Monday, January 19, 2004

Drinkin- Snapple Apple
Mood- happy. not wanting to go to school to turn in the gm's though.. man i wanna learn guitar and sing in a band. hahaha oh well.

Darn these God forsaken GM'S! Curse you mrs. cosgrove!!! AHHHHH. T______T... MAn, yesterday was quite a night indeed. The whole jeff and steven uhh. knee and the leg thing with the hands and the eh. haha. Yeap i stayed at Alex's pretty darn late. O_O... till 1:30 A.M. i might add. wow i almost passed out. Jeff tried to wear my pea coat. pa. ha. HAHAHA. -snickers- saw alex in his uniform. -tries to contain my laughter- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! haha anywho. yea. Then taeg was nice enough to drive us home. ladeedee.. needa buy shoes..=/ school. T__T NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. bah. im tired. MAN!! when is run of hte house on?!!??!?!?!?!?! O_O...i cant seem to find the timE! AHHH i miss that show!!! >3< argies. &(-___-)&
school ahhh. im dreading it. T___T what happened to the relaxation? WHAT HAPPENED!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Well, stayed home today. change of plans. Watched Head over heels. I just love that movie! haha i dont know why. The russian chick is awesome with her accent and all. and freddy prince Jr is so cute in that movie! And when she and him kissed at the end i was like -squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaal-
hahaha. ladeeda wanna watch Donny darko!! heard it was good. Wanna watch DEvil's advocate too. i saw some of it on USA but i had to go to sleep. it seemed interesting. Then i watched bands reunited on VH1. haha BERLIN REUNITED!! hehe then watched a makeover story and yea. i wanna have a hair makeover. something new wirh my hair. i wana cut it really a pixie cut. but i dont wanna..i wish i could just cut my hair and then grow it back in a couple minutes if i didnt like it. T__T oh well. Okay, well im gunna go finish my Gm's while listening to the rest of my Finch cd. toodles.

Question of the day: Would you live the rest of your life with your significant other and have everyone die, or stay with everyone else and have your significant other die?

Note: your significant other meaning like the love of your life, i.e. husband, wife, finace


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