Saturday, September 25, 2004

Seeing? Cute french boys!! xDDD -faints-

Today i went to the DCM key club thing. Boring. Except after when stephanie, amanda, and i were just talking outside. fun stuff. So by popular demand, i will say "for shit's sake" again. hahahaha. xDD

The most amazing thing happened. I saw the cutest french guy at my mom's cafe. -dies- Okay, he came in with his family. He had the cutest french acceeeent!! AHHHHHHHHHH and then i think he was about 16-or 17 he was wearing FCUK. i said hi. >D so adorable!! AHHHHH i thought i was gonna DIE. Well, heres a conversation with katrina:

I 8xUrxKiMcHi: katrina.
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: i have seen
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: the cutest french dude. xDD
xi ShortnesS ix: lol
xi ShortnesS ix: SHOW ME SHOW ME SHOW ME
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: he came to my mom's cafe.. *__*
xi ShortnesS ix: lol
xi ShortnesS ix: god damn it
xi ShortnesS ix: CAMERA PHONE, BIATCH!
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: he was so cuuute!! i think he was like 16 or 17
xi ShortnesS ix: lol
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: he hada french accent. i said hi
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: ><<<<< i got so red
xi ShortnesS ix: you shoulda tried to show off your skills
xi ShortnesS ix: bonjoooooour....:-*:-*
xi ShortnesS ix: "i want to have your babies"
xi ShortnesS ix: and then
xi ShortnesS ix: you'd sneak him to your back room of the cafe
xi ShortnesS ix: and shag for 2 minutes

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i was rolling around the floor like crazy. *____* european extravaganza!

I got to pet a kitty at the humane society with steph. ^^

Seeing? Cute french boys!! xDDD -faints-

Today i went to the DCM key club thing. Boring. Except after when stephanie, amanda, and i were just talking outside. fun stuff. So by popular demand, i will say "for shit's sake" again. hahahaha. xDD

The most amazing thing happened. I saw the cutest french guy at my mom's cafe. -dies- Okay, he came in with his family. He had the cutest french acceeeent!! AHHHHHHHHHH and then i think he was about 16-or 17 he was wearing FCUK. i said hi. >D so adorable!! AHHHHH i thought i was gonna DIE. Well, heres a conversation with katrina:

I 8xUrxKiMcHi: katrina.
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: i have seen
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: the cutest french dude. xDD
xi ShortnesS ix: lol
xi ShortnesS ix: SHOW ME SHOW ME SHOW ME
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: he came to my mom's cafe.. *__*
xi ShortnesS ix: lol
xi ShortnesS ix: god damn it
xi ShortnesS ix: CAMERA PHONE, BIATCH!
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: he was so cuuute!! i think he was like 16 or 17
xi ShortnesS ix: lol
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: he hada french accent. i said hi
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: ><<<<< i got so red
xi ShortnesS ix: you shoulda tried to show off your skills
xi ShortnesS ix: bonjoooooour....:-*:-*
xi ShortnesS ix: "i want to have your babies"
xi ShortnesS ix: and then
xi ShortnesS ix: you'd sneak him to your back room of the cafe
xi ShortnesS ix: and shag for 2 minutes

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i was rolling around the floor like crazy. *____* european extravaganza!

I got to pet a kitty at the humane society with steph. ^^

Seeing? Cute french boys!! xDDD -faints-

Today i went to the DCM key club thing. Boring. Except after when stephanie, amanda, and i were just talking outside. fun stuff. So by popular demand, i will say "for shit's sake" again. hahahaha. xDD

The most amazing thing happened. I saw the cutest french guy at my mom's cafe. -dies- Okay, he came in with his family. He had the cutest french acceeeent!! AHHHHHHHHHH and then i think he was about 16-or 17 he was wearing FCUK. i said hi. >D so adorable!! AHHHHH i thought i was gonna DIE. Well, heres a conversation with katrina:

I 8xUrxKiMcHi: katrina.
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: i have seen
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: the cutest french dude. xDD
xi ShortnesS ix: lol
xi ShortnesS ix: SHOW ME SHOW ME SHOW ME
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: he came to my mom's cafe.. *__*
xi ShortnesS ix: lol
xi ShortnesS ix: god damn it
xi ShortnesS ix: CAMERA PHONE, BIATCH!
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: he was so cuuute!! i think he was like 16 or 17
xi ShortnesS ix: lol
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: he hada french accent. i said hi
I 8xUrxKiMcHi: ><<<<< i got so red
xi ShortnesS ix: you shoulda tried to show off your skills
xi ShortnesS ix: bonjoooooour....:-*:-*
xi ShortnesS ix: "i want to have your babies"
xi ShortnesS ix: and then
xi ShortnesS ix: you'd sneak him to your back room of the cafe
xi ShortnesS ix: and shag for 2 minutes

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i was rolling around the floor like crazy. *____* european extravaganza!

I got to pet a kitty at the humane society with steph. ^^

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Haha arent i having a curse fest? Today was decent. i hate the weather so much...o.o...I read stephanie's diaryland about the bark in the park entry. i started laughing like crazy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA just reminding myself of the car ride entertains me to no end. good times, very good times. Well, lately i've been hearing rumors that some people arent being quite honest about some things.. hmm should i trust this person? Last sunday i went to the kTEH thing with stephanie. The room was FREEEEEZING. HAHAHAHA. It was so funn. I got like 10 prank calls. T_T. this guy named alex sat with us and whenever he got a prank call, he would be like:
Hello? KTEH, how may i help....Oh YEA, REAAAAAAAAAL SLICK. Yea, you think you're sooooo cool. Then hangs up. HAHAHAHA.

mwehehe stephanie you have such a cute nose! x3 -inside joke- mwahahhaa i will never stop tormenting you about it!!!!

It was really fun talking to people. Yea, the pizza was.. interesting. This weird guy was like cOFFEE COFEE COFEEEEEEEE. me: o_O...... I stole a pepsi. WEll not technically stole because it was free. yayy i cant wait for the humaine society! :)

Anyhow.. a few days ago...i was in the lockers talking to quyen, stacy, stephanie, and amanda.. Then all of a sudden those morrill girls are like walking with a whole bunch of attitude and so i move, to let them pass, BECAUSE IM POLITE EVEN TO THE PEOPLE I HATE. WEll, some of em. :) And then one of them says, " Yea, you better move!" I looked at her walk away with my mouth open. rude little bitch! I wanted to slam her head into the lockers!!! It angered me so much..-grinds teeth-

football sucks. i hate it. i hate it i hate it. there is not point i hate it i hate it.

andy oppa's friends smell good. o_O

I dont remember today very much. -shrug- eh. I hope i can skip church again this week for key club. hehehehhe key club is an excuse to miss church. yaaaay.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

OH my fucking god.. My stupid bitch of a brother took two of my cd's without fucking asking me.. I get HELLA pissed off when people take my stuff without asking and its been the god damned millionth time that hes done so and im about to kill someone..he just doesnt EVER FUCKING UNDERSTAND BECAUSE OF HIS FUCKING THICK SKULL!!!! Never listens or respects me that little bitch. If only he werent my brotherr...the things i would do to him... AND he plays that god forsaken gaia for 5 hours a day i get two fucking measly hours and if i tell him he gets all butthurt that retard living like a fucking prince i tell you. spoiled brat. and gaia lags our computer....AgH the only reason why its laggy is because of gaia and he blames it on our computer.. HAH.. and im a ditsy foo fah that wears loads of makeup and wears hot topic as a FAD.. I get band shirts because i like the bands not because im following some retarded trend..-shakes head-
i was in the locker rooms, and the floor was wet from swimming and then i was running, and some LITTLE im emphasizing little attitude problem morrillian chicks was like dont fall.. and in my mind i said -giggle- i hope you dont trip on my foot and stain the floor with you brains. ^^ oh NO im sorry, you dont have any!! :)

Little bitches. i swear. whores? sluts? call em watever u wanttttt. Alan has a serious rage problem im not saying i dont, but at least i dont lash out at people in t heir face and curse at just an accusation which happens to be true. He went crazy on Brianne just becuase she accused him of talking shit about me and amanda whats the big deal? anyway i'll resume later.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Today was GREAT!! the first half of it. Well, me and stephanie went to BARK IN THE PARK for Key Club. DUDe i thought we were just gunna be at a booth like at art and wine festival, but we GOT TO SEE SO MANY BEAUTIFUL DOGS!! And pet them! And it was the BIGGEST FESTIVAL EVER!! it was huge!!!! The dogs were so adorable. T_T
I want a german shepard, or a husky. I saw this BEAUTIFUL white husky.. man it had one yellow eye and one blue eye. I just wanted to steal it!! And its furr...OH SO SOFT.. The food was good too. MMMMMM. and the ice cream was great!!! there are even dog icecreams!! and dogs were herding sheep! it was so cute! Then stephanie and i roamed around looking for part time volunteer jobs at humane societies. cooooooool! I want to ween a teeny tiny new born kitty! T_T.. and be a foster parent for a doggy. After the festival, the car ride was the best PART EVAH. I laughed my ASS off.

Quote of the day: I want a hairy dog, so i dont see its ding a ling.

HAHAHAH WTF?!?!? ding a ling!??! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I laughed soooo much. my stomach hurt and i was at the point of crying. We were talking about tomorrow's KTEH answering phones things, about how while we're talking to the bidder than we might burp. HAHA mann it was the most i've laughed this month. crazzy stomach workout.

NO church tomorrow. phew. yay for KTEH yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy i get to talk to people. O_o..

Anyway, back to the pissy part! whohooo!! xDDD

I finally am able to cuss freely and guiltlessly on my blog. I used to be like, OH MY GOD i hope a church person doesnt see! Look what they'll think of me! SCREW THAT. Let them thing whatever about me. If everyone is allowed to cuss, i am too, just because people at church dont do it as freely doesnt mean i am ristricted or anything. its not like im all OH! CHRISTIANITY YEA!! -.-

I also hate it whenever girls are mad, or pissed, guys are always saying OH SHE MUST BE PMSING.. WTF?!?!?!? So whenever guys are pissed, is their penis is a bunch?? If they even have one..-.-..When guys experience, menopause, menstruation, and child birth, cooking, laundry, taking care of the baby, working. They'll understand and should stop whining about how girls dont know what they want. Thats only some girls that start liking a guy because he likes them..stupid. no im not pmsing currently. so shut up.

My brother still pisses me off to this very minute. On gaia, he has a little wallpaper thingy in his profile with JTHM..O_o....WHAT?!?! JTHM?!?! when i saw that i was like "bitch mode" on. He never READS HEARD OR EVEN SEEN JTHM. Im not saying im a huge fan or anything, but Kylie's shown me a few and they're pretty cool, but my brother doesnt even KNOW what its about for god sakes. He doesnt know what homicidal even means. And his friend is apparently a "fan" of jthm. when she found out i knew of JTHM..

Me: i dont have any
Her: awwWwWwW!
me: ....
Me: -thinking- why dont you just buy one you stupid whore?

They're like 8 bucks for god sakes!! how can you call yourself a fan if you dont even own at least ONE magazine?

-shakes head-

That reminds me, i went to hot topic a week or so ago to buy kylie's presents, and these stupid freaking ditzes were in there. IM SERIOUS it was a CROWD of 10 of them..Squealing OH thats so cuuuuuuute! OH MI GODD!! WOW!! EH HAH! -giggle giggle- WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?!??!?!? I was about to smack em. Thank god i gave them death glares. I guess it didnt work =/ Dear god!! Going in there and buying that stuff because its a "FAD" -.-.....

Anyhow, the bad thing, is that this stupid RETARDED chick worker at gilroy. QUIT.. after 5 years of service..heres the story...

This chick comes to gilroy late ALL the time. Ever since she started working. In the beginning my mom understood because she didnt have a car so she had to take the bus, but now she has a car... and when my mom asked her why she was late, she said," oh, i was talking to my sister." THEY LIVE TOGETHER FOR SHITS SAKE!!! TAlk to her LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you cant get away that easily.. then my dad started yelling at her saying why were you late, you should be responsible. blah blah blah, and then she was like FINE, i quit.....QUITTING AFTER ONE GOD DAMNED LECTURE?!?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!!?!? WHAT A FREAKING PRINCESS! My mom treated her SO FREAKING WELL.. she was like ," what about the other workers?!"

WHAT about the other workers? they're ALWAYS ON TIME YOU STUPID WHORE! My god, now my parents have to suffer because your own selfish mistake. Thanks alot you stupid fucking bitch. Thanks alot. If i were there i would've bit you, slapped you, punched you, kicked you, slammed your head against the wall. ANYTHING... my god when i heard that in my mind i was murdering her OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. I just want the stupid cafe to be sold so my dad doesnt have to work his ass off everyday of the week just for us to be stable. And through all that stress, he had the energy to go to safemart and buy me a chocolate cake. he knew it was my favorite..andhe got it for me.. when i found out i almost cried. it was so nice of him.. and the other day, my dad wanted to go to olive garden, only because they were having a pasta special and he said," oh, katie would love that."

stupid worker... i'll damn you to hell!! -puts hexxes and curses on her-

I desperately need to take kick boxing.. eh...i need a gym buddy..

Thursday, September 16, 2004

yes, as you may plainly see my brother irritates me to no end. Its like, once someone irritates you, to the point where you want to STRANGLE them to death, you start to get irritated by them MORE and MORE easily. Like the smallest thing they do bugs you. Their NAME bugs you, just even seeing them bugs you. Sometimes i get so mad my brain feels like its going to explode. Then, i need soda. and i after i drink soda, i breathe in and out to try to calm myself, then i beat the shit out of my pillow. fuuuuuuuuun. Today was a decent day. My cousin knows vincent. o0o but he says vincent is annoying. i just like his appearance. -shrugs- Then i got a ride home from his friend Tim. and his other friend Geon or however you spell it. lalalala it was so funny in the carride. HAHAHAHA. they played johnny doesnt know. hehe and then picked fights with people saying,"HEY, wanna fight? i'll step on you!" then speed away. Still, im afraid of them, and im awfully quiet in the car. They intimidate me. Anyhow, today. HAHAHA i saw the cutest thing. I couldnt help but giggle quietly. HAHAhahAHAHAHAHAHA. This cute guy in my math class. I think his name is Greg. teehee. He was eating this poptart and he seemed so sad when he was eating it HAHAHAHAH I CAN JUST IMAGINE IT IN MY HEAD. HAHAHAHA. he was slowly biting it. AND IT WAS SO CUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!!! Then the guy behind him started to like giggle with him. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA he was wearing pink by the way. xDDD
Pink looks good on only Some guys. prefferably white dudes. xP Anyway, then they started commenting eachother's clothes. HAHAHAHAHAH so funny. I still didnt get this sophomore's guy's name. I made friends with him! yaaaaaaaaaaaay. hes in my math class too. but i hardly say hi. yes im a shy person. i'll say hi tomorrow and ask his name. I think i can i think i can. MY computer LAGS LIKE HELL. And it only lags AFTER my brother uses it with his fucking gaia. stupid. he copies ALL of my websites. I started playing gaia and he was like, oh thats stupid, then he COPIES ME.. and then is OBSESSED with gaia and then i stop playing. then all of a sudden he gets a narutofan account?! WTF?!? he doesnt even WATCH anime. If he thinks a certain picture of an anime is cool, he'll print it out and put it in his binder as if hes a fan. He doesnt even know anything about naruto he just things its cool..-.-. he doesnt read any of the manga. and yet he has an account on NARUTO FAN. you have to be a FAN. yes im being very bitchy right now, but i dont care. and then it seems.. HE COPIES MY SOURCE OF MUSIC. This website with free music. least our music differs. his is poppy punk -.-...newfound glory SUCKS yellow card SUCKS just SUCKS. -.-.................-smack-
And at least he cant take away da from me. thats my only safe spot.

Band. i hate that class. It is absolutely revolting. people IRRITATE ME. piss me off, and act STUPID. MY GOD there are so many stupid people. ARe you DEAF>!?!? cant you tell when you're horribly flat for god sakes?? Cant you tell when you're SHARP!?!?!? so many FLUTES AGHH. i cant STAND IT!! Alan. MAn sometimes... JESUS..His rude comments PISS ME OFF. First hes all nice and doesnt talk to me, then all of a sudden he bashes on me and im!?!? agh he just doesnt know when to STOP!!! and sometimes.. jarrrettt, i've got to you guys take it TOO far. and that whole thing where jarrett knocks shirley's water outta her hand while she was drinking it, drenching her. that was MESSED up. you could tell that shirley was pissed. i would be too. guys..GOD. so insensitive. Why cant guys be like anime boYS?!?!? -.-...

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Monday, September 13, 2004

agghhh lame! im in second chair. -.-....and i didnt even get into advanced band. FUDGE.
And i probably have a B in bio and math.. T__T....

Ahhh bitchnessss. I got to see Jonathaan kinda sorta. I love his vocal chords. I wish i could scream but im a girl and my screams are too high pitched. hehe.heh

My brother and i started laughing like crazy then my mom said her eardrums were about to pop. HAHA.

I made a new friend. yayy. tired. i hate swimming. i p.e. DIE SUN. Come on winter.

god, me and josh are the only ones at church with the same music interests.. -.-...everyone likes lighter stuff! must convert them.sllllooowwwlllyy.. i want a poison the well t-shirt.. and definately a dir en grey shirt..

hot emo/punk dude wears eyeliner. thats hot. lip rings are hotter.

i wonder what it feels like to kiss someone with a lip ring. O_o. wouldnt that be awkward??

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Music-Underoath "I don't feel very receptive today"

shit fuckles! Today sucked... In french, i get called like 5o billion times for words i cant really pronounce.. egh, then biology, i find out i did my lab backwards, during break ritt didnt get to show me the guy in the band, in math, i didnt know 2 questions mr bronson asked and he seemed disgustingly disappointed, and nick myers answered my question.. Then.when we were leaving, i tugged my backpack too hard and my pencil case popped open, spilling all of its contents all over the air hitting people in the head. Sad.. very sad. Then during english eh i froze to death, during lunch i didnt get ketchup for my hot dog. T_T..
but it was nothing compared to the seriously disappointing and depressing part of my day.
BAND. Cursed CLASS! I HATE BAND NOW ARGH!!!! I auditioned HORRENDOUSLY. sqeaked alot, DAMN NERVES!!! and then when i asked mrs tippitts when shes gonna post the people who get into higher band, she answered irritated, "Well, i'll post it, but i already have alot of flutes..."
MY EGO WAS CRUSHED. DEFLATED. ANNIHILATED! I was disgusted. sick to my stomach, i punch the wall, and some shit fuckled piece of staple was popping out and it sliced my skin right open. Then i ask mr. Bouchard for a freaking bandaid and he seemed so seriously pissed. Whats he got, a stick up his ass? dear god..and then alan that little shithead. My god if i had a chainsaw i would kill him right then and there. I WANT OUT OF BAND.. these people irritate me.. then i was listening to hoang play piano. dear god. WHOOPS there goes my ego! crushed once more! Then i was mad.. really mad. i was in no mood to play ths slapping game with jarrett. he kept pestering me until finally he went away.. agh. guys are so DENSE. at least.. morrill guys. -.-...

p.e. i ran 7 times around the god damed campus. my legs are sore. shutup it might not seem that much because you're an "ATHLETE" well im not so shutup. Then i get home, its freaking HOT. im sweating and GREAT. i drop my flute.. My passion for flute for now is zero. i want to go back to middle school.
ARGH. im gonna go listen to music.

one plus. i got to see the drama boys.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Mood-strangely perky...O_o...

Well, well, well..Isnt this EXCITING CHILDREN?!?!?!?!?!?! -.-.. weeeeeeeeeeeeeelll.. Yea.. bassoon..oh man it sounds so COOOOOLL!!! AHHHH.. but the thing is stupid alan was all like HEY BASSOON GUY (his name is andrew) KATIE LIKES YOU WHOOHOO I MEAN YOUR "BASSSOOON"
AND THEN andrews LIKE OH.. WHATS THAT CODE NAME FOR?!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH alan wont leave me alone about that whole andrew thing and now i bet andrew thinks im weird, cuz maybe hes gay, i dont know T___T...
stupid asswipe. -.-

Hahaha and sean and alan are sexual as usual dry humping eachother and what not. Breanne. i think is how you spell her name?? She is hilarious.. HAHAHAHA she made this impersination of andrew and alan.

Alan:I want to learn bassoon! Andrew, will you teach me?
Andrew: If you want.

But she said it with a gay voice/valley girl voice. eh i dunno but it was funny at the time and still is. hehehe..heh..

DUDE JARRETT OWES ME 10 BUCKS... ALAN AND SEAN DID NOT, AND I REPEAT DID NOT KISS. Sooo jarrett wheres my loot? Swimming is as fun as usual. being in the beginner pool is loads of fun. Yaaaaaay. except i hate how my skins feels after contact with chlorine. eeck.

WElllllllllllllllllllllll. we had a french test and i am pretty confident i did well, BUTTTTT for math, i didnt study.. AT ALL.. god.. i feel like i failed.. T___T... BUUUUUUUUUUT the guy. this cute dude.. i dont know his name still ><>
yesaaaaa. and i met new people!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. They play electric guitar deliciously.
He started playing Nirvana and stephanie was like O_O ITS NIRVANA!!! hahaha stephanie is so cute.
yes..QUYEN YOU LUCKY BASTARD YOU!! You have the two hot guys in your drama classs. i would do anything to be in drama now.. T__T.. im gunna like sprint to the drama room to see them. Hmm hot punk guy,or quirky emo guy? agh i cant choose! xDD

Anyway, on my way out of p.e...the most amazing thing happens.. I hear a guy..AT OUR SCHOOL..and he had a british accent.. OH MY GOSH. i thought i had an eargasm.and he was so adorable!!! i was like HOLY SHIT FUCKLES!! (newly acquired word i got from someone) Man. it made my day..

I saw the andy roddick commercial. its so funny when he gets hit in the head with his trophy. haha cute.

Wow. boy crazeeeee. how can you not be at school with new and OLDER people. -starry eyed-

Yay alot of people commented me on my underoath t-shirt. ^^ thanks josh!

ANYWAY... i found this song to be HILARIOUS inside of the book im reading..

"Hug me till you drug me, honey;
Kiss me till I'm in a coma:
Hug me, honey, snuggly bunny;
Love's as good as soma."


"Sweet!" said Lenina, and laying her hands on his shoulders, pressed herself against him. "Put your arms around me," she commanded. "Hug me till you drug me, honey." She too had poetry at her command, knew words that sang and were spells and beat drums. "Kiss me"; she closed her eyes, she let her voice sink to a sleepy murmer, "kiss me till im in a coma/ Hug me honey, snuggly..."
John caught her by the wrists, tore her hands from his shoulders, thrust her rougly away at arm's length.
He caught her by the shoulders and shook her. "WHORE!" he shouted. "WHORE! IMPUDENT STRUMPET!"
"GO!" he shouted, standing over her menacingly, "get out of my sight or i'll kill you."


yea..whoohoo. -twirls finger- yay thursday....O_o..

hmmm... i want a poison the well t-shirt. -shrugs-

OH!!! my mommy bought me a jacket from gap!! yaaaaaaay!! xDD its that jacket i wanted quyen! whoohoo!

H.. should i change my red cross hours to sunday from noon to 4? possibility?? YEA!


Saturday, September 04, 2004

Sean: I want you to touch my chest
Me: Sean! are you trying to seduce me??!!
Sean:Damn right i am.

Yes, hilariousness. Anyhow. Today. Eventful. FUN. I went to kylie's birthday party. YES kylie. The one i have miss for oh too long. When i saw her a gave her a FATTTTTTTTTTTTT hug!!!!!!!!! i missed her so!! Anyhow, her gift hadnt arrived, so i made her a card with alot of strange pictures.. When i mean strange...i mean..out there. nudies!! streaking! haha anyway, yes. damnit. There were hella funny things that happened or people said but i cant remember!! DAMN MY SHORT MEMORY AHHHH!!! -mumbles-
anyway.. So much happened. Cotton candy...Air jumpy thing..Tag in the air jumpy thing.. Bodies piling on top of eachother it was absolutely fantastic. Kylies garage is wonderful.. I played ping pong and darts.. and a BIG punching bag.. yes, punched it hard. My knuckles are still red. anyway, then...we turned off the lights.. AND TURNED ON THE STROBE LIGHTSSS! whooo! Everyone started lying down on the ping pong table. It was dark, strobe lightish with hard rock music. Beautiful. Just beautiful. I felt like i was on drugs. Interesting feeling. HAHAHA everyone agreed. Yes, fun indeeedo. Yes, when taylor arrived, i was like TAYLORRR!! i havent seen him since he went to canada. That was like two months ago. I hugged that bastard for so long. haha Yes, anyway...there was great food at kylies. Her cake was AWESOME.. her meatballs, and especially her bean dip.. OH GOODDD. it was so good. O_O..Quyen is so lucky, because she has the two cute emo boys in her drama class. :___:...lucky.. LUCKYYYYY!! I cant describe it. it was so fun! i especially LOVED the air jump goodness, its like a legacy for kylie.. its been like 4 years straight she's gotten the same one.. Which brings memories of us jumpingoff the banister. Good times..Good times. Then we went to kylies room to play ten fingers. HAHA what a fun game. ITs kinda like truth or dare. okay not at all. bah watever. haha. i wish i slept over!! AGH i miss kylie and bianca and kimberly and karen and taylor already! boohoo. :(
but yes, it was a very fun night. The best this month..
Well, yesterday i watched trigger happy tv.. god i saw the funniest thing. People were in a movie theatre, and then a big sock puppet comes slithering out of the curtain.. IT WAS SO FUNNY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Dude i think i was high or something. but it was funny..
I watcheed the money girl.. my god. I laughed my brains out. hilarious.. brother irritates me.. All he does is computer computer eat sleep computer. Dear god, i want to delete gaia. which is some rpg he plays online. God BITER. i stopped playing because of him. I seriously sometimes want to clobber him. butttttt i cant, so i imagine myself doing it.
Yes, i have to take care of my little sister.. agh such a hassle! i dislike dealing with children!!! having a baby sister makes me not want to have children. Oh sure, there are times when she is cute and all, but MOST of the time, shes so needy, and i understand cuz shes a baby, but its still so irritating. aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i wish i could sedate her sometimes and then just wake her up later. -.-...

There, on a low bed, the sheet flung back, dressed in a pair of pink one-piece zippyjamas, lay Lenina, fast asleep and so beautiful in the midst of her curls, so touchingly childish with her pink toes and her grave sleeping face, so trustful in the helplesness of her limp hands and melting limbs, that the tears came to his eyes. With an infinity of quite unnecessary precautions-for nothing short of a pistol shot could have called Lenina back from her soma-holiday before the appointed time-he entered the room, he knelt on the floor beside the bed. He gazed, he clasped his hands, his lips moved. "Her eyes," he murmered,

"Her eyes, her hair, her cheek, her gait, her voice;
Handlest in thy discourse O! that her hand,
In whose comparison all whites are ink
Writing their own reproach; to whose soft seizure
The cygnet's down is harsh.."

A fly buzzed around her; he waved it away. "Flies," he remembered,

"On the white wonder of dear Juliet's hand, may seize
And steal immortal blessings from her lips,
Who, even in pure and vestal modesty,
Still blush, as thinking their own kisses sin."

Very slowly with the hesitating gesture of one who reaches forward to stroke a shy and possibly rather dangerous bird, he put out his hand. It hung there trembling, within an inch of those limp fingers, on the verge of contact. Did he dare? Dare to profane with his unworthiest hand that...No, he didnt. The bird was too dangerous. His hand dropped back. How beautiful she was! How beautiful!
Then suddenly he found himself reflecting that he had only to take hold of the zipper at her neck and give it one long, strong pull...He shut his eyes, he shook his head with the gesture of a dog shaking its ears as it emerges from the water. Detestable thought! He was ashamed of himself. Pure and vestal modesty..

How adorable..Anyway.. soma is some drug that this book says is used in the future to go on "holiday" or sleeping for constant hours..up to 24 hours of just pure sleep. I want some somaaaa

Yes, well its about this guy named John who really likes this girl named Lenina. Aint he so cute for not fondling her like a pervy guy would? Yes. Because he isnt a savage.

Man i have a crapload of homework..agh DRIES CURSE YOU!!! but hes still hecka cool.
Anyway i want to not going to church on sunday!! yaaaaay!! i mean -cough- nooo..
eh. most of the people there i dont really like. thats why!!! YAY SCHOOOOL!!!! cuz no one there backstabs meeee wheee!! ^^ I actually enjoy my classes. mwehehe. but loads of homework.. Im joining Key Club and Red cross, but im kinda ehh about french club.hmm.. in sophomore year, im takine CSF. Yaaay.

uh...yea..this entry was...lengthy..yea........................................................................................
-blink blink- I want to eat you..
so BYE! eat ya later! -.-....

Friday, September 03, 2004

What stupid celebrity are you destined to kill? by daydreamer8852
You killed
With a
OnApril 25, 2015
Quiz created with MemeGen!

My now complete. I will kill hilary duff, and die happy.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

listening to-Jimmy eat world-Can you still feel the butterflies?

I love this song, cuz its so mellow with a tinge of sorrow in it, but it sounds so pretty. Its almost hipnotic.

Anyhow..Warning, this entry will consist of boy swoonage. HAHAHA

School is school. I see alot of quirky dressers and it is awfully adorable. When i see someone dressed like that, im my head im like "-squeals- CUTE" haha. Yes, im weird. I hate swimming, I failed the swimming test. Yes, im not athletic. So what. I'd rather not be.
Anyhow...a certain PERSON. has been irritating me for the past week. Its like, BE QUIET OR I'LL PUNCH YOU, kinda deal. YEP. -shakes head- tsk tsk..

YEAPP.. Well, yesterday i got to touch sean vissers chest TWICE.. and TWICE today.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa it was so funny, it all started out when i pointed at his gold's gym t-shirt, and the little logo was on his chest. And i pointed at it, accidentally touching him, and he was like OH! you touched my boob. HAHAHAHA so funny. Me and sean have a lingo.. NOSH. yes, NOSH. anyhow, then alan got on sat on sean's lap and started uh...rubbing his butt into seans you know what. HAHAHAHA they were both saying like OhHHH yea. and stuff. hAHAHAHAHAHAHA i fell off my chair dying of laughter.This happened twice. Do i feel a homosexual connection? Man, and that reminds me of Taylor and Eric's kiss. god that was hot and i still have it in my camera! whooo!! Then after school, sean said nosh and i casually noshed him back. and then he flares out his chest and says, "one more." go for it." HAAHa so i do. I wonder if he works out. HAHAHAHAHA it was nice. -snort- hAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anyway.. I miss kylie :( i havent seen her in what feels like forever. And i miss taylor!!! agh that hot canadian! i havent seen him for ages!! Man.. i wanna try muay kick boxing. either one.. awesomeness...
Yeppppppppppp HAHAHa on wednesday we did swimming, and this guy named James wore one of those water cap things, and mr. Olmcheid called him condom. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROFL!! high-larious.
Im reading brave new world. A future time in which children as young as seven interact with eachother through a series of erotic games, leading up to.. you know what! SEX! they are SEVEN. grossss. haha but its so interesting how this man could've thought of all like the 1940s!!! crazy.
Yesterday i went to this buffet with my family..and OHHHH MAN. there was this guy i would estimate around 18 or 19, who lookedlike andy roddick, and lordy, was he hot. I snuck a glance at him and then i started to blush, get flustered, watever, but i blush REALLY easily. If i see a hot guy, blush, if i have contact with a guy, BLUSH. dude.. anyway, i was like gawking at him for 5 seconds then i quickly walked back to my table. heh. YEEEEA. Anyway, we have swimming tomorrow, im gosh darn, i rEALLY dont want to. aghhhhhhhhhh damnit! curse these damn swimming classes! How does a freestyle have to do with being able to swim! as long as im not drowning.. and besides i dont really like the water, so whats the point? ugh..
anyhow..We'll see if tomorrow is any better. And oh, i cut my hair.. its REALLY short. yea. like shoulder length. I can hardly put it up in a ponytail. I kind of want to go through a drastic change and just cut my hair really short and flare it out, but eh my face type with that hairstyle.. noo way. yay labor day weekend. Farewell all you people that like to read my nonsense..
Oh yes, im joining key club and red cross club. Im a little hesitant about french club, i mean 2 community service clubs already.. wish me luck on my band auditions!