Saturday, August 16, 2003

Well i just had to include my dreams. Last night i had the strangest dreammm. I dreamt about a drum set. O_o... My mom and i went to some mexican person's house and ate. then i was playing with the drumset there. O_O.. it was the strangest thing! Then there was like some concert and i was playing the drums and then my mom was playing the guitar. double whoa O_O! Then i heard from my brother that at the retreat the boys could see the girls feet when they were taking showers. O_O.....and then if they stood up on trashcans, they could see over the stalls and see the girls in the bathroom near the dining hall. O_O. thank god i never went to the bathroom there. O_O.. well yea just had to share that with you. retreat was fun. =). quyens party was fun! ^_^ for the short extent of time i was there. YUUMMMMMY cake. haha good night!!
Sleepy time!


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