Steph, if you happen to read this, here are two pictures for you.

Taebin and Se7en...They're REALLY touchy.. There was another one with his hand up Taebin's shirt.. but it was too graphic! Hahaha jk.

Junjin and Se7en dancing, but this ONE shot looks...quite suggestive xD
Eh.. School's as lame as ever. I'm looking forward to the International Fair, but I dont want to think of all the work involved..especially
all the homework that has to be done before that... but instead, I'm lazing off at 10:21 p.m. updating my blog. Driving school is pretty exciting. I cant wait until i get my permit. Driving practice hehe.
Today, Deizuree, Stephanie, Stacy, and I went to hangook market to buy supplies. Deizuree's mom bought EVERYTHING FOR US!! O_O... My god. It was probably like 50 bucks!!! We MUST pay her back..AND she's marinating the kalbi too! Geesh too much work! She's soo nice.
Then when we got in the car, Stacy was like, "OMG where's my wallet?"
My brain almost exploded and I was like "No way Stacy NO." Then I found it under the seat and right when Deizuree's mom was about to back out of the parking lot I said "HOLY CRAP where's my cell phone?!" It gave us heartattack number 2, but it was in my pocket. phew.
Overall, a good day, except for the fact that my TONGUE is still retarded..Stupid subway. I cant eat hot, or spicy things because my tongue hurts everywhere.. I think it's an allergic reaction. augh.
Tomorrow, we run the mile..even though ours is the buddy mile, and we only have to run 2 laps, im still going to die. I can BARELY complete one lap without stopping. My legs fell heavy, but I keep trying...eventually getting a SLOW time. I absolutely HATE running.
Anyway. bye.
Okay. I go to Chem class and I find out that we're switching seats! GOOD GAME!! augh im so upset! Haha, I dont get to sit in between Nicky and Kevin anymore. AND in French I also switched seats, so I dont sit next to Dave and Nicky anymore. :/ It kinda sucks that i didnt get to know Dave as much. He was pretty cool. We played cat's cradle together HAHAHA!
and man.. those memories with Nicky. writing STFU all over my French Final review sheet. We kept saying STFU! NO YOU STFU! While everyone was doing their review. Hahaha good times.
Madame Beaupre: say goodbye to your buddy/classmate
Nicky: OMG.
Me: O_O
Nicky: I wont be able to see you again...
Me: same here..
Nicky: sniff
Me: I'll miss you.
Nicky: I cant take it anymore.
Me: Are we breaking up or something?!
Nicky: I'm afraid so.
then we burst out in laughter.
Dave had these hershey's kisses, and he was giving them out.
Dave: Want a kiss?
Me: Sure. Hehehe.
Nicky: I WANT ONE!!
Jedrek: Give me one right here Dave...-points to his cheek-
Dave: -throws it at Jedrek-
Yeappp...sums up my day. My room is really cold right now, and I'm going to go study for the French oral. Peace outt.
Man.. My template was acting crazy, and I couldn't find the link back to the maker of the template!! So, sadly I have to resort to a blogspot template..My old template was so cool though.. :( All the templates that I get from Blogskins eventually end up like that!! I'll just keep this standard template. -.-
Today was pretty interesting. Church made me laugh more than usual today. Hahaha! After bible study, Loice, Eric, Daniel, Steven, and I played some awesome Korean games. Haha. We played the pushing game, the enhanced fob squat form, and then a bit of the "frog" game. It was HILARIOUS. Then Loice tried to demonstrate her self-defense on Steven by trying to flip him..but he didnt budge!! It was a "you had to be there" moment. After, Steven drove us to Starbucks/Jamba Juice. While we were coming back, Steven had the "Ice cream truck" song on his ipod and we played it on full blast with the windows open. When we stopped at the traffic light, these Mexicans were right by us. They gave us this funny look. They were probably thinking: "Freaking asians." Hahahaha. First, it was the regular ice cream truck song, then it started to get gangster by adding some snare and some bass beats. I'll show you guys sometimes. Then we decided to play it when we came back to church and EVERYONE was looking. Then Kaleb started RUNNING because he thought it was the freaking ice cream truck! HAHAHAHA. Funny stuff.