Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Hello there fellow peers. Well yes. its the time and date as listed above. Well, today was absolutely peachy-keen. hehe. Went by rather quickly i have to say. P.E. was much fun, as a DIED. doing...
1.running around the track (rather tiring)
2.10 freakin long, hard pushups (Teacher makes it harder than freaking usual!)
3.Warm-ups and stretches that hurt!
4.Knee is totally hurting by now
6.grueling minutes on two bars, trying to get accross (hard to explain, very hurtful)

Amanda= ::watches sean do 10 push-ups rather perfectly:: "Sean's so muscular!!!" hahaha. XD
haha. the other day i went on a car chase!! WhooHOO! haha. Steph was driving me home, and then auntie saw a ticket on her window, and apparently the police officer got confused(IDIOT!) haha and put the ticket on our car, instead of the designated car it was supposed to go to. So we chased with car description around, and i bet they thought we were stalking them (which we were) and then to our displeasure, we found out that the car we were chasing wasnt the car on the ticket. So auntie went to go to talk to the police officer and cleared everything up! yay!
Yea!! karen has finally organized her "I LOVE MAVERICK" club! haha! i am actually in that club. Even though i have no idea who maverick is. =/ If karen loves him, i guess i do too! YES!! i had lunch today with my creww. as usual. but this time, we moved from the quad to the benches!! BENCH BUDDIES!! haha.. Then we saw stacy's dear husband. Cone. HAHAHAHA cone got alot skinnier and taller. (by the way, it really it a cone) hahahaha. I was like ,"STACY YOUR HUSBAND!! ITS CONIE!!!" Then kim says,"WHAT?!? You're cheating on Ted Bundy? HOW dare you!! You've been together since karen's birthday party when we watched him on the telly!" STacy,"AHH STOPPIT!!" "HE'S NOT MY HUSBAND!!!" ME= =O totally shocked!BUT stacy!! think of your kids!!
=D oh how i love to torment stacy.

YEs!!!! stayed in first chair for band!! wahahaha! i rule! =D. Vote hoang for student conductor!! XD
Yes! got answers to that geography thing from Bianca L. THANKSSSS.

haha, geesh i have a lot of classes with Ritt. =/
Today, Like Sang yelled out my name so that i could get steffie's h/w cuz she was sick at home! (FEEL BETTER!!) I didnt even know that he knew my name! haha. Then i heard from auntie that steffie was sick for like an hour, and then she started watching t.v. and going online and darting off the walls. haha. nicee. playing hooky. =D
Hmm.. Tim wasnt in class for math. haha our table is the braces bunch. Tim, Kim, stacy, and I. Oh how we rule. Turning this =B to =D this.
As andrew says, braces are accessories for your teeth. By the way, did you notice his new haircut? doesnt even look like andrew anymore!

God, lunch lines were soo longg!! ahhh. almost died.. Me, Quyen, Tina, Jody, Amanda, Beth, and Stacy. just waited and waited. then the food came and 2 minutes after i got my food i had to go to class. oh phooey. I just put the chips in my backpack and ate them at home. haha. sadly, stacy had to get out of line, because she wasnt buying lunch but just talking to us. Quyen was all trying to ask for the time, and the lady just ignored her. how sad. =(, Then tina tied quyen's hair in a knot and it just fell out. Amanda was like WTF?!!??! and Beth said,"It fell outta the knot cuz her hair is HEALTHY. haha. silly ameeba. (amanda). Then....i remember doing something.. and i wanted to put it in here.., cant...remember...!! NO!! uhhhh...can only remember bits and pieces... Going to bathroom with stacy and karen.. I wondered if anyone was in a stall, and checked for their feet, and karen said dont do that! haha and laughed.. and then....When the toilet flushed it made a peculiar sound.. almost like a FART. haha. then...cant remember the rest. ehggg. all is lost! haha. well yea.. thankies to the people who love me and took my survey. and to those who didnt *glare* haha. just kidding! HAHAHAHA. OMG!!! STephanie Bui told me about this tape recorder that april has and like OMG hahaha!! This lady called 911 and was like AHHHHHHHH!! ITS BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNIN!!!! And then person is like calm down mam, what happened! I dropped a #@$%^&* iron on my p$#@&!!! AHH!! IM TRYING TO STAND UP, BUT ITS BURNNIIIINGG!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!! OWWOWW!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
HAHAHA OMG!! i was almost tearing when i heard it!! poor lady. must've gotten like 3rd degree burn.=/ clumsiness.. Yep.. during p.e. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha stephanie noticed the funniest thing., i noticed too, but i didnt wanna say anything. ahem ahem.. amanda!! hahaha POLAR ICE CAPS!! Is it cold in here?? HAHA/. stephanie told sara, sean, and andrew and they were all screaming IS IT COLD?? North pole!! Mountain terrain!!! TREES A COMIN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It was funny but i felt bad for the poor girl. Poor defenseless amanda =(. haha.. psst... were you wearing a bra?? cuz.. stuff was showing. =X... yea.. and that about sums up my day. haha yepp.. =D. NARUTO=BEST!! haha. naruto's such a cutiee.. eww. why does he like sakura..gross...she's such a brat though.. no ninja skills. hahaha. sniff poor naruto.. all. alone..ppl hatin him just cuz he was that fox thing. If i were there i would give him a BIG HUG!! make him feel better. And that teacher with the black bandana or something over his mouth and left eye. He would be hot. if only his right eye didnt look so lazy. So awesomely cute when he laughs =3. hahaha. me and my anime boy craze. XD cant help it! haha nyeh~ well g2g!! byebye all! *muah*


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