Yep. MORE than 2 million gathered.
This is the start of my HUGE pic spam for the Korean World Cup Team. Gosh, I've waited 4 long years, and its finally here. We won against Togo 2-1. About 2,000 people gathered at Galleria this morning to watch the game. Props to Lee Chun Soo and Ahn Jung Hwan for making the two goals! I remember in 2002, what was I? 11 or 12 and I was waking up at 4 in the morning, energized to watch the next game. People gathering at church to watch the game at 4 in the morning. Oh mannn the good days. I remember going to L.A. and it was INSANEEEEE. A few members of the soccer team were at the Galleria market in 2002. I remember getting a few papers signed, but I think i gave it to my mom. I better find it again. After EACH game, I would pray that we'd win. I wore my Be The Reds t-shirt (the old one) for every game. Now I have both styles of the tshirt-the old and new. All I remember is screaming at 4 in the morning with my dad every time we ALMOST made a goal and then BOOM we did. 2002 WAS THE YEAR. I remember I stayed up to watch ALL the games, but the game against Germany (the game we lost) I accidentally fell asleep while the game was going on, and then we LOST. I felt soo bad because my 12 year old brain thought "AHHH THEY LOST BECAUSE I DIDNT WATCH THE GAME!!" It was a horrible feeling. I love how after ever goal, they just tackle eachother. they're SO happy. Rubbing eachother's hair and such. The brotherhood is amazing. Tappin' eachother's butts. HAHAHA I also love at the end of each game, the opposing teams swap shirts. Its like.. TADAAAA here's my awesome body for you to stare at. Hahaha. It's crazy. Everyone on the Korean team.. Lean and muscular, and abs to die for. My favorite type. I didnt like the bulkiness of the Togo-ans. I dont like bulk. It's...scary o_o Hahaha. Anyway, on to my picture spammmmmmm. scroll down.. YEA keep scrolling. Haha
KT!!! I LOVE YOUUUUU <333333. hahaha
DUUUUUUDE i woke up hella early to watch the game and when they won, we went psycho and started dansing with each other! hahaha. we were gonna go to galleria market, but we figured it was gonna be hella crowded.. DUDE the whole time after togo scored one goal, i was praying my head off for korea to score, and they did. freaking exciting AHHHHH.AND CHUN SOO & JI SUN ARE MY FAVORITE TOO! my mom likes chun soo, we both think he's a cutie haha. =9 HAHA my mom said that the togo players remind her of that indian guy in street fighter.. the one that can stretch out his arms and legs? HAHAHAHAHA XD
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