Sunday, October 30, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hey. Um. Yeah. SOOO Halloween is coming up, and I want to be so many things, yet i dont want to buy anything, so the only thing left is being a boy. :/ -sigh- Next year, i promise to be something cool, as long as it doesnt COME ON A SCHOOL DAY. grr. Well, i went to Reno again this weekend, and it was awesome. I saw this performance called Chun Yi: The legend of kung-fu. I LOVE chinese monks. LOVE THEM. I used to really like them, but now i love them. It was so cute, they like ran out from the side doors, (near my seat) and were like banging on these cute little wooden blocks. They had very nice bodies as well. And when the music went down you could hear them talking in chinese. Hahaha so fobby ^__^. There were these little monk boys about 11 years old and they were freaking flipping on their heads and doing these crazy twirls. Man. I want to marry a monk T__T but i cannot. It was awesome thoughh.. There was this one scene where a guy is "tempted" by a woman that he made up in his mind, and so hes dancing with her on one of those hanging ribbons that you wrap around your arms. IT WAS SO COOL. I want to learn how to do that. Crazy strong boys.
My ears have been acting strange lately.
To the left is a very nice picture of Eric from Shinhwa. I was looking through Chun Jung Myung's pictures, and then somehow Eric's was there. Haha. Anyhow, I found several clips there that stephanie would. DIE..for. I swear. :)
I just love it..when men look sickly. NOT like Daniel Radcliff. NOT druggie looking, but just looking a little sick. I dont know why. It looks so cute. o__O....I cant describe it, i just have to put up a picture. Sometime. Haha. I also love it when jeans look nicely on a male body. Dear lord. I was walking through the hall, and a saw this dude and his PANTS looked great on him. Right on the hips. and he was wearing such a nice belt. The pants were very nice as well. When i see that..i bite my knuckle and die.haha.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
person: How did you do?
me: it doesnt matter.
Person: COME on!! TELL MEEE!
me: I did badly.
person: OMG. like, me TOO! I got like a B on it! AUGH.
me: -stab stab stab stab-
It's like they dont know WHAT is bad. It annoys the hell out of me. When i say I did BADLY, I know what badly means. I just want them to SHUT the frick up because they dont know CRAP about rock bottom. Its just..annoying. I mean, who CARES what percent you got on the fREAKING test..as long as you get an A, u should be happy. Or, when they get 1 point marked wrong, but it doesnt affect their grade whatsoever, (1 point!! COME ON.) Their percentage DIDNT even change, but they still INSIST on getting it corrected. Psychos..
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Friday: Football game. CRAZY. Varsity actually won. It was amazing.. we scored a touchdown in the last 30 seconds and beat Oak Grove. Whee. When we scored a point, the boys would jump up and bump hips. HAHA.
There A HUGE puff of some over the football field...
Me: Dude..what are they doing.. cremating someone??
Caroline: You kill em, we grill em.
HAHAHAHAHAHA I just thought that was so funny.
Saturday: Loice's 18th b-day partyyyy! It was nice seeing people out of church. We ate yummmy food and chocolate dipped fruit. Sadly, i didnt get to see her open her presents. :(
Then we watched Kung Fu Hustle. HAHAHA what a strange movie.
I really wanted to see the bloopers for Fight Club. :I
The strangest things happened on my way home. Guys are weird.
Sunday: Church. No AIDS Walk. BOO. T____T. Stacy called me at 8 and i was like DARNIT. =__=
During bible study Eric did the FUNNIEST THING. HOLY CRAP. AHAHAHAHAHA Loice and I were like the only ones laughing. I laughed for a good 10 minutes. Good times.
Today: I cut my hair. It's shorter than i anticipated, but...oh well. Cant do anything about it :L
Friday, October 07, 2005
Stephanie: Yeah, Katie and (***********************) have chemistry together. -wink wink-
(BTW...I was talking about the CLASS. you strange girl.)
um. yeah. cool. woo. I went to the doctors again to address my constant headaches. They're actually migraines which sucks. For 6 straight days I had a HUGE headache and I puked, so we went to the doctors to take a picture of my brain. But then...he said for me to take a blood sample instead. So i went into the hospital and then a lady tied my arm with a rope, made me ball my fist up, and she stabbed the needle into my arm. It was a VERY strange feeling, like someone is poking at your inner veins. Its very hard to explain. But after that I was very woozy. I was almost high. I started laughing like crazy, and then when I got home, I passed out on the couch. They took 2 vials from me. Which isnt too much, but I could FEEL the blood draining out of me. Yeah, I'll update pictures maybe but yeah. :D I wanted to go to the INDI GAME! AGH. By the time I woke up it was already 8 so, I didnt go. poop. :( I wanted to see everyone. OH yeah. I owe Jennifer 2.50 btw, thanks for that burrito. ;)
My god. My heart skips a beat when I see a guy with pants that look nice on him. Its baggy, but not too baggy. It hangs on his hips, not too tight, but fitted. It's hard to explain. But when I see it, I go crazy. I dont know why. Im weird.