God. Sorry y'all for the previous entry. But I still am pretty bummed. I hope I get a B in his class. I really do.
I cant express how hot TVXQ is to me. -SPAZZ- Especially Yoosu and Yunjae. Holy crap. YUNJAE. They are EFFING GAY. gneoubheubhdbghiutbhrutbhtudhbhbudbhoehgboet. It makes me want to scream like a friggin' fangirl when I see pictures of them being...exceptionally -touchy- >D
But seriously.. those girls in Korea who make the Yunjae fansites are CRAZY. OMG, I went on there to check for photos and there are craaaaaaaaazy explicit fanarts, fanfics, and etc!!!!
Anyway..I just.. frick. I want to throw something -like my mathbook during lunch- whenever I see them! Yesterday I went crazy because I missed them performing during the half-time friendly game versus Senegal. =__=... and them in UNIFORMS?!?! Dont get me started, because i'll die from a heartattack. I'm buying that single. I've been going on a money SPREE because of them. Freaking koreans man. Freaking Koreans..
I dunno, but I just find it so hot when I see Jae's belly piercing,(I know i know. I dont like ANY guys that have belly piercings 'cept him) his nipple piercing, his muscles, or tattoo...also the fact that he EXUDES sexiness. Its almost insaneeeee. The fact that he freaking BROKE the machine that measured his "sexual energy" on their way to the recording studio...was frickin hot.
Okay. No more ranting. Goodbye.
AHHHH! I love that picture, Katiee.
Yoochun has the pro soccer player, I can take you on look! YUM. And Junsu! What's he doing?! =F Is it just me, or does Changmin not get a ball? Why is he always left out? T_T
Shinhwa world cup > DBSK world cup. :]
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