Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Yo ho ho and a bottle of SODA!! haha. Heyyyyyy.. Well..yea today was umm yea.. hahaha.. I heard from a quite accurate source that *ahem* and *ahem* were making out in front of the girl's locker room. *cough* Mann... and to believe *ahem* is one of our study body members. Tsk tsk tsk. Well anyways.. today was very normal. hahaha curled my hair today and i got like compliments from like 20000000000 ppl. ^-^''' eheheh? They're like OMG! i LOVE your hair! and im like ..uh ehehe... thanks? haha.. Im usually shy when ppl compliment me. haha.

Sunday- Went to olive garden! whoohoo!! yum yum! i ate lasagna.. To the way there, me and kristine were sitting in the back seats, and she was like its really squishy back here.. just like boobies!! And i was like what the?!!?!? O_O!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorrYY!! i just had to put that in!! XD Then i was playing with the wine glasses.. Putting water in one and running your finger accross the rims..I made beautiful music.. Mary had a little lamb, actually.. But i could tell ppl were getting annoyed. cuz it was really loud, so i stopped ^_^

Monday- ummmm nothing really?

Tuesday- I MISSED MY SHOW!! NOOO!!! TT_TT... Well. yea.. Umm.. nothing much i guess.. Just in math haha. EVerything good happens in math! i simply adore that class!! and band!! i love those two! *_____*. Well, in math, there was this smiley eraser that stacy had, and then she dropped it, and some girl was standing over it and was wearing a skirt, so it looked like the happy face was looking up her skirt!! XD HAHA. Then stacy told Kimberly a.k.a Kim to throw it at Jarrett Katai. HAHAHAHAHA SO FUNNYY!! he was like OWW!! (it pegged him on the head) He took the eraser and drew ugly little mustaches and threw it back. Stacy was furious!! she was like shooting smoke out of her nostrils!! HAHAHAHA so, she got out her permanent pen and started drawing on it, and making it uglier saying,"property of jarrett katai!" HI! ITS MR.WINKY PINKY!!" IT was sooooo funny..

Then I told Kim to throw it at christian kim!! GRRR he still makes me mad!! i just want to be his friend T___T i want a korean guy friend that goes to my school. is that too much to ask?!?! anywayss... yea, it hit christian in the head and he was like OW!! (his voice is rather deep. really deep actually for a 7th grader) BTW this is 9th grade math. so christians really smart. haha ANYWAYS.. then he gave it to Jarrett and stacy was like, i felt like giving it to you, cuz it looks exactly like you.. Me Kim and Stacy just started cracking up like crazy. I could tell tim(a.k.a kelly) thought that we were weird. Secretly i bet he like records us during class and goes like did you guys hear my new friends in math? They're so cool! cooler than you JANN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and i can tell he laughs too. im gunna like glance over at him to see if he's laughing or not. OH and we saw this picture of this guy in our math textbook (its actually a drawing cartoon character) that looks exactly like tim!! HAHAHAHAAHAHA. Im not even kidding.. everything is just soooooooo perfectly replicated.

then kim threw a ruler at Jarretts back (i didnt tell her to !!! XD) then stacy colored the eraser with pink and kim stamped it on jarrett's arm. She was going for his forehead.. but his reflexes were to fast! aww phooey. Then we were doing this drawing of the week. I won! yay! but my braces hurt. I got cookies though. but i gave them to taylor for being my bodyguard! ^___^ and then everyone was like NOO GIVE IT TO MEE!! and i gave it to taylor and they were like 0o0o0o0o0o booooyyfriend!! and mrs. cosgrove was like aww that was sweet!! im gunna give you another ticket for being so sweet! and i was like YESSSS and everyone was likeNOOOOOOOO.. I could see stacy and kim snickering in the corner of my eye! DONT THINK IM NOT WATCHING YOU STACY!! ;D haha.

Today- Picture dayyy. yeppp... more HARASSment from ANDREWW ABOUT SEAN!! STOPP IT ANDREW. Im going to kick your groin if you dont stop. I threw my binder at you last time. It'll HURT MORE THIS TIME.. Keeps touching mee!! T__T stoppit sean. ARGH.. anyways.. Today was umm an interesting day. haha JArrett katai was threatening stacy.. He was tellling everyone to stamp her on the head. HAHAHAHAHAHA. poor stacy. OMGGGG MAn stacy!!! how come you didnt do what i told you to?!?!? I told stacy to go up to jarrett and all caress his arm. and he'll be like CALM DOWN!! and she's like jaaaaaaaaaarreettt *seductive look*
And he'll be all Like the dance??! hAHAHA
And stacy will be like SHHHHH *puts her index finger on his lips* Let me finish
go................toooooooo.......the......d.....d......d........DUMBO HALL OF FAME?!?! *SMACKS HIS FOREHEAD* HAHAHAHAHA that woulda been soo funny to se him all worked up and such. all in a huff. bwahahaha. Of course stacy didnt do it, so i told him to and kim didnt wanna do it, so they told ME to. eWW i dont even know him. hahaha we can tell TIM to do it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA!! do it to Jann. BWAHAHA.

Thus ending my boring day at school. hah NOT. school is funnn..except for the going to SOME classes part. and homework. BLEH -__-...

Oh well! Well yea..Thanks for taking the time to read this fool. haha jussssssssst kidding. ^________^... OKee dokess.. I must be heading off the wash up. then drink some milk, then watch some of the teli, then sleepp! goodnighters!!

Mooshpi to the Mizpah. HAHAHAHAHA had to put that... (inside joke)

Sweet dreammsss.. (--___--//) ZzZz...


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