Sunday, August 10, 2003

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII folks. im back from my week of VBS. Man i am EXHAUSTED! Even though i was just a teacher's assistant im like dying. And we have the retreat on tuesday!!! AHH when will the stress end!!haha well about VBS... It was actually really fun. On wednesday, the kids registered, i met the kids, nothing too out of the ordinary. on Thursday all the teachers and teachers aids slept over. What a night that was. Not even a wink of sleep because of janice and eunice!! haha and then laura came into the room and started rolling on top of my saying,"Katie!! wake up!" and im like *groan* i need sleeeppp. and shes like,"cmon katie!" Then i started rolling on everyone else. haha it was funny. We were going to raid the boys rooms with toilet paper and permanent pens, but we decided that they would still be awake, so we didnt. In the morning, our room smelled horrible. So steven sprayed his cologne in our room. Then on Friday, i was taking these two kids in my class named Jin and Annie to the girls bathroom,when they asked me if me and steven liked eachother because they sat next to eachother and did stuff (which by the way was fixing the hole punch) And i said ,"NO!!!!!!! just because you sit next to eachother doesnt mean you like eachother!" (duhh im his TA so we sit together) Then they were like whispering about him and i was like do you guys like him, and they were like shyly kicking at the tile in the bathroom. They were like he's so cute. and i was like (O_O). haha and then they asked me if they had to swim and if he was swimming too.and i said yes. and they were like sqealing saying oh how embarassing. i dont want him to see me in my bathing suit! But at that very moment he ran into the girls bathroom. and they were like EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw i dont like him anymore! he went into the girls bathroom!Apparantly i got the kids to think that eric was my brother. haha i still didnt get him back for putting punch in my hair, but i did give him a long chase and a tackle. Then apparently the kids think that steven and i are married. O_O. crazy kids. haha. I think the VBS this year was better than the last years. the rooms were better too, because joyful noise (by the way arent at all joyful) finally left the church and we got to go all out on our rooms. This one boy in my class named eric was like you guys are married!! How big is your heart?? and he was like measuring steven's chest, and then he went to mine and i was like WHOAAAAAA Where the HECK are you putting your hands. Yep, then we went out to dinner on the last day for the teachers. Went to dennies. I ordered cheese sticks and an orea sundae. I scored the high score of 20,628 on the spider catch game on eric's cellie. Unfortunately our classroom didnt win best. But i know in my heart we won. haha. Now i wont be back again until saturday, because of my retreat!!!!!!!!!!! aggghhhhh tiring!!! i cant believe we cant bring cd players!! or two piece swim suits! when if its a tankini! i tanktop and boy shorts. oh well. rules are rules. IM bringing my razor though. for shaving purposes. Okee dokes then. Im going to go now. i'll miss you reader! haha until next time!! So long!
I want cake. I want cake! =D


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