Tuesday, July 29, 2003

lalala. hello there. Well.. didnt do anything special on monday except get my braces consulting!!ahhh. it was freaky! they jabbed at my jaw and like forced my mouth to move around and clawed at my teeth!! Ow...my jaw and my gums hurt from all that torture. They also put these plastic things in my mouth to open my mouth and then took pictures of my teeth. but noo the stupid nurse put them in wrong and the jagged edge was grinding into my gums..tears were about to come out when she fnally stopped. sniff
:'(. Oww..it was bleeding. This agonizing pain!! @_@.. and then they put this mouth piece filled with this pink glue crap and then when the lady took it out, it hurt like a mother cuz the glue was stuck to my teeth and when she pulled it out it was like pulling my teeth off!! And the stupid dentist siad that i have to have my braces for 2 years. and that i have to take my wisdom teeth out!! AGHHHH THAT BARSARD!! he said it would make me prettier! my face shape will change! what the hell does he know about beauty!! ARGHH HE"S A FRIGGIN DENTIST!! AGHHHH. well yea..ummm going to the mall maybe..tomorrow.bye


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