I just HAVE to post up caps from this morning's
KBS gayo festival.
Jaejoongie..is a freaking angel. I had to
rewatch his
collab with Se7en,
Eru, and
Seungki 10 times. His voice is so
REOEAGLRGNRHAHHH x_x As everyone knows, I'm a very picky girl. How is it possible that he fits EVERYTHING that I want? That's insane.
LOOOOL During the balloons performance,
Changmin wore a
scottish outfit.
But today's post is dedicated to our lovely
Junsu. "sexy, luxury"
very very VERY lucky woman.
*____* deadly hip thrusts.

x___x dead.

How on earth can he pull off BOTH sexy and cute so well?!
Gosh, I love
Bestiz girls. They're always the fastest to upload things!
Finished the KBS Festival a little while ago. I managed to catch up on 200 pages of soompi @_@ I slept yesterday around...3:30 a.m. and slept for about an hour, woke up at 4:30 and got ready to watch the KBS show live at 5 a.m. It lasted until about 8:10. Suju dressed like pirates and it was the cutest thing ever, then they performed Miracle and Tic toc. Cutest performances ever x_x
Jaejoongie came out and sang with Se7en, Eru, and Seungki! It was such a surprise. I was amazed at how beautiful Jaejoong's voice was. x__x angel's voice.
LOL I forgot to mention, at the SBS gayo awards, they performed Balloons in Harry Potter gear. The cutest thing EVERRR. Yunho and his round glasses <3
Anyway, they performed Balloons again at the KBS festival with trot singers such as Tae Jin Ah. IT was so funny seeing TJA in Joongie's dalmation suit. LOL Then they performed O. HECKA HOT intro holy freaking moly.
Then....JUNSU'S MUSICAL...AGAIN!!! Just like last year, omg except this year's was even cuter. I still prefer Park Kyung Lim, but this lady was funny too.
I can't wait to watch them all in HQ .avi *___* clubbox will be the death of me.
I should be doing hw -_- dangit I'm seriously dooooomed! ONLY 3 MORE DAYS TILL SCHOOL AND I HAVENT DONE A SINGLE ASSIGNMENT. TVXQ will be the death of my education. I'm going to try and manage both like Janice D:
Went to ktown and did a TVXQ spree. Bought all three calendars, the Vogue issue, 2 free posters, Junior mag, and Syndrome mag. I grabbed the last one of all of them. wtf they should have more stock. Then i coulda gotten stuff for you guys. Now all thats left is.... THE PRINCE OF PRAGUE PHOTOBOOK. Crap, then the joint birthday present for Joongie with his Korean fansite Heroshock. All my money D: D:
Jaejoong vs Yunho Part 2 on Monkey Bar Game on XMAN 061001
YunHo Feeds JaeJoong Cake
JaeHo Moment @ First Concert Fan Meeting [Fan Cam]
Babyface Clinic - Yunjae cut
Why does everyone make their myspace friends only? D:
Just came back from Pechanga with my mom and Kristine. Pala is better -_-
Gosh, I smell like cigarettes. Thank goodness I didnt get carded. LOOOL
Going to ktown tomorrow. Finally I can buy Junior & Syndrome magazines. Hopefully they'll still have TVXQ's vogue edition stashed somewhere in the back.

Have a very Merry Christmas with YoonJae.
click to enlarge!
I hate how I cant wake up early anymore =/ At least, I cant STAY awake long enough to actually wake up. Anyway, I'm excited because the Lees family is coming to visit. :D I missed Kristine unni so much. I think we're going to drive to ktown. Maybe I can buy Prince of Prague there. But I'm sure it'll be overpriced -_- I just want to eat the 왕만두 at the galleria market *__* Finally I'll be able to get boba <3

Yoochun: -Continues eating 멸치-

Sleepy Junsu and Yoochun <3
Changmin: Jaejoongahhh~~
Jaejoong: CHANGMIN. Yunho's right there.
Yunho: -eaaaaaagle eyeeeees-
So sorry, but I'm going to picspam TVXQ a lot. They're all I've got right now. <3

<3 Did Yunho have to grab onto Jaejoong's hand while Boojae was putting the watch on him? Nooooooo. Yay, my ring matches Jaejoongie's -insert cheeky grin- Yunho has such pretty hands.

<3 시골신기 ROFLMAO

<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Jaejoongie doesnt want to let go, and Yunho glares at Se7en to keep off his man. LOOOOL

I. MUST. GET. THIS. PHOTOBOOK. I asked my mum for Christmas. God, I love the Prince of Prague theme. I'm so happy they're back in Korea, but It's so hard keeping track ever since school started. Even if I have to stay up every day for a week, I'm going to catch up.
Wow, this is ridiculous. I have to agree to blogger terms before uploading a picture -_-
JaejoongxYoochun- I find them to be extremely close. They seem like REALLY close friends, how they laugh together. They are sooo cute with one another.
JaejoongxYunho- They are a bit different. Although at times Jaejoong and Yoochun seem closer, it seems like Jaejoong and Yunho are LOVERS.. the way they look at eachother with such longing o_o in their eyes..EAGGGLLEEE EEYEEESSS! The way they say I love you, how both admit to be eachothers favorite in the group.
JaejoongxChangmin- Jaejoong is so brotherly with Changmin. He takes care of him, and acts like a little kid with him.
JaejoongxJunsu-Good friends. Not to the extent of Jaejoong and Yoochun, but still a very close bond.
JunsuxYoochun- Now THERE's passion. An almost.. OPENLY shy relationship. SOULMATES I SAY.
What the point of my entry is, is that I dont mind any pairing and they're ALL cute. But in the end Junsu just has to go to Yoochun, and Jaejoong has to go to Yunho. They're like magnets. Its so hard to explain. They just compliment eachother so well. I wouldnt say opposites attract, but if one is lacking a certain trait, the other makes up for it. Junsu's kind personality is such a good compliment with Yoochun's gentle nature. They just fit like puzzle pieces.
As far as my OTP in TVXQ I cant choose between Yoosu and Yoonjae, but... only by a TINYTINY grain of sand, I choose Yoonjae. <3
Now, in Super Junior.... KANGIN AND EETEUK, DONGHAE and EUNHYUK. After the drama, I swear to god, they just.. HAVE TO BE TOGETHER. I like Siwon and Hankyung too LOL
but my OTP in Suju has got got got GOT to be Eunhyuk and Donghae. They are so gay with eachother my goodness~
FANGIRL entry, sorry. I cant help filling my blog with this stuff. I've been on hiatus too long!
My brother is freaking ridiculous. I'm watching a video and he starts screaming in the middle of the night, my parents and little sister are freaking sleeping mind you, about how I'm "lagging him out" and to stop. CHYEA right. Like I would really grant him that priviledge. Why am I cruel? I am not cruel by no means. I've been so level-headed regarding my brother's senseless addiction to gaming that its almost disgusting. What does he do all day? Game. Not an understatement. The only reason he comes out of his room is to eat or go to the bathroom. Is my mom his maid? Just there to freaking feed him when he's hungry? NO. He can at LEAST help out by playing with Minah, or come downstairs from time to time to just sit and watch t.v. with my parents. He could at the VERY VERY least go to costco with my mom and help her grocery shop. Does he do that? No. He stays home. Even when we go to freaking in-n-out he HAS to stay home. When we come back from Costco and I yell at him to come downstairs and help, he comes down after we've already put everything in the cabinets and the refrigerator. When we eat at dinner time, we yell at him to come downstairs to eat at least 4 times. By the time all of us are almost done eating he comes down. He then makes makes excuses to go upstairs, but you can hear him screaming through MY MIC with his friends. HAH, why am I even lending it to him? I told my mom to starve him if he didn't come down in less than 5 minutes. He deserves it. If he doesnt help around the house, why does he deserve a meal? He never properly plays with Minah, he only makes her cry. My mom gets so annoyed that she wants to strangle him. I ask her if I can help. He's so ridiculous. What has he done for ME, that makes me stop watching my video and immediately be at his beck and call? Does he ever give me respect? No. So why should I show HIM respect? I'm older than him, and he should know better. He gives me respect, I give him his respect. The only way you can get him out of the house is if it benefits him, i.e. if we're going to the mall to shop for HIS clothes. Right when he wakes up, he games until the very moment he closes his eyes to sleep. Ridiculous. I dont think I've ever seen him read or study in my life. My parents have been way way WAY too easy on him. They've been so freaking lenient, and I've told them countless times that he cant get it through his thick skull. They've taken away his computer for weeks, tried giving him hours, etc. But does he abide by those rules? No, so why keep giving him chances?! It's like giving a dog a treat after it pooped in the house. After a while, the dog knows that even though he poops, he'll STILL get the treat. He said he learned, and that he'd help out around the house more, the last time he got his computer taken away. PAH, what a load of BS. He doesnt think about anything else. He doesnt think about other people's feelings, or our family members. He just thinks about gaming. Thats it. Granted, I myself am obsessed with TVXQ, but only around 3-4 hours at the most is dedicated to them. To my brother?? 11 hours is how much he dedicates to gaming each day. He can at LEAST shutup or close his door when he screams too. Freaking annoying. Karma's a biotch, and I hope he learns soon. When is he going to mature? For goodness sakes.

Cute hairclip Yunho. Screencap from Vacation. T_T I wish I could've taken a picture of him that closely. Isn't my screencap lovely?!?! It's so clear! <3
ROFLMAO if Jaejoongie did that to me I would die. Joongshim (Jaejoong+Changmin pairing) fans must be DYING. You can see Yunho glaring at Changmin in the corner LOOOOL. Jaejoongie's such a manho... but we all know Yunho is his lovahhhh.
Yoonjae, Yoosu hwaiting!! Changmin+Isabelle hwaiting! ^^ ah! Janice+Donghae hwaiting!
I miss you guys T_T~ Janice, Isabelle, Yvonne, Beatrice.. you guys HAVE to nrb with me again. CHULSOO YA SARANG HAE. We have to do that song Yvonne. ROFLMAO. I'm gonna learn balloons and teach you guys. "O" is too hard. @_@
I'm having something similar to a mid-life crisis. wth.
I havent studied at all for the SATs, which I think I'll be taking in January and then again in March...and if my scores crappy, again in June. 1 month to prepare? I'm doomed.
Then I have SAT2s which I havent done AT ALL.. and then AP EXAMS...wth my school isnt preparing me enough. DOOMED.
What college am I going to!?!? WHAT WILL MY PROFESSION BE? I dont like anything, I dont excell in anything.
DOOMED.My ambitions are high, but my effort is low. Psha, I'm living in a dream world. They're so high. So high.
Is it possible to get TWO daesang's in one year?!?! TVXQ is seriously amazing. I hope they win Daesang for MBC and SBS. They really deserve it, considering the amount of effort, lack of sleep, and energy, they spend. If they do win... that would be 4 daesangs in one year. That is seriously God status. Rising Gods from the East!
Yay for computer rooms and in-class projects. Remember gorgeous steel blue eye boy? He dropped 10 cool points by wearing flip flops. Disgusting. Thank goodness today is the last day of school for 2006. Ending on a crappy note, at that. Oh watever, I have to update Junsu's pictures. Goshhhh finally 20. 1 more period to go. 1 more! Anyway, at lunch the funniest thing happened. Some jock was talking with his friend, and he mentioned how his other friend was extermely homophobic. So during their bus ride home from a game, he started hugging him and nuzzling his neck. His other friend joined in on the action and KISSED him on the neck. ROFLMAO he spazzed out! Then some other dude kissed him on the cheek. He started rocking back and forth in fetal position chanting, "I want to go home, I want to go home." I FREAKING LOLED It was so funny holy crap. How can someone even be that homophobic?? GEEEEZ. Chillaxxx I say. Anyway, talked with Alysa and Sydney todayy. Funfun. Ok peace. VISIT ME OR DIE.
동방신기(김준수 자작곡) - 네 곁에 숨쉴 수 있다면(White lie...)
[최강]얼마나 흘렀니 행복했던 너와 함께한 시간들
이제는 떠나 볼 수 없을텐데 한없이 여린 널 두고
[시아] 널 보면 웃어야 하는데 환한 미소를 보여야 하는데
자꾸 네 생각에 눈물이 나
[유노] 이젠 잊어야 하는데 기억 속에 지워야 하는데 이젠 널 떠나가
*[영웅] 단 한번 만날 수 있다면 그대 날 바라볼 수 있다면
내 모든 걸 당신께 보여 줄게요 이제껏 숨겨온 내 사랑을
[믹키] 이 세상 나 없어도 너만은 행복하기를 바랄게
울지마 제발 울지마 닦아줄 수가 없잖아
[유노] 널 볼까봐 너무 두려워 내 맘이 더욱 슬퍼질까봐
나 널두고 떠나야 하는데
[영웅] 사랑한단 그 말조차 이제껏 말하지 못했는데 널 사랑한다고
*[시아] 단 한번 만날 수 있다면 그대 날 바라볼 수 있다면
내 모든 걸 당신께 보여 줄게요 이제껏 숨겨온 내 사랑을
[최강] 나 떠날게 너 없는 먼 곳으로 이대로 널 내안에 지워갈께
[믹키] 시간이 흘러 널 볼 수 있다면 정말 단 하루만이라도 널 만질 수 있다면
[영웅] 영원히 떠나지 않을꺼야 누구보다 더 사랑한 그댈
[시아] 네 곁에 숨쉴 수 있다면
Happy 20th Birthday JUNSU!!!!!! Your song is beauuuuutiful. Gah, the lyrics are so -dies- Pic spam dedicated to you later. Now.....what pictures, out of the thousands (literally) that I have of you, must I choose?!?!
"It takes 42 muscles to frown at an irritating person, but only 4 muscles to punch the crap out of them."
So here's the lowdown on the fieldtrip to see the cadaver:
I basically hung out with this one girl...uhh dont remember her name, but we talked about music, and back home. She's from the Bay Area too, so we would talk about Valley Fair, and local bands. She came from Milpitas, and knows Roseanna. LOL SMALL WORLD. She didn't see the cadaver, she called it "F-ing disgusting" LOL
We get to the community college, and we go into this small lab room, and there are dead cats that had been dissected. We were placed into groups of four to observe the organs of the cat. I put my latex gloves on and started digging inside the cat to see what was inside. The smell was naaaaaaaasty. The cats look WILD, as if they'd been shot while they were screaming. Anyway, there's this thin covering that holds all the intestines together, so I peeled that off, and started pulling out its large intestines. They felt like the tubing material on hoses. One of the assistants showed us where the cat's ovaries were, and said that if we kept pushing our
finger a little lower, then.. well, you know. It'd come out. from. Yeah. Uh.
ANYWAY. The cat's throat was slit too, so we looked at the glands in the throat, and when we (two people on each side holding the cat open. The cat was cut down the belly) looked underneath it's liver there was all this juice. NICE. After we took off our gloves (yum, particles of cat intestines) we went into the room with the cadaver. The cadaver was this old 77 year old man, that seriously looked like an old leather shoe. His face looked like those masks you buy at party city. Anyway, his crotch was covered with a happy face plastic bag. Nice touch. He looked like those people from Men in Black where their stomachs opened up. The lady assistant, gorgeouuss! Opened up the man's abdomen and pulled back the skin. WOW we have SO MANY LAYERS of skin. It looked like two layers of cow hide. Then they talked about the functions of each of the organs inside the man's abdomen. Then we rode back on the bus, and told the girl about the cadaver while i was eating string cheese. I think I was more grossed out about the cats. I kept smelling cat intestinal juice while I was eating. But, hey, when a girl's hungry she has to eat!
Today I met another girl... forget her name. She's in the same class with me and cadaver girl. We went into groups to "study" for our exam on friday but we just talked about why we each moved, music, and movies. She uses the word "INTENSE" a lot. Hahaha She told me to watch Girl Interrupted. I LOLed at Brittany Murphy's character, who is supposedly obsessed with chicken and laxatives? Hahaha
Anyway, remember that Japanese girl, Alysa? Well she came over and hung out with my brother and I. Then she introduced me to 2 korean girls. ZOMGG FINALLY. One girl is literally FOB STATUS. She came for the exchange studen program, but she'll be moving soon to change host families. The other girl came from Korea around 5 years ago, but might be moving. I started speaking in Korean with them because I was so happy. Then I asked them THE QUESTION....if they liked TVXQ. They said yes and my heart almost burst. The girl from Korea said she liked Jaejoongie and Yoochun, and 5 year girl (I think her name's Courtney) likes Yunho and Yoochun. I wanted to talk to them about TVXQ, but lunch is only so long. At least I'll know they're in the library. woooo sucky thing is that they might be moving soon. T_T Why do you do this to me, God! Gives and takes. Anyway, I heard there's this "Korean" table from Alysa, so maybe she'll introduce me. Alysa is really "Oh my god, like wow"-whitewashed-Japanese girl, but she's super friendly and nice. I'm happy that she's befriending me. What a nice girl.
Anyway, I think I aced my math test. WOW. WOWOWOWOWOWW. seriously. Hopefully a B at the LOWEST, but I think I did well on it. I'm so happy! Most of the questions were questions from the practice sheet Mr. Fitzpatrick gave us, and I love him for that. I'm so happy people here aren't smart asians. SO happy. I better raise my grades. I MUST.
2 more days until break. Oh geesh, so much work @_@ how many projects do I have? 3?! Oh well. Come visit me pleaaaaaaseeee. I shall show you a good time! I miss you guys so much.
Anyway, I'll update about my visit to the cadaver later. FUN STUFF. Especially eating after. YUM!
버즈 - 울지마
울지마 가슴아 가슴아 울지마행복해 행복해야해뛰지않죠 이미 내 심장 죽었는데널 잃은 슬픔 이젠 잊어야 하는데사랑한 만큼 나의 마음은 나의 가슴은 울고 있었지울지마 가슴아 가슴아 울지마사랑 때문에 슬퍼하지마난 말할 수 있어 널 잊었다는 말거짓이 아니라는 걸 추억으로 간직해우린 만남은 그저 스치는 인연이었을 뿐떨고있죠 지금 내 입술 흐느끼죠내 입술로 그대 이름을 부르죠사랑한다고 보고싶다고 가지말라고 울고 있었지울지마 가슴아 가슴아 울지마사랑때문에 슬퍼하지마난 말할 수 있어 널 잊었다는 말거짓이 아니라는걸 추억으로 간직해우리 만남은 그저 스치는 인연이었을 뿐그 어떤 빛보다도 환한 니 미소 다시 볼 수만 있다면 내 가슴 웃을 텐데하늘에 기도해 널 보내 달라고제발 나에게 기회를 달라고목놓아 부르면 애타게 부르면다시 그대가 돌아올 것 같아찢어지는 내 가슴 위로받을래세상에 단 하나뿐인 너에게

Hello glasses, we meet again! To make a long story short, I met the glasses I put on back in SJ, here in Temecula! Well, at least, they looked the same. Second pair are just regular grey ones. I am in loveee with them D:
I also tried on these HUGE, and I am saying HUGE granny glasses. I laughed at myself in the mirror. I think the workers thought I was insane.
Wow, I ate it at Pala and it wasn't TOO bad. They only have beef there though. In Temecula, besides Pala there's only ONE Pho place. ONE. WTF. Well, at least I got my thai tea. No pearls, but that's okay.
I really like my AP Psychology class. There's this one guy who was talking while our teacher (Mr. Leander) was lecturing. He's half black, half white, by the way. Anyway the conversation: (I dont know their names, so B for Boy, G for Girl and KB for Korean Boy)
KB: His brother is freaking huge! Biggest black I ever saw.
B: I know! Why am I the mocha skinned one? All my brothers are tall and BLACK, like real nigguhs. I'm so light! LOOK AT ME!
B: My dad got attacked by my pitbull. He stayed in the hospital for three weeks! My dad is 6'5 and he almost DIED!
KB: Where were you? Why didnt you help your dad?!
B: Man, I didnt want to DIE!
KB: So are you saying you were right there?
B: I was freaking out. My dad was yelling while the dog was attacking him. He told me to get the knife so I ran into the kitchen and got him a knife. He stabbed the dog and it ran away.
Okay. Just kidding. It's a "you had to be there" moment. I dont know what they said exactly, but it was hecka funny.
School goes by so quickly. It's already Thursday. One more week until Christmas break! yaayyy.
Them heartburns keep on comin'