Monday, March 08, 2004

OMG... IM UPDATING.. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! >=] mwehehe. sorry for tormenting all ya folks waitin for me to blog. i feel loved. ~__~. WELL.. i've got alot to review upon.. though i probably forgot everything. -.-''

Concert- awesome..HECK YES. We did great. Though my mouth felt fuzzy after playing so much. haha first up was full orchestra!! whoo! we played Harry potter chamber of secrets, lord of the rings, themes from harry potter, and wizard of oz.. man we screwed up ALOT.. you could hardly hear the small amount of band kids. -_______-... you couldnt even hear me in my solo with andrew. grrr.. but i absolutely LOVED eric anderburgs part in lord of the the fast creepy part!! AHH IT WAS SO FRIGGIN AWESOME.. im buying the cd. >=D mwahaha. Then was advanced banndd whoohoo!! we played The indiana jones theme, star trek, and star wars phantom menace.. MAN. i didnt think we would pull off star wars!! but we did.. except for the baritones..*glares at jarrett and joshua* WHO MISSED THEIR ENTRANCE! but we did good. OUR SINGING WAS AWESOME!! and the screaming part.. man me and stacy were trying to yell out HI QUYEN, but the darned kids were too loud!! oh well. then it was jazz baaaaaaaaand, we played james bond, mission impossible, star wars, and jetsons. Man.. i actually got the sixteenth notes out in jetsons! yaaaaaaaaay, and christian did better on his solo in mission impossible than during rehearsals. and i was playing bongos as hard as i could, and when mrs. chase played back the cd, you could hardly hear me!! darn *snaps* anyway.. on to friday already! >=I

Friday- Missed perez and p.e.!! YES!! mwahahaha.. curse you perez!!! to go to piedmont high school and listen to their lovely music. MAN.. the red head piano guy in the choir was so freaking good!! i envy him!! he was so great. He was shining in greatness. *in awe* And the like 5 foot girl and 6 foot guy sang so well!!! and they looked so happy together!! *tear tear* they were so cute, man if only they were together. then again, it could've been an act! *gasps* i've been deceived!
hah anyway, then the band came out.. vERYgood. We saw stacy's sister and andrew and evan were snickering about how stacy and her sister looked SO MUCH ALIKE. even jared agreed. man the first chair flutist must be very good.. she got to play piccolo TT__TT.. nice to listen to.. then there was jazz band. O_O... *eyes pop out* THEY WERE AMAZING.. then their full orchestra. aha ted! They played star wars! HAH!! we played it better!! we sang with more enthusiasm!! although they got to have kazoos, and whistles, and the they didnt miss the baritone entrance, but still, i think our star wars was better. >=D then in the end, there were to eighth notes, and they were supposed to have another two eighth notes,but they didnt, so andrew and evan were drumming along to the rhythm until the end were they added the extra two eighth notes and you could like hear it so clearly because it was really quiet. haha sad

My starvation- It went well i think, it wasnt as hard as i thought, although it was VERY HARD to give into temptation,, like when we went to watch miracle at mercado, where in-n- out was RIGHT THERE.. I COULD SMEEL ITT. XD~ *drool* and i started shaking like a crazy arthiritis person. O_O... Then we ate JOOK!!! man i never eat jook, but then, i was so hungry, i dug in. 3 bowls. ^^ yum. then went home and pigged out on cookies. >D

Honor band rehearsal- It was cool! cuz i got to meet new people. The morrill kid named alan that sits next to me has great sound. *is jealous* stacy and i made a bet though... i thought he was going to be a small kid with glasses, and stacy said the exact opposite, tall, spikey hair, kinda gangster.. then i lost the bet and i had to bow down to her. -_x haha it was cool, cuz i got to see mr fleming again! hes so cool! then yea. we got to play harder music.. cant wait for wednesday!

Then on friday went to watch passion with: yuna, laura, eric, steven, alex, andy, taeg, and jeff. Man.. that movie was good. It was so cute when jesus was making the table and then he was like joking around with his mum. Lin says: "IT was pure Mel gibson humor." haha Man, it was so gross how it was so graphic. yum? -______- man.. those stupid men made me mad, slashing him like that, and laughing. have they no shame? grr. and those stupid high priests or watever. tsk tsk. SHAME!


Monday- its so hot... -.- AGHHHH. IM DYING!! sweating dogs and cats. grr. stupid perez and his homework. -sigh- mr.aberle's sub was cool. very energetic. so fruity. haha i could tell krystal liked him. cuz she would always laugh. then again the whole class laughed. cuz he was so weird!!! phyti=fish? alright mr ____! i forgot his name. haha. man.. watched the last of FB.....CANT BELIEVE ITS OVER..IT CANT BE!! AGHH!! i could've sworn that they said it was still going on.. man cried like a maniac. so sad, sosad.

Question of the day: i guess i dont have one today.. well.. alright.. UMMM....anime boys or surfers.. no no thats not a question because its a given answer. duh.. its anime boys. -.- anyone who disagrees iS BLIND. :D toodles


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