Thursday, July 10, 2003

Yay! im back safely from my trip to catelina island! well the first day, is kinda a blur, cuz i woke up at 3:30 a.m, still drowsy, and got dressed, and hopped into the car. After about 4 hours of wholesome sleep, i woke up to find out that i forgot my SHOES!!! OF ALL THINGS!! MY SHOES!! feeling like an idiot, i wore my cousins flip flops, which are Kristine unni's* a word to express respect for an older girl in korean. And we're the same height, but shes 19 so we have to same shoe size. So, one i reached Catelina island i bought my own flip flops, while noticing my sock tan. >.<. I wish i had an even skin tone T-T.
the second day, i went fishing and caught three fish! ^__^. i've never fishes before! It was fun. and crowded. The bait smelled really bad. @_@ and we fished for hours! i got hooked in the ropes 2 times! and then all together me, my brother, and my cousins caught 14 fish! but ended up throwing them away, because they were too small to eaT! We could've thrown them back in!! :'(. We also went snorkling! DANG those wet suits! They're so tight!! aHHH!! when i got in the water, it was COLD but i got used to it.. My brother was screaming sis!! help! ahh!! and i started laughing. we got to wear flippers, and breathe outta tubes!! I got some salt water in my mouth. wasnt very pleasant. do you know WHY it wasnt pleasant? Because 80% of the sea is made up of whale sperm, which is the saltiness in the ocean. EWWWWW. so now you know . i swallowed whale sperm!! AHHH. EWW. And then i went under the water. cuz this man, or our conselor threw fish food into the water and a rush of fish came! and i was like AHHHHH. it was madness i say. Then i tried to touch the fishies, but they ran away from me :'( so i dove and then i got to touch them. I wanted to take a sea shell, but they told me that i couldnt take home the wildlife. After the classes were done, we took off our masks, and we had red lines on our foreheads from the snorkle goggles!! HAHA. then while my cousin was sitting on the steps right next to the water, he got sucked in!! HAHAHA. The last day, we kinda chilled. but the baby has this yellow cell phone toy that she plays with, and she HIT HER HEAD with it and started crying! haha i got it ALL on tape. and when we were just looking around the beach, there were these rocks that had crabs, so my brother and my cousin wanted to catch the crabs, but we didnt have sticks so he used my brothers sandal. AND HE DROPPED IT INTO THE FREAKIN OCEAN! BUT there was a nice enough man (a snorkler) that heard our screaming, and retrieved the sandal! what a nice man! OH yea, the cruise ship to catelina and from catelina WERE HORRIBLE i was seasick. -___- so i slept most of the way. Catelina island is so small!! the houses look like doll houses, there are no malls, bookstores, and anything from San hoe! They have TINY shops that sell NOTHING. and they drive around golf carts for transportation. I have not seen a high tech thing there at aLL!! the most high tech thing there was like a 1970 radio.. -__-. and the most recent cars there were 1990 toyota's. ewww. but the wrigley's mansion was there. very big and pretty. The wrigleys founded the island, and then ppl started coming there, so they sold it and made billions and then make wrigleys gum and made more billions, so only rich ppl get to stay at the wrigley's mansion. rEALLY RICH PPL. We met this korean lady, that is the only korean lady living on the whole island. SAD. and she owns a restaurant thats called katie's kitchen ^_____^. The beach looks BEAUTIFUL from a high point. at dusk, the whole island is beautiful. from the mountains. They have a museum called the casino, because it was supposed to be a casino, but then the county didnt give them a liscence to own a casino, so they made a museum, which has an enourmous and pretty ballroom. And well. that pretty much sums up catelina island i guess. hehe. OH and the ride back was hilarious. my mom got confused and said. wow the raiders and the A's have a really bad history together. always challenging eachother in football. and i was mom... its the raiders and the 49ers. and they took a walkie talkie with them, and when my mom was trying to talk to my uncle, she heard some guy go who is this? and my mom said whats it to you, foo? and im like O_O WHAT THE FREAK IS SHE SAYING and then he goes whats your name. and she's like nonna yo business! and then i started crackin up with my cousins like crazy. and this guy was like a clueless 20 year old white guy. and when the baby would cry, mom would be like, DO YOU WANT TO GO TO BABY BOOT CAMP?!?! WITH NO DIAPERS, OR BOTTLES!! NO DIAPER RASH MEDICINE EITHER! then just like that, the baby would stop crying. it was hilarious. and my cousin told us about his grandpa that to his grand daughter, which was like 6 months, and she kept crying and he was like YA! SHIKURUWUH!! which means (HEY, SHUT UP!) to hear that from a grandpa. man. haha and his grandpa is like a korean drinker. so he would get cranky if he didnt find his beer. and he would be like AISH, SOOL UH DIH ISS SUH? which means "Wheres the damn beer?" Oh yea, me and my korean skills. HAHAHA JPJP. Well just to clear up any misconceptions about MARK* I never said that i thought he was hot! These rumors are spreading like cancer!!!! and how the heck do the teachers know??! O_O. HUH!! well, i dont really know him, but i have to hang out with him first, to see if he's cool or not. :) HAHAHAHA YVONNE: "I have a cancer called boredom and i need a fun transplant." What a silly girl =P. Well its getting late, and i needa wake up early, so GOODNIGHT! *kisskiss* If anyone makes fun of this blog, i'll clobber em!
(X.x)O---(^_^O) Goodnight!


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