Monday, September 29, 2003

Hello all, now i must update about the trip to Great America with my buddies. =D Well, first of all we just got there and like chilled, then we ate some garlic fries!! yum!! haha and kimberly brought her own souvenir cup from home and asked for refills. haha smart girl! then we rode on delerium! haha when we were in the air, some dude dropped his shoes and they fell onto the platform, and you know how the platform raises and drops?? Well his shoe got stuck on the platform, and then went under the platform! the guy was like WTF!! MY SHOE!!! HAHAHAHAHAH OMG!! poor guy! i wonder if he got his shoe back. If he did, it probably is all like messed up. awwww.

Then kimberly's boyfriend cammmmee. His name's Michael. So we split up to ride on the skyliner thing. Michael and Kimberly sat together, and Stephanie, Katrina, Quyen, and I sat together. Stephanie was throwing coins down from the skyliner! HAHAHAHA I WAS LIKE WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!?!?! LOOKS!! it says its against the PENAL law!! i said it pronounces Peenal, when its pronounced pehnal. hahhaha. oh geessh,. anyway the coin hit some person!! OMG! haha and some college dude in the other cart saw her throw it and was like YEA!!! in a roar! haha and then katrina roared back YEA!!! to him! haha it was so funny!!!! then me and katrina were discussing the 500 dollah! thing on Bubble boy!! HAHAHa *Cracks up* OMg! its soo funnyy!! Then bumper carssss!! soo funn!!! i love driving! *____* cant wait till i drive, but i'll probably hate it later! oh welllll. XD. Thennnn we rode on topgun. Katrina spotted a hot half japanese guy behind uss. So, katrina forced Quyen into asking for his picture.

Quyen: Hey kid, can i take a picture of you? Im making a collage of strangers (A LIE!! A LIEE!!!)
Kid (his name's Sean): umm okay? *laughs*
His retarded friends: *chuckle chuckle* Hey, i think she's checkin u out dude, ask for her number!!
Kid: NO!
Quyen: *takes picture* thankss.
Kid's friends: Muttering stuff.
KAtrina was like staring at it for hours!! hahaha!! Then we watched zoolander on the screen while waiting to ride topgun! OMG SOOO HILARIOUS!! OH THE GAYNESSS!! XDDD. Then i found out "interesting facts" about quyen!! Wow! how daring quyen! haha didnt it feel awkward?? O_o. Did raymond get any of the muahhz? Or was he excluded? MAN! you guys sure were bored.

Thennn we ate some funnel cakkee!!mmmmmm!! but i think it made us all feel sick when riding revolution. haha. Mmm.. Funnel cake with whipped cream, ice cream, chocolate, and powdered suuggarrrr... *drooooLL* mMmMM Soft frozen lemonade!! haha just kidding stacy! We felt bad about eating it without you! ^___^ so we didnt eat any. Then Kimbo and Michael held handss!! ^______^ HOW CUUTTEE!! haha quyen was going crazy when they put their arms around eachother. She was like OMG HOW cUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTEEE!! haha and i could tell that he thought we were weird. He wasnt very talkative, but he would laugh at our funny sayings. haha like for example katrina was like WHOA!! why are your pupils so small???? *stare stare* Kimbo=its cuz we're facing the sun.. Me=Wait? what? huh? *stares at everyones pupils* *cringe* EWWWWWWWWW!! hahaha.

Noooooowww, about today...........TAEBO!!! YEA!!! i accidentally kicked some guy in the nuts!! aghh sorry!! hahaa we were doing back kicks, and i didnt know someone was behind me, and i kicked back pretty hard, and hit someone! ouch! haha. Yea..then lunch...AGHHH 2 STUPID MEXICANS THAT DIDNT KNOW EnnGLISH!!! AGHH!!! So, me, katrina and quyen are in line waiting for lunch, and these mexicans try cutting and katrina is like hey, no cutting, im your president... i have authority over you. and they were like laughing and quyen was like stoppit! Then they went behind us, and 1 girl was laughing all the time, like she was on drugs.. i think she was on E or somethnig cuz she kept laughing.. Freak... then the other girl was like pushing us with her dirty bussums. and then katrina was like WTF is your problem you retard? and quyen was like dude, just stop you *under breath* then the girl like STEPPED on my SHOE!!!! i was enraged!!! I was like dude, waht the freak is wrong with you? No ENGLES?!?! HUH? And then i pushed her back away from me, then she kept pushing, and katrina was like No speak-o english-o? Well-o you-o -are-o an el freak-o. Get it now?? then they were like whistling at the yard duty and was like cOOter! HAH! i laugh! cant even speak english...Then the yard duty came and then was like what? and tey were like pointing at me and saying cooter really softly, then we said that they were pushing and obviously she believes US because we were asian. MAn.. i was [] this close to punching her face.. People like them... man.. if onllyy it wasnt at schooll.. After we bought our lunch katrina was like cursing and giving death threats hahahaha!! XD. she was liek screaming DIE!!! haHAHAHA!! If i see them again.. *punches the deesk* haha.

Then quyen was wearing a shirt with 2 flowers and sats He loves me, and me and jennifer were saying how the bigger man flower deflowered the smaller lady flower!! HAHA and the poor petal (which appeared to be the baby) was also beside the flowers. haha. me and jennifer have our own understand of things! haha. sometimes not right in the mind, but still an understanding! haha.

Then went home and watched threes company. Sniff sniff. John Ritter!! Why did you die! :(... Then the land lord was like, what kind of game are they playing up there? and the landlord's wife saaid, a game thats kinky and only three can play! HAHAHAHAHAHA I JUST HAD TO PUT THAT!! ITS SO FUNNY! XD. or called.. soo Punnny! as quyen says! and how quyen says YaR! hahaha. what a strange child! ^___^ i mean that in the most loving way possible quyen my love! haha.

Oh yea!! christian and i talked yet again. small talk. He asked me, hey, did you practice your jazz part? i said sorta.. and he laughed and he waslike i slur too much, and i was like ur supposed to though! i dont EVEn slur. and we both laughed and i said good luck and he said you too. I got the part, but i hate that song!! its sooo freaking hard!! i only got the part because i had the rhythm correct.. i would stay with the conductor, because im first chair flute anyway, so i know how to follow the conductor, but christian plays and reads better than me. i just ahve the rhythm. *shrugs* im really baddd.. egggss! hahahaa. well i g2g now. sleepy time!! nighty night! i love you! haha byeee!!


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