Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Well today was an interesting day at the mall. haha. Umm me, Stacy, Quyen, and Shirley went to the mall at 10:15 because we didnt have a ride so we had to go in the morning! haha early..there was no one there because it was early..and the fact that its a wednesday. no one shops on a wednesday except us! no lines! no packed changing rooms! more clothes! More deals and discounts!whoohoo! unfortunately we didnt buy much. =/ we window shopped. well not really window shopped cuz we actually went into the stores. We went into AE thinking yay its gunna be cool. but unfortunately it wasnt very cool. But there was a belt that stacy wanted but it was too expensive. So we went into Forever 21. We tried on like pounds of clothes..and i liked this one wide neck sweater t-shirt..but it was red. stupid dress code! and stacy bought a wide necked pale pink shirt. looked really nice on her! :) you were BOOTYFULLL! hahaha. We actually got shirley into a pink skirt! it was SOOOOO CUTE ON HER!!!! haha. Then after that quyen wanted a face plate for her sony ericson. and the man said that since she was his first customer that he would give her a 5 dollar discount. But the 5 dollars wasnt enough soo..she didnt buy it. It was nice though. blackk.. but i like her face plate now better. Then we went into star shots and then took the booth pictures. We wanted to take this scary bloody halloween one, but they didnt have it anymore :'(. We took alot!! and wasted alot of money on them!!!! AND theres this one booth where it takes your pictures and the booth draws you guys really realistically and its really cool. Quyen got the first copy, then we went to eat. I ate a bigmac and some of quyen's bake potato! DONT HATE! Just CUs I EAT ALOT! haha. Then we went to this bargain disney store and i bought joanna a tinkerbelle outfit. really cute. and quyen bought Dat a buzz lightyear shirt. haha cute. She said that he's too fat. She can fit into his clothes and he's lke what 4?? then we went to take those drawing pictures again. tHey are sooo Awesome. seriously. BUT NOO THESE STUPID KIDS!! ARGHHH I WANTED TO KILL THEM THEN BURN THEIR STUPID CARCASSES!!! ROARRR!! When we were taking the pictures they kept moving the curtains and peeking in and crap!! ARGHH and i after we took a picture this stupid mexican kid in red squirted shirley in the eye with a water gun and squirted our pictures and got them ruined!! they were SMUDGED!!! ARGHHHHHHH!!!! i was FURIOUS.. I WASTED 3 FREAKING DOLLARS ON IT!!!!!! then stacy and shirley went to chase him. but they didnt catch up and he ran into burger king and hid...stupid boy..cant be a man and face us!!! ARGHH while me and quyen talked to the other boys that were pestering us. i demanded my money from them. one boy almost cried. i didnt care. stupid boy. crybaby. then the other boy that was with him was all smiling..i was like what are you smiling about!! HUH!?!?! ANSWER MY FREAKIN QUESTION!! YOU OWE ME MONEY SO FORK IT OVER! but then he acted like a fruit and didnt answer...then we couldnt find the freakin mexi..i was so mad..i wanted to KILL HIM SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY..IF ONLY I FOUND HIM..IF ONLY..I swear to god..i would bash his freakin teeth into his BRAIN!! ARGHH!!!! Then the other kids mom came and we were like they owe us money for ruining our picture..and the stupid lady was like no no! as if we were selling it to her!! STUPID LADY! LEARN ENGLISH! YOU'RE IN AMERICA!! *grinds teeth* *breathes* ANYWAY..we then went to the food court again and then shirley and quyen bought a massive load of noodles. for only 6 bucks. great deal. then we headed toy'r'us to buy a board game. there wereso many! i wanted truth or dare jenga sooooo badly..but it was too expensive. :(...Then we bought clue instead. Verry fun. We played for like an hour and 30 minutes. yeaa me and quyen tied. Me-2 wins Quyen-2 Stacy-0 Shirley-0. then everyone left and i ate. :) MMMM Baked potato souppp... *drooL*


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