Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Hi all! Wow. Today was a day of fun! haha not. a day of weirdness actually o_O.. it was quite strange. I was wearing this big white sweatshirt, and stacy was like wow you're so huggable.. and im like O_o EH? and she's like, cuz your sweater is so fat! Then katrina and jen come and hug me..then 4 more ppl like hug me too. and stacy was like...SEEEEEEEEEEEEE? hahaha.. Funny stuff. Then during lunch, taylor was like ahh! your sweater is sooo bright! i have to squint when i look at you! and i was like fineeee i'll go in the shade, and i went behind him. and he was like..i cant see you anymore! And im like oh no! then i stand extremely close to him so that his shadow can shade my oh so bright sweater i guess. haha. taylor and his tallness. wow. Sorry about my non capitalization.. i feel really lazy so i dont wanna do it! sorry! XP. Soo on that day, taylor has become my body guard!! yay!! hahaha. yay!! i have steven as my church body guard! im like a celebrity! BD hehe. Yes! chinese food tomorrow! yum! raymond better get me some! And to top off all the weirdnesss... oh geee. where should i start.. i was talking to dianna about anime. then sean pops up and starts chasing me... hes like katie, i need a hug! and im like uhh. umm go hug andrew!! and he's like trying touch me or somethinG!!! >.< aghh! then andrew was like dude stop! haha then i ran behind amanda and stephanie and stephanie was like, whats with you and girls named katie! and amanda said yea just leave her alooone!! stop trying to grope her!! ME= >.< ....gross! Then after school, andrew asked him if he liked me, and he said that he had an odd sexual attraction towards me... O_O................... no comment......
ANYWAYS.. on to more important of detaillll! couldnt bake the cake today.. tomorrow. ! hooray! grave of the fireflies!! YAYYYYYYYYYY. sad movie!! crying time! hehehe. yeass...Guitar lessons!!!!! i wanna learn SOON STEVEN SOON.. haha like SOON! hahaha. okee dokess....

Me: Listening to Me first and the gimme gimme's -Remake of i believe i can fly.
nice song. short tho. yep. g2g! byebye buddy!!!

Mreow ^_______^


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