Just spent 3 hours rearranging the posters in my room for no apparent reason. I took down all of their older pictures, and framed the nice gloss photos of TVXQ that I got from the All about TVXQ box set with the frames Stephanie gave me. The frames smell so....badly. Hahaha. My walls look much cleaner and more organized.

One side of my room.

Close-up of left side pictures.

Other side of my room. Pictures from Hollywood Bowl under and over my Buzz poster. We sat pretty dang close.

Example close-up.

Another example. Too dark >L

Another side of my room.

Best side of my room. All about TVXQ poster with framed individual and group pictures over my bed. I've also coupled Junsu with Yoochun and Jaejoong with Yunho. The lovely Changmin is to be saved for Isabelle. ^^ HEHE

I apparently have my own plaza. A drug plaza. o_O The day before Hollywood Bowl in Ktown. (Btw, ktown is extremely boring. Nothing but two malls...both with barely any stores. The only stores of interest are the cd stores with outrageously expensive cds and such. =_= )

Saw this restaurant while walking around. It says "Yoochun" HAHAHA

In San Diego while visiting my papa. I couldn't help but take a picture. (WaterWater ^^W) should know what I'm talking about. :P
Anyway, I still have to write my 7 page essay for Humanistic Psychology and study for the final coming up on Thursday. TT_TT Also have to do summer reading. -sigh- It's a good thing and a bad thing that Isabelle and Janice are going to the retreat. Good thing is I can concentrate on my essay and final for Summer School. Bad thing is I wont be able to talk to them for 4 days. WHO WILL I SPAZZ TO?! -dies-
There's always Stacy. MWEHEHEHEHEHE. >D
WTF is wrong with the alignment of my blog. o_O This always happens. Agh.
WTHeck! why don't you go on AIM anymore?! Q____________Q !!
dbsk <3<3<3
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