarge. Recent. She looks reaaaaally mature.
For some strange reason, blogspot only lets you upload pics at the top of your post. So...her pics will be explained after reading more of my blabber.
Random incident: Wow this girl is deprived. We talked a little through youtube, and she has never met a Korean person..WTF?!
Anyways, signed up for Humanistic Psychology with Stacy, Quyen, and Edwin yesterday. Boy, was it a good day or what? Turns out, we didn't even have to take the placement test. Better yet, we dont have to pay 90+
dollars for the class! Another good thing is that I read at ratemyprofessor that it was an easy class, and that the teacher was a hottie. HAHAHAHA
AND!!!!! Today, the girl received my payment. Awesomeeee. New earrings, here I come. Thank goodness it got there on time/safely.
I really need a job =__= I'm running low on money, and my newfound interest in buying things related to TVXQ is starting to rise. I think if I counted up the price of everything I had, it would be $400+?I dont even know. But luckily, almost everything I have was a gift to me. Sadly, the more expensive things were bought by me. Prob...200+ -_-;
On ANOTHER note, Go Ara is freaking gorgeous. GEESH. Her face is so proportional, and all of her feature are so pretty. Nice eyes (a hazel color!! O_O and its natural I swear) Slender nose, pale (good skin) full lips, and is freaking lean/tall. 5'7'' I think. And her facial structure is nice too. And.. she's only 16. =________=. Yet, she looks 20 with makeup on! SM ent. and their gorgeous people. She was cute when she first debuted. Pretty, but young. But then.. BAM! She lost her baby fat and started wearing makeup and you're like....wtf happened?! AND did I mention she's in SM ent?? Yeah, I did. And who else is in SM ent? Oh, I dunno.....hmm...TVXQ AND SUJU!? Lucky girl. She got to work with SS501 too for a photoshoot. I dont hate her. She seems like a very nice/laid back girl. Pretty and nice? Deadly combo. Hahaha. I'm just a bit envious of her. Anyway, I added pics of her above. She's...so...so...close...to TVXQ. Its like, a walk down the SM ent. building and BOOM~ right in the corner is TVXQ's rehearsal room.
Hahahha. Mann I really wanted to do VBS this year. =/ sucks that I cant drive yet.

Jaejoong teases Yunho by imitating his pose, and in order to seek revenge, Yunho takes a bite of his hand. :9

These two can't keep their hands off of eachother. GOD I LOVE IT.

Wow....Yunho...um... nice pants. Anyway... as you can see, Yunho's hand is placed ever so comfortably on Jaejoong's
UPPER THIGH. Can I stress it any more? He's slowly advancing O_O!!

And then as to acknowledge his touch, Jaejoong places his hand on Yunho's. There wasn't a screencap for this, but RIGHT after Jaejoong touched his hand, Yunho sat up straighter.....hiding something? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMFG..wow. Lets get our minds outta the gutter please.
I remember this one interview where (translated)
An mc asked Yunho, "Who's your favorite band member?"
Yunho: I love everyone.
Jaejoongie:Just speak the truth.
Yunho: I like...Jaejoong the most.
Changmin:I knew it.
Yunho:I'm so embarrassed.
Jaejoong:Me too
And also Jae talked about how Yunho loves hugging him from the back, and how warm it is. He also said that even though he was a guy he still felt the "couple feeling." PWAHAHAHA! After, the mc asked Yunho to demonstrate, but he got so embarrassed he refused and hid behind a curtain. <3

Even the boys acknowledge Yunjae. hehehe. For those of you who cant read/understand Korean here are the translations to what the person said:
(I got the picture off of a Korean thread)
"Yunho is the strong, silent lover, so he only signed his name. Jaejoong, on the other hand, signed his name AND added cute details. He put blush marks on Yunho's face -awww- and wrote Jaejoong & Yunho on the top. On the bottom, he wrote <3 Yunjae!"
God, he has such girly handwriting. Reminds me of a Korean schoolgirl's.
hehehe cute.
This heat is seriously disgusting. It leaves me cranky >__>
I've always hated summer, but now I hate it even more. AUGGGGGGGH.
God, do I love pic spamming you guys. I mean, it doesn't help seeing these boys under immense heat. -__-;;

@ the Korea v.s. France game.
Jaejoong: Why are you filming me?
Yoochun: Maybe Yunho wont notice me groping his man -grope grope-
Yunho: don't move Jae, you freaking hot motherfuzza.

Nice foam finger. Hahaha Yunho looks hot. >__>

Yoochun: -watches the game-
Yunho: Hey, Jae, get Yoochun outta our picture, will ya?
Jaejoong: huh? Sorry, I was too busy noticing how frickin good I look with you.

Fob style. All the boys and some random white chicks (wtf?) Slight Yoosu and Jaeho.

God I love Jaejoong and his stupid foam finger. Haha
Well, my ongoing obsession is as high as ever. I guess its fun to picspam you guys when Im bored. Cassiopeia: 900,000 fans in total. And that's only in Korea. I'm going to be joining their official international fanclub soon, but 40 bucks is kinda steep..especially on a student. =/
I remember I was looking at these pics on soompi, and for some odd reason, that day was Yunho day for me or something. I couldn't stop looking at him. Re-enactment:
-grabs a soda and goes upstairs-
-clicks around soompi-
-finds these pics-
-starts looking at them, noting Jaejoong's usual hotness-
-sees Yunho-
-Spray of soda from my mouth-
Not really eventful but hahahaha yeah. After I thought that, I felt like I was cheating on Jae or something. I felt bad haha.That's why I like Yunjae so much, because they're my two favorite people; even though choosing them two is still remarkably hard. Its not on looks either, I love both of their personalities so freaking much. I love ALL of them too much. Gotta love Yoosu and Min too! I don't think people realize how cute Changmin is. But its also cuz they don't understand Korean, cuz a lot of the things he says are fricking hilarious. All the boys seem pretty laid back, so that's good. Okay, well......... bye.

HAHAHAHA nice shirt.

Fila ad.

Q___Q beaaautiful.

Poor boy being torn apart by fans. T_T

Whether its real or photoshopped.. HOT DANGGGGG...Slap a gun on this boy, and I've already died.
I FINALLY organized my picture file. @_@ it took me 3 hours. Holy Crap. My back and neck are killing me! Added more pictures....this time just Jaejoong. Its weird. Really weird. I've never experienced lust before. I've never liked guys with naval piercings. I've never been so open about wanting to pounce on this boy. My mind has never been so consumed by one person. I've never felt so perverted. Its almost to a point where
whatever this boy did, I would still love him. I love that he has a small birthmark on his neck, that he has a nipple piercing, that he dropped out of highschool to persue his dream (I wish I was as courageous), that he might not be the most eloquent speaker, that hes such a dork, that he covers his smile even though his smile is GORGEOUS, that he looks like an overly sexual boy, that he still has an accent when he speaks Korean, that he CANNOT speak english (but when he does it sounds ridiculous), that he was able to support himself in Seoul before their debut by working 4 jobs, that he looks so broken, that he's so loving with the other members, that he was a freaking camho, that he still has some chicken pox scars, that hes so pale he looks like a druggie, that his eyebrows are closer to his eyes than the average boy, that his lips are so plump, that he had 쌍가풀수술, that he was a 깡패, that he has crazy bags, I still love him even though he got a DUI, I still love him even though he might still be smoking (most likely not; I mean, its good material for fanfiction, but I dont want him hurting his insides), and I still love him even though he's shorter than 6''. There's a first for many things.
But I've always liked sickly pretty looking boys with bags, spazztastic bodies, piercings, tattoos, sexy voices, and roll over dead singing skills. So, I haven't jumped over THAT many boundaries. >___>...
Yeah yeah, I know I know, I'm obsessed. This isnt healthy.

Yep. MORE than 2 million gathered.
This is the start of my HUGE pic spam for the Korean World Cup Team. Gosh, I've waited 4 long years, and its finally here. We won against Togo 2-1. About 2,000 people gathered at Galleria this morning to watch the game. Props to Lee Chun Soo and Ahn Jung Hwan for making the two goals! I remember in 2002, what was I? 11 or 12 and I was waking up at 4 in the morning, energized to watch the next game. People gathering at church to watch the game at 4 in the morning. Oh mannn the good days. I remember going to L.A. and it was INSANEEEEE. A few members of the soccer team were at the Galleria market in 2002. I remember getting a few papers signed, but I think i gave it to my mom. I better find it again. After EACH game, I would pray that we'd win. I wore my Be The Reds t-shirt (the old one) for every game. Now I have both styles of the tshirt-the old and new. All I remember is screaming at 4 in the morning with my dad every time we ALMOST made a goal and then BOOM we did. 2002 WAS THE YEAR. I remember I stayed up to watch ALL the games, but the game against Germany (the game we lost) I accidentally fell asleep while the game was going on, and then we LOST. I felt soo bad because my 12 year old brain thought "AHHH THEY LOST BECAUSE I DIDNT WATCH THE GAME!!" It was a horrible feeling. I love how after ever goal, they just tackle eachother. they're SO happy. Rubbing eachother's hair and such. The brotherhood is amazing. Tappin' eachother's butts. HAHAHA I also love at the end of each game, the opposing teams swap shirts. Its like.. TADAAAA here's my awesome body for you to stare at. Hahaha. It's crazy. Everyone on the Korean team.. Lean and muscular, and abs to die for. My favorite type. I didnt like the bulkiness of the Togo-ans. I dont like bulk. It's...scary o_o Hahaha. Anyway, on to my picture spammmmmmm. scroll down.. YEA keep scrolling. Haha

Koreans are the MOST passionate people that I have ever seen and ever will see. It's good to be a part of it. More than 2 million gathered.

Lee Woon Jae, my FAVORITE GOAL KEEPER! Love him to death. Born 1973 club: Suwon Blue Wings


After winning the goal against Togo. Men tackling eachother. Cute.

Park Ji Sung. My second favorite. Midfielder born 1981. Club: Man United. He is in my opinion, one of the best, maybe even the BEST player on the team. Standout player. Levelheaded and has high endurance.

Park Ji Sung.

Lee Chun Soo. Probably my top favorite right now. He's such a cutie. He's a midfielder born 1981. Club: Ulsan Hyundai. God I loved him after he scored his goal in the togo game. Jumping all over the other guys. He's really cocky and load mouthed, so his nickname is "Lip Chunsoo" if its translated into English. But I like that hes cocky, I mean, he has a right to. Haha

Cho Jae Jin. One of my favorites. He's a forward born in 1981. I find him more attractive than Ahn Jung Hwan. but hey, that's my opinion. Club: Shimizu S-Pulse

Cho Jae Jin.

A young, and VERY promising new player. A midfielder named Baek Ji Hoon. Botn 1985, club: FC Seoul. I find the more I see him, the more I like him. Great soccer skills, and it doesnt hurt that he's also good looking. Haha

Ahn Jung Hwan literally getting chocked by Lee Ho after he scored the second goal against Togo. keke

I found this FREAKING HILARIOUS. HAHAHAHA We got Wesley Snipes bizzzzzzznatch!

Ahn Jung Hwan. Not one of my favorites, but had to add him in, because...well. He's Ahn Jung Hwan -.-

Ahn Jung Hwan: Famous for his ring kiss during the 2002 world cup... nickname: Lord of the Ring. HAHAHA. Famous more for his looks more than his playing ability. Currently a forward born 1976. Married to Miss Korea. haha and club: MSV Duisberg. BUT, gotta give him props for putting the second goal in during the Togo game.

Introducing..... the Korean Soccer Team.

Waving to the fans.

Dogpiling eachother after the Serbia game in 2002. xD

Lee Chun Soo after making a goal in 2006 against Togo. ADORABLE LITTLE MAN.

One of my several favorite players: Kim Nam Il. Currently a midfielder, born 1977. Club: Suwon Blue Wings
He came back after his injury!!!! When I saw him go in during the Togo game, I was so happy.

2002 around Seoul City Hall.

Okay, well... I tried. I tried very hard. But I can't withhold myself from updating my blog with pictures of TVXQ. I just can't. Anyhow, these are the pictures that I promised Rebecca and Stacy...the very pictures that makes me question the sexual orientation of these two boys. I'm sure they're straight, but all that time away from ladies must make them lonely enough to......-cough- I inform you that these pictures are NOT and HAVE NOT been photoshopped. I mean....Jaejoong and Yunho cuddle alot, yes, they may peck eachother on the cheek from time to time, hug eachother from behind, stroke eachother's thighs for dangerously long and frequent times, and stare at eachother with eyes of passion that say "Now, against the wall?!".....okay I'm getting distracted... but these two boys, Xiah and Micky...they take it to a whole NEW extreme. Micky DID claim that these pictures were just jokes, but I wouldn't kiss Stacy as a joke. Haha. I'm sure Xiah's heart broke when Micky said that. x) It could also be fanservice, like jrockers do. But, who's complaining? Because I' not. kekeke.
Oh my lord. I got a B on my final. YES. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS??? I HAVE AN A IN THAT CLASS!!!!
So...lets seeee.. what are my grades this semester?
Orchestra= A- (Tippetts better not screw up)
Math= A!!!!
P.E= A (duh.)
Band= A (duh as well)
English 2Honors =A!
French= I haven't taken the final, but I think I can get an A.
Chem Honors= I dont wan't to talk about it.
Basically, I have to study my booty off right now because I need to get an 86% percent, a.k.a ONLY 7 wrong on the Chem final if I want to pull off a B. grrrrrrrreat.
It's almost incomprehensible how people can like Jaemin. I guess that's just my opinion, but it's just not hot to me. It actually turns me off to put it lightly. I guess I crave
passion and that's what I see in Yunjae. I just see Jae cowering over poor Changmin with his outrageous amount of sexual energy. -shrugs- Basically Jae just taking over and I don't like that. I don't like when one person is the dominant person, while the other one is just a doormat whining like a little sissy. I'm REALLY sorry, but the way I see it, it's Yoosu and Yunjae....maybe a little Hosu,
JaeChun..maybe some Min+Yoochun, and etc, but I just can't see Jaemin.I can tolerate it... but it just keeps pulling at my nerves! Given there are pictures that ARE VERY cute... as in BROTHERLY.. almost MOTHERLY on Jae's behalf but as a couple? No.
Okay, this was a pointless update, but I needed something to do to try and take my mind offa finals.
My brother said that Yunho was the best looking, and the prettiest one was Jaejoong.
HOLY OMFG SHIZZZZZZZZZZZZ Im so friggin happy right now, you have no idea.. I'm literally spazzing out right now. I'm shaking so much I'm making a bazillion typos. Its been a little while since I've been this happy. Happiness is oozing from my pores. I think I'm going to die of happiness right now. Holy crap. My heart is fluttering. My blood is spraying through my veins, and my brain is about to explode.
I'm at Quyen's house. We just finished the project. I'm going to go eat dinner with my family later to meet my oppa's wife from Korea. She brought stuff back for me. Cool. I drank mocha boba. It was good. Her mom made it for me. I met Dat's friend. She's kinda mean. I thought she was Indian, but she's not. She's half Vietnamese and Mexican or something. Yeah. I dont want to study for finals. Crap. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I just sent Stephanie some fanfiction. I hope she likes it. She was supposed to call me back. It was only a one-shot but I think she forgot. Cyrano was lame. I BS-ed all the pictures. I actually wanted to try on this one, but oh well. Steph, Quyen, and I met eachother yesterday for the project. Steph's hair seriously defies gravity. I'll post pictures later. Insane. It reminds me of like.. a tail. I kept touching it. HAHAHAHAHAHA...
UMMMMMMMMMMM lets see...... what else did I do?
Korea lost to Ghana 3 to 1. Horrible. I hope Korea wins the WC, I really do. Friggin CONNIE and ALYSSA said that they were cheaters last year. HECK NO. Just good players just good players. I mean, Korea went through the WBC without any faults. Except for freaking America that lost to Mexico even though baseball is a freaking American sport, SCREWING US OVER by letting Japan advanc even though they lost to us twice. God. Watever. I have nothing against the Japanese. They have jrock. They have anime. Cool.
Okay. Bye.
이선희- "인연"
Leaves me breathless.