I want to occupy my mind of something other than the stupid retards that were bashing Super Junior for one damn performance with a Changmin pic post for Isabelle, again. (I'll update about it later, when I'm not as furious). I feel like Changmin is so underrated. I'm happy that his popularity in Korea increased because he deserves it. He's extremely smart, tall, tan, has a VERY nicely toned body, can sing, can dance, and is seriously the kindest person with such a quirky personality. Plus, he eats like there's no tomorrow. He isn't ugly either. He's HOT, in my opinion. Sorry Isabelle ><;; Fan encounters say that he's MUCH MUCH better looking in person. Pictures dont do him justice. I much prefer a guy who's better looking in real life, than just being hot in photos. Its like, if you meet him, you'll be even MORE attracted to him, because of that. Gosh he's so cute. I just love his personality. I 100% approve of your lover, Isabelle. Wow, I should pic spam about Jaejoongie too. There's just too many pictures of him, I don't think I can.
i haven't seen you at all this summer, and mysterious skin night doesn't count.
whos that hottie?
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