I have recovered from the past entry. Im feeling a lot better, but I still feel so blah. Like an old lady. I have absolutely NO excitement in my life, and I cant remember when the last time I actually went out was.... It was too long ago. Homework is still a friggin' bum hole. For once Mrs. Kennett didnt assign us anything.. YET.. Chem test... my god I dont even want to talk about it. When I think about how I did my throat closes and I cant breathe. I BOMBED it.. I only have a LOW A in that class right now, and that stupid test is going to make it an ugly C..or even worse....a D O_O AGH. FRICK. I also did so badly for seating!! AGH..I was so nervous my fingers locked and I had to play my B scale 5 times to get it right! AUGH! Then I thought I lost my lanyard. I was so sad. But then stupid Alan had it. -.- I STILL havent memorized ANY of my ions. O_O My test is on friday. FRICK... Okay, Im going to go. Um..If you have any pictures of beautiful men, make sure to send them to me. I have a separate folder just for them :L
OH YEA.. and a certain somebody.. grrrrr..BITER! IM THE O.G. of fruit allergies. AND THE O.G. OF KATIE-ISM. >:I
Jake Gyllenhaal was left in pain after shooting gay love scenes with Heath Ledger in new movie Brokeback Mountain.
The pair play cowboys who fall in love in the western - and Gyllenhaal found the shoot particularly punishing.
He says, "Heath almost broke my nose in (a kissing) scene. He grabs me and he slams me up against the wall and kisses me. And then I grab him and I slam him up against the wall and I kiss him. And we were doing take after take after take. I got the sh*t beat out of me. We had other scenes where we fought each other and I wasn't hurting as badly as I did after that one."
-For Stephanie.
I had another bad case of nosebleed syndrome.. I've been having a bloody nose every morning and every night for the past 3 days. I was taking a shower and then all of a sudden a red splotch appeared. Then another, and another. It kept coming out like a freaking never ending waterfall. Then I watched it swirl down the drain. Why am I talking about this? Because I am utterly..Completely drained. I feel like..I'm slowly losing polish. As if I'm a fake silver necklace starting to rust. Then I'll just be replaced by a newer, shinier necklace. I don't know why, but after I found out my grade on my stupid essay..I lost it. Some vessel in my brain popped, and I'm not the same. I'm slower.. Quieter. I have less to say, less to think about. My brain is constantly blank. I am neither thinking nor dreaming. Im just there. Just another thing composed of cells. I wont call this an emo entry. Because I don't want to kill myself. Not at all. Its the furthest thing from my mind. I just feel bland. So ordinary. I'm certainly happy for people who are happy, content, or nervous about budding romances, but I don't feel that way. It's either Im slow at doing homework..or I have a lot of homework. I don't know which. I really hate having seven classes. I took a nap today at 3 and I woke up around 5:30. I scrambled to finish my homework. I barely made it. I had to sacrifice practicing the flute, memorizing my ions, or my French poem, doing my essay, or even doing my chemistry lab. All of these things I didn't do, while Im here typing up this stupid entry. The simple answer is that I have no strength to do it. Im not tired. Just emotionally and mentally tired. My brain wont retain any more information.. It cant. Its as if im stuck in some time warp, and Im going slowly while others are speeding away, doing their work quickly and efficiently. Im happy for them. I really am. I just wish I could be one of them. Quick. Naturally good. Charming. I'm losing it, I really am. I need to..Get my spark back, because its going away. Really quickly. At school I'm less...Noisy, opinionated. Im tired..Slow and I have no..."Oomph." I TRY to act normally as I usually do, so I don't worry people. But I don't know. I guess I wish I had someone that shared my helplessness. My utter RETARDEDNESS. To put it simply, someone just as stupid as me. Yes, it's very selfish, but I'm still a little girl. I don't know any better. But even after that day I got my essay score..I was very upset, but slowly piece by piece my anger started to deteriorate, and I laughed occasionally. Then I scolded myself for doing so, because I had to be mad. I had to. This is my biggest fear. I am scared...So very scared. I almost die at the thought of being unfased by my bad grades. I've become less sensitive to them, and now I am scared that I will become uncaring..bad grades will start to become indifferent to me.. then I wont get better or try harder. I'll just keep going downhill. THAT...Frightens me beyond belief. Besides that.. I never..EVER want to disappoint my parents. NEVER. If I had uncaring, unfair, unloving parents.. Of course I wouldn't give a crap what grades I got.. I would just get mediocre grades.. But I want my parents to be happy. The look on their faces when they are proud of me..is something I want forever. I want to be the smart daughter.. The witty, and kind daughter that they deserve. They deserve better, and so I try so much, but It doesn't seem like enough. They tell me that they are proud of me, and would never compare me. That they love me as who I am. But I want them to have better. That is why I am striving to get the grades that I want. That is why I am so obsessed over getting good grades, and getting a good career. That is why im so insane. So then.. If I am successful, I want to spoil my parents with everything that they want..just like they spoil me. I want to give them everything that they worked so hard for, but were never able to receive. My parents are so supportive, caring, loving, and they do not judge people. Never. I am willing...as much as it would hurt me...but I would be willing to move for them...Move churches..countries..because they give me so much. Please don't worry about me, because I have ways to deal with my stress, or I will find ways. With that, I have poured out my weeks emotions. I am very tired. Please don't take them lightly or take advantage of them. Im serious.

Hahaha, here's my sister with a freaking GIANT M&M when we went to Reno during the summer. He was a nice M&M haha.
I started taking some "gangster" pictures with my sister, and it was HILARIOUS. She's the most hardcore gangster man. Whenever my brother is being a butt, she comes SCREAMING (if i tell her to) and starts scolding my brother, and then lays a FATTY slap on him. Hehehe, and also my slap fights with my mom. HAHAHA its so funny. We like wrestle and slap eachother. ESP. the paper scissors rock game. It's fun playing with my mom, cuz she slaps HARD. It runs in the family i hope ;)
Sadly, my favorite korean drama is finally OVER. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TIMES A ZILLION. My fridays will now just be EMPTY days with no dramas. T_T.... I finished all the drama series that I've been watching, and I must now search for new ones. but my love will still remain. -sigh- I cried like a mofo. My god. The last episode....was so sad I was BAWLING. At least I still have my OST for it. ^^ I'll cherish it.
Okay, I now have 10, yes I said 10 BUG BITES. What the frick?!?!?!? They itch like crazy im not even kidding. I cant even sleep at night. 10!!!!!!!!!!! No more sitting where we were dudes and dudettes. We gotta migrate, because those ants are going crazy on me. Seriously, insects LOVE my blood or something. 10 I MEAN COME ON. My mom bought me this medicine...and dude everytime I put it on.. it BURNS. I swear this pain...is crazy. Im scared to put the medicine on, becuase it BURNS and it isnt actually a "soothing"thing..The medicine doesnt even last a long time. And I have to deal with the pain 10 times. Agh.....I hate...HATE bug bites. They're gross and look like I have a disease....T___________T.... Ok im going to go cry in a corner and eat the pho Qui brought for me T___T
p.s. Now I know why guys love boxers so much. Interpret it whichever you want ;)
Thanks to Quyen and Stacy a.k.a SNERD for helping me out of that "emo" entry. That is why, I truly truly love you guys. :) Im serious. If it werent for your awesomely uplifting and supah witty comments, I wouldnt be at the mindset that I am right now. My mom also talked to me about it, and now Im all clear. I was being naive and jumped to conclusions. Thank you to the few who helped me along. :) Really.
SO FOR TRIBUTE TO THEMMMM (Mostly Quyen ;)snerd: AMEN to that!
Quyen: lol, yea im distracted as usual. byebye, must do my science (biology) hw. yes bio, not chem honors. ^-^ Are you calling me a stupid average person? thanks a lot katie :P
Quyen: and now that i have succesfully killed your tagging box thingamajig..i'd just like to add..psst..being in world history AP doesnt make you smart. (but you probably already knew that)
Quyen: So katie, who got the award for the best student in the english department in 8th grade? i dont recall a stephanie hong... (or anyone that has a name that isnt katie kim)
Quyen: ..not having to be academic achievements, although you'll probably get those anyway.
Quyen: They do often go overboard, but at the end of the decade, you'll probably overlook it due to your life's achievements thus far
Quyen: not because they want to wound their spirits, but because they want to push the child to suceed.
Quyen: so really it's not that anyone is better than anyone, but rather yes, parents do like comparing their child to other children..
Quyen: If stephanie was your momma's child, she'd still compare stephanie, her child, to katie, her niece.
I would just like to find out what Im good at, and SOON. That is my new goal in life. BTW, I will not delete that entry, I did erase some lines to it, but.....I want to keep it, so when I look back on my life, I'll know exactly how I was feeling at those times. Well, ENOUGH of all this mushy gushy stuff!!!
I just wanted to add some funny quotes I've heard this week..
Stir TV: Him: "Wow, that is REALLY scary."
Her: "You're also afraid of the dark."
Him: "Not with you in it." -smirk-
Quyen: "I'm dancing around in my underwear right now."
SNERD: " I sneeze really loudly, but no one says bless you to me because they think I'm coughing."
Mr. Hopper: "What do you measure in furlongs?" (used to measure horse races)
Some dude: "It sounds like an animal."
Mr Hopper: "You're close."
Mr. Hopper: "How do you measure time?"
Same dude: "Oh, like in o'clock?"
Mr. Hopper: "Have you ever seen a Kelvin thermometer?"
Same dude: "Oh yea! They're pretty cool."
Mr. Hopper: "They don't exist."
Hehehehe.. Anyway, today I ate some awesome food.. GOD DO I LOVE SAM GYUP SAL. OH MAN... with like mah nul, pah moo chim (My moms is the BOMB) , and sahm jang. OH! and a little grilled kimchi..I forced myself to eat even when I was full because its so good. :9
really wouldnt want to be anything but Korean. Korean food is SO FREAKING GOOD.
Anyway.. I'm off to eat apple turnovers!!!!! see yahhhh
Parents just LOVE to compare their children to other children. WHY do they do this? Do they like pointing out our flaws even more? Do they like to rub it in our faces?? Yes, Im not taking AP classes. So what? Why should I take AP History when I already took it in the summer? Yes, I know Im not very smart. Yes, I know im lazy. Yes, I know im spoiled. Why do parents have to ask why im not doing this, and why im not doing that? Yes, I know Im just average. Yes, I know I dont have anything Im excelling in. I would just like it if people didnt have to shove it in my face. So, please, anyone reading this, try not to do that okay? Or i seriously will have a meltdown. Thank you.
Mr. Petersen is a buttmunch. I swear. I was pissed off this whole day. He gave us a pop quiz, and said that we could only use scientific calculators, but I only had a graphing calculator (I dont even know how to use it. I just use it to add, divide, subtract, etc.) So I asked him if I could use my graphing calculator, because I dont even know how to freaking use it, so how would I cheat?!? I mean, he could stand over me for all I cared. I only needed it to divide for pete's sake!!!!! But NOOO him and his pervy fatness would not let me. So, I had to freaking guestimate, and if I get the first quiz of the year back and I get a C, I am going to be PISSED. Well, I should expect such things....A friend of Mr. Bronson will act like Mr. Bronson. I think I overreacted a bit now, but still, It's ridiculous how he wouldnt even let me DIVIDE. So, my mom had to go out to Target and buy me a scientific calculator. 15 dollars. Down the drain, because of Mr. Petersen. We could've spent that money to pay for taxes. AND, My mom bought me this freaking expensive as heck graphing calculator. I want to return it so badly, but I need it. It was so expensive. AGH..Money sucks. Then, my freaking flute. Where the FRICK is all of my stuff going!?? DO I HAVE SOME KIND OF BLACK HOLE UNDER MY BED?? I mean, seriously! A flute is not as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. It's pretty big....jesus and now my parents have to buy me ANOTHER ONE?!?!?! and for how much? 700? 800 dollars?? Money that they can spend buying useful things like food and paying bills! Watever..agh. I loathe too-rich people. Die. Girls on "My super sweet sixteen" are the epitomy of snobby b_tches that dont think of anyone but themselves, and only want the most expensive, extravagant things. DIE.
Anyway...Katrina has now moved to blogspot with meee!! YAY!
CONGRATS!!! Even though blogspot is kinda lame hehe.
p.s. I dont like mrs. Kennett either. >(