OMFG. I want this so badly. HEEEYYY look who's birthday is soon.
동방신기, 미워.. 나의 돈을 다 가지고 갈 것이다 ;___;
YES! ^^ Passed my permit test with

Pic of the day. B's crazy phone. Hecka wish I had that. xD
Permit test tomorrow. Wish me luck!

The balloon sticks we hit together for "Dae Han Min Gook"!

Yes, the ticket.

The new T-shirts. I personally liked last years better.

After the game. Pretty sky.
Click on the pictures to make them bigger. The invitational game against Korea and Puerto Rico was AMAZING. I went right after SAT classes, and the seats my cousins scored were smack dab in the center! They were really good seats! The pictures taken are from my cellphone, which has very very poor zoom so they look farther. But.. I've got to say, I've never seen so many Koreans in my LIFE! I heard about 22,000 Koreans and around 200 Puerto Ricans. HAHA Saw a few cuties ^^

The teams greeting eachother.

My aunt and my little sister. FIGHTING!!

Before the game. Yes. They're ALL koreans.

Better angle. This is only a 1/4 of the stadium!!

The "DAE HAN MIN GOOK" was INSANELY loud. Man I was so happy.
It was crazy good, but I will say the darn Refs cannot SEE FOR CRAP. This stupid Puertorican was like "Aw I fell because the Korean pushed me" So he got a FREE KICK... and thats how Puerto Rico beat Korea by 1 point. A stupid bad call point. Korea fell down countless times by being pushed, and by the sneaky feet of the Puerto Ricans who LOVE to trip... but NOOO they didnt get a free shot. A LOUD "BOO!!" rang out from the Koreans after the Puerto Rican got the free kick. It was an experience I'll never forget. I cant wait for the World Cup, but it feels as though the new coach isnt as good as Hidink. The Legendary one. I really hope we win this year. After the game we drove by hundreds of cars, (alot of traffic) and everyone was pissed. I saw this one car, where a man had the most sour look on his face, and oohhh man. Hahaha. There was this man dressed in a clown outfit. It was weird seeing a Korean man in a clown outfit. He was painting faces, and he always got up to cheer. The people sitting behind us always laughed when he came by. The guy's laugh sounded like MC Yoo's so I laughed too. Hehehe. Alright. Enough updating. See ya!
I get to go to the
World Cup invitational!!!!!
Korea v.s. Costa Rica in OAKLAND!!
Chem test bummed me out. It was an easy test! That's what bugs me. I just skipped two problems because I couldnt finish, and there goes like 10 points down the drain! Augh. Oh well. I think this was the easiest test this year. -.- DANGIT.
Chemistry lecture today was pretty interesting. We were talking about nuclear.. not NUCULAR -ahem- BUSH. How in the 1970's we had a fruit fly infestation in California, and they were killing all of our crop. So, there were two options...To blast the crops with gamma rays or to spray poison on it.. The ignorant citizens of CA said, "Say WHAT?? GAMMA RAYS?? HECK NO MAN. I AINT EATIN THINGS THAT BEEN RADIATED!"
So, we resorted to using poison. The sucky thing is, later on they found that the poison sprayed on the crops caused cancer...GOOD GAME. Haha. Gamma rays are so freaking cool. If you blast for example, bread in a plastic bag with gamma rays, the bread will last as LONG as you keep the bag sealed.. MAN! thats long!! Unlike regular bread that will mold in a couple weeks. Amazing. He even told us about t.v. dinners that didnt even need to be frozen, because the gamma rays kept the food from spoiling.. because spores and bacteria were killed by the gamma rays, and new spores and bacteria could not enter through because it was protected. So, as long as the seal wasnt broken the food could last...basically forever. The wonders of nuclear science. ^^