Sunday, July 06, 2003

Well its Sunday morning! Good morning! Those of you viewing this are probably looking at it in the afternoon ^__^. Well just wanted to inform you that i wont be updating for a while, because im going on vacation to Catelina island! Its off the coast of L.A. so its like catelina-->o ^^^^^^^^^O <--- L.A.
^ Thats water.
Yep, im going snorkeling!! water skiing? hehe. yesyes. and there is a beach. Its like a mini-hawaii! I'll try to bring you back a seashell, if its not illegal that is. =X I'm going to miss music institute! no0o0o0o! hot dogs there are so yummy! =D~ *drool* *yawn* hm.. I wanna eat some smorez.. or however you spell it. =P Well, i have to go now, so goodbye! Until next time! sorry for writing so little. too lazy! ^__^''''' hehe well BYE.


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