Friday, January 02, 2004

well, im stil pissed that my blog deleted my whole entry yesterday, but anyway, here goes..

Today- Woke up around 10:30. man.. I needa start waking up earlier.. anywhoo.. Amanda called and told me quyen was in LA! I was like. hUH?! BUt quyen WASNT in LA. and i freaked out for nothing, but i freaked out again, because today we coulda worked on our project but we didnt cuz i thought she was in LA. ah. Man. we're not going to finish.. WE HAVE TO...OR ELSE MY WHOL JR HIGH CAREER IS DOWN THE DRAIN!! Must...BE. SOLUDICTORIAN!! T___T I CANT get a bad grade from the stupid project! MAN!

and i wanted to go shoe shopping tomorrow. DARNIT. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Im gonna like whack myself in the head with my mouse. @_________@.....................Hometown with the fammies.. HOMETOWN. For a family dinner? OOOOOOOOOKAY. haha.

Thursday-SAE BAE TIME!!! haha (korean tradition. bowing before elders wishin em a prosperous year in exchance for casshhhh) 225 In totallll.. YEAA! haha, first my oppa and dongseng (Older cousin and yunger cousin) from south carolina came over to eat. MAN..MY OPPA IS HUGE...hes only 2 years older than me and he's taller than andy (my other cousin) HOLY COW! and he plays the piano Magnificently! except they act my age hahaha. oh dear god. Then we went to stephanie's house. FAMILY TIME..Man.. Too many in the same house,i had a headache the whooooole night. Man.. they are sooooo loud.. seriously the windows were gunna explode. I felt bad for the baby, cuz all of em were like laughing at her just cuz she laughed.. She musta popped one of her ear drums O_O...

Then watched my mum and my cousins duke it out in Texas poker. haha oh yes! My momma is the queen.. She won so much money. haha. Then went into my auntie's room where audrey was playing FFX and andy was imitating their voices. HAHAHAHA. High-larious. LAME-O. haha. Went into the other room and looked at stephanie's magazinee. HILARY DUFF. AHHHH. HER AND HER STUPID CLOTHING LINE NAMED STUFF?!?!? Dont make me sick. ><
Yea watched Futurama and Family guy! Whoohoo. MANNN family guy was when stewie was eating pancakes...mmmm.. PANCAKES..wtaching that made me crave pancakes sooo much.. *drool* =9. I was there was a good 6 haha. then went home and collapsed onto my bed.

Wednesday- Christmas Eve! yay.. going to church! Mike came over and picked my brother and i up and took us to eat at chili's. MMM. their chicken is sooooo good. ahhh. yum yum. man im craving in n out, anyways.. ummm brought my coach bag my mom bought me and then mike was like YOU GOT A COACH BAG!?!?! OMG!! WHY?!?! haha. man, my momis crazy. dude my brother finished a whole 13 ribs. O_O.. I WAS AMAZED.. just AMAZED..Then we went to starbucks.. mm. Peppermint mocha. yum yum, and right accross from it was the ice rink.

OMG. IT IS THE TINIEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. MY LIVING ROOM IS BIGGER THAN THAT. PUNY! AHAHAHA then i exploded out in laughter remembering steven's tragedy on his skates. PWAHAHAHAHAAHA!!. On the drive back to church, mike and i were hving a conversation on what we talked about at the retreat. fun stuff. haha. guys talked about none other than.. GIRLS but girls didnt really talk about guys.. The leaders just asked us what 3 aspects a guy that ur dating must have. And mike gave me a brief description about waht they talked about haha fun stuff man. Then we arrived at church. Janice, yvonne, and i worked on the cards to give to leaders witht he help of eunice. haha then heard about Andrew Kims story..IWANNAGIVEALOCKETTOTHEKIM. Mann secret says it soooo funnyyy!!! He says like all linked into one word. haha. man if i had any advice for him.. DONT WASTE UR MONEY ANDREW. just dont.. take ur wallet and RUNNN. like the gingerbread man. just dont get eaten. haha. THEN POEPLE FREAKING TACKLED ME TO LOOK AT THE PICTURES

*COUGH*LAURASTEVENLOICEANDREWOH*cough* O_O i almost died. haha. We finally finished in time for the service. The cards are awesome..a nd im happy everyone liked em. haha. Anyways... Service started and we sang some songs. darn, they didnt have "come and be" "with every breath" or "blessed be your name." Then steven whacked my knee with his guitar. Pain. *twitch twitch* Heard some testimonials. Sad stuff.. Closed in prayer and everyone left. Got hugss and all for new years. Within seconds, everyone was gone. haha. It was just me, matt, sam, and mike. As we werew driving home, mike was like.. dude this is the mike tradition. He rolled down the windows and blared the music. awesome. haha. then we drove to 7-11 and mike was like WHOOHOO we're ur first customers of 2004! We're gunna bring you luck! then we went inside and he was like, not the small ones, get the BIGGEST ONE!! THE BIGGEST ONE IS SO BIG. OMG. i got it anyway. I craved slurpees. mmmmm.. Mike then honks to the tune of jingle bells. HAHAHHA. He yells HAPPY NEW YEAR! *honk honk*. haha I tink the slurpees made us all tipsy. haha. Stopped by at sue and dave's house. After that, Andrew was ouside listening to music when mike drives over and was like

WHOOOO DREW!! I LOVE YOU!! I LOVE YOU MAN!!! YEAAA BUFFY!! WHOOOO!! Then right at the turn sam is like..sue..she. Then mikes like huh?
Sam: sue..she..back there.
Mike: Speak English man.
Mike drives back and sue gives us some "champagne" *wink* haha just kidding.. cider.
Mike to sue: Dude, sam was like mumbling something to himself *does an impression* HAHAHHAHAHAHA. MAn. hilarious..
I laughed so hard.. slurpee was like gunna come outta my nose. OMG. i laughed so hard that day.. man.
Came home, drew alittle, and slept like there was no tomorrow. haha.

Now, time to recap on the retreat..haha i'll make it as brief as possible...

OKAY kiddies dont say that i didnt invite you cuz on my blog it said IF YOU WANNA GO PLEASE INFORM ME, BECAUSE THERE ISNT ENOUGH TIME. There. proof. But yea, so i took stephanie H and Quyen. When we got there, we ate, the usual..then stephanie told me something like
Laura: Hey im steven and i cant sing
Steven: Hey im laura *squints*

O_O.. DIdnt hear that at all, but i guess thats what happened. Then after thatw we played some eye toy game. Man that thing is awesome!!! Kick arse! haha. i played the plate spinning one. LAME. haha. Then we slept. Gals slept around 2. haha we talked "girl talk." :D

Next day woke up around 7:30 am. i was sooo tired. Then we ate breakfast..yummmm. the girls were late!!!!!haha so the guys waited 45 miintues in the inman hall. SOO SAD. no one would pray so i was like aiight i'll pray. I was so hungry. Broom ball time. YEA. aha fun fun fun stuff. My feet were FREEZING. omg. then steven and chris came back frmo their basketball game and they played too. Sooo many ppl fell. haha. Andy the most. And taeg was soooo hyper! He waslike wHOO!! YeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in his litle short sleeve t-shirt..Man it was COOOLD in there. haha after thatttt we watched a movie. xmen 2. yep. it was a good movie. Everyone got their things and their sleeping bags and we watched it in the inman hall. It was soo comfy!! Why ddidnt the leaders just let us sleep there? Then we went back to our sleeping quarters. and txt messaged for a lil. haha. stayed up til 4.. MAN. girls and talking. haha. oh yes.. fun stuff. The guys got to talk about girls more, so we talked about guys at night. haha. Man i wanna be Xavier. Awesome Power.. But most of all MYSTIQUE all the way man.

Woke up 7:30 again and then we ate. yum yum. then we got our t-shirts!! YEA!!! Whoohoo. We did that most of the day.Te steven and chris went to their basketball game. Dude. they have the prettiest uniforms.. omg. i hate kings now. haha. They even have team shoes. T___T. Stephanie t- Kill a beaver save a tree.. Quyen's was BRILLIANT!! I applaud her.. Man. it says. Ur about as cool as hilary duff. HAHAHA. oh yes. Then everyone said that gooooood bye's and then we went home. Afterthat i just slept.. i was soo tired.. @____@. yea. man i loved Eric's tshirt and andy's too. That human pyramid is soo funny. haha. taeg looks so happy while everyone is in pain. haha.

Man i dont wanna go back to school!!!! AHHH. no waking up early please!! no teachers!! i dont miss school anymore!! until next break.. presidents week.. not even a break. darn.. NOOOOOO.. i neda wait till sprink break..3 months.. @_@.. and HD projhect due 12th. aHHH im gunna die. I've been having the most interesting conversations with my friends lately. haha save worthy. anyway.. Yea.. stupid project i was gunna go shoe shoppin too!AHHH. Man.. i guess thats gunna have to wait.. Crap crap crap!! NOOO!!! I want new shoes!! Yay. i cut my hair.. MAN IT IS SHORT.



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