Saturday, August 02, 2003

MWAHAHAHAHA stacy has to get braces in 6 days!! 6 days!!! MWAHAHAHA. Peanut party on the 5th!!! poor you. Tell me about the pain. IM getting braces soon. and getting my wisdom teeth taken out. IM GOING TO DIE. I WILL DIE. oh god. Stupid dentist. *kicks him in the shin* My wisdom teeth arent even bothering me, so why do i have to take them out! stupid man!!! ARGHH i cannot express my anger towards him!! GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR musssssssst KILLLLLLL. *cough*. ahem, anyways. yea. I've got a dentist appointment on monday. grrr. more fondling with my mouth. They like cut my gums. aghh it hurts like a freakin mother.. pain...Stupid nurse that didnt put the mouthpiece in right!! aghh..


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