Monday, July 21, 2003

okayy. :) yay im at quyen's house. sleeping over =D. Quyen is squishing my fat.. =/ ewwee.. well yesterday i went to mak*'s birthday party.. yea that guy.. BUT NOOOO STACY DIDNT WANNA GO! you fattY! :P Well just me and QUYEN went to target and bought him a hilarious card...birthdays are like underwear.. and saying all this crap. but i was funny.. then we bought him sum new cologne. Addidas for men. The box looks like the bottle is big and everything, but once you look inside.. its like puny. =/.. not our money's worth. was quite expensive. ^_^.. Well.. when we got there, the party was JUST AS I EXPECTED IT TO BE. We were the only kids sitting on the couch while his other friends are on the floor playing video games. yep. there was food there, but i didnt feel like eating. =/ quyen ate alot of pizza. thennnnn..uhh we saw bits and pieces of movies but not alot.. me and quyen kinda chilled drinking pepsi in the kitchen. It was cooler there cuz there werent as many bodies. =P eww. bodies. Mark* has two little brothers. In my magazine it says i should be in a relationship with the last child..=/ two first children are too competitive.. well we were kinda when we were playing 13. hehe. There were cupcakes and i was too busy that i overlooked them ..i wanted a cupcake. then.. uhh.. he has a friend named Elmer.. but i dont remember the names of the other kiddies. They didnt act like Morrill kids. they acted cool. cuz they were music kids. non-music kids suck. (no offenses to anyone reading that isnt a music kid, which is kinda sad) =D
um..the girls were pretty good at ddr. but of course it was only on controller. the guys were playing shooting games. We watched smallville where Lana strips for clark >=9 haha. she was wearing red undies and a red bra. victoria's secret i suppose. Then she jumped into the pool trying to act seductive, but she's too innocent to act trampy :)*cough* things happened. Generally uncomfortable moments..umm i'd rather say it later. well there were like 12 kids there. like half and half girls and boys.One girl reminded me of Joyce. Then sum girls were in his room on this rolling chair and they were spinning eachother. getting a high offa the spinning chair. ^_^ silly kiddies. We went to his room and checked in his closet. i couldnt really see anything. =\ i wanna go shopping for him. hehe. then we saw his calendar. import asian chicks in bikinis. Dude, just because a girl has big boobs that look sooo fake doesnt make them pretty!! hello!! haha he has such bad taste in models!! eww like botox mania~! There was this really hot chick there that had pretty facial features and a great body. Man, she was hot. but no0o0o Mark* thought she wasnt the hottest. chee~. Then he asked me if i was uncomfortable with him if he hugged me and held hands with me and then elmer was like you're not supposed to ask her!! but it was good he asked me. Then we saw his kinky toy sized models that his aunt gave him. I have no idea why she gave him those. =/ eww scary. Then quyen knocked down his model thingy and the girls arms and legs fell off. yucky. then we saw that his mommy bought him that puberty book where it shows descriptive pictures. XP YUCKEE. his parents are nice ppl. Then.. uhhh.. yea......oh. um yea then he was like.. do you know how much i like you? and i was like.. *feelings a sweat drop coming on* Then he was like truth or dare, and i said truth and he asked me how much i liked him and i said 96. =/.. I didnt wanna do dare becuase when if they dared me to kiss him. @_@... i dont like people touching me. i get very easily embarrassed and i feel easily discomfortable..Then.. when we were watching a movie, quyen and him put their heads on my shoulders. it was like two weights. =/ haha. i was very uncomfortable..VERY.. im a really strange person.. then all the kiddies left without saying bye. cept elmer. dude why do i keep mentioning him.. O_o.. interesting name.. anyhoo.. quyen and i were the only ones left at his house. creepy huh? *wink* *wink* imagine if i were there alone. NO.. DONT THINK THAT WAY. YOU PERV. =B thank god quyen was therE! *teehee* then we went on the internet. We played slime volleyball and he was like what the heck is this? and we were like slime volleyball!! super fun! Cheerio chap. and then he thought we were weird. heehee. my true colors. not literally. *cough cough* Amanda =D *winks at stacy* AND WE TRIED CALLING STACY 4 TIMES AND SHE WAS HOME BUT DIDNT PICK UP. you weenie. weenie weenie! XD. Then we played these little quiz things at yea.. i got perfect girlfriend. um no. then i got enchanting kiss..O_o.. my special power is teleportation. Im the quirky sidekick.. im the swear word...damn. :) My death:i will be shot.. :D.. less painful i guess. =/ yea.. then he asked me how i would feel if he kissed me and then i answered quite matter of factly,"I would freak out, then kick your arse." I was about to eat a cupcake and then ppl were trying to squish it in my face. i hope i didnt come around as harsh. >=) XB.. HAHA.. anywayss.. yea.. then we kinda laughed, chilled, and then my momma came to pick me up. and we left. well thats all about the party i guess..soo tah-tah for now!


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