Wednesday, February 11, 2004

My goodness.. it feels like its been years since i updated.. wow.. i noticed that my typing is as slow as ever. needa start practicing. *clicks tongue* Wow.. i pretty much forgot eveything im supposed to write about, but i'll remember as much as i can.

Last Last week= Mrs. chase wanted me to play louder on bongos durig jazz, so she drew hoang on a sticky note and stuck it onto the bongos. instead of making me play louder i seriously rolled on the floor. HAHAHA. Then hoang said eww katie's hitting on me. get it?? hitting me? bongos? HAHAHA. then i waslike O_O........And also found out that if you open your eyes wide at sean, he'll scream. XDD

This week= On Friday i went to church! yay yvonne's birthday. FEB 6. I wanted to go to the dance of course. and see the :action: that was goin on, but of course a friends birthday is more important than a dance. HAHA YVONNE GOT ONE OF THOSE BLACK FUZZ BALLS IN SPIRITED AWAY. Its so cute. Then Me, eric, mike, laura, and Valerie's friend Jenny played the foot game. If there are 5 people in a circle, there are 10 feet. Then you have to keep subtracting the number of feet until there arent any.. So in order for us to do 2 feet, i was piggy backed onto eric, and jenny was piggy backed onto mike. Then mike and eric stood on one foot while laura stepped on their two feet. it was a jumble of limbs. @__@. craziness. Then everyone in the room arm wrestled! David V.S. alex, JEnny V.S. Valerie... Me V.S. my brother -__-. i won again. haha not to sound cocky ;) Mike V.S. Jeff Jeff V.S. Alex, Taeg v.s. Alex Taeg V.S. Jeff. Man jeff's a pretty strong guy and so is josh.

Saturday= i went to watch big fish with yvonne, janice, isabelle, alice, Janice's friends Jean and stephanie. WE first ate at tomatina.. mmmmm their three cheese ravioli is excellent. then we went to watch big fish. that movie is truly remarkable.. almost made me cry. TT___TT.. very very good movie. with so many funny parts!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA when he was in a cannon and was obsessing over his love. HAHAHA XDDDD the two headed chinese woman. MAn why did they have to put koreans in that movie as the bad guys?! in world war wasnt korea and america allies? O_____o.... Then went to valley fair.. i could've sworn i saw aaron.. but i was too afraid to say hi. man i havent seen that guy since he moved to Las Vegas. Anyways, shopped around, looked around. Then we went to AE and yvonne was swooning over this tote bag, and i said man thats too expensive lets go outside. then we went into pac sun. I said i needed to run to the bathroom.
-snicker- everyone was in on the plan.. in reality i ran to AE and bought her the tote. the line was so loong! @__@. hehehe

-Sunday- HD PROJECT!! CURSE YOU! i thnak god i will never have to do one... was fun..sorta. amanda made us grilled cheese while we discussed how quyen had to kiss evan 3 times and andrew once. hehehehehehehehe imma tell someone to record it. WAHAHAHAHA. Man. amanda like ransacked my food~ hahahaha.

Monday- Relatively good day, except it was too hot. i hate hot days. i hate when the sun is fully out. my eyeess. -hiss- HAHAHA i heard a hilarious quote from mr. maino that i heard from stephanie..

STephanie: MR. maino, what will u do if it rains nonstop this whole week?
Maino: I'll get one boy p.e. student, a girl p.e. student and a pair of each animal.

HAHAHAHA NOAH'S ARK!! i just found that to be hilarious.. i dont know why? haha

Tuesday- Good day, but i forgot about American idol. HAHAHa dude, that chinese fob guy that sang she bangs was sooo famous. he went on the ryan seacrest show cuz everyone like him. I've had no pofeshyunol twaining. hhaha fobbie accent. Man.. that stupid superbowl thing.. GET OVER IT!!! jesus. its a boob. 1 boob!! no big deal.. Theres more important things going on..POLITICAL Wise MAYBE. JEESH WE DONT CARE ABOUT UR BOOB!!! -shakes head in disappointment- and they're prosecuting justin timberlake as if he cut it off or something. godd..

Today- Good day also. Alotta kids are stating to bring their guitars thanks to ritt and taylor for setting the trend. haha. I got an A+ on my notebook!! YAYYYY must ace the flowers for algernon test and then the essay. phew.. must pass class with an A OR ELSE!! i swear. haha i started laughing like a maniac when i saw that kid who fell that one day again..stacy looked at me like i was INSANE. which i probably am by now. haha. where are my otis cookies stacy! and my anime! *lower lip trembles* Then during lunch sean, andrew, evan, nathan start singing from the music man. HAHAHAHHAHA. some funny stuff. Then there was something between stacy and katrina about hunger and monthlies. hahaha it was soo funny though.. cant seem to remember.. O_o... im going to try not to say "like" when i speak to people. i seem to get angry when i hear someone saying "like" alot so im not going to say it anymore. wish me luck i guess. IM only gnna use like when its on proper terms.

Man. perez book im almost done with mine!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -cries- i love that book and i never want to let it go! NEVER! its so wonderful. I've fallen quite in love with the character Matt Toller. I dont know how to explain.. whenever hes in the scene i seem to sqeal. HAHA especially if he's spending time with Jane. (the main character) But theres also suprises. NEVERENDING SUPRISES!! AHHHH. I CANT BELIEVE IT!! WHY MATTHEW!! WHY LUCY?!!? AHH DIERDE!! I always scream or slam my fist on the desk while im reading. HAHAHA. man im quite a passionate reader. I think thats why i fall in love with characters in books.. alot. haha. -shakes my head- I cnat believe matt dies. TT__TT at least he dies with lucy. i dont want it to end..and the tin and handkerchief with the baby and the leaf?! aww that leaf scene was cute.. puella puellae.. hmm i might want to take up latin.. maybe not. eh. man. i love reading. book worm.. yes. band geek Yes.. how much more nerdier can i become? well.. that about sums it for today. gooDBye.



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