Sunday, April 25, 2004

haha hey, im updating again.

Friday- After homeroom, andrew and i were walking out, when we saw justin walking andrew was like JUUUSTIN! and then justin dropped his basketball AND FREAKING SPRINTED AWAY! i was like O_O..... is he THAT afraid of you andrew? and andrew said, no, he just forgot his dunks.. HAHAHAHA.

P.E.- man.. im not even gunna talk about it. too horrifying -.-

Lunch- Me, stacky, quyen, katrina and jennifer were at lunch, and bianca and jennifer were talking about queer as folk, and jennifer was talking about how great it would be if everyone were dead, and how you can eat all the food you want.. then i said, well if everyone is dead, that means queer as folk will not be on anymore!! then jennifer says... HAHAHA MAN, i shouldnt say >< IT WAS SO FUNNY. Then we were talking about best week ever, and then we talked about how celebrities were turning "orange" from so much tanning.. and then i remember a quote.. "kissing charleze theron is like scarfing down a back of cheetos."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA. that was teh funniest thing i've heard all week. aside from jen's comment. XDD

CMEA- WOW, the trip was LONG.. i love our bowtie and cumberbun!!!! ITS SO CUTE! we look like waiters!! xDDD better than the other school uniforms. MELONG.
hahaha i was soo nervous.. we sounded bad. -.- but amazingly we got unanimous superior!!!! all perfect. i felt guilty because we certainly didnt deserve it. our sightreading was HORRIBLE... -.-

Then while coming back from hayward state....t he funniest thing happened. oh man bianca, you are funny. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. stacy knows *winks*

MAN>. 13 going on 30 was a pretty good movie. HAHAHA THRILLLERRR!!

oh dear.. today is the hottest day ever. -.- *Sweats*

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Hey kids!! Man, when i updated a the day before yesterday, i forgot to mention.... JEFF oppa IS THE COOLEST.. cuz he helps me on the GM's... AND he sent me this awesome package. man. xDD i still need a big picture frame for it. YAAY!

Well, the highlights of my dayss...

Wednesday- During P.e. we did flex arm hang. Strangely, it seems that all the REALLY skinny and or small kids get the best times.. Even the strong kids got like 4 seconds. Really weird. And crazily, ritt did like 7 pull ups..O_O..Even with the NON bicep muscle using hand placement. O_o..

Then, during Perez, i dunno WHAT was happening, but all of a sudden, andrew bursts out screaming! Then mr. perez says: JEssica! no screaming!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Then Anthony was like.. that wasnt jessica.. that was andrew. XDDD

Man, i've noticed that i've NEVER in my entire 14 years of existence seen decent highlights on an asian! god.. whenever asians highlight their hair... its BLONDE... DONT highlight it blonde!!! That is the most IMPORTANT hair fact.. Asians should go for a dark or light brown.. Maybe even like maple color.. but NEVER blonde -.-


During honor band, me and stacy got there a little early, so we walked to 7-11. I was gunna buy something, but i forgot i had to money, so we went back. Then, we were on time. yay. We played and played..Oh yea.. We're gunna rock at the art and wine festival xDD. haha Then, Casey's mom calls him like during a song. O_O. HAHA he was like sup? and then said hey, mom call me later! then mrs. chase was glaring at him. haha. Then it was break! Me, stacy, bianca, lindsay, joshua, casey, brent?, marco, alan, and this other kid xDD sorry i dont know his name!! Ran to 7-11. hahaha it was so hoot in there so it was nice to be outside. Some kiddies bought some food, and then we went back. Then.. out of no where... Im lookin at the floor, at my shoe, then i see something SPLATTER accross the room. and my expression is O_O?! HHAHAHA. then i look up and alan is laughing like crazy.. and i put piece and piece together.. and i knew he spit it out. I screamed. haha it was SO close from hitting my foot. thank god. Then after rehearsal, marco and casey taught the UNGANGSTA me and stacy how to gansta walk. HAHAHAHHAHA. oh dear.. haha.
GANGSTA WALK: Grab your belt, and walk as if your legs are uneven. HAHAHA
Then marco took off his hat, and showed us how to wear it street style. Wow, what an informational rehearsal about being gangster.

TODAY- Well, during perez, greg tells me.. Give me the gay slap! and im like O_o....... And he tells me, if you high five someone, and that person's hand goes upward after the high five, that means they're gay.. so he tries it on mr. perez. WELL JUST GUESS WHERE HIS HAND WENT! it went up. HAHAHAHA

Quote of the week by Jeff: Red bull: For people on rehab from crack.


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

hello all. updating. yep. well.. i know alot happened but i dont remember. all i know is.. the funniest things i found out were when quyen fell off her chair, and when yvonne ran into a bush. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Friday- Went to janice's house for her birthday party!! awesomeee!! haha then yvonee, jean, and stephanie( her school friends) were there. We played snowboard kids 2, and watched benny and joon, moulin rouge, and x-men. it was so cool. we stayed up till 5 ..6 ish? hahaha my thumb still hurts from all that game!! hahaha. Then on saturday we went to eat at Dave and buster and watched eternal sunshine!! haha that was a good movie.. but we sat up too close and i puked after. :DD YUM. hahaha

Elijah wood: I stole her pantiess!!

HAHAHAHAHAHA funniest part in the movie.. and when jim carey gets beaten up by that kid. hAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. dude, i didnt know it was kate winslet...cRAZY. it deostn look like her at all.

Man, i watched i want a famous face with that trans..O_O..i just kinda uh.. covered my eyes. hahaha

Man today's american idol was cool! jasmine, la toya, and fantasia did really well!! man, and they are so young! lucky! haha.

MY GOODNESS... i saw phil yoon oppa on t.v.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on stir, i think, and asian channel!!! he was on t.v. for his website, the angry asian man! thats freaking awesome!! xDDDDD

Im so busy this week.. honor band, then musical practice, then CMEA. @___@... sightreading at 9:30 p.m,? gimme a break! crazy freaks! YESSSS theres no more toonami. hehehehehehehehehe i watched animatrix!! coolie. haha dude i cant believe gundam seed is dubbed now, so stupid. -.-

kekekeke?? How does anyone laugh like that?

Sunday, April 11, 2004

EAting- nothing
listening to-channel 104.9's "what the hell was that?"

updating.. arent you all so happy? :D well... nothing really.. turned 14 on March 28th. yay *unenthusiastic* I got so many great thingS! thanks all. i love youuuu. :D

Well on April 1st, we decided, as band and orchestra to pull a prank on mrs. chase.. EHEHEHE. WE filled her room with BALLOONS. heck yea man.. more than 10000! It was totally filled. We snuck onto campus, pretended we were ballooning mrs. carlson's room and then bagged a buncha balloons. but first we hid oout in corpuz's room. with pizza and refreshments :D then we ran into chase's room and filled the whole room with balloons. stayed there until 10 p.m. totally worth it.

Friday april 2nd- Ran the mile -.-/// but it was a totally hilarious mile. HAHAHA andrew and i were jogging and then megan zoomed past us, and then andrew said something to her.. then she nonchalantly looked back and flipped him off. totally awesome. literally felll on the floor laughing.

Im gonna start complementing people right now, so, here i go. Christian has pretty hair. hahaha and albert has pretty pants. Jennifer is was so pretty on friday! haha, and im just yea, okay im gonna shut up now.

THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY- went to good friday service. fun. i didnt know steven was coming back frmo mexico on friday. I thought it was saturday! surprised greatly. Did communion, and yea.. O_o.. haha. AFter, i went home and watched Ripley's believe it or not.. DUDe there is this crazy 10 year old boy that can lift 165 pounds!!! O_O... And hes oonly 60 pounds!! he can like mORE than twice his body weight... freaking crazy..

YESTERDAY- Man, watched Maroon 5 room raiders!! it was soo cool :D awesome-ness. Went to the lee's house. watched anime..then went to applebees. yum.

Today- Easter sunday. Dressed nicely. Talked to yuna. played volleyball for like 2 minutes. went to starbucks. Went home. Mom is making me to go jama.. Arent i too young. O_o..oh dear goodness...

And let us all prance around the mayday pole. *prance prance* bah. oh hughs! i will miss you. *sobs* why did you have to die?!?!!? you ruined my week. no, my month.

Speaking of ruining my life, perez. you sucks @$^&^#%*^(%Q$*!)U$#*(&%(*#&$@*$_!)(@)(!*%*^#$&*U$I%&%@...I hate you so much. giving me a freaking B. i'll never get over it. call me pms-ing, or whatever the heck you wanna say, but when im pissed, IM PISSED.. im not PMS-ing..

Bah.. i've been *points to a sad face* :D mwahahahahaa.

Sok ee app uh dah.. :)