Eh.. School's as lame as ever. I'm looking forward to the International Fair, but I dont want to think of all the work involved..especially all the homework that has to be done before that... but instead, I'm lazing off at 10:21 p.m. updating my blog. Driving school is pretty exciting. I cant wait until i get my permit. Driving practice hehe.
Today, Deizuree, Stephanie, Stacy, and I went to hangook market to buy supplies. Deizuree's mom bought EVERYTHING FOR US!! O_O... My god. It was probably like 50 bucks!!! We MUST pay her back..AND she's marinating the kalbi too! Geesh too much work! She's soo nice.
Then when we got in the car, Stacy was like, "OMG where's my wallet?"
My brain almost exploded and I was like "No way Stacy NO." Then I found it under the seat and right when Deizuree's mom was about to back out of the parking lot I said "HOLY CRAP where's my cell phone?!" It gave us heartattack number 2, but it was in my pocket. phew.
Overall, a good day, except for the fact that my TONGUE is still retarded..Stupid subway. I cant eat hot, or spicy things because my tongue hurts everywhere.. I think it's an allergic reaction. augh.
Tomorrow, we run the mile..even though ours is the buddy mile, and we only have to run 2 laps, im still going to die. I can BARELY complete one lap without stopping. My legs fell heavy, but I keep trying...eventually getting a SLOW time. I absolutely HATE running.
Anyway. bye.
Now where are the clips? ;)
Now where are the clips? ;)
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