Saturday, August 16, 2003

Hey folkss. Its me and im back from the youth retreat with my church.. It was okee. from a scale of 1-10 i would give it a 7 1/2. The camp ground wasnt as good as last years. It was like science camp all over again. I got soooo many bug bites. And a spider bite. Youch. It was like swelling up. Yucky. Thank god i brought sweaters the cover my hand. haha. Well, i'll begin with the night before our departure. I packed. Lots of stuff. HUGE duffle bag. and i mean HUGE. Then slept. Woke up around 8:30 a.m. and got dressed. Went to church. Boarded on the bus while talking about Ohk Tahp Bong Go yang eeh (korean drama/comedy) With yvonne and janice. The ending was sooo lame. eh. oh well. It was still hilarious. And i got to watch the last video and janice and yvonne didnt. HAHA. I spoiled their ending. XD. Then i sat next to HANNAH on the bus. I was like pleeeeeeease dont let her dehidrate this year!!! Cuz two years ago she dehidrated and went to the hospital! EEP. Then a year ago she was seeing things. Double eep! Then this year she got sick. unfortunately. =X. The bus ride there was fun. Wrote notes with people here and there. Slept. and got FREAKING carsick.. *Groan* It was horrible. Stupid place had to be four hours away!! =___+.. I got lots of snapshots of people sleeping! MWAHAHAHA. :D. YAY. I love it when i get to look at people sleeping. Because then, they're like calm and all angelic looking. Its nice to look at them then, than regularily. haha. ERIC KIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHa WHY DO YOU LOOK SO CUTE SLEEPING?!?!?! He looks so calm. Irregular from ordinary days that i see him. That i was like the first time i actually got a GOOd stare at him sleeping. Then, around the last hour of the car trip i started to get car sick. OOOOHHHh GOD!! When i get carsick i get REALLLLYY carsick. NO JOKE. I was like sleeping to try to avoid getting sick. but that failed horribly. Once i got off the bus and got a fresh dose of air i was a little better. THEN!! I SAW MICHELLE!!!!! I was like OOH MY GOD!!! MICHELLE!! and we were like screaming and then we hugged eachother!! YAY! i missed michelle so much!! And then i got my bags and put then in my room. Same cabin with Janice, Yvonne, Valerie, Hannah, Jane, Susanna Kim, Hannah Kim, and Linda Kim! YESS. But those bunk beds are sooo crappy. I thought i was gunna crush yvonne(who slept under me) The toilets have freakin curtains for doors!! HAHAHAHA when i saw that i started laughing like crazy. The first day was kinda a blur. Well i remember that the sermons were fREAKING long! haha but they were hilarious. Very funny stuff. I laughed and laughed. Not to mention everyones doodling on my booklet!! (COUGH COUGH STEVEN) Its alright though. I did some evil doodling on his. MWAHAHA. anywayss. Ummm the food there is not bad. HAHAHAHAH BUT!! it made everyone like fart and take a crap alot!! ITs like some laxative. hahahaa. hmm. i dont know why it didnt affect me though. =/. haha i know michelle was like taking a crap 7 times a day. hahahahahaha! It seems like the whole place is like a fat camp, because the food is like a laxative and the campus is sucha HUGEwalking distance!! (as said by yvonne) OH. HAHA theres this bridge thing. It looks like those bridges on like t.v. shows where its like connected by tiny rope. i was like jumping and shaking the thing while janice was like aHHHHHHH STOPPP!!!! WE'RE GUNNA DIEEEEEE!!! O_O AIEEE. HAHAHA sooo hilarious. The first time i went with steven to check out the guys cabins (which are better than ours! >=X) Then i went a second time with yvonne and janice and jane, then a THIRD time to go to the field to play "games." Everytime i went i was soooooooo exhausted. X_x i cant even explain how tiring it is. We played moose! Fun fun game. My group was like playing and then more and more ppl from other teams joined. HUUGE circle. Then yea, we ate, did small groups, worship, then slept! GOOD sleep. The matresses are soo comfy when you wake up. You DONT wanna get out. I was like cradling janice's alarm clock cuz i didnt wanna drop it. We woke up at 7 o clock. and it was FREEZING. I put on like a ton of sweaters. On the second day, we played this sleeping bag game. Its like a name game. My small group was playing. Me, janice, laura, yuna, erica, michelle, hannah, april, and diana. My team was me, laura, yuna, and april. unfortunately the other team won!! BY ONE POINT!! ARGHH. it was a really fun game. The teachers make this big wall between the teams with the sleeping bag and then drop it and whoever is sitting in the front will have to shout out their names. Oh yea i was the master at the game. haha. My Small group teachers were Linda kim and Hannah kim. Also in my cabin. The memory verses were pretty easy to memorize. HAHA because most of the time we were late to meals to even memorize them!! Luckily no one was at the door to inspect that we memorized then. =/. Then it was skit time. Man, some of those skits were hilarious! haha Our small group ended up with this other small group which were the the 9th grade boys. and we were the 8th grade girls. Cute boy named daniel. VEEEEERY cute smile. haha any waysssss.. In the skit i was this bratty and very spoiled daughter with janice. haha. Yvonne was dan saying,"does anyone got a bandaid, cuz im cut! *flex flex* HAHAAAHAHA eariler before the pastor of the sermon said that the guys that think they are strongest can arm wrestle and win 80 bucks! But the pastor won it. haha. The workshops were fun also. I went to this womens one where media is exploiting us. So my group in that workshop was janice,yvonne,jane,and i. We got this picture with this naked girl in this strange pose that covered all her 'areas' JUST to sell shoes. -______-............Yea and then we talked about how the media views us and how god views us. Then i went to the "I lost my phone number, can i have yours? HOLAHHH!" That was this dating thing for middle school kids. It was very interesting. I want to try to save my first kiss for my husband. lalala. Then there was this sermon on sex. omg and then he showed these slide shows of like warts and all this disease resulting in gross skin conditions. eWWWEee.. All the guys had to turn around and all the girls. We saw the breast and vaginal area covered in like warts and all this skin disease OMG it was disgusting!!!!! I wanted to throw up. Then the girls had to turn around. Fortunately alex oppa was there to tell me,laura, janice, yvonne, and valerie all about what they're showing. Yuck. All the guys were like holarring going AHHH ! EWW! OH!!! Alex oppa obviously was disgusted. He said that they showed like the mens lower genitalia. Covered in like warts and was like falling apart!! AHHHHHH EWWWWWWWS DISGUSTINGGG!!!! >.< eWWWW!!. Then on the third day, we had holy communion and worship. This worship was like never ending!! Everyone was like crying and screaming and me and yvonne were like the only ppl sitting up and NOT crying at all. Everyone was like on their knees. crying and screaming. Yvonne and i were like O_O/OMG. Then they were talking about everyone who are ready to die for christ kneel please. And again me and yvonne were the only ones sitting. I was kinda spooked. Everyone crying and stuff. whooaa. Sorry i wasnt feeling it *shrugs* so, i sat up with yvonne and we sat and sat for like 2 hours or however long the worship was. Watching everyone. Then there was the campfire. Where we toasted marshmallows. OH! have i failed to mention that michelle and janice got into a pen war. haha oh geesh. They got pens and were marking eachothers sweaters. HAHA. sad sad sad. Then that was the night where we could stay up all night. We went into the dining hall. Ppl were playing moose, ming ming mo, some ppl were playing the guitar or the bass or the piano or the drums. And some ppl were playing ABCD. I wanted to ask brian how to play the drums! I missed brian!! haha. He plays the drums amazingly well. Ppl were eating ramen i wanted to eat some too. but in the mornin i'll probably have a stomach ache. =/. Then around 2, We went to hit the sack. Valerie and I were whispering and stuff. But we were told to sleep. After that. I slept like a LOG. I woke up and discovered my spider bite, and a different brian treated my spider bite. Very nice guy. He gave me calamine lotion. It didnt help too much. then, on the last day. We got our t-shirts. said our tearful goodbyes, and went inside our charter bus. Im gunna miss daniel. =/ even though i didnt know him that much. at least i got his picture. aHAHA XD. The ride back home was HORRIBLe. For 4 hours i slept. but each time i was carsick to the freakin maximum. When we got to church i still felt my car sickness. @_#.... I like swallowed down my barf, and that just made me feel worse. When i got home, i went to quyen's birthday party, fun fun for everyone!! Even though i stayed for 2 hours only :(.. the cake was soooo good. mmmmmm.. And i saw stacy with her braces! she gooot soooo pretty. hahaha :D. Then we watched american pie 2. then i got home and collapsed onto my bed. and slept. :D.
Thats my recollection of my week. Bye bye!


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