Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Oh my freaking goshh. People... CHECK THIS OUT!!! I GOT MY CELL PHONE!!!! YEs, it is just a measly LG phone with nothing special to it. The fact that i have something that is dear to me, and is MINE makes it all worth the money. T____T. its soo beautiful!!! I needa start putting people's phone numbers in there, because im starting to forget their numbers. =/ oh well. This ROCKS my SOCKSS!!! XDDD!! YEAAAA!! CALL Meeee!! Ask me for my Nummbbber. That is....if you know me O_o... and if you dont thennn.. get to know me! haha. Yes!! at the moment i have 3 body guardssss!! mwahahahaha! XD!! yayyy! i feel so protected!! Geesh Hoang actually asked Christian if he hated me, and christian was like what kinda question is that? and Hoang was like, what kinda answer is that? and Christian was like agh i dunno, wheres sean? HOW DARE HE CHANGE THE SUBJECT! Oh well. Mannn i cant believe we didnt get to switch seats stacy!! HAHAHAHA!!OMG OUr Math substitute was sooooo freakin funny!! INDIAN guy!! he looked like an exact replica of Gandi. No joke! just in modern clothes..well not really. =/ HAHa, and he was like all yelling in an Indian accent and everyone was like huh? what? And then indian guy was like, ONE MORE OUTBURST, AND IM GOING TO SEND YOU TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE! and christian was like... dare me to make an outburst? and i was like NO!! hahah then he started whistling. O_o.. haha yes.. THEN!!



OMG!! YEA!! Taebo/Aerobics!! Whoohoo!! haha we were like getting these step things, which were really ice box lids. and then we were like stepping up and down and doing all these gay motions!! It wouldnt have been that funny if it was a girl, but it was this freaking buff white guy in a tiny spandex suit!! BWAHAHAHA! and he was like RAise the ROOF!! then REach Out!! REach your buttocks!! goo! you can do it! stretch!! nOw stride stride!! Now jog in place!! c'mon! then step up step down, step up step down! Andrew was like soooo into it!! it was hilarious. Manda and I were like O_o haha we were laughing so hard!! YESS!! 2 more weeks of this! Inside the cool airconditioned mini-gym~ Sean was like laughing like crazy, and getting into it! then stephanie started getting into it, but she was cracking up like heck!! HAHAHA im sooo looking forward to tomorrow. ;D.. Ciao for now!~

~lalalalalalalalalalala....Sleep my child, and peace attend thee, all through the nighhtt..~


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