Thursday, February 22, 2007
So... sleepy..
all..the f-ing time.
Lack of exercise is having a toll on my body.
Yoga 4 times a week, 1 hour of jumproping 3 times a week.
all..the f-ing time.
Lack of exercise is having a toll on my body.
Yoga 4 times a week, 1 hour of jumproping 3 times a week.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Went to get boba with Moongyung and Yehjin.. The boba was okay -_- kinda sucky. We went to Tapioca Express. Basically sat for 2 hours talking about school, SAT's, college, plastic surgery (LOL), etc. The chicken is gross -_- so freaking salty. I could FEEL the MSG..
Decided to follow Moongyung to church this Sunday, then meet at the mall with the boys, shop, and then karaoke. Agh.. i have to finish my homework early. I'm sure it'll be worth it though.
Decided to follow Moongyung to church this Sunday, then meet at the mall with the boys, shop, and then karaoke. Agh.. i have to finish my homework early. I'm sure it'll be worth it though.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
So many people are in love, its almost ridiculous. Is there some kind of virus in the air? o______O.
What about you? Yes you, are you in love? If so, with whom!
What about you? Yes you, are you in love? If so, with whom!
I'm so f-ing mad right now. I COULD'VE BOUGHT TVXQ AND ALL THE MEMBER GLOWSTICKS WTORUBRUEOBGREUGBERUOGBEUBGEUGB BUT NO I WAS TOO LATE. omfg I'll never forgive myself. Jaejoong's was SO CUTE a freaking J shaped glowstick . omg i want to cry T_T
unexpected late night phone calls. TEHEEHERHGENRI
unexpected late night phone calls. TEHEEHERHGENRI
Saturday, February 17, 2007

No longer a boy....
and what a wonderful video-lovin man. (-cough-withawonderfullytannedbody-cough-) Sorry Isabelle, but your man has a nice bod. No, he's just overall freakin' sexy. Eats like a monster. The trait I freaking adore. Min, please, no more Japan. They're making you look like JERRY.
Come back to Korea and embrace your lion hair.
Your sexy rising sun hair shall always remain in my heart. CHOOSEY LOVERRRR. BITE THOSE SUNGLASSES~
and what a wonderful video-lovin man. (-cough-withawonderfullytannedbody-cough-) Sorry Isabelle, but your man has a nice bod. No, he's just overall freakin' sexy. Eats like a monster. The trait I freaking adore. Min, please, no more Japan. They're making you look like JERRY.
Come back to Korea and embrace your lion hair.
Your sexy rising sun hair shall always remain in my heart. CHOOSEY LOVERRRR. BITE THOSE SUNGLASSES~

and Min......try not to kill your hyungs especially your mommy Jae and Daddy Yunho. x___x I mean, I know you're like the hulk, but.... HAHAHA

I made this post especially beautiful, for Isabelllle

Thursday, February 15, 2007
삼순이 : 너 나 좋아하냐?
삼식이 : 좋아하는게 뭔데?
삼순이: 너 나보면 막 두근거리고 내가 더 이뻐 보이구,
너 내가 없을땐 조금 보고싶고,
내가 딴 남자랑 어울리면 화나고,
시도때도 없이 내가 떠오르고 그러냐?
삼식이 : 그럼 나 너 좋아하는거 아닌가보다...
널 보면 두근거리는게 아니라 심장이 터질 것 같아,
더 이뻐 보이는게 아니라 더 이상 이뻐보일수 없을만큼 예쁘고,
조금 보고싶은게 아니라 널 안보면 미칠만큼이나 보고싶다.
다른 남자와 어울리면 화나냐고?
화나는 정도가 아니라 그 자식을 죽이고 싶을만큼 괴로워.
니가 시도때도없이 떠오르는게 아니라 ,
한시도 떠나지않고 떠오른다.
그럼 이건 좋아하는게 아닌거맞지..
내 눈엔...
너 만 보인다는말...
난...거짓말이라고 생각해...
내눈엔 많은 사람들이 보여..
그 치만..그 많은 사람들 중에서
너만을 찾게돼...
ZOMG T------------T <3
삼식이 : 좋아하는게 뭔데?
삼순이: 너 나보면 막 두근거리고 내가 더 이뻐 보이구,
너 내가 없을땐 조금 보고싶고,
내가 딴 남자랑 어울리면 화나고,
시도때도 없이 내가 떠오르고 그러냐?
삼식이 : 그럼 나 너 좋아하는거 아닌가보다...
널 보면 두근거리는게 아니라 심장이 터질 것 같아,
더 이뻐 보이는게 아니라 더 이상 이뻐보일수 없을만큼 예쁘고,
조금 보고싶은게 아니라 널 안보면 미칠만큼이나 보고싶다.
다른 남자와 어울리면 화나냐고?
화나는 정도가 아니라 그 자식을 죽이고 싶을만큼 괴로워.
니가 시도때도없이 떠오르는게 아니라 ,
한시도 떠나지않고 떠오른다.
그럼 이건 좋아하는게 아닌거맞지..
내 눈엔...
너 만 보인다는말...
난...거짓말이라고 생각해...
내눈엔 많은 사람들이 보여..
그 치만..그 많은 사람들 중에서
너만을 찾게돼...
ZOMG T------------T <3
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Oh my goodness, my mother gave me a valentines day gift. T_T I was so touched. <3 I loooove my mamaaaa!
......choosey lover mv....
I bit my knuckle through the whole MV...squealed several times. >_>...so..hot..
During the first 18 seconds, I had brain failure...Jaejoongie.. KYA~~~~~~~~~
GOD... I love his look right now. His hair, clothes, cuteness, everything! Before his hair was kind of girly(I'm talking about when he had his black hair) but his black hair now is so much sexier.. its slightly edgier and i love it. ARNGRIH so sleek.
The mv...had body waves...ever so slight hipthrusts *cough*Iwantmorehipthrusts*cough*
I bit my knuckle through the whole MV...squealed several times. >_>...so..hot..
During the first 18 seconds, I had brain failure...Jaejoongie.. KYA~~~~~~~~~
GOD... I love his look right now. His hair, clothes, cuteness, everything! Before his hair was kind of girly(I'm talking about when he had his black hair) but his black hair now is so much sexier.. its slightly edgier and i love it. ARNGRIH so sleek.
The mv...had body waves...ever so slight hipthrusts *cough*Iwantmorehipthrusts*cough*
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Can you smell that?? There's love in the air, but I dont smell any. Couples are popping up from everywhere, and couples that I thought would break up by now are still together o_O.

Happy "almost" Valentines Day.

Saturday, February 10, 2007
I just felt like updating about how I've been doing since I moved. Right now, I feel...content. Although I was extremely unstable when I first got here, I've grown from this experience. I used to cry every day, reading your guys' letters, but now I laugh and smile...wanting to reunite again. I've become stronger. I learned to accept change, although it will always be a sensitive subject with me. I'm not very good with change, but time is all I need. Of course there are times where I miss SJ so much I want to scream, but I tell myself I'll be seeing you guys soon. I've become less of an introvert. Ever since I was young, I grew up as an introvert...always quiet in front of people I didnt know. From this, I learned to be more of an extrovert...to start conversations with people I didn't know.. and to become more bold overall. I'm happy I've broken out of my shell a bit, so people can see the crazzzzzzyy Katie. F'SHO. Of course, kids here in Temecula haven't seen her yet................but only time will tell. Haha. I dont have a LOT of friends, but I'm content with the ones I have, and the ones I'm currently making. No one.. can replace my Islanders. Just...isn't possible. Nor can I replace the many good friendships I made during the 16 years of my life in good ol' San Jose. I'm happy my parents decided to come to Temecula. Yes, its a small city, with barely anything to do, but the people are so friendly it hurts. The teachers and staff at my school are also more understanding, and I love that. I'm just countin' down the days until I can visit San Jose again.. I miss you guys a lot. I hope we can party like crazy, when I come up :)
Friday, February 09, 2007
Oh mannnn. Today was an exciting day :) Another...first? Hung out with people I dont know.
So, after school Moongyung (Ashley) and I decided to go out later. Turns out she's workin =/ So I follow her to work....which is about 50 minutes away. @_@ I got soo carsick. Her mom owns a sushi restaurant and their rolls are SOOO GOOD :D Then she told me, hey why dont you go to church with my guy friends. I was like EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH? But anyway, she called them up, and I got to meet them. Their names were Gyul, Peter, and Hyungsuk. All of them were from Korea. They came to the U.S around 4-5 years ago, the same as Moongyung. So basically.... here in Temecula, I'm surrounded by fobs. At least my Korean will get even bettah WOO. Peter is REALLY REALLY funny, zomg he looks kind of like Lee Chun Soo... or SNOOPY, but he acts so cute. Hyungsuk and Gyul are ooooo good lookin'. Gyul looks kind of like minwoo, and Hyungsuk looks kind of like Hyung Joon from ss501. But they're both really good looking. You could totally tell they were fobs though. They had that whole Korean fob look goin' Their hair was the most awesome part. O_O it was so cool. So here I am, driving to a church I've never heard of, with three boys I had met around 5 minutes before. First? Yes. But they're so friendly and nice, it was no problem. It was a Valentines theme at the Church... o_o..uh. weird. The church.... eh, It was alright. I didn't talk to very many girls. I talked to about 2 for a little bit, but always ended up talking with the other three boys. It was more fun with them. I decided to play that one game where you put your foot next to the opponents foot, and try to pull them down with one of your arms. LOL fun. I think Hyungsuk was just playin around, but I won once. Second time he beat me -_- It was nice being around testosterone for the first time in............3 months? I had a very good first impression of all three one them. Gyul is like, a really good Oppa type. I felt the closest to Hyungsuk though. I talked to him the most I think. Stupid of me, I didn't take a picture with them -_- I regret it so so much. But.. didn't want to.. since I turn out horribly in pictures. When is my face gonna get smaller?!?! Geez looks so chubby. Anyway, hope I can hang out with them again soon. They were pretty fun.
So, after school Moongyung (Ashley) and I decided to go out later. Turns out she's workin =/ So I follow her to work....which is about 50 minutes away. @_@ I got soo carsick. Her mom owns a sushi restaurant and their rolls are SOOO GOOD :D Then she told me, hey why dont you go to church with my guy friends. I was like EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH? But anyway, she called them up, and I got to meet them. Their names were Gyul, Peter, and Hyungsuk. All of them were from Korea. They came to the U.S around 4-5 years ago, the same as Moongyung. So basically.... here in Temecula, I'm surrounded by fobs. At least my Korean will get even bettah WOO. Peter is REALLY REALLY funny, zomg he looks kind of like Lee Chun Soo... or SNOOPY, but he acts so cute. Hyungsuk and Gyul are ooooo good lookin'. Gyul looks kind of like minwoo, and Hyungsuk looks kind of like Hyung Joon from ss501. But they're both really good looking. You could totally tell they were fobs though. They had that whole Korean fob look goin' Their hair was the most awesome part. O_O it was so cool. So here I am, driving to a church I've never heard of, with three boys I had met around 5 minutes before. First? Yes. But they're so friendly and nice, it was no problem. It was a Valentines theme at the Church... o_o..uh. weird. The church.... eh, It was alright. I didn't talk to very many girls. I talked to about 2 for a little bit, but always ended up talking with the other three boys. It was more fun with them. I decided to play that one game where you put your foot next to the opponents foot, and try to pull them down with one of your arms. LOL fun. I think Hyungsuk was just playin around, but I won once. Second time he beat me -_- It was nice being around testosterone for the first time in............3 months? I had a very good first impression of all three one them. Gyul is like, a really good Oppa type. I felt the closest to Hyungsuk though. I talked to him the most I think. Stupid of me, I didn't take a picture with them -_- I regret it so so much. But.. didn't want to.. since I turn out horribly in pictures. When is my face gonna get smaller?!?! Geez looks so chubby. Anyway, hope I can hang out with them again soon. They were pretty fun.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I need more testosterone in my life. Not like there was any in SJ. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BURN jk guys! Hahaha, but I'm becoming a freaking girl over here. SAVE ME. I bought perfume the other day. Armani mania. WTF IM PSYCHO.

and... my crazy arse wedges... that are so freaking girly.. but...so..cute.. i couldnt resist T_T

and then....dun..dun..dun..
my mom bought me clinique moisture gel stuff and like.. toner or something? I have no idea what they are.. but they actually make my skin smoother :O
Its basically just sunscreen though -_- dunno why my mom paid like triple for it.
oh.. and excuse my pajama pants >_>
Korean fans.........are amazing.
dude.. WTF! That's from only ONE fanpage out of the freaking bazillion in Korea right now. Granted, they are from noona fans who work, so the gifts would be more expensive than those of younger fans.... but DANG.
I remember Changmin's fans a while back, bought him a brand new hi-tech refrigerator........yes...those huge kitchen refrigerators. I wonder how they got it to him o_O LAWL
dude.. WTF! That's from only ONE fanpage out of the freaking bazillion in Korea right now. Granted, they are from noona fans who work, so the gifts would be more expensive than those of younger fans.... but DANG.
I remember Changmin's fans a while back, bought him a brand new hi-tech refrigerator........yes...those huge kitchen refrigerators. I wonder how they got it to him o_O LAWL
Monday, February 05, 2007
Okay.. just finished season 1 -_- and.. yes.. it was Hana Yori Dango >_>
My initial...first love of TVXQ :x you will always remain in my heart. You beautiful hunk of man <3
As the leader of TVXQ, I hope you guide the boys well in Japan. HWAITING OPPA~ ! :)
I love you.
not like Jaejoongie, but very very close.
Sorry, I'm a little crazy today.
and one more thing. Can we please see more Yoonjae now that you're in Japan?! GEEZ! I'm Yoonjae deprived!
My initial...first love of TVXQ :x you will always remain in my heart. You beautiful hunk of man <3
As the leader of TVXQ, I hope you guide the boys well in Japan. HWAITING OPPA~ ! :)
I love you.
not like Jaejoongie, but very very close.
Sorry, I'm a little crazy today.
and one more thing. Can we please see more Yoonjae now that you're in Japan?! GEEZ! I'm Yoonjae deprived!
and... its Japanese. WTF But its so freaking interesting, and they act pretty well and GAHHHHHH I watched 5 episodes yesterday. There's only 9 episodes in the series, but there's a part 2 with 11 episodes thats supposedly even better. ZOMG
GG I have tests all weeek.. but.. I DONT CARE WTF T_T save me.
and... its Japanese. WTF But its so freaking interesting, and they act pretty well and GAHHHHHH I watched 5 episodes yesterday. There's only 9 episodes in the series, but there's a part 2 with 11 episodes thats supposedly even better. ZOMG
GG I have tests all weeek.. but.. I DONT CARE WTF T_T save me.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I am so freaking sore, its not even funny.
So I went to the winter casual with Karen, Nozomi, another Korean girl, and her friend. There was karaoke, a chocolate fountain, a mechanical bull, some alternative band, cotton candy, astro jumps, and popcorn. The chocolate fountain kept getting clogged LOL. White people.............can NOT sing wtf LOOOOOOOL Koreans are okay, since they go to karaoke rooms every weekend HAHAHA but these people.. oh my goodness. They were absolutely HORRIBLE. Ashley couldn't come because she had to work. Her brother came instead hahaha poor Ashley D: Anyway, the DJ kept playing weird alternative songs that people couldn't dance to, but when the hiphop music came on...DANCE BATTLES!!!! SOOO funny. This Mexican chick could SHAKE HER BOOTY LIKE I'VE NEVA SEEN. Oh dang dude. PRO. The people here are puuurty good. A LOT of krumping, and FREAKING. Dang these two couples were CRAZY ALL OVER EACHOTHER. They were really good though D: grinding and stuff >_>...
Anyway, started doing these hilarious dances with Karen...all those WEIRD Korean dances ROFLMAO and the other Korean girl (she's a sophomore) is really good at dancing. She's on the hiphop dance team. She was doing all these crazy waves and pops. We tried learning from her hahaha She taught us how to krump. FASHOFASHO. Not as hard as I thought it would be. We managed to dance 1 hour straight, and I thought my feet were going to fall off. My heels are KILLING ME right now, cuz I wore those DARNED WEDGES. WTF WAS I THINKING. Then we took some pictchaaaas~ (on our phones of course) LOL and then headed home.
The end. I'm tired. nooooooooooooooooo i have to jumprope tomorrow. Grah.
So I went to the winter casual with Karen, Nozomi, another Korean girl, and her friend. There was karaoke, a chocolate fountain, a mechanical bull, some alternative band, cotton candy, astro jumps, and popcorn. The chocolate fountain kept getting clogged LOL. White people.............can NOT sing wtf LOOOOOOOL Koreans are okay, since they go to karaoke rooms every weekend HAHAHA but these people.. oh my goodness. They were absolutely HORRIBLE. Ashley couldn't come because she had to work. Her brother came instead hahaha poor Ashley D: Anyway, the DJ kept playing weird alternative songs that people couldn't dance to, but when the hiphop music came on...DANCE BATTLES!!!! SOOO funny. This Mexican chick could SHAKE HER BOOTY LIKE I'VE NEVA SEEN. Oh dang dude. PRO. The people here are puuurty good. A LOT of krumping, and FREAKING. Dang these two couples were CRAZY ALL OVER EACHOTHER. They were really good though D: grinding and stuff >_>...
Anyway, started doing these hilarious dances with Karen...all those WEIRD Korean dances ROFLMAO and the other Korean girl (she's a sophomore) is really good at dancing. She's on the hiphop dance team. She was doing all these crazy waves and pops. We tried learning from her hahaha She taught us how to krump. FASHOFASHO. Not as hard as I thought it would be. We managed to dance 1 hour straight, and I thought my feet were going to fall off. My heels are KILLING ME right now, cuz I wore those DARNED WEDGES. WTF WAS I THINKING. Then we took some pictchaaaas~ (on our phones of course) LOL and then headed home.
The end. I'm tired. nooooooooooooooooo i have to jumprope tomorrow. Grah.
Once again, another "first"
Never in my right mind would I have bought wedges. Well. I did. They're cute. Hard to get used to since I'm so used to flat sneakers. This is weird. Very weird.
Never in my right mind would I have bought wedges. Well. I did. They're cute. Hard to get used to since I'm so used to flat sneakers. This is weird. Very weird.
Friday, February 02, 2007
There are a lot of "firsts" for me today, arent there?!
The first time... I was jealous of...a duck.
click !!!!!
TVXQ was at disneyland in Japan to perform a whole new world, as well as a group stage with all of the characters. LOL Jae IS SUCH A SKANK AND I LOVE IT. Daisy points at her cheek, telling Jaejoongie to kiss her. Instead of sneaking a kiss, he taps Donald's shoulder for him to SEE Jae kiss Daisy. What a skank! Then Donald got him in a headlock. <3
Feb 1- Happy Birthday Jarrett Katai~ My favorite Japanese boy.
Feb 2- Happy Birthday Julie! ARMANI~
Up and coming..
Feb 6- Happy Birthday Lydia unni, Yvonne, and Yuuuuunho!
Feb 10- Happy Birthday Yuna Kim!
I'm so freaking anxious to find out who's coming for Hollywood Bowl 2007 wtf. I dont even care about SATs, SAT2s, or AP testing -_-
EDIT: LOL QUYEN.. thanks for pointing that out for me -_-
The first time... I was jealous of...a duck.

TVXQ was at disneyland in Japan to perform a whole new world, as well as a group stage with all of the characters. LOL Jae IS SUCH A SKANK AND I LOVE IT. Daisy points at her cheek, telling Jaejoongie to kiss her. Instead of sneaking a kiss, he taps Donald's shoulder for him to SEE Jae kiss Daisy. What a skank! Then Donald got him in a headlock. <3
Feb 1- Happy Birthday Jarrett Katai~ My favorite Japanese boy.
Feb 2- Happy Birthday Julie! ARMANI~
Up and coming..
Feb 6- Happy Birthday Lydia unni, Yvonne, and Yuuuuunho!
Feb 10- Happy Birthday Yuna Kim!
I'm so freaking anxious to find out who's coming for Hollywood Bowl 2007 wtf. I dont even care about SATs, SAT2s, or AP testing -_-
EDIT: LOL QUYEN.. thanks for pointing that out for me -_-